The Meaning of the Symbol of Precepts 1-5 Pancasila in Garuda Pancasila

The Meaning of the Symbol of Precepts 1-5 Pancasila in Garuda Pancasila – As good citizens, we must be familiar with Pancasila. Are Sinaumed’s friends well acquainted with the identity of our nation on this one? As a nation’s generation, we certainly need to know and know the national symbol as a national identity so that the goals and aspirations of the nation can be achieved.

The Pancasila symbol certainly does not just appear. As the symbol of the Indonesian state, Pancasila symbols certainly have their own history and meaning. This symbol then becomes the identity, hopes and ideals of the nation that every Indonesian person needs to interpret in order to achieve the same goals for the Indonesian people. The following is an explanation of the Pancasila symbol and values ​​that can be understood and applied in everyday life:

What is Pancasila?

In language, Pancasila comes from two Sanskrit words, namely Panca which means five and Sila which means principle or principle. These five precepts become the formula for all Indonesian people who were born and live in Indonesia which then become the guidelines for the life of the nation and state.

Pancasila is also often referred to as the basis and ideology of the state and is one of the four pillars of nationality, which consists of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Unity in Diversity which is explained in the Pancasila book.

As a state ideology, Pancasila is certainly not formed haphazardly and carelessly. Pancasila has a long history and journey until now it has become a symbol as well as the ideology of the Indonesian nation.

History records that August 18, 1944, that is, exactly one day after the proclamation of Indonesian independence, a meeting was held to formulate the ideological basis of the nation and state. Namely Pantja Sila (Pancasila) and the constitution of the 1945 Constitution.

The meeting involved several figures representing the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence from three Muslim representatives, namely the island of Java and two representatives from Sumatra. The following are the figures involved in the meeting:

  • Nahdlatul Ulama: Wachid Hasjim
  • Muhammadiyah Association: Ki Bagoes Hadikoesoemo
  • Muhammadiyah Association: Kasman Singodimedjo
  • West Sumatra: Mohammad Hatta
  • Aceh: Teoekoe Muhammad Hasan

Although in the formulation process there was a bit of debate on the first precept, namely Belief in the One and Only God, which previously only included the Islamic religion. The debate can decide a joint agreement for the sake of shared hopes and aspirations, namely the creation of an independent Indonesia as a sovereign, calm, just and prosperous country.

Pancasila is used for self-development and the realization of ideals in accordance with existing rules. And this is discussed through the values ​​that exist in Pancasila and can be studied in the book Pancasila and Citizenship Education.

The historical values ​​of the struggle of the Indonesian nation became the basic source of the philosophy for the formation of Pancasila. That is why it is Pancasila that will later become the unifying ideology of cultural diversity in the archipelago so that it remains one unit, namely the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

Friends can read the following sinaumedia recommendation books to find out more about what Pancasila is and the history of Pancasila.

Pancasila book by Prof. DRS H. Achmad Fauzi DH.MA provides a complete review of Pancasila, in which the material selection and historical and philosophical analysis are different from other books.

This book is very comprehensive for Sinaumed’s to read as needed, for example students and the general public to present Pancasila to the nation’s generation.

The Meaning of the Symbol of Precepts 1-5 Pancasila in Garuda Pancasila

The national symbol certainly did not just appear, there is history behind their presence which was later crowned as the Indonesian state symbol. The formation of the state symbol is certainly not arbitrary, but rather through a long and mature negotiation process.

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Our nation needed to form a state symbol after the recognition of Indonesian sovereignty in 1949. It was because of this insistence that on January 10, 1955 a team was formed to design the Indonesian state symbol.

The team later became known as the National Badge Team coordinated by Zoner Poto Folio and Sultan Hamid II. The team then had several members, namely KI Hajar Dewantara as chairman, Mohammad Natsir, RM Ng Poerbatjaraka, and MA Pellaupessy. The State Badge Team is tasked with finding, making, and selecting several proposed state symbols which will then be approved by the government.

