Figure of Personification – Hello Sinaumed’s friends, have you ever studied figure of speech? Maybe you have heard the term figurative language. But, do you know, Sinaumed’s, without realizing it, in our daily lives we also use a lot of figures of speech to communicate with other people.
Figure of speech is often used in everyday life when communicating with people who are close to us. Even though we often use it on a daily basis, many of us are not aware of it. In addition, the Indonesian language does have a lot of figures of speech.
This figure of speech is included in the comparative figure of speech. Because anthropomorphic figures of speech or what we often call personification figures of speech often use figurative words to compare and enhance the impression of sentences. In spoken or written communication, personification and other rhetorical devices are often used to create an imaginative impression or produce a certain effect.
There are many figures of speech that can be used to write a literary work, one of which is personification. This figure of speech describes inanimate or non-human objects, being animate objects or having human characteristics.
Sinaumed’s, before we go any further, we must understand the meaning of the figure of speech itself. After that we also need to understand the meaning of personification figure of speech, its characteristics, and examples. Come on, see the explanation below!
Definition of Majas
Figure of speech or figurative language is a form of figurative language to make the atmosphere in a sentence livelier. We can easily understand that figures of speech can be expressions that can bring a sentence to life. Numbers deviate from the general meaning of the word.
One example of “right hand”. In a real sense, the right hand is a member of the human body. However, in the expression “he belongs to Mr. Buddy’s right hand”, the meaning of these limbs is lost. “Right hand” means confidant.
Figure of speech which is usually used in writing a literary work, is usually applied in poetry and prose. However, poetry usually uses more figures of speech than prose. Because, figure of speech is a figurative language that is able to animate a literary work and can give rise to certain connotations.
The use of figures of speech or figures of speech is intended to convey imaginary or figurative information, both written and verbal, to represent the thoughts and feelings of the author. The role of allegory in general is to make a literary work more beautiful in terms of words.
Definition of Figure of Speech According to Experts
- Professor Ph. DHG Tarigan
According to the professor. PhDs. HG Tarigan, The concept of figure of speech is a way of expressing ideas through a unique style of language that evokes the soul and personality of a writer.
- Goris Clough
According to Gorys Keraf, the concept of figure of speech is a style of language that is conveyed honestly, politely and attractively in literary works.
- Aminuddin
According to Aminuddin, the concept of figure of speech is a style of language used by a writer to describe his ideas in relation to certain goals and effects to be achieved.
- Luxembourg, etc.
According to Luxemburg et al., the concept of figure of speech is a figurative language that characterizes a text. That is, at a certain point, a text can be likened to an individual who is different from other individuals.
- Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI)
According to KBBI, figure of speech is defined as a way of describing something by equating it with something else; or in figurative form.
Definition of Personification Majas
A personification figure of speech is a figurative language that creates a metaphor for inanimate objects with human characteristics. An example of personification that is often heard is “Wind, send my greetings to him”. Digging into a figure of speech from a sentence can be started by exploring what anthropomorphic figure of speech is, starting from its meaning, examples of anthropomorphic figures of speech, to the characteristics of the personification figure of speech itself.
To explore figure of speech in a sentence, you can start by exploring what personification is, starting from its meaning, examples of personification, to the characteristics of the personification style itself.
According to Harimurti Kridalaksana in his Language Dictionary, there are three functions of speech form or style of language. First, Personification Figure of speech is the use of the richness of language, both spoken and written.
Secondly, by using variety, visual speech creates an effect. Finally, the third alias, Figure of Personification, can reveal the linguistic characteristics of the author of a literary work. However, verbal figures cannot be used only in written form, they can also be applied orally.
Using personification figure of speech means using verbal and nonverbal communication simultaneously, because you have to be able to create an imaginative impression. In general, figure of speech is divided into several categories, namely:
- Comparison Majas
- Majas Satire
- Affirmation Majas
- Controversy Majas
In addition to the above understanding, personification is a figure of speech or figure of speech that makes inanimate objects appear alive and have human-like characteristics. For example, dancing, walking, breathing and going beyond. The following is the meaning of personification figure of speech according to some experts.
Definition of Personification Majas According to Experts
- Tarigan (2013)
Language style that associates people and human nature with objects that have no real abstract ideas in reality. Personification Figures make inanimate objects appear as if they have human traits.
Personification figurative language will describe inanimate objects as if they have human nature. Objects are often used to give people inanimate objects such as emotions, actions and even human behavior.
- Goys Keraf (2013)
Personification is figurative language that is always used to define inanimate objects or non-human beings as if they have human-like characteristics and characteristics.
