Simile Figures: Definition, Examples and Choice of Words in Simile Figures

Similes are one of the materials that are often studied in Indonesian at school. The simile figure of speech itself is one of the figures of speech in Indonesian which functions to express about something indirectly by means of explicit comparisons which are also expressed by prepositions and conjunctions. Similes can be likened to like, like, like, for example, similar, and so on.

Then, what exactly is meant by simile and what are some examples? You don’t need to be confused, because in this article we will discuss more about the meaning of simile and its examples. In order to better understand what a simile is, consider the following detailed information.

Meaning of Simile

Figure of speech is a form of figurative language that is usually used to get an atmosphere in a sentence so that the sentence becomes more lively. Easily, we understand that this figure of speech can be an expression that can animate a sentence.

In addition, figure of speech also deviates from the meaning of a word that is commonly used. For example, as in the “right hand”. When viewed from the actual meaning, ” right hand ” is the hand that is on the right. Whereas in figurative language, ” right hand ” means to be a confidant. For example, ” He is Mr. Andi’s right hand man. ”

Meanwhile, in the simile, there is a supposition that comes from a comparison of two things that are logically very different. An example of a simile figure of speech can also be found in one of the Indonesian film titles, which is currently being hotly discussed, such as “ Like Revenge, Longing Must Be Paid Fully ”. “

According to KBBI, the meaning of simile is a link that compares two things that are essentially different, but are then considered to have almost the same meaning, and are stated explicitly by using words like, as, as, and so on.

Therefore, simile can be said to be similar to personification, because simile is a comparative figure of speech. Besides simile and personification, other comparative figures of speech include metaphor, hyperbole, litotes and irony. The definition of this comparative figure of speech is a figure of speech that describes a condition by comparing one thing with another.

Similes also compare two things directly, but not with the same form. Comparisons to similes focus on traits or characters. A simple example is to compare a woman who looks beautiful, with the beauty of the flowers in the garden. In terms of shape, of course you can’t compare humans to flowers. However, in simile it can be said that it is a way of expressing nature or character through this comparison.

Simile Features

Sentences that use similes themselves can be seen from their characteristics, including:

Have Conjunctions

In the simile, there are connecting words: like, as, as, as, and so on.

The sentence will sound redundant

In sentences that use simile, it will sound like an exaggeration or not in accordance with the reality.

Lots of Figurative Words

Similes have the characteristics of having many figurative words in their sentences.

Example of Simile

Below are some examples of similes:

