Structure and Sample Company Work Certificate

Sample Company Work Certificate – Every individual certainly wants a job in a place that can provide comfort, productivity and career advancement for him/herself.

Therefore, sometimes some people decide to move from one place to another with the aim that some of these things can be realized.

In addition to qualified skills, there are several important requirements used to apply for work such as completeness of documents. For complete documents, each company will provide different requirements.

But for those of you who want more HRD glances at the job recruitment of a company that you are targeting. Of course, using a work certificate from the previous workplace is one method that can be used.

Some people use work certificates to gain more support for skills and experience in the field they are applying for.

This article will provide an explanation about the employment certificate so that you also know more and avoid harmful mistakes. Apart from that, this article will also provide several examples of company work certificates so that the process of making them is easier.

Actually, to get a company work certificate, employees do not need to make it personally. Because usually every company will provide a service for providing work certificates through HRD. So that the HRD will provide examples and also make a company work certificate.

In simple terms, a company work certificate is a written letter in which there is information or information that the party concerned has indeed worked for a company. The existence of a company work certificate can also be evidence if the party concerned does have a work bond with the company.

In addition, the company’s work certificate can also have a role as a work experience letter or paklaring. Of course, the certificate can provide information that the party concerned and the position he has have indeed worked at the company.

Furthermore, this company work certificate will later be given by the party concerned to a third party. Then a third party will check to ensure that the party concerned has indeed worked as an employee or has status as an employee at the company.

Usually, examples of company work certificates from various sources will indeed provide a structure that looks quite simple. Because of this, an example of a company employment certificate will be so easy to make.

However, if you want more convincing and quality, you should ask for help from the HRD at the company concerned. In addition to making it easier for you, of course, the work certificate made by HRD is of higher quality and is also included in an official and legal letter.

Especially if the company’s work certificate does require approval from HRD or the leadership. Of course, it would be easier if HRD made it. Even so, actually the employees can also personally prepare the draft. But still, it must be submitted to the HRD so that it can check the truth.



Sample Company Employment Certificate

If you don’t know what the company’s work certificate looks like. Then the example of a company employment certificate below will help.

The following is an example of a company employment certificate cited from various sources.

Example 1

(Company Header)

Letter Number: 012/SKK/2022
Subject: Work Certificate

With this letter we from PT. Maju Jaya stated that:

Name : Tumini
Position : Cashier Staff
Address : Jalan Mawar Melati No. 12 Jakarta

Explain that the name above actually worked for our company from 10 January 2020 to 15 January 2022.

Brother Tumini has made an extraordinary contribution while working as a cashier staff and has never done any activity that is detrimental to the company. ‍

Thus this certificate is made truthfully to be used properly.

Jakarta, 31 January 2022

James Bond
Marketing Manager

Example 2

Jalan Perumnas Raya Kav 5 No. 8 Bogor
Tel 0251 7089876 Fax. 0251 234323
No: 01/SKK/PT. RIK/12/2019
Regarding: Work Certificate

I, the undersigned below

Name : Amin Alexander
Position : Director of PT Rumah Indah Bogor

This explains that:

Name : Ridwan Malik
Address : Jl. Sahid Raya 20 Bogor
NIP : 77304555667
Position : Administration Staff of PT Rumah Indah Bogor

Hereby convey that a relative named Ridwan Malik is indeed a permanent employee at PT Rumah Indah Bogor. Ridwan’s brother has been working since July 20 2019 until now.

This work certificate is issued as a requirement for KPR arrangements. All matters relating to the payment of mortgage bills are the responsibility of the employee mentioned above.

Thus we make this work certificate so that it can be used properly.

Best regards

Director of
PT Rumah Indah Bogor
Amin Alexander

Example 3

Environmentally Friendly PT
Jl. Darmawangsa Indonesia No. 15 Jakarta
Tel. 021 1234566 Fax. 021 12345556
Hal: Recommendation for Making a Passport

Head of Class I Immigration Office
Jalan Raya Ahmad Dahlan No. 16
North Jakarta,
DKI Jakarta

Yours faithfully,

I, the undersigned, am the Head of Public Relations of PT

Name : Iwan Permana
Position : Head of Public Relations of PT

State that:

Name : Sri Lestari
Position : Public Relations Staff of
. Acrylic Raya Pusat 89, North Jakarta, DKI Jakarta

It is true that he is one of our employees who started working since January 2009 until now. The person concerned has a good work spirit and has good achievements at PT.

This work certificate is made to apply for a passport, because the person concerned will be going on a business trip to Egypt.

Thus we submitted this letter. For your attention, we thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Environmentally Friendly PT Personnel
Iwan Permana

Example 4


Jalan Perumnas Raya Kav 5 No. 8 Malang
Tel 0271 7089876 Fax. 0271 234323

No: 01/SKK/PT.RJA/12/2019

I, the undersigned below:

Name: Salimin Kurniawan
Position: Director of PT Rumah Jaya Abadi

This explains that:

Name: Ridwan Maulana
Address: Jl. Sahid Raya 20 Malang
Position: Administrative Staff of PT Rumah Jaya Abadi

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Has worked at PT. Rumah Jaya Abadi and has been working since July 20 2009 until now.