- Nurgiantoro (2017)
According to Nurgiantoro (2017), personification is a type of figure of speech that gives humanity to inanimate objects. Human characteristics that are transferred to non-human objects or creatures include traits, behaviors, personality, physical characteristics, feelings, thoughts, speech, nonverbals. , etc.
In personification, there are similarities between inanimate objects and people. However, this attribute also has a very contrasting comparison. Therefore, this figure can be considered as speech based on the nature of comparison and similarities.
- Pitwanto
In his book Want to be a Best Seller Writer, according to Pitwanto, personification is a speech style used to humanize inanimate objects, or as if they were turned on.
Characteristics of Personification Figures
There is a tendency to use personification now because there are barriers or boundaries between people and things that are not. Personification Figure works by removing these boundaries so that people can respect or appreciate them better.
Human nature is imitative. So the first thing people will do is appreciate the other people around them. Humans are much easier to judge the beauty of nature for humans who are less sensitive to its beauty if we compare nature with humans.
The whisper of the wind, the waving of hands, the sharp gaze of the camera, give a stronger nuance to our perception as humans to feel and appreciate the existence of things outside of humans.
The result is a style of language that is able to open our eyes and immerse us in a different beauty that is hidden by our limitations as humans who tend to pay more attention to others.
The feeling of familiarity will also be felt more when using this personification figure of speech. Everyday objects from which we perceive only benefit appear more clearly than usual.
Radio seems to make us aware of things that smell nostalgic, once again admiring the sophistication of computers, appreciating the beauty of nature and arousing the desire to continue to protect it.
Besides that, the characteristics of figure of speech personification This type of speech is one of the most common types of figurative language found in literary works because it is relatively easy to apply, especially for those who are new to writing. To help you understand what personification is, here are its general characteristics:
people love plants and animals. Using a personification style will provide an explanation of a situation based on a real and more specific picture or illustration to literary readers. Personification style compares inanimate objects and non-human beings as if they can behave and think like humans.
More Value If Using Personification Figures
Actually, literary writers can use formal language style without any clues in their writing. However, the application of personification style is considered more beneficial to literary works than the use of ordinary figurative language.
- Gives us a greater sense of ownership of inanimate objects or when we see living things other than humans around us. Inanimate or non-human objects will feel more real and not only provide benefits, but provide more functions.
- Using personified language can open readers’ eyes and immerse them in the things being presented. In a literary work, its beauty will be seen if it uses personification. The beauty that people may never realize will be increasingly real existence
- For those who may be less sensitive to their surroundings, using personified language makes it easier for them to appreciate the objects around them because these objects are equated with people.
For example, words like whispering wind, red rose will present a stronger timbre for us as humans to appreciate and understand things other than humans.
Characteristics of Personification
The characteristics of personification figure of speech are representing human nature as inanimate objects. In addition, it should be noted that sometimes personification figure of speech is very similar to a fable, both of which are figures of personification figure of speech.
The first feature of personification is the expression of human nature in inanimate objects. This more or less overlaps with anthropometry as it deals with human psychology. Linguistically, anthropomorphism is the imposition of human characteristics on animals, plants or inanimate objects. That is, inanimate objects or non-human beings are endowed with human characteristics. However, the figure that personifies the story is different from the fable.
Most anthropomorphic drawings can refer to inanimate objects such as rain, wind or even perfume. Fables only show human traits or traits that are only found in animals.
The purpose of adding human traits here is to give traits such as speaking, thinking, and behaving like humans. Let’s take the example of a personification proverb that says “Or nature is starting to be reluctant to be friends with us, ask the swaying grass.” Lyrics of the song Ebiet G ade.
The example of the personification figure of speech above is a snippet from the lyrics of the song Berita Untuk Kawan, sung by Ebiet G. Ade. In this personification figure of speech, grass is depicted as a human figure, which can be asked.
The next personification figure of speech is involving the five senses. The five senses are the five sensory organs that are or are found in humans. The five senses are sight, inspiration or smell, taste, feeling or touch, and hearing. The involvement of the five senses can create an element of closeness or intimacy, even though the personification of speech is completely imaginary.
Concerning the second feature, the next personification figure of speech is the interpretation of situations or conditions with shadows or imagination. In the speech imagery that personifies the work, the reader will be invited into the shadow or imagination of the author. The personification figure of speech in the song also has the same goal, which is to explain or describe a situation with the image of a lyrical character.