  1. I feel tired of giving him too many suggestions. He was very stubborn, so it was useless to give advice to him because it was the same as spilling water on the taro leaves.
  2. His behavior is very ridiculous like the action of a clown who is joking in front of the audience.
  3. Tommy was walking very slowly, like a turtle.
  4. Rina’s face is very beautiful like a flower.
  5. Your face looks so radiant and sparkling like a diamond.
  6. My mother never felt tired of advising me to grow up to be a good child as if tomorrow she would leave the world.
  7. Your face is very handsome like the faces of Korean artists.
  8. The dancer’s body is very graceful like rubber.
  9. Your smile is like a crescent moon that comes to me on cold nights.
  10. I walked with a chuckle like a cat stepped on its paw.
  11. Putri seemed to be floating freely in space when she heard the announcement of her graduation.
  12. Mr. RT felt like he was hit by a windfall when he won the TV lottery prize.
  13. My character and him are as opposite as heaven and earth.
  14. Your attitude is cold as ice.
  15. The broadcast at the meeting of the people’s representatives today was very funny, just like a clown’s show.
  16. Even though his words are razor-sharp, he is actually a good person.
  17. Your heart is very firm and strong like a rock that will never waver even if it is blocked by big waves.
  18. When he left choosing to go my life felt like the end of the world.
  19. He just left like a fighter plane.
  20. Stand firm like a solid wall.
  21. Together, we are like rain and forest.
  22. Brothers and sisters are always fighting, like mice and cats.
  23. They are inseparable, like oil and water.
  24. Her face was so happy like a flower in a newly blooming garden.
  25. His eyes were sharp, like an eagle eyeing its prey.
  26. His condition is getting better, now he looks fresher as if alive again.
  27. A chatty sister is no different from a parrot.
  28. All day Dinda kept crying, her tears didn’t stop flowing like a waterfall.
  29. Father’s study was freezing cold, like the south pole.
  30. You are like the moon and I am the sun
  31. Memories with you feel like a dream within a dream
  32. You are like Ravana who kidnapped Shinta from the hands of Sri Rama
  33. Her smile is as sweet as brown sugar
  34. Your face is like the moon that shines at night
  35. The girl was like a newly blooming rose
  36. Our friendship is like a solid chain
  37. Your hair is so beautiful like a boulder
  38. You are like the moon that illuminates the darkness
  39. This car is designed with speeds like 752 horsepower
  40. This wood is always sharpened until it is as sharp as a sword
  41. The man’s body was as hard as the steel the blacksmith forged
  42. Your cooking is very delicious just like world famous chef’s cooking
  43. There is no doubt that his good looks are no different from princes in fairy tales
  44. The eagle chases its prey like a magnet
  45. Wika and Wina are like two betel nuts in the family
  46. Pak Doni is like an egg on the edge
  47. His lips were as red as blood
  48. His hair is as black as night
  49. Mother is like the morning dew.
  50. Riski is as lazy as a bear in winter.
  51. The ceremonial leader’s voice was as loud as a tiger’s roar.
  52. Stand straight and firm like a banyan tree.
  53. People say the land of Indonesia is the land of heaven.
  54. Her hair is so soft as silk.
  55. Denis and Budi’s friendship is like a very strong chain.
  56. They will not be able to be together because their nature is like the earth and the sky
  57. The baby’s cry was loud and loud like a bolt of lightning
  58. Don’t spoil your child too much like a princess.
  59. Budi’s house is very large and magnificent like a palace in a fairy tale.
  60. A friend is like a shining star.
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Vocabulary Selection of Simile Figures in a Song

A writer can convey a narrative through various forms of figurative language, one of which is through figure of speech. According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), figure of speech itself is a way of describing something by equating something with something else. Therefore, figure of speech is also often called a figure of speech.

The definition of figure of speech is a style of language that can be in the form of figures of speech, parables, or parables with the aim of beautifying the meaning and message of a sentence. According to Dr. HG Tarigan, figure of speech is a way of expressing thoughts through a unique language which then shows the soul and personality of the writer. In its use, figure of speech is also created to create an imaginative impression on the listeners or speakers.

Meanwhile, according to Gorys Keraf, a sentence can be said to be a figure of speech if it contains three basic characteristics, namely honesty, politeness, and attractiveness.

In addition to rhetorical style, another feature of simile is the use of prepositions and conjunctions. Similes can also be identified from the use of their vocabulary. Vocabulary that is commonly used in similes is like, like, like, for example, like, like, like, and so on.

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In the simile examples that have been mentioned, this vocabulary itself is very common in literary works. In addition to literary works in written form, some song lyrics also use simile to convey messages or their meanings.

Naive “Water and Fire”

As in the band Naif, in their song entitled Air dan Api . The song tells about the problems that occur in a love relationship. When this pair of lovers is no longer in line, it is easy to bring up the parable of life like water and fire, in the lyrics of the song.

Iwan Fals “Combat Plane”

Then, on the lyrics of Iwan Fals’ song, on his song titled Fighter Plane . The lyrics of this song itself tell about a man who is infatuated with a woman, with a hint of social criticism. The simile in Iwan Fals’ song can be seen in the verse “like yesterday, you just smiled. Then just take off like a fighter plane.” This simile figure of speech gives a parable to the figure of a woman with a fighter plane, which does not stop but just passes by.

Sheila On 7 “Jump Higher”

Then, also in the music group from Jogja, Sheila on 7 in their song entitled Jumping Higher . This song itself, in general, tells the story of two friends who are so attached and need each other. The simile in this song is used in the lyrics “together, we are like a forest and rain.”

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That’s a brief explanation of the simile, starting from its definition, characteristics, and example sentences. I hope you understand it easily!