Several Factors Causing Economic Problems in Indonesia

Factors Causing Economic Problems in Indonesia – Hello, Sinaumed’s friends , did you know? Economic problems are problems that often arise in everyday life, including buying and selling, bargaining, or exports and imports. In this dark life, especially in Indonesia, there are several economic problems, including unemployment, poverty, prices, profits, inflation, debt, economic system, political … Read more

Sentences of Praise, Sentences of Criticism, Sentences of Suggestions and Sentences of Other Expressions

Compliments, Criticism, Suggestions and Other Phrase Sentences –  In our daily lives we cannot be separated from communication. By communicating, each person’s relationship can be closer. In addition, communication can also give us what we want from others. Good communication arises from the ability to make good sentences. Therefore, it is important for us to … Read more

Screw Micrometer: Definition, Functions, Types, and How to Use it

Screw micrometer – As we know, we can find many measuring devices from caliper, from anemometer to screw micrometer. In this context, we will take a closer look at the definition, history, functions, types and uses of a screw micrometer measuring instrument. In general, the micrometer itself is a measuring instrument that performs almost the … Read more

Scientific Approach: Definition, Principles, Steps, and Examples

The scientific approach is a learning model that is applied to the 2013 curriculum by using the scientific method in its learning activities. This student -centered approach aims to enable students to have the capability to think critically , scientifically and analytically. In this model, it is designed so that students are given space to explore learning materials. They can also actively … Read more

Science and Technology Is: Definition, Characteristics, Benefits, Positive and Negative Impacts

Science and Technology is – Science and Technology as an acronym for science and technology. In addition, science and technology also accompany the history of human civilization. In fact, in a number of studies it is also stated that science and technology have existed since millions of years ago, with different terms. Science and technology … Read more

Sample Profit and Loss Report of a Trading Company

Example of a Profit and Loss Report for a Trading Company – Preparing a profit and loss statement for a trading company is not as easy as we might think. Because we need the right knowledge to get a report that matches a valid balance sheet and cash flow based on a certain time period. … Read more

Ruminant Animals: Characteristics, Digestive System and Anatomy

Ruminant Animals – Surely Sinaumed’s is no stranger to the existence of cattle? Yep, this four-legged animal that likes to eat grass as well as produce milk must often be found around where you live, or even Sinaumed’s also keeps these herbivorous animals at home? When meeting cows in person, did Sinaumed’s ever notice that the animal was always chewing, even though at … Read more

Round Table Conference: History, Background, and Its Impact on Indonesia

Definition of Round Table Conference – The Round Table Conference (KMB) or in Dutch: Nederlands-Indonesische rondetafelconferentie was a conference or meeting which was held in The Hague, Netherlands, from 23 August to 2 November 1949. The meeting was held between representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, the Netherlands, and also BFO ( Bijeenkomst voor Federaal … Read more

Room Names in English

Room names in English – Sinaumed’s must have known that English is one of the international languages ​​that will never die in the future. The need for English until now is like an everyday language. An example is when in an office where there are people with foreign citizenship. Now seeing this, until now learning … Read more

Retained Profit: Definition, Functions, and Factors

Retained Profit – Business people are certainly familiar with the term profit which is the goal when running a business. Not all profits will go into the pockets of entrepreneurs and shareholders. Profits are also retained for various reasons, for example for business development. Retained earnings can be found on a company’s balance sheet and … Read more

Research Methodology: Definition, Types, Benefits, and Purpose

Research methodology – Have you ever heard of the word research? Research is a scientific activity that aims to obtain data which is then used for certain purposes. Someone who conducts research is also known as a researcher. In addition, research is not only carried out by one person, but sometimes by groups or organizations. … Read more

Research Instruments: Definition, Functions, Types, and Examples

Research Instruments – When writing scientific papers, research instruments are a part that cannot be missed. You will not be able to do research without determining the instrument first. For this reason, understanding research instruments is very important in the process of writing scientific papers such as theses, theses, dissertations, or research reports. Given the … Read more

Research Hypothesis: Definition, Types, and Methods of Preparation

Middle school students to college students are certainly familiar with research. Research is presented to train students and students to think scientifically. In writing scientific papers, we must know the hypothesis of the research. So, this hypothesis is the researcher’s preconceived notions of the problem to be studied. But understanding the hypothesis is not this simple. The hypothesis comes … Read more

Renewable Natural Resources Examples

Examples of Renewable Natural Resources – At school, usually in Social Sciences (Social Studies) subjects they often alluded to Natural Resources (Natural Resources). So, does Sinaumed’s still remember what the definition and examples of natural resources are? Come on, let’s look at the following explanation! Definition of Natural Resources Natural resources are all contents contained … Read more

