Introduction to Microeconomics: Definition, Theory, Purpose and Scope

Microeconomic Theory – Is Sinaumed’s looking for references on microeconomic theory? That’s right, sometimes there are still many people who cannot distinguish between micro and macro economics. Even though this theoretical study will often be encountered by Sinaumed’s when studying economics. In order to get to know and understand more about the study of the theory, here is a … Read more

Intervals Are: Properties, Types, How to Do Intervals

The interval is – In Mathematics there is material that discusses the comparison of the sizes of two or more things, namely inequality. To carry out its function, an inequality requires several signs such as < (less than), < (less than or equal to), > (more than), > (more than or equal to). For example, … Read more

Interrogative Sentences: Definition, Characteristics, Types and Example Sentences

Interrogative sentences are – A sentence is the smallest unit of spoken or written language that expresses a complete thought. In spoken form, sentences are pronounced in a loud ascending and descending pitch, interrupted by pauses, and ending with a final intonation followed by silence which prevents the mixing or assimilation of sounds or other … Read more

Interrogation Is: Definition, Purpose, and Explanation of Interrogative Sentences

Interrogation is a series that is quite important in the investigative process carried out by investigators. The purpose of interrogation is to obtain information about a crime. Not infrequently, there is also news about violence committed by investigators during the interrogation process. This kind of interrogation is included in coercive communication which is a communication … Read more

Interpersonal Communication : Interpersonal Communication

Intrapersonal communication leads to a communication within a person. This is a process of thinking, evaluating, feeling, and interpreting an event in one’s mind. Intrapersonal communication is the purest and most basic form of human communication. At every moment in life, humans receive messages through their eyes, skin, ears, nose or other sense organs. Before … Read more

International Organizations: Definition, History, Types and Membership Indonesian

International organizations are organizations that are formed and are members of more than one country that are made voluntarily on the basis of common ground, the aim of which is to create world peace in the system of international relations. International organizations generally have countries as members, but often other entities can also apply for membership. Both … Read more

International Cooperation: Definition, Purpose, Benefits, Forms and Examples

Understanding International Cooperation – Every country certainly needs other countries, so that the country can make its population prosperous. In fact, no country is capable of working and building its own country independently without assistance from other countries. Therefore, every country has a relationship and even cooperates with other countries. The cooperation carried out by … Read more

Intercultural Communication: Definition, Functions, and Forms

Intercultural communication is a process of communication that occurs between people who have different cultures, be it different races, ethnicities, socio-economics, or a combination of all these differences. Intercultural communication continues to grow, especially when humans can freely communicate because of technological developments. Culture is a way of life that develops and is embraced by … Read more

Intercessory Prayer: Definition and Examples of Prayers

For Christians, intercessory prayer is no stranger. Prayer itself is a way for Christians to be able to communicate with God, have conversations with God or as a medium to ask and give thanks to God. In Christianity, prayer is also interpreted as sacred. Prayer can be done anywhere, such as when going to do … Read more

Intentions, Terms, and Pillars of the Complete Body Prayer

Pillars of the Body Prayer – The funeral prayer is one of the fardhu kifayah or collective obligations. Therefore, if one person somewhere has carried out the obligation of the funeral prayer, then the obligation for other people has dropped. Even so, carrying out the funeral prayer is a recommendation for anyone who knows that a Muslim … Read more

Intensive Reading: Definition, Purpose, Types, & How to Do It

Intensive Reading – Interest in reading is still relatively low in Indonesia. It is not surprising that the government strongly supports reading awareness from an early age. In fact, one of the keys to the success of developed countries is determined by reading awareness. The importance of reading for everyone will provide a lot of knowledge. This knowledge is … Read more

Integration: Definition, Types, and Formation Factors

Definition of Integration – It is a common thing that Indonesia has a very diverse culture, so it is also known as a multicultural country. In fact, the designation of the term has reached abroad. It is not without reason why Indonesia can be called a multicultural country, because Indonesia consists of various religions, cultures, … Read more

Integers: Count Operations, and Example Problems

Integer Numbers – When discussing mathematics, it must be very synonymous with numbers. Because of course mathematics is a study that studies calculation problems that require numbers as the main subject of the lesson. There are many types of numbers. There are complex numbers, real numbers, imaginary numbers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, integers, fractional numbers, … Read more

Inspiring Is: Definition and 5 Indonesian Inspiring Figures

Inspirational Is – The term “inspirational” must be foreign to You’ minds , because its use is often applied in everyday conversation. Remembering that everyone living in this world will always need inspiration and motivation, especially to live their daily lives. The existence of inspiration and motivation can even make people who are down due … Read more

