The Meaning of the Title Al-Amin Rasulullah SAW and His Example

The Meaning of the Title Al-Amin Rasulullah and His Example – For Muslims, of course, they are very close to and familiar with the figure of the prophet Muhammad SAW, the prophet and the last apostle who became a role model for his people.

Through his figure who is a role model for his people, it is not surprising that the prophet Muhammad received many titles, one of which is the title Al-Amin. What is the meaning of the title Al-Amin given to the Prophet?

The Meaning and Meaning of the Title Al-Amin Rasulullah

Al-Amin means trustworthy. The Prophet Muhammad SAW bears the title Al-Amin because of the Prophet’s exemplary attitude, trustworthiness, trustworthiness and honesty.

This title was given by the inhabitants of Mecca directly to the Prophet. His example and good demeanor became a role model and were so respected by the people of Mecca that they made them believe in the Prophet Muhammad as the right person to bear this title.

This exemplary attitude of the Prophet has been proven in various situations. People realized that the Messenger of Allah was an honest person, when he traded he would tell the truth about the condition of his merchandise.

The Prophet Muhammad would also tell the truth if the goods had defects or things happened that affected his merchandise.

In addition, the Prophet Muhammad also did not take profit or advantage in determining the selling price. He is also very trustworthy in delivering goods according to the quality that customers want and is known to be very kind when doing trade.

This has become the habit of the Prophet to always be kind, trustworthy and honest and make many people believe and follow his example.

Background of the Awarding of Al-Amin Title

At one time, when the Prophet Muhammad was 35 years old, an incident that was quite large and detrimental occurred in Mecca. At that time there was a big flash flood in the Grand Mosque and damaged the Kaaba. Therefore, the people of Quraysh wanted to repair the damaged Kaaba.

After the repair of the Kaaba, there was a considerable dispute among the people of Quraysh regarding who was the right person to place the Black Stone. This dispute also found a bright spot when finally one of the oldest people there, namely Abu Umayyah bin Mughirah, provided a solution.

He said that whoever steps first to the as-Shofa door will determine the placement of the Black Stone later. As if it had become destiny from Allah SWT, the first person to pass through the door was the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Immediately after going through it, the Quraysh said that he was Al-Amin, who had been destined and carried the mandate to carry out the laying of the Black Stone. The Quraysh also said that they were pleased if the Prophet placed the Black Stone.

Together with the tribal leaders, the Prophet Muhammad was helped to put the Black Stone back to its original place. Since then the Prophet was given the title Al-Amin which has been recognized by people.

The nature and example of the Prophet Muhammad who became a role model

1. Sidiq

One of the characteristics and exemplary of the Prophet Muhammad that his people need to emulate is sidiq which means true. In this case it means that everything he did was truthful, honest and without covering it up. The behavior of the Prophet Muhammad was also always in line with his words, making the Prophet always a role model for those around him.

2. Trust

In addition to being sidiq, the Messenger of Allah is also a figure who has the character of being trustworthy or trustworthy. This characteristic is a characteristic that all prophets and apostles naturally have, because of their existence as role models for their followers. Must be someone who is trustworthy, who carries out his duties properly and honestly according to what is ordered.

3. Tablighi

Tabligh has the meaning of conveying, which means that the Prophet Muhammad had the nature of tabligh as a messenger from Allah SWT to Muslims. The existence of the Prophet Muhammad as the bridge of Allah’s revelation for friends and ummah made him a tabligh figure.

Having this trait does not merely need to be conveyed, but accompanied by other exemplary qualities such as trustworthiness and sidiq.

4. Fathonah

A prophet certainly needs to have the nature of fathonah which means intelligent, because with intelligence he can be a good role model. The intelligence of the Messenger of Allah can help him fight people who are not in his way, and to be able to fight people who have evil intentions against him and his people.

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5. Humble

Another example of the Prophet Muhammad SAW is that he is known as a very humble person. This trait makes so many people love him for his kindness and non-arrogance.

The Prophet taught and gave an example of living far from being arrogant, because he realized that there was Allah SWT who was much better than himself. So that as a human being he shows humility and always invites his people to behave the same way so that life becomes easier and calmer.

6. Obey Allah SWT

The Prophet Muhammad has also become a person who is so obedient to all the commands of Allah SWT. That is why many Muslims make the Prophet as a role model in their religious life. How commendable behavior of the Prophet Muhammad is very exemplary.

7. Always give and love

The Messenger of Allah became such a good figure and always gave and loved fellow human beings. Even when people had bad intentions towards him, he still showed good behavior.

The Prophet is known as a figure who likes to give alms. Once upon a time, he entrusted some money to Aisyah, his wife. Then later when the Prophet Muhammad began to fall ill, he asked where the whereabouts of the money.

When he found out that the money was still with Aisyah, he asked Aisyah to distribute the money on the street for people who needed it more. When asked why the Prophet Muhammad made this decision. The Messenger of Allah replied that he would be ashamed if he still had some accumulated wealth.

8. Manners

Having good manners is something that is ingrained in the Prophet Muhammad. This politeness of the Prophet Muhammad did not reduce his authority. His consistent polite nature and being so polite when talking to other people made him highly respected and highly respected by his people.

Not only the exemplary ones that have been described in the review above, in fact there are many other examples of the Prophet Muhammad that can be used as examples and we also need to apply in our lives today. Read more about the stories of the Al-Amin in this book.

Travel History of the Prophet Muhammad SAW

1. Childhood

Prophet muhammad SAW was born in around 570M in Mecca. He is the son of Abdullah and Aminah who are a respectable family in the Bani Hasyim tribe. But his father died when the Prophet Muhammad was still in the womb, and his mother died when Muhammad was 6 years old.