In January 1950, a cabinet meeting was held and it was decided that there would be a competition to make the state emblem which was announced by Minister Priyono. Of the many proposals, only two were selected and submitted to the government, namely the proposals of Sultan Hamid II and Mohammad Yamin. In the end, Sultan Hamid II’s proposal was chosen because Mohammad Yamin’s proposal used the sun symbol which could be misinterpreted as the symbol of the Japanese state.

Sultan Hamid II’s proposal then went through the refinement stage and several inputs from Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta at that time, including the Masyumi Party. Thus the form of the Rajawali was created which was later called Garuda Pancasila. The Garuda Pancasila symbol was officially ratified on February 11, 1950 as the symbol of the Indonesian state. The Garuda Pancasila symbol was then introduced on February 15, 1950 for the first time to the Indonesian people at the Des Indes Hotel, Jakarta.

Shortly after it was inaugurated, Soekarno thought that the eagle symbol was still similar to the eagle symbol belonging to the United States. So Soekarno ordered a painter named Dullah to perfect the Garuda bird symbol so that it had characteristics for the Indonesian people.

The painter also made a number of changes, namely the addition of a crest to the Garuda Pancasila and the feet of the Garuda bird clutching a ribbon, which previously appeared behind the bird then changed to the front.

So, that’s the history of how the Garuda Pancasila symbol can be called the symbol of the Indonesian state. Sinaumed’s friends can read sinaumedia’s collection of books to find out more about the history of Pancasila.

Pancasila as the basis of the state certainly has its own meaning and value for the nation, which is why Sinaumed’s needs to study it.

These values ​​form the basis of state philosophy as well as the philosophy of the Indonesian nation that exists today. Understand more deeply through the book Pancasila by Drs. H. Mahpudin Noor.


The Meaning of the Symbol of Each Precept in the Garuda Pancasila Symbol

The symbols that become the symbol of the country must have a noble meaning and meaning and represent the nation. Likewise with the Pancasila symbol which has a meaning and meaning that is not simple for the nation. The following is the Pancasila symbol and its meaning that Sinaumed’s needs to know in order to be able to interpret the values ​​contained in the Pancasila symbol:

1. The Meaning of the Symbol of the First Precepts (Star)

  • It means light like the light emitted by God Almighty and then believed by all Indonesian people as a useful society
  • The star with five angles symbolizes the number of religions or beliefs that are recognized in Indonesia, namely Islam, Catholicism, Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism
  • The black color as a basis shows the color of nature and means that Indonesia is under the protection and grace of God Almighty. This color also illustrates that God is the source of everything that exists on Earth, Indonesia Raya.

2. The Meaning of the Symbol of the Second Precept (Chain)

  • The chains that are interrelated and unbroken in the shape of a round chain symbolize women, while the square-shaped chains symbolize men who then work hand in hand for Indonesia.
  • The unbroken chain shape symbolizes the bond between human beings that will never break and will help each other
  • The red base color stands for courage and strength

3. The Meaning of the Symbol of the Third Precept (Bayan Tree)

  • The banyan tree is a tree that is large, sturdy, tall and has dense leaves. So this symbol means that Indonesia is a strong nation as a shelter and shelter for all Indonesian people.
  • The banyan tree also has large roots and spreads in all directions
  • The roots of the banyan tree mean the diversity of cultures, religions, customs and tribes that belong to the Indonesian people.
  • Apart from that, it also means the ability of the Indonesian people to unite and lead to a better nation

4. Meaning of the Symbol of the 4th Precept (Bull’s Head)

  • Bulls or oxen are animals that like to gather and are always together in their habitat. The bull’s head symbolizes the Indonesian people who like to do things together, perpetuate mutual cooperation and help each other
  • The Indonesian people will solve problems by way of deliberation and produce joint decisions by consensus
  • The red base color symbolizes the courage of the Indonesian people and becomes a national identity that is deliberative and consensus-based.
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5. The Meaning of the Symbols of the Fifth Precept (Rice and Cotton)