Indonesia’s Geographical & Astronomical Location and Its Influence on Indonesia

Geographical and astronomical location of Indonesia – Geographical and astronomical location of Indonesia is the position of the Indonesian state which is defined in the boundaries that surround Indonesia. This country has many islands that are composed from Sabang to Merauke. In this article, we will discuss more deeply the astronomical geographic location of Indonesia. … Read more

Inclusive Learning Methods and Their Benefits in Education

Recognizing the Effectiveness of Inclusive Learning Methods – Many of us as someone who has studied at both private and public schools have their own obstacles in the process of understanding the subjects taught by our teachers at school. Such as complaints, complicated subject matter, teachers who are too firm and even seem fierce who … Read more

Inclusive: Definition, Benefits, and the Concept of Inclusive Education

Inclusive – Sinaumed’s must have often heard or read the word “inclusive”, both in the mass media and on posters stuck somewhere. Usually, the word “inclusive” is attached to an invitation for society to embrace and respect differences. Since our country is multicultural, of course the invitation to create an inclusive environment is very important. … Read more

Incentives Are: Definition, Type and Purpose

Incentives are – For employees, the term incentive is of course familiar. Incentive is a term that is often equated with bonus. This is not wrong, because according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) incentives are additional income in the form of goods, money and so on that are given to someone to increase enthusiasm … Read more

Incandescent Lamp Inventor: Biography and History

Inventor of the Incandescent Lamp – From ancient times, humans definitely needed something called light, because it is to provide lighting for daily activities. The development of an increasingly advanced era makes lighting that comes from light also more advanced. Natural lighting comes from the sun, while artificial lighting is usually used at night. At first, artificial … Read more

Impressionism Flow: Definition and Examples of Impressionism Works

Impressionism Stream – Impressionism painting is a painting style that presents depictions of objects in accordance with the impression when the object is painted. This art flow emphasizes the impression of lighting that is quite strong compared to forming the object itself. This picture or painting from the Impressionist school has a simple but slightly dramatic … Read more

Implementing Effective Communication in Social Life

Effective Communication – Sinaumed’s must have experienced clashes in a conversation. Maybe differences of opinion or disputes are things that are considered normal as long as humans apply social life. However, this can also be a sign that we lack effective communication. An ineffective communication process makes the message conveyed difficult to understand by the recipient of the … Read more

Implementation: Definition, Purpose, and Types

Definition of Implementation – Sinaumed’s friends , have you ever heard the word implementation? yaps, it’s true we must have heard the word implementation. This term is often used to refer to the means to achieve or make something happen. So what’s the proper implementation? Here’s the full explanation. More and more discussions were conducted … Read more

Implantation Bleeding and First Trimester Pregnancy Guide

Implantation Bleeding – Implantation bleeding is a common spotting of blood as a sign of pregnancy. Then is the bleeding dangerous? How can you tell the difference between implantation bleeding and menstruation? Come on, see the full explanation below! What Is Implantation Bleeding? Implantation bleeding is spotting that resembles a period. Very little blood loss, such as during the first … Read more

IMC Is: Definition, Elements, Processes, and Their Implementation in Companies

IMC Is – In the business world, marketing strategy is the most important point to attract potential customers. Especially in the midst of advancing times like today, the business world will also develop, not only buying and selling transactions, but also having to think about good communication with potential customers. IMC stands for Integrated Marketing … Read more

Illuminating Conjunctions: Definition, Types, and Examples

Illuminating Conjunctions – In writing Indonesian sentences, a liaison (conjunction) is needed to connect between sentences. One type of liaison that can be found in a sentence is an illuminative conjunction. An illuminating conjunction is a conjunction used to explain or explain an event in a sentence. Conjunctions in writing Indonesian sentences themselves cannot connect … Read more

Ikhfa: Definition, Types, Reading Examples, and Meaning

Ikhfa means – Understanding tajwid certainly makes our reading of the Qur’an avoid mistakes and changes in meaning. Studying the types of legal recitation includes fardhu kifayah, while reading the Qur’an according to the legal recitation is fardlu ain. Therefore, for Muslims when reading the Qur’an it must be in accordance with the tajwid. If … Read more

Idzhar letters and how to pronounce them

Letter Idzhar – One of the noble practices in Islam is reading the Koran. The reward is no joke, each reading of the letter is equivalent to ten goodness or rewards. This was conveyed by the Prophet Muhammad SAW in one of the hadiths as follows. Rasulullah SAW said: “Whoever reads one letter from the … Read more

Ideology: Definition, Function, History and Types

Definition of Ideology – Ideology is a form of thought and action. Ideology in every country is different. Knowing what ideology is and interacting with it is important for the people themselves to achieve the wishes and ideals of the state. Ideology is an idea that contains certain ideas, culture and lifestyle. Knowledge of ideology … Read more