Get to know the Benefits of Collagen for the Human Body

Getting to Know the Benefits of Collagen for the Human Body – For those of you who like beauty products, of course you are no stranger to the term collagen, right? Today, more and more beauty supplement products mention the presence of collagen in these products. Collagen is usually found in beauty products, such as mask products, moisturizers, and so on.

In addition, collagen has also begun to penetrate into soap products such as shampoos and conditioners. Lots right? Even so, do you already know what collagen is? What are the benefits so that collagen is added to various types of beauty products?

For this reason, we will invite you to understand everything about collagen so that you can add to your insight about collagen. This article will contain the meaning of collagen, the benefits of collagen, the benefits of collagen itself, examples of foods that contain collagen, and much more. Therefore, all of you, stay tuned!

A. Definition of Collagen

Before knowing more about the benefits of collagen, we will explain the definition of collagen itself.
Collagen is a type of protein formed from amino acids. Collagen has a hard nature and is difficult to dissolve in water. Collagen is a third of the protein in the human body. not only that, it turns out that collagen is spread throughout the human body and is a protein that forms or forms several parts of the body.




Some of the main substances of collagen present in parts of the human body, such as the main substance used to build bones, the main substance that builds tendons, and the main substance that builds ligaments. Apart from that, collagen is also found in other parts of the human body such as the corneas of the eyes, teeth, and blood vessels in the body.

Collagen can be considered as an adhesive that has a role and function as a link between two objects. The word collagen itself comes from the Greek “kólla” with the meaning of glue and the word “collagen” in English.

Naturally the body can produce its own collagen, but that doesn’t mean you don’t even need to consume synthetic collagen. The fact is that you are highly recommended to consume synthetic collagen, you can consume synthetic collagen either in the form of injections or supplements according to your wishes.

B. The process of forming collagen in the body

Inside your body, especially the skin, there is a layer of skin. In this skin layer, there are special cells that can produce pro-collagen with a mini molecular shape. This mini or pro-collagen molecule is formed from protein and vitamin C which your body successfully absorbs its nutrients.

As long as the body carries out the collagen production process, each of the pro-collagen will automatically stick together from one pro-collagen to another. Pro-collagen that manages to unite will form thin fibers known as fibrils.

In general, a fibril is a thin fiber consisting of an arrangement of vitamins and minerals that come together and form like fiber threads. The fibrils will grow and develop and will turn into fibers that can attach to your skin cells.

Fibril itself has a function like an anchor in the skin. After that, the fibers will collect and then form and attach perfectly, so the fibrils will serve as guardians of the structure of the skin and make your skin more flexible.

Please note that your body can produce and produce collagen automatically and regularly. However, this ability will not be the same forever, as you get older the ability to produce collagen in your body will decrease in performance.

Apart from being due to age, the ability to produce collagen can also be reduced due to lifestyle, such as smoking. Exposure to light or sunlight directly and continuously accompanied by pollution can also reduce the ability to produce collagen and slow down collagen production.

It is very easy to recognize people who have a lack of collagen, one of the most visible and common examples is from a person’s lacking appearance that looks relaxed or not tight. Besides that, it can also be seen from the fine lines on the skin or what is commonly called wrinkles.

The depletion of the amount of collagen in a person’s body can also cause various types of health problems. That is the reason why the stability of the amount of collagen in a person’s body really needs to be considered considering the many benefits that collagen produces.

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There is one way that is considered easy to increase collagen levels in your body. This method is considered easy and very pocket-friendly, you only need to do regular exercise, this will increase the smooth flow of blood in your body. Smooth blood flow can help speed up the production of collagen in your body, of course balanced by eating foods that are nutritious and rich in amino acids.

It is undeniable that the body really needs collagen, besides due to the various benefits of collagen. If a person experiences a decrease in the amount of collagen, it will immediately have a serious impact on that person. therefore, we strongly recommend that you start a healthy lifestyle, a healthy lifestyle is also done for yourself.

C. Types and Role of Collagen

There are 16 types of collagen called the main collagen. All types of collagen are divided into four types, namely type 1, type 2, type 3, and type 4. As we explained earlier that collagen is a very important protein for the body.

In the following, we will explain some of the roles of the four main types of collagen along with the roles per type.

1. Type 1

Type 1 is a type or type of collagen that plays an important role in forming at least 90% of natural collagen, this type of collagen or type 1 is made of fibers that have a dense texture. Collagen type 1 has a role to provide collagen to the structure of bones, tendons, cartilage, skin, connective tissue in the body and teeth.

2. Type 2

Type 2 is collagen that is formed or made of fibers that have a looser intensity. Type 2 is always found in the elastic part of the cartilage, which functions as a cushion for the joints.

3. Type 3

Type 3 is collagen whose role is to support the fixed structure of muscles, various organs in the body, and parts of blood vessels.

4.Type 4

Type 4 is the collagen that is normally found in the layers of the skin and which usually helps the kidneys in the process of filtering toxins.

D. Benefits of Collagen for the Human Body

As you know before, that there are many uses and benefits of collagen which are very useful for the human body. Collagen plays an important role in the process of perfecting the structure of human skin, strengthens and hardens human bone muscles, and helps speed up the blood clotting process when an injury occurs in the human body. well now is the time for us to present the various benefits and other functions of collagen which are very useful for the human body.


1. Helps Maintain Skin Health

The first benefit of collagen that you will get if you can maintain the health of collagen in your body is that the health of your skin will last and be maintained. As we said earlier that collagen can be produced automatically and regularly by the body, this collagen can make your skin healthier and always maintain its flexibility. In addition, collagen can also smooth out all the lines or wrinkles found on your skin. .

