Studying 7 Verses of Surah Al Maun: Latin Arabic and Their Meanings

Surah Al Maun is the 107th letter in the Al Quran which means useful items. This letter came down in Mecca, so it is classified as a Makkiyah letter. Surah Al Maun is a short letter, because it only consists of 7 short verses, so it is easy to memorize.

Although Al Maun’s letter was revealed in the city of Mecca and is classified as a Makkiyah letter, the majority of scholars are of the opinion that Al-Maun’s letter is the 17th letter revealed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, thus stating that Al Maun’s letter is classified as a Madaniyyah letter.

However, there are also some scholars who argue that part of Surah Al Maun was descended in Mecca while the other part was descended in Medina. Al Maun’s letter comes before Al Kafirun’s letter and after At Takasur’s letter. Surah Al Maun has a special feature and its contents explain the morals of those who deny religion and the hereafter. Here’s the full explanation.

Surah Al Maun Arabic-Latin Complete with Meaning

The main points of Al Maun’s letter explain the threat to people who are included in the group of people who desecrate religion, namely people who oppress orphans, do not help people who ask, be extravagant, neglect their prayers and are reluctant to help people with useful items. . The following is the letter Al Maun, Latin Arabic with its meaning.

(1) a ra`aitallażī yukażżibu ​​bid-dīn (2) fa żālikallażī yadu”ul-yatīm (3) wa lā yaḥuḍḍu ‘alā ṭa’āmil-miskīn (4) fa wailul lil-muṣallīn (5) allażīna hum ‘an ṣalātihim sāhụn (6) allażīna hum yurā`ụn (7) wa yamna’ụnal-mā’ụn

It means:

(1) do you know (people) who belie religion? (2) it is a person who rebukes orphans. (3) and discourages feeding the poor. (4) then woe to those who pray. (5) namely those who are negligent in their prayers. (6) people who do riya. (7) and reluctant to help with useful items.


Interpretation of 7 Verses of Surah Al Maun

After knowing the reading and meaning of Surah Al Maun, Sinaumed’s also needs to know the interpretation or meaning behind Surah Al Maun. the aim is that Sinaumed’s can not only read Surah Al Maun, but also understand the contents in it. The following is the interpretation of Surah Al Maun.

1. First verse

The first verse in Surah Al Maun means you know (people) who deny religion? There is the word ad din in the first verse which means al jazau which means reply. As in the rules of Shari’a, namely as follows:

The application of this word is the same as when there is someone who does good to humans, God will also do good to him. Someone who lightens the burdens of others, then Allah will lighten their burdens in this world and in the hereafter.

Someone who makes others happy, then Allah will make him happy too. And among the names of the Day of Resurrection is the Day of Judgment.

Surah Al Maun tells of a person who initially denies religion, then on the last day or in the hereafter finally this attitude causes very bad morals.

From this interpretation it is also known that belief in the hereafter is a very important matter. Whoever believes in the existence of the Day of Judgment, then he will do his best in this world. However, whoever is not sure about the Day of Resurrection and the Day of Judgment or doubts about it, then he will dare to commit disobedience or commit acts that are cursed by Allah. Therefore, a person whose faith is strong on the last day will be seen in his character.

2. Second verse

In the second verse of Surah Al Maun, Allah says that “Then those are the people who rebuke the orphans.” In this second verse, the interpretation is that there are people who deny the Day of Judgment and the signs are by not caring about and hurting orphans.

Those who rebuke or hurt orphans, Allah will remove His mercy or compassion from their hearts, so their hearts will become numb, so they should have mercy on orphans. However, because Allah revoked this grace, he did the opposite and rebuked the orphans.

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Orphan is a sharia term to refer to a child whose father has died, while the child is not yet mature or mature. There is also, when he has reached the age of puberty or adulthood, then he is not said to be an orphan.

Unlike animals, animals are said to be orphans when their parents have died. Because it is the mother who takes care of the animal. There are also humans who are called orphans, if the one who dies is the father, because the father takes care of and earns a living for the child until he reaches the age of puberty.

This is as said by Al Qurthubi which means, “And orphan in humans is the loss or death of the father and in animals is the loss or death of the mother.” (Tafsir Al Qurthubi 2/14 and Lisanul ‘Arob 12/645)

Among the characteristics of ignorance, one of them is belittling weak people such as orphans and women. During the Jahiliyya era, women were not given inheritance, nor were orphans, their existence was not respected, because there was no one to protect them.

If they have a number of assets, then these assets will be taken and used unjustly. That is why Allah specified the mention of orphans in Surah Al Maun, that an unbeliever is someone who rebukes orphans.

3. Third verse

The interpretation of the third verse of Surah Al Maun is that one of the characteristics of those who deny the Day of Judgment is that he does not recommend giving food to the poor. The person is stingy and does not believe that what he gives will get a reward from Allah both in this world and in the hereafter. Therefore, the Prophet once said:

“Never mind will the qualities of miserliness and faith gather in the heart of a servant.” (HR. An Nasa’i no 3110)

Someone who is stingy indicates that his faith on the Day of Judgment is reduced, as if he believes that Allah will not repay his actions later. For that reason, he also never motivated others to feed the poor.