Consider an example of the personification of the song from the following lyrics, “The wind tells him that I love him. The wind told him I needed him.” An example of the personification of this character is in the lyrics of the Dewa 19 song entitled “Angin”. In this sentence, the listener is invited to imagine that the wind can carry messages.
The Function of Personification Majas
- The use of personification in a literary work serves to beautify the arrangement of sentences in the literary work
- Gives a certain meaning and atmosphere based on the arrangement of beautiful words according to what the literary writer wants for the readers and connoisseurs of his work.
- Creating or making an imaginative impression on the reader
- To make it easier for readers to understand the atmosphere and also the emotions that the characters in the story might be feeling, it is usually used in short stories and novels.
- The use of this personification figure of speech can strengthen the sense of connectedness or connection of readers as humans with inanimate objects or living things outside of humans.
Examples of Personification Majas
As previously explained, the use of personified language tends to be very easy and straightforward, so literally anyone can do it. It is enough to give “distinctive” characteristics to non-human objects or creatures. Here’s an example:
Examples of Personification Majas Sentences with Objects
1. “The sun is shyly rising on the eastern horizon.”
The meaning of the personification figure of speech: The sun is shy which means it is about to rise, which means that someone is shy about showing their talent. he just harbored his talent.
2. “The old car crawled slowly over a sharp incline.”
The meaning of an example of a personification figure of speech: An old car that runs very slowly when it is moving on the road
3. The new Honda beat pink is so pretty.
The meaning of the personification of this saying is as follows: The newly produced Honda Beat motorcycle has a feminine design and color.
4. Since you left, every night I sit alone on this terrace and only the moon smiles at me.
The meaning of personification images, for example: the moon smiles as if accompanied by someone even though it’s just a lonely image.
5. “The wedding dress you finished wearing yesterday afternoon was very elegant and beautiful.”
The meaning of personification images, for example, graceful and beautiful is a person’s physical characteristics, but pinned on a dress to describe her beauty.
6. “A flash flood in mid-2017 hit the village where I was born.”
The meaning of personification figure of speech, for example: banjir bandang here describes the result of an event when people clean up, that is, clean up what they encounter. The meaning of this sentence is that there was a flood that destroyed almost the entire village)
7. “The food that was brought to the table was delicious.”
The meaning of the picture symbolizes the speech: the word “try” is a human action. The word is attached to food with the intention that the food when enjoyed will look very beautiful.
8. The scream of thunder that afternoon was deafening.
The meaning of the personification image of the speech example: the word “scream” must be a human action. However, in this sentence it is used to describe thunder. The meaning of the word picture is very loud thunder.
9. This motorcycle from the 2000s has been with me for ten years.
The meaning of figure of speech personification example of speech: accompaniment words can only be made by humans. The meaning of this outboard motor is that it has been used for ten years.
10. Santi was amazed to see beautiful clouds racing in the blue sky.
The meaning of the personification of the image is: clouds leaving here means movement. The word walking in the clouds means to decorate a sentence.
Examples of Personification Figures with Living Objects
Examples of personification figure of speech and their meaning can not only be used on objects, but also on animals and humans. The following is an example of a personification figure of speech for animals or plants that can be used as a reference.
1. “The swaying palm trees enhance the seaside view.”
The meaning of personification figure of speech, for example: the swaying of palm trees means the movement of palm leaves due to the wind.
2. “A teak tree stands proudly beside my road.”
The meaning of personification figure of speech, for example: acacia trees that are large and straight up.
3. “I hate every middle of the night having to hear the bamboo trees behind the house making noise.”
Examples of personification figure of speech and their meaning: noise is one of human actions. Basically, bamboo cannot speak, so the meaning contained in this sentence is a bamboo tree being blown by the wind, causing a sound of friction.
4. “If you have never been there, surely you do not know that behind the neatly arranged banana trees there is a mass grave.”
The meaning of the image is personification, for example: a banana tree in a straight line means that it is planted at the right distance, so that it looks like a human army marching.
5. “The wild mosquitoes in this place will sing every night.”
The meaning of the personified image: singing is the activity of transmitting sound with the laws of beautiful tones. Only humans can sing, not mosquitoes. This expression means the sound of many mosquitoes as if they were singing.
6. I like to live under a banyan tree like an umbrella now.
Examples of personifications and their meanings: A banyan tree cannot really give an umbrella. The meaning of this sentence is that the dense leaves of a banyan tree seem to be an umbrella for whoever is under it.
If Sinaumed’s doesn’t understand the meaning of personification and examples of personification , Sinaumed’s can dig deeper by reading the books available at