This work certificate is issued as a requirement for KPR arrangements. All matters relating to the payment of mortgage bills are the responsibility of the employee mentioned above.

Thus we make this work certificate so that it can be used properly.

Sincerely yours,
(job title)
(company name)
(boss name)

Example 5


_ Head of Bank Amanah Rakyat Indonesia
Branch: Yogyakarta City

Yours faithfully,

The undersigned below:

Name: Franz Ferdinand
Position: Director of Bank Amanah Rakyat Indonesia

Explain that:

Name: Gintinia Georgina
Position: Finance Staff
No. KTP: 8371765673312201
Address: Jl. Nyi Gayung Asri 86, Kladung, Yogyakarta

It is true that he works at Bank Amanah Rakyat Indonesia at Jalan Utama Sakti 20 Yogyakarta. The person concerned has been working since December 10, 2009 until now.

Thus this Certificate of Work is drawn up and signed as a requirement for opening an International Bank account.

Yogyakarta, 20 December 2019
Franz Ferdinand
Director of Bank Amanah Indonesia

Example 6

PT Optimis Forward Success
Jl. Dr. Wara Wiri No.02, Yogyakarta-Indonesia
Tel/Fax : 0274-55713475 Email :


The undersigned below:

Name: Sertania Veloxa
NIP/NIK: 98765789
Position :Director
of Company/Agency: PT Optimis Maju Sukses

This explains that :

Name: Gladiolus
Corporate Secretary : PT. Optimistic Forward Success

That the person concerned is actually an employee of PT Optimis Maju Sukses since June 17 2014 until now. We explain that the person concerned cannot follow the schedule of activities on campus on December 20-21 2019 because he is still working.

Thus we made this letter to be used properly.

Yogyakarta, December 19 2019
TTD & Stamp Duty
Sertania Veloxa

Example 7

(Company letterhead)

Visa Section of
Embassy of Hungary

Dear Sir/Madam,

With this letter, I would like to inform you, I, the undersigned:

Name: Salimah Desiana
Position: Head of Office for International Affairs

certify that,

Name: Ridwan Maulana
Position: Accountant
DOB: January, 17th 1991
Working Since: 2011

Is planning to have vacation to Hungary, on December, 24th 2019 until January, 5th 2020.

I acknowledge and guarantee that he is really an Employee in our company with an average monthly THP of IDR 10,000,000. He will not seek any employment or permanent stay in your country, and will return to Indonesia as soon as his holiday trip is completed. All kinds of expenses during this trip will be fully covered by his personal account.

Kindly grant his the necessary entry visa to your country. Your kind assistance will be highly appreciated.

Sincerely yours,
Salimah Desiana

The function of the Company’s Employment Certificate

From the explanation of the meaning of the company’s work certificate. Of course, you also think what is the main function of having a work certificate. Even if you look at it more broadly, there are many uses or functions of a work certificate, you know.

So if you still know only one or two functions of a work certificate. Of course, an explanation of the function of a work certificate in this article will be more helpful.

1. Scholarship Submission Requirements

Basically, there are three functions of a work certificate which contains information about the status of the person who has been an employee in a company. The first function is as a scholarship application requirement, as a student registration requirement and credit requirements at the bank.

The first function is as a condition for fulfilling administrative requirements when going to take part in a scholarship program. Generally, this scholarship will be specifically aimed at employees and lecturers. So that the party concerned is obliged to attach a work certificate from the company where he works.

Especially if the scholarship is intended for employees, of course it is needed as a form of proof if the person concerned has been or is still an employee at the company he works for.

Not only that, because some of the conditions of the scholarship program also provide requirements for supporting work experience documents. Because of these conditions, the existence of a company work certificate also has a function as a work experience information letter for the party concerned.

2. Scholarship Submission Requirements

As employees, maybe you want to continue your education to a higher level by taking an employee class at a college. Whether it’s afternoon class or evening class or weekend class.

There are several universities that provide conditions regarding a company work certificate from the workplace of the party concerned. Automatically you have to apply for a work certificate to HRD.

So because of this process, you don’t have to bother looking for examples of work certificates from companies from various sources.

3. Requirements for Submission of Credit or Mortgage at the Bank

When you are going to apply for credit or a loan to the bank and at that time your status is as an employee of a company. The company’s work certificate will usually be requested by the bank as one of the supporting documents for the completeness of the requirements.

Having a company work certificate issued by HRD will make it easier for the bank to ascertain if the person concerned really works for that company. This is indeed very important as a consideration for banks to determine the eligibility of prospective creditors in obtaining credit approval.

This is none other than because the bank will not be able to provide or disburse credit to those who are not working. Therefore, the existence of a company work certificate here is very important as a form of support document that can prove that the party concerned is indeed working for the company.