Balanced collagen levels in the body can also help moisturize the skin, tighten the skin, and can help improve blood circulation to the skin in your body. If you already feel that the levels of collagen in your body are not optimal, you can get collagen from soaps that contain collagen, collagen supplements, or foods that contain collagen.

2. Helping the Healing Process of Injuries and Wounds

The second benefit that you can get from balanced collagen levels in other bodies is that collagen can help speed up the process of recovery and healing from wounds and injuries that you experience. When you experience an injury or have a wound, the body will automatically respond by carrying out recovery or recovery as an effort to heal the injured or injured body. If you want a fast recovery or healing process, you can use and take advantage of the function of collagen.

3. Helps Slow Aging and Promotes Skin Rejuvenation

Collagen types 1 and 3 have benefits that are closely related to slowing the aging process and are considered to be able to help improve the skin’s rejuvenation process. Collagen can help accelerate skin regeneration and replace dead skin cells with new skin cells. That is the reason why many people and experts say that collagen is very good for facial skin.

4. Helps Reduce Cellulite on the Skin

Do you know what cellulite is? Cellulite is a condition in which the skin experiences swelling and forms small dimples that have an orange peel-like texture that usually appear on the skin of the abdomen, thighs, waist, hips and buttocks. This annoying condition often and frequently occurs among women. Compared to women, men very, very rarely experience skin conditions like this.

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A big cause of skin cellulite is caused by a person’s weight gain or loss. Skin cellulite can be removed by consuming sufficient levels of collagen for the body, sufficient collagen content to even meet the needs can help reduce the presence of cellulite in the body.

5. Helps Lose Weight and Burn Fat

Collagen contains concentrated glycine accompanied by amino acids which have uses as fuel to help strengthen muscles in the body. This fuel can also help eliminate and reduce body fat which is the main cause of obesity.

If fat has been successfully burned by collagen, then it will not be an obstacle to lowering the scales of your body. Weight will automatically go down on its own if you can meet the needs of collagen in sufficient and appropriate portions.

5. Increases and Builds Muscle Density

To be able to shape and build muscle density, you can take advantage of type 3 collagen. This type of collagen has benefits and functions in supporting muscle structure, helping to strengthen the structure of the body’s organs, and the last is the part of the blood vessels.

Besides being able to help solve skin problems, collagen can also increase muscle mass to help someone who may experience muscle wasting caused by disease. Collagen can also help strengthen and increase the strength of blood vessels, help improve circulation, and reduce the risk of heart attack.

6. Helps Relieve Joint Pain

Collagen has many benefits, one of the other benefits of collagen is that it can help improve the health quality of human bones, muscles and joints. Someone who diligently consumes foods that contain lots of collagen and supplements that contain high collagen will be able to easily overcome various problems related to arthritis and so on.

For this, the role of type 2 collagen can be utilized. Why is that? Because collagen with type 2 has benefits and uses that are very useful for dealing with inflammation in both bones, muscles and joints

7. Maintaining Self Health, Connective Tissue, and Tendons

Do you know the part of the body called the tendon? Tendons are one part of the body that has a function or function to connect between bones and muscles. If the tendon is healthy then movement will be free without any obstacles. In this case, type 1 collagen is used with the person providing structure to the tendons and type 2 collagen which provides loose intensity fibers that will serve as cushions for the joints.

Having a good combination of the roles of type 1 collagen and type 2 collagen will be very good and perfect for maximizing movement and minimizing injury or inflammation caused by unexpected things. A good combination will also produce strong connective tissue and will speed up the healing process if an injury occurs.

8. Maintain Bone Health

Collagen can really help problems that occur in the bones. Bone density will decrease with age. Because that’s what makes collagen play an important role in helping to maintain bone health and density so that bones always have density and can function properly.

Collagen can also easily help prevent bone loss. You must know the fact that when the bones experience loss due to age. For women themselves, if they have experienced menopause, women will be more susceptible to the risk of osteoporosis. But there is no need to worry because collagen can help overcome these problems.
People can increase the mineral density in their bones by increasing their collagen levels.

9. Streamlining the Health of the Digestive System

Collagen which is in the connective tissue in the intestinal organs can help support and provide a layer of strength that is useful for protecting the digestive tract. Gut health will be maintained if the need for collagen in the intestine is guaranteed because collagen in the intestine has other functions that can help absorb water in the intestinal organs.

10. Strengthens Hair Roots

Did you know that collagen can also help and provide benefits for health and strength for hair roots. Not only for skin health, collagen is actually able to provide benefits for the hair on the human body. With its various ingredients, collagen is able to prevent the possibility of hair loss and baldness.

The amino acid content in collagen is what has the greatest influence on maintaining the strength of your hair roots. Amino acids are also very good for helping hair growth and preventing the possibility of hair thinning.

E. Examples of Foods Containing Collagen

Indeed, the human body produces its own natural collagen, but isn’t it wrong if we take the initiative to add collagen content to our bodies? You can increase the content or levels of collagen in your body by consuming various foods that contain collagen.

So, here are some foods that are known to contain high levels of collagen so they are perfect for you, including:

1. Chicken cartilage

2. Bone broth

3. Egg white

4. Citrus fruit

5. Nuts

6. Green vegetables

So that’s some information about collagen and its various benefits for the human body. As you have read, it turns out that there are many benefits and functions produced by collagen. Don’t forget to always meet your collagen needs!