Recognizing the Characteristics of Stomach Acid and How to Overcome It

Characteristics of Stomach Acid – The characteristics of stomach acid are often ignored because they can subside and just disappear. In fact, a disease known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) can cause other, more serious digestive problems. Such as inflammation, narrowing of the esophagus, or respiratory problems. Therefore, Sinaumed’s must recognize the characteristics of stomach … Read more

Recognizing Cognitive Aspects and Their Application in Life

Cognitive Aspects – Human abilities can be seen in many ways, such as cognitive, emotional, and psychomotor aspects. Knowing these three certainly has a profound impact on individuals and groups in relation to the process of social learning and the lessons learned from social interaction. Graded education in Indonesia focuses more on cognitive assessment. This rating is a … Read more

Recognize the Parts of the Guitar for Easy Playing

Guitar part – In the world of music, the guitar is the most important element that can create beauty and interest for listeners. In this part of the world there are already many people who like and even proficient in playing the guitar. From various guitar fans and those who are proficient at playing the … Read more

Reasons Why We Should Save Water?

Reasons Why We Have to Save Water – As we know that water is a necessity for all living things. Even though the stock or supply of water looks abundant and you can get water easily from PAM water, gallon water, or well water, that doesn’t mean you can use that water as you please. The water on … Read more

Reasons Why We Have to Do the Reuse Method

Reuse is one of the best ways to manage and deal with waste with its various problems. Where the process of reuse or reuse is different from the recycling process which destroys used goods into raw materials used to make new products. Reuse or reuse includes the conventional reuse of an item where the item is reused … Read more

Reasons Why Anthropology is an Important Science to Study Humans

Anthropology is – Talking about anthropology, maybe what comes to your mind is the science in lectures. Until now this science has become one of the college majors that has a lot of devotees. But maybe you are also curious about anthropology itself. Relax, you don’t need to be confused, because in this article there is already a … Read more

Readings of Ayat Kursi and 12 of Its Virtue in Life

Chair verse reading and its 12 virtues in life – Not many people know the virtues of reading chair verses. This makes the awareness and interest in reading verses of the chair relatively low. Even though the chair verse is known as a verse that has many features, you know, Sinaumed’s. Among other letters or … Read more

Reading the Complete Body Prayer with the Procedure

Read the funeral prayer – Islam regulates adab in almost every aspect of human life, even in treating dead bodies. The Islamic religion regulates how to properly bury, clean and pray the body. In Islam, it is obligatory to wash the body and pray for the body. Therefore, it is important for all Muslims to … Read more

Reading Tahmid, Takbir, Tahlil and its virtues

Readings of Tahmid, Takbir, Tahlil and Their Virtue – In addition to the obligatory practices carried out by Muslims, there are additional practices or sunnahs that can be carried out by Muslims. These practices also have no less benefits than obligatory practices. These practices are reciting dhikr in the form of tahmid, takbir, and tahlil. … Read more

Qunut Prayer: Definition, Reading, Kinds, and Procedures

Qunut Prayer – The qunut prayer at dawn must be familiar to Sinaumed’s’ ears , especially those who are Muslim, because they always read and practice it every day. This is because the majority of Muslim communities in Indonesia follow the Shafi’i school of thought by including this qunut prayer in their morning prayers. But … Read more

Quantum Physics: Understanding and 5 Interesting Facts

We often hear the term Quantum Physics through various films. For Sinaumed’s, who is a fan of science-fiction films, especially the MCU or Marvel Cinematic Universe, such as Ant-Man in 2015, and also Avengers: Endgame in 2019, they often hear the term quantum physics. But what exactly is meant by quantum physics? Quantum Physics is a science that is … Read more

Qualitative Research: Definition, Characteristics, Purpose, Types, and Procedures

Qualitative Research – In general, in scientific research activities, there are two approaches that are commonly used, namely the quantitative and qualitative approaches. In quantitative studies, studies use raw data in numerical form, which are processed statistically to draw conclusions from hypotheses. An example of a data collection method for quantitative research is a questionnaire. While the qualitative … Read more

Quadrilaterals: Types, Volume Formulas, and Surface Areas

Quadrilateral Limas – Hi Friends, you must have studied the material for flat shapes and geometric shapes. Well, this article will invite you to study the surface area formulas for rectangular pyramids, pentagonal pyramids, and triangular pyramids, complete with their volumes and types. Come on, read this article to the end! What are Limas? Before … Read more

Public Sector Accounting: Definition According to Experts, Objectives, Types

Public Sector Accounting – To find out the meaning of accounting can be seen from two main sources which are used as guidelines. The first is based on the American Accounting Association (AAA), accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, and reporting from various information which will later be used as an assessment and decision making that is useful … Read more