Get to Know the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad Who Can Be Used as Role Models!

Companions of the Prophet Muhammad SAW – Prophet Muhammad SAW is a human figure who is
most loved by all his people, but not only among his people, his family and friends also love him very much.
As a friend who lived at the same time as the prophet and spent his days with the prophet, of
course, the nature and character of a friend of the prophet is not much different from the noble character
of the prophet himself.

Imitating the figures of the companions of the prophet must be very good because they are also known to have good
and exemplary role models for the next generation, especially Muslims around the world.

The figures of the companions of the prophet who may be widely known are the first four caliphs who led
after the Prophet Muhammad died.
However, in fact there are many more figures of the Prophet’s
companions who may not be as popular as the first four caliphs.
Even so, their personality and
morals can still be used as good examples for generations of Muslims in the present and the future.

For this reason, Sinaumed’s friends who want to know who are the companions of the prophet who deserve to be role
models in living this life, in this discussion we have summarized various information related to the figures of
the companions of the prophet Muhammad SAW so that they can also have a positive impact and inspire humanity
throughout the world in do good.

You can see further discussion regarding the companions of the prophet Muhammad SAW below!

Get to know the figure of the Companion of the
Prophet Muhammad

Companions of the Prophet (Arabic:احبل النبي, transl. aṣḥāb al-nabī) is an Islamic idiom for those who knew and
saw the Prophet Muhammad in person, helped him in his battles and died as a Muslim.

Terminologically, the word ṣahabat (صحابة) is the plural of ṣahabi (صحابي), which means following,
accompanying, and direct interaction.
The most important companions had a very close
relationship with Muhammad, for they were his assistants and students and followers.

The Companions of the Prophet hold a very important role in the Islamic world today, namely as a bridge in
passing down the Hadith and Sunnah of Muhammad which were narrated by them.
Most scholars
generally define the Companions of the Prophet as those who knew the Prophet Muhammad, believed in his
teachings and died in a state of Islam.

In his book al-Iṣābah fī Tamyīz al-Ṣaḥābah, Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani (d. 852 H/1449 AD) says:

“A Companion (صحابي, ash-shahabi) is one who meets the Prophet, believes in him and dies in a state of Islam.”

There is a stricter definition whereby only close relatives of the Prophet Muhammad are worthy of being
called Companions of the Prophet.
In the book “Muqaddimah” by Ibn ash-Salah (died 643 H/1245

It was said to Anas: You are the Messenger of Allah’s Apostle and the last living. Anas
replied, “The Arabs (Bedouin) are still there, while his friend, I am the last person alive.”

In line with that, the scholar Tabi’in Said bin al-Musayyab (d. 94 H/715 AD) argued:

“The Companions of the Prophet were those who stayed with the Prophet for at least a year and participated in
several wars with him.”

Although Imam an-Nawawi (died 676 H/1277 AD) also stated that:

“Some scholars of hadith believe that this honor (as a friend of the Prophet) is limited to those who lived
with him (the Prophet Muhammad) for a long time, donated (property for his cause) and those who (to Medina)
and emigrants actively helped him;
and not those whom he met only occasionally, for example the
Arab Bedouin envoys, and not those who were with him after the liberation of Mecca when Islam was

The Companions of the Prophet Muhammad Who
Are Guaranteed to Enter Heaven

The names of the Prophet’s companions are based on the hadith narrated by the Prophet Muhammad from Abdurrahman
bin Auf.

Allah promised heaven to the Prophet’s companions because of the many special deeds he did during his life
on earth.
Here are 10 names of the apostle’s friends who are guaranteed to go to heaven.

  • Abu Bakr As-Siddiq

The first Companion of the Apostle who is guaranteed to enter Heaven is Abu Bakr Ash-Shiddiq.
Abu Bakar Ash-Shiddiq was one of the Assabiqunal Awwalun or the first people to convert to

He always followed the Prophet in preaching Islam and emigration. After the death of the
Prophet Muhammad, Abu Bakr continued to rule in Medina from 632-634 AD.

  • Umar bin Khattab

The closest companion of the Prophet who was promised Heaven by Allah was Umar bin Khattab.
Umar bin Khattab was the Rashidun Khulafaur and the most influential Muslim figure.

Umar was appointed as the second caliph after Abu Bakr who continued to build the spread of Islam so that it grew
rapidly throughout the country.

The figure of Umar bin Khattab is also known by his title, namely Al-Faruq, which means the difference
between right and wrong.
Umar was not only a close friend of the Prophet, but also the father
of Hafsha, the wife of the Prophet Muhammad.

  • Uthman bin Affan

Uthman bin Affan is one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad who is guaranteed to enter heaven.
He continued to lead after the death of Umar bin Khattab.

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Uthman was a very wealthy merchant in Mecca during his lifetime, but generous when he gave most of his wealth to
zakat, alms and infaq.

Under Uthman’s leadership, Islam saw a great development and expansion of Islam and built a lot of

  • Ali bin Abi Talib

Ali bin Abi Talib was the second person after Khadijah to embrace Islam, making him one of the Companions of the
Prophet who was guaranteed to enter Heaven.