In addition, usually the bank will also ask the party concerned to provide pay slips for the last three months or in accordance with the provisions that apply in each respective bank.

4. Job Application Requirements

When a work certificate submitted to HRD contains a statement if the person concerned has actually worked in the company. So it can be said if the work certificate can be used as a work experience letter.

The function of having a work certificate which contains that the person concerned has worked in the company is very diverse, one of which is as document support for applying for a job in another company.

So that the existence of this work certificate can make the party concerned have proof of work experience and of course it can be used as material for consideration for the HRD of a company that is applied for.

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It should also be noted that a work certificate can become mandatory when the company will only provide the letter only to those who have work experience in the same field with such good qualifications. Of course, the work certificate will include a position that has been held by the party concerned during his tenure at the company.

With a work certificate, of course, the chances of getting a job in the same field as stated in the letter are greater than those who do not have a work certificate.

5. Withdrawal of BPJS funds

Some companies also provide BPJS facilities to their employees. To be able to prove if you are indeed entitled to receive BPJS facility funds, of course you can use a work certificate made by the company’s HRD.

However, usually the work certificate must be legalized by the relevant company. The funds disbursed range from 10 to 30 percent even though your status is still active as an employee of the company.

6. Complete CV

Previously, it was explained that there are several companies that provide conditions for adding supporting documents such as a work certificate as a form of proof of work experience owned by related parties in their field.

However, even though companies that open job vacancies do not provide conditions, they must use supporting documents such as work certificates in the recruitment process. You as applicants for these job positions can also use a work certificate as a complement to your CV on your personal initiative.

Of course, the existence of a company work certificate from HRD will be considered more credible by third parties. And you will also be considered very experienced and serious in applying for the job position.

7. Opening a New Account at the Bank

Not only can it be used for credit or mortgage applications at banks. This is because in the process of opening a new account for paying salaries, a certificate of employment is also required. Usually the work certificate will be attached along with the KTP.



Advantages of Having a Certificate of Employment

After knowing some of the functions of the company’s work certificate. Next is a discussion related to the advantages if someone has a work certificate from a company where he works.

So that you also understand more about the advantages of having a work certificate. The following are some of the benefits you can get.

1. Ease in the Management Process of a Need

The existence of a work certificate will also facilitate and assist every employee in carrying out the management of a need. For example, if someone is going to apply for a loan or mortgage, it will be easier if they have supporting documents, such as a company work certificate.

From this example alone, it can be seen that having a company work certificate is indeed very important. It is because of this that employees who are still working should also have qualified performance in every field they are working on.

Even though he didn’t have any achievements during his tenure in the company. But at least having good attendance and performance that can be relied upon by a divisional team where they serve can indeed provide important points in the information contained in a work certificate.

2. Forms of Appreciation from the Company

The existence of a work certificate can also be evidence if the party concerned has ever received an award from the company where he works. Because of this, the existence of a work certificate can be a form of appreciation to the party concerned for the dedication he gave while being an employee at the company as well as proof that the party concerned resigned properly not because he had a particular problem.

3. As Evidence of Having Good Performance

The existence of a company work certificate can also help the party concerned or the employee have proof that he has indeed worked very well at the company. Of course, this can be used as a special consideration for new companies to accept the party concerned when submitting a job application letter at the company.

Therefore, to become an employee, it is better if you have to work well so that all matters can be facilitated, even when a resignation application is submitted. Do not forget to always maintain good relations with all staff in the company, starting from staff in one division to those in other divisions.



Work Certificate Structure

Just like an official statement in general. The company’s work certificate also has several important things that must be included in it. Below is the structure of a work certificate which you can read in full.

1. Company or Agency Letterhead

At the very top of the company’s work certificate, the letterhead of the company or related agency will be included. This letterhead will usually be filled with the company name, address, telephone number, website and logo. Always make sure that the letterhead used is official and published at the company where you work.

2. Subject

After including the letterhead, the next is to write the subject. The location of the subject is usually below the letterhead section on the left. While the contents of the subject matter is a work certificate.

3. Employee Identity

Continue by writing down the employee’s identity. This identity contains the name, title, position in the company and is given an identity number which will usually be taken from the NIK. As the owner of the work certificate, you should double-check the contents of your identity because it involves personal data and make sure there is no mistake in it.

4. Contents of the Letter

The next step is to write the contents of the work certificate. The contents of this letter are an explanation related to the truth of the fact that the employee in question actually works at the company.

In addition, sometimes there is also some additional important information such as the last position and performance appraisal for related parties.

5. Letter of Approval

Lastly is the approval given by the company. Usually in the form of a signature from HRD or an authorized party with an explanation of the place and date the letter was made.

In addition, the proof of validation must also be affixed with the stamp of the company or related agency and legalized. Without a sign of approval, it can be interpreted that the company’s work certificate is invalid and cannot be used.

Those are some examples of company work certificates that have been explained in full in this article. Sinaumed’s can get related books by visiting sinaumedia always provides the best products so you have #MoreWithReading information.