People who commit immorality will look for friends to commit immoral acts just as they did so that they don’t feel inferior alone and they are not the only ones who get reproached.

Because, a stingy person when he looks around him is generous, then he will certainly look down on himself or other people will criticize and look down on him. Therefore, he does not like it when the people around him are generous.

4. Verses four and five

In the fourth and fifth verses in Surah Al Maun, Allah says about those who are negligent in their prayers, they will be damned. Negligence in performing prayers, including those who pray out of time without any specific reason.

Including those who like to delay prayer until it reaches the end of its time. An example is someone who deliberately performs the Asr prayer at the time before Maghrib without any specific reason. People who pray like this are hypocrites. In a hadith, the Prophet said:

“This is the prayer of a hypocrite. He sat until the sun was between the two horns of Satan. Then he did the Asr prayer four cycles. He only remembers Allah for a short time.” (Narrated by Muslim no 622)

They are people who pray, but their prayers are not true, so that they are rebuked by Allah. Some of the scholars also mention that the people who are criticized in this verse are people who pray but are not humble.

Being absorbed in prayer is not a serious matter, so it is considered disgraceful if someone is praying and his mind is not being absorbed when he prays.

5. Verse six

The next interpretation of the letter Al Maun is in verse six which means, “those who do riya.” Riya is meant when there is someone who does good and wants to be seen by others when he does good. This attitude is included in the nature of hypocrites.

Allah also explains this in the letter An Nisa verse 142. Here is the meaning.

6. Seventh verse

The next interpretation is the seventh verse of Surah Al Maun which means ‘and is reluctant to help with useful things.’ in this seventh verse, there is the word al maun. About the word al maun, the scholars disagree about its meaning.

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There are some scholars who argue that Al Maun are all useful objects. But there are also those who interpret it as a loan, namely something that is lent and then will be returned.

This is one of the traits of a stingy person, if someone else borrows an item from him, he does not want to lend it, even though the borrower has promised to return the item he borrowed.

Even though lending an item will not bring harm or harm to the person giving the loan. Because, borrowed goods will return.


Benefits and Priorities

After knowing the interpretations and meanings contained behind the 7 verses of Surah Al Maun, Sinaumed’s also needs to know the virtues in Surah Al Maun. By knowing the virtues of Al Maun’s letter, Sinaumed’s will understand more and feel sincere and diligent in practicing the values ​​and carrying out God’s commands contained in Al Maun’s letter, along with its explanation.

1. Don’t forget to pray

In the interpretation of Al Maun’s letter, it has been explained that one of the meanings of Al Maun’s letter is to warn people not to forget to pray and perform their prayers solemnly and not negligent. That way, a Muslim will not be classified as a hypocrite.

In Surah Al Maun, there are things that remind Muslims to always pray and not be late in carrying it out. This is also stated in a hadith narrated by Bukhari. The following is the contents of the hadith.

“From Ibn Mas’ud ra, he said, I asked Rasulullah SAW, what charity is the most important? Then the Apostle replied, pray on time. I then said again. Then what? Then the Apostle replied again, do good to parents. I said again, so what? Then the Apostle replied, jihad in the way of Allah.” (Muttafaqun Alaih) (HR. Bukhari no 7534 and Muslim no 85)

2. Avoid the act of riya

The second priority of Surah Al Maun is avoiding the act of showing off. Riya or pride is a behavior that must be shunned by Muslims and even this act of riya is highly disliked by Allah SWT.

In Surah Al Maun, humans are also ordered to stay away from riya. Allah SWT said, “And they gave the food they liked to the poor, orphans and those who were taken prisoner. Indeed, we give food to you only to hope for the pleasure of Allah and we do not want anything in return from you nor gratitude.” (QS Al-Insan: 8-9)

Apart from Surah Al Insan, this riya deed is also explained in Surah Al Baqarah verse 264 and several other hadiths.

3. Be sincere when doing good deeds

Just like riya behavior, a Muslim must also be sincere when doing good deeds. Because, good deeds will be seen from how a person’s heart is. If someone goes through a practice, but is not sincere or with the intention of showing off, then that practice will be in vain.

By reading Surah Al Maun, a Muslim will remember that humility is something that must be guarded and Allah SWT always protects His servants from all bad things.

4. Feeding the poor and orphans

The virtue of the next Al Maun letter is to invite and remind Muslims to feed the poor and orphans. This is also explained in a hadith narrated by Bukhari. Here’s the hadith.

“From Sahl bin Sa’ad ra, he said, Rasulullah SAW said ‘I and the people who care for orphans have the same position in heaven, then the Apostle gestured with his index finger and middle finger and slightly stretched the two fingers.” (HR Bukhari)

In the hadith, it is also explained about people who give food to the poor and orphans. Here’s the hadith.

“From Abu Hurairah said, Rasulullah SAW said, ‘people who try to support widows and poor people are like people who fight in the way of Allah. He is also like a person who fasts during the day and upholds prayer at night.” (HR. Bukhari no 5353 and Muslim no 2982).

Those are 7 verses from Surah Al Maun, complete with Latin Arabic and their meanings. If Sinaumed’s wants to know other surahs in the Koran, then Sinaumed’s can buy the Koran or a book of interpretations of the Koran to find out the meaning of the letters of the Koran.