Ali studied Islam from childhood, directly from the Prophet. Except that his loyalty to Islam
was shown by his participation in the war which was then carried out to defend Islam.

  • Talha bin Ubaidillah

Talhah bin Ubaidillah was a friend of the Prophet Muhammad who fought with the Prophet Muhammad, who at
that time was already in a state of urgency.
He was later killed in the Battle of Uhud and

  • Zubair bin Awwam

Zubair bin Awwam is a friend who is also the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. He was among
the first to convert to Islam or as-Sabiqun al-Awwalun, who is guaranteed to enter heaven.

  • Abdurrahman bin Auf

Abdurrahman bin Auf is a friend of the Prophet Muhammad who is good at business. Throughout
his life he struggled with wealth and his life in the way of Allah SWT.

  • Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqash

Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqash was a friend who always participated in the war with the Quraysh. He
even managed to become a military leader against Iran.
In addition, Sa’ad is also a friend who
converted to Islam at the young age of 17 years.

  • Sa’id bin Zaid bin Amru bin Naufal Al-Adawi

Sa’in bin Zaid bin Amru bin Naufal Al-Adawi was a friend of the Prophet who was also a cousin of another
Rashidun Khulafauri, Umar bin Khattab.
He never fought except the Badr war because he was
ordered by Rasulullah SAW at that time.

  • Abu Ubaidillah bin Jarrah

Abu Ubaidillah bin Jarrah was a companion of Prophet Muhammad SAW who had served as a military commander
against the Roman Empire.
He is a Muhajirin from the Meccan Quraysh tribe who had emigrated
with the Prophet SAW

The Story of the Companions of the Prophet
Muhammad Who Should Be a Role Model

  • Abu Bakr Ash-Shiddiq, the first companion
    of the Prophet

The first story of a friend of the Prophet Muhammad who is guaranteed to enter Heaven is Abu Bakr
He is one of Assabiqunal Awwalun, ie. the first to convert to Islam.
Friends who always follow the preaching of the Prophet and spread Islam.

Abu Bakr was known as a gentle, patient and generous person who freed 70 slaves. The Prophet
gave Abu Bakr the title “As-Shiddiq” which means “True”.
Abu Bakr also followed the journey of
the Prophet from Mecca to Medina.
Despite being threatened by the Quraysh believers, Abu Bakr
remained loyal to the Prophet.
When the Prophet was sick, the Prophet Muhammad appointed Abu
Bakr to replace him as the prayer priest.

When the Prophet died, many friends did not believe in the death of the Prophet, but only Abu Bakr reminded him
that the Prophet was also human like them.

Abu Bakr continued the leadership of the Prophet as the Caliph of the Muslims. When he became
caliph, Abu Bakr stayed on the straight path, stood firm in defending Islam and fought against

  • Umar bin Khattab, the brave
    companion of the Prophet Muhammad

The next companion of the Prophet who is guaranteed to enter heaven is Umar bin Khattab.
Umar’s adherence to Islam was very high during his lifetime. When Islam first arrived
in Mecca, Umar intended to kill the Prophet Muhammad.
However, after hearing his younger
brother recite Allah’s verses, Umar, who was smart and sensible, was able to judge that the sentence his
brother was reading was not man-made.
Instead of killing the Prophet Muhammad, Umar bin Khattab
even approached him to consciously embrace Islam.

After converting to Islam, Umar became a very brave person and did not hesitate to take up the sword to
defend the truth of Islamic teachings.
Umar was also the person who dared to give ideas and
criticism to the Prophet.
Prophet Muhammad gave the title “Al-Faruq” which means “the
difference between right and wrong”.
The leadership of Caliph Umar increasingly guaranteed his
entry into heaven.

After the death of Abu Bakr, ‘Umar remained caliph. As the leader of the Muslim community,
Umar bin Khattab always played his role to the fullest.
Creation of various new systems for the
development of Islamic society and the welfare of its people.
Even when the plague hit, Umar
refused to eat and made eating a priority for his people.
Umar’s leadership may have resulted
in the spread of Islam to a third of the world’s population.

  • Uthman bin Affan, the predecessor of the
    Al-Quran Mushaf

Uthman bin Affan is included in the category of Companions of the Prophet Muhammad SAW who are guaranteed
to enter Heaven.
He is also a member of the Assabiqunal Awwalun group or the first group of
people to convert to Islam.
He became the third caliph after the death of Umar bin

Uthman is known as a very rich merchant in Mecca. Even though he was rich, Uthman was very
generous, articulate and spent much of his wealth on zakat, alms and infaq.

Islam continued to develop under Uthman’s leadership. Among other things, Uthman built the
first Islamic navy and expanded the reach of Islamic symbols.
Collected various manuscripts of
the Qur’an and then compiled the manuscripts for collective use to date.

Then Uthman is a figure who has high social awareness. One of them is donating wells so that
people can drink and use water during the dry season.
The fountain is still there and working.
Incredibly true!