On the lower left of the Garuda shield is a white paddy and cotton symbol which has the following meanings:

  • Rice represents the staple food of the majority of Indonesia’s population and cotton as clothing or clothing. The two symbols mean the basic needs of the Indonesian people to carry on life
  • The rice and cotton symbols also mean social welfare for the Indonesian people which is the main goal of the Indonesian nation’s national development
  • Rice and cotton also mean that there are no social inequalities among the Indonesian people

So, that’s the meaning and significance of the Pancasila symbol that Sinaumed’s needs to know. In order to better understand the broader meaning of Pancasila, Sinaumed’s can read the following sinaumedia collection books:

The Pancasila Philosophy Book According to Bung Karno and the Description of Pancasila will give Sinaumed’s a wider focus on studying the meaning of Pancasila. The book contains Soekarno’s thoughts regarding his ideas for creating Pancasila and the interpretations of great figures on Pancasila.

The Values ​​of Every Pancasila Precept in Everyday Life

1. Precepts of Belief in the One and Only God

  • Believing in the existence of God and Taqwa to God Almighty in accordance with their respective religions and beliefs
  • Mutual respect, respect and cooperation between religious communities even though they embrace different religions or beliefs
  • Mutual respect and respect for one’s choice of religion and the freedom to practice one’s worship according to each religion and belief one adheres to
  • Do not force a religious teaching or belief on others to adhere to or practice it
  • Love animals more, take care of plants, and always maintain cleanliness

2. Just and Civilized Humanity Precepts

  • Always maintain manners or politeness, delicacy and our good manners in society at home, school or workplace
  • Have awareness of the environment to keep it clean and green
  • Respect equality, rights and obligations between humans in society
  • Always appreciate, love, respect each other
  • Ters upholds human values
  • Dare to stand up for truth and justice for all mankind

3. Precepts of Indonesian Unity

  • Love the motherland and always maintain unity and oneness in the community by having an awareness of having one homeland, Indonesia
  • Love domestic products more by continuing to support and use local brands to help the domestic economy improve
  • Prioritizing common interests and the state to realize better Indonesia’s national development goals
  • Always placing the unity, integrity, and interests of the nation above personal interests
  • Have a sense of self-sacrifice for the sake of the nation
  • Love the motherland by always maintaining and preserving the nation’s own culture
  • Feeling proud of all the wealth and culture that Indonesia has, even though it is different
  • Feel proud to use the unified language in everyday life, namely Indonesian

4. Democracy Led by Wisdom, Wisdom in Deliberations and Representatives

  • In making decisions, prioritize deliberation methods to reach consensus which are carried out in a family manner
  • Always have the awareness to realize, grow, and develop a sense of responsibility to the community in managing the environment in harmony and peace with one another
  • Striving to develop business partnerships and mutual assistance in society
  • Don’t force your own will on others
  • Not forcing other people to agree to what we want, and vice versa, being able to maintain a position and not be forced to the will of others
  • Respect the results of the deliberations that have been reached even though they are contrary to our opinion and accept and implement them wholeheartedly

5. The Precepts of Social Justice for All Indonesian People

  • Have social awareness and sensitivity by holding activities that can help others, for example in charity concerts, social services, blood donations, and other social activities
  • Always be fair in all activities, do not give unfair behavior to anyone
  • All our behavior and activities do not disturb other people and public order and security
  • Always respect and appreciate the work or results of other people’s creations
  • Dare to fight for justice for yourself or others in order to create a prosperous society

So, that’s an explanation of the Pancasila symbol, starting from history, meaning, to values ​​that Sinaumed’s can take to apply in everyday life. So now there is no excuse for not knowing the meaning of the Pancasila symbol because this knowledge is important for Sinaumed’s to know as a good citizen.

Book Recommendations & Related Articles

sinaumedia friends can visit sinaumedia’s book collection at to get lots of references about Pancasila books. So, here are some book recommendations at sinaumedia that Sinaumed’s can read to get to know and understand more broadly about Pancasila: Enjoy studying. #Friends Without Limits