Muhammad grew up and was raised by his grandfather named Abdul Muthalib and then since 8 years he was cared for by his uncle Abu Talib until adulthood. Born in a good family and growing up with religious teachings that were so attached made Muhammad a person who was also so kind, humble and full of examples.

Young Muhammad works as a trader who is well known and honest in carrying out his duties. In his daily life, Muhammad always studied and deepened his religious knowledge, practiced self-defense and also often did archery. Until finally the news of Muhammad’s example brought him together with Khadijah, who later became his wife.

2. Acquire the apostleship

Muhammad lived among a society that was fond of violence and all the fighting at that time, more or less matured Muhammad. From his youth until around the age of 40, he became more and more isolated in the cave of Hira which is on the east side of Mecca.

There Muhammad often meditated for days to find peace. Which action seems to be inversely proportional to the Arab culture in the past who liked to congregate.

Until finally Muhammad received his first revelation on the 17th of Ramadan delivered by the Angel Gabriel. The first Surah delivered was Al-Alaq. Right after that he was finally appointed as an apostle.

The Prophet Muhammad received a miracle in the form of the holy book Al-Quran gradually or one by one. Every verse and surah was conveyed to the Prophet Muhammad bit by bit for 23 years, according to the situation that occurred at that time.

3. Spread of Islam

The situation of the Arab nation at that time had spread cultures that were contrary to Islamic teachings, making the Prophet Muhammad unable to openly carry out da’wah. In order to minimize riots, during the first three years of the Prophet Muhammad as an apostle he only spread the religion of Islam to his closest friends and family.

It can be said that the Prophet Muhammad seemed to use an underground route, he spread Islamic teachings slowly and secretly. So it is not uncommon for those who embraced Islam after the Prophet Muhammad were his closest people.

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Three years later, the Prophet Muhammad began to spread Islam openly in Mecca. However, this was not responded well by the people at that time. This was because the religious teachings brought by the Prophet Muhammad were so contrary to the culture and perspective of Arab society at that time.

The Prophet Muhammad was even considered to have damaged their order and culture so that not a few of the first adherents of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad were tortured, persecuted to the point of being ostracized. Abu Jahl as the leader of the Arab nation, was so against the Prophet and made all people hate him.

The magnitude of the rejection by the ignorant community in Mecca did not dampen the spirit of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions to stick to their mandate. The teachings of the Islamic religion that had been heard bore fruit, the Prophet Muhammad gained many followers who became Muslims at that time.

It was these people of the Prophet Muhammad who ultimately helped spread Islam throughout the world through foreign trade. Some of them are Persia, Syria and also the Arabian peninsula.

All the examples of the Prophet Muhammad that were heard throughout the region also triggered many people to sympathize with him and were curious to know and learn about the religious teachings of the Prophet Muhammad directly. One of the major figures, namely Umar bin Khattab, who was a respected leader in the Quraysh clan, finally established himself to embrace Islam according to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

4. Hijrah to Medina

The increasing number of followers of the Prophet Muhammad who participated in spreading the Islamic religion made more and more Muslims from abroad. Most Arab people who have embraced Islam also have the habit of always visiting Mecca for a pilgrimage to the Kaaba.

Some of them are Yathrib people who are interested in Islam. This opened the opportunity for the Prophet Muhammad to further expand the spread of Islam with other Yathrib people. They had met the Prophet Muhammad at Aqabah and embraced Islam.

In the following year, the Yathrib people came back to Mecca to invite the Muslims in Mecca to migrate to Yathrib because the situation in Mecca was not very good and did not support Islam.

However, this was known by ignorant people who did not want the Prophet Muhammad to spread Islam there because they realized that this great opportunity could make Islam more massive.

The jahiliyah prevented Muslims from migrating to Yathrib and caused wars that were unavoidable. The war even took about two months, until in the end these people made a number of agreements and the Muslims were able to migrate to Yathrib.

Eight years after the migration, the Prophet Muhammad returned to Mecca to conquer the city with thousands of his people. The leader of Mecca at that time felt that they did not have sufficient defense against the Prophet Muhammad, so he decided to surrender.

According to the promise, Mecca was handed over to the Prophet Muhammad the following year, and since then the Prophet Muhammad succeeded in uniting Mecca and Medina and spreading Islamic teachings there.

Already Know the Meaning of the Prophet Muhammad’s Al-Amin Title?

Born into a respectable family that highly valued kindness and exemplary behavior, the Prophet Muhammad was nicknamed Al-Amin as a trustworthy figure.

Since young until now, everyone knows all the role models of the Prophet Muhammad, who is an example for all Muslims and Muslim women around the world. All the hard work and effort, as well as the persistence of the Prophet Muhammad succeeded in making Islam so big and strong today.

If you are a Muslim, of course the Prophet Muhammad must be a real example as a role model for us throughout our life as a religion and as a nation. All of his examples are not merely examples but also change and are able to lead us to become the best version of ourselves.

Interested in the attitude and example of the Prophet Muhammad and his meaningful life story? Then the following books can add to your insight about the Prophet Muhammad and Islam itself!

  • The story of Prophet Adam
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  • The story of Prophet Isa
  • The story of the prophet Isaac
  • The story of Prophet Lut
  • The story of the Prophet Moses
  • The story of Prophet Jonah
  • The story of Prophet Yusuf
  • The story of the prophet Zakaria
  • Acts of 25 Prophets and Apostles
  • The story of the Companions of the Prophet