  • Ali bin Abi Talib, loyal to the
    Prophet since childhood

The second person to embrace Islam after Khadijah was Ali bin Abi Talib. Allah made Ali one of
the companions of the Prophet who was guaranteed to enter heaven.
This was because Ali had
studied Islam from a relatively young age.
Learn directly from the Prophet. There
is no doubt about his loyalty to Islam, Ali was never absent from the wars that were fought to defend

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When the Prophet migrated, Ali disguised himself as the Prophet Muhammad while sleeping in his bed.
Until the Quraysh infidels thought that the Prophet Muhammad was still in his house.

When the believers of Quraysh went to attack Prophet Muhammad, they found Ali bin Abi Talib in bed.
In vain did they wait at night to kill Prophet Muhammad.

Finally they left Ali. Three days later, Ali followed him to Medina alone. Hide
during the day and move on at night.
How loyal Ali was to the Prophet so that he carried out
his duties sincerely.

After Uthman’s death, there was a vacuum of Islamic leadership for a while, then Ali was proposed as the
next caliph.
During his leadership he faced many challenges because there were many rebellions
by groups that were divided by their own ideas.
Ali bin Abi Talib was the last person in
Khulafaur Ar-Rasyidin.

  • Talhah bin
    Ubaidillah, the guardian of the Prophet who wanted to give waqf

The name Talha bin Ubaidillah was not as famous as Abu Bakr or Umar bin Khattab, but the Prophet Muhammad named
Talhah after Ali as a friend of the Prophet who was guaranteed to enter Heaven.

When Islam arrived in Mecca, Talha did not hesitate to accept the teachings of the Prophet. He
immediately converted to Islam.
As long as the preaching of Islam was carried out, Talha fought
and fulfilled the task assigned to him by the Prophet.

The Prophet called Talhah the Good, the Generous Talhah, the Gracious Talhah. During the time
of Uhud, the Muslims were careless and almost endangered the Prophet’s life.
When the Quraysh
were about to attack the Prophet, Talha immediately protected the Prophet until he lost his finger.

the prophet said:

“Whoever wants to see a martyr walking on earth should see Talha bin ‘Ubaidillah.” (HR
Tirmidhi 3672)

  • Zubair bin Awwam, Protector of the
    Prophet Muhammad SAW

Zubair bin Awwam, Protector of the Prophet and Assabiqunal Awwalun

Zubair bin Awwam is the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad who was also one of the first people to convert to
Islam or Assabiqunal Awwalun.
He converted to Islam from the age of 15, he was very loyal to
the Prophet and always tried to protect the Prophet from harm.

The Prophet mentioned Zubair bin Awwam as one of the Companions of the Prophet who was guaranteed to enter

“Every Prophet has a helper (protector), and my protector is Zubair bin Awwam.” (Muslim

  • Abdurrahman bin Auf, humble
    friend and philanthropist

Abdurrahman bin Auf, a friend of the Prophet, wants to make waqf and be guaranteed entry to Heaven.

One of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad who was very generous was Abdurrahman bin Auf.
Even though Abdurrahman bin Auf was a wealthy merchant, he used much of his wealth to help Muslims.
Abdurrahman bin Auf is also part of Assabiqunal Awwalun or the first 10 people to convert to

When he heard the Messenger of Allah mention the name Abdurrahman bin Auf who was one of the Companions of
the Prophet who entered heaven, it made him not arrogant but nervous.
He was worried about
going to heaven and felt that no one was worthy.
Even though Abdurrahman bin Auf’s contribution
to the development of Islam was enormous, he was guaranteed to enter heaven.

  • Sa’ad bin Abi Waqash, Faithful
    Fighting in the Way of Allah

Saad bin Abi Waqqash, a friend of the Prophet who is skilled at archery

Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqash was the maternal uncle of Prophet Muhammad. Sa’ad’s father was Aminah’s
As soon as he heard that Islam was present in Mecca, Sa’ad immediately approached the
Prophet to say the shahada.
Sa’ad knew the Prophet very well, so he believed in the religion of

What made Sa’ad join the companions of the Prophet who were guaranteed to enter heaven was his loyalty,
which always accompanied the Prophet in battle.
Sa’ad was very skilled in archery and he was
the first to shoot an arrow in defense of Islam.

Besides being obedient to Islam, Sa’ad also loved his mother very much. He is a dutiful son to
both parents.
Even though his mother was against it from the beginning Sa’ad converted to
Islam, Sa’ad still maintained his religion and was polite to his mother who had a different faith.


So a brief discussion about the figure of the companions of the prophet Muhammad SAW. Not only
discussing the biography of the companions of the prophet Muhammad SAW, but further discussing the exemplary
stories of those who deserve to be used as examples.

Getting to know the figure of a friend of the prophet Muhammad SAW gives us an idea that there is a human figure
who was so kind after the departure of the prophet Muhammad SAW who gave us the opportunity to become part of
these good people and teach good life lessons for the next generation.

Thus a review of the figure of the companions of the prophet Muhammad SAW. For Sinaumed’s who
want to get to know more about the figure of a friend of the prophet Muhammad SAW and knowledge related to
other Islamic history, you can visit to get related books.

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Author: Pandu Akram

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