10 Good Models of the Prophet Muhammad SAW to Be Followed!

The Example of the Prophet Muhammad –  Being a Muslim as well as the people of the great king of the prophet Muhammad SAW is a special privilege for a Muslim because how come the figure of the prophet Muhammad as the last prophet or prophet on earth is a figure who is very influential in the spread of Islam and becomes a role model the most special for Muslims around the world.

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He brought Islam to become a peace-loving religion and taught kindness to his followers, it is not surprising that even though his figure has died for so long, his good teachings and his miraculous legacy in the form of the holy book Al-Qur’an is one of the legacies that serve as a guide to goodness for Muslims throughout the world. world today.

In fact, because he is such a special figure in the eyes of Muslims, every day of his birth is celebrated with great joy by holding religious events which aim to always emulate his character and behavior as long as he is alive for people after him. It is not surprising that there are so many role models that are always taught by parents, teachers, or Islamic religious leaders to continue to be propagated and well emulated.

And, as one of the five prophets who was given the title ulul azmi, a title given to prophets who have high determination. Even though they were hit by various obstacles while carrying out the task of conveying Islamic teachings, they remained patient and determined to be able to get through it. Therefore, it is very good for us Muslims to emulate the qualities of the prophet Muhammad SAW as our guide to live life in this world so that we always do good and believe in God’s power.

And, what are the commendable qualities and behaviors of the great king of the prophet Muhammad? For this reason, in this discussion we will discuss the nature and behavior of the role models of the prophet Muhammad SAW which are good to emulate.

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Furthermore, we have summarized the discussion below regarding the example of the Prophet Muhammad!

History of the Prophet Muhammad SAW

Muhammad (Arabic: محمد‎; born in Mecca, 570 – died in Medina, 8 June 632 AD) was a prophet and the last messenger of Islam. Muhammad started to spread Islamic teachings throughout mankind and inherited Islamic authority. Muhammad supported the teachings of monotheism to uphold God’s commands, as brought by the previous prophets and apostles.

Muhammad was born in 570 AD in Mecca, his father’s name was Abdullah and his mother’s name was Aminah. Muhammad’s father died when Muhammad was 6 months old in his mother’s womb and his mother died when Muhammad was 6 years old. After being orphaned, Muhammad was raised by his grandfather Abdul Muttalib until he was 8 years old, after which Muhammad was cared for by his uncle Abu Talib for nearly 40 years and received his first revelations from Allah.

Three years after the first revelation, Muhammad began preaching publicly, proclaiming the oneness of Allah, converting to Islam as the true religion, and rejecting all gods but Allah. Muhammad received revelations gradually until his death. The customs or practices of Muhammad are narrated in the Hadith, which Muslims refer to as a source of Islamic law along with the Qur’an.

Muhammad and his early followers faced challenges and torment from various Meccan tribes. As the persecution continued, Muhammad allowed some of his followers to migrate to Abyssi before Muhammad migrated to Medina in 622. The event of this migration marked the beginning of the Islamic Hijri calendar. In Medina, Muhammad united the tribes under the Medina Charter.

After eight years of being attacked by Meccan tribes, Muhammad gathered 10,000 Muslims to lay siege to Mecca. The attack met with little resistance and Muhammad managed to capture the city with little bloodshed. He destroys idols. In 632 CE, a few months after returning to Medina after completing the Hajj Wada, Muhammad fell ill and later died. Muhammad left the Arabian peninsula for a unified Islamic government and many converted to Islam.

Prophet Muhammad is a role model for all Muslims in the world. The figure of the Prophet Muhammad SAW is a noble and special person. It is said to be noble because his morals are a symbol of the morals of the Qur’an. I say special because she is the only perfect model we have to emulate. Perfect physically and perfect morally. Morality in the family, religion and society.

That as a prophet (messenger of Allah) he received revelation in the form of the holy book of the Qur’an.

The book of the Qur’an, which was revealed by Allah SWT to the Prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel, is a guide for mankind around the world during his life, to guide his life, to make his life happy and peaceful from the time he lived in this world until the next life in the hereafter .

Prophet Muhammad SAW was sent to this world to improve human morals, which at the time of the advent of Islam was still known as the Age of Ignorance in Mecca at that time. An era where people have bad habits.

Loves to drink, the rich oppress the poor, the strong oppress the weak, hate girls very much, if having a daughter is considered shameful, then barbaric acts are committed against living girls. And there are many other bad habits.

So Allah sent the Prophet Muhammad SAW to call on ignorant people to leave their bad deeds and worship Allah SWT. Guided by the Qur’an, Prophet Muhammad SAW remained in the midst of the Jahiliyah society to save them from moral decay.

As mentioned above in the second paragraph, Prophet Muhammad is a reflection of the essence of the Qur’an. In this regard, as reported by Hisham bin Amir, he once asked Aisyah RA about the morals of the Prophet Muhammad. Aisyah replied: “The essence of the Prophet SAW is the Qur’an” (HR Muslim).

Aisyah’s unusual answer was short but full of meaning. He described the Prophet SAW with one attribute that can represent all existing attributes. It is true that the essence of the Prophet SAW is the Qur’an. Therefore, the choice of the Prophet Muhammad to carry out this difficult task was certainly very appropriate.

Main Characteristics of Prophet Muhammad PBUH

1. Siddiq

Siddiq means true. This means that the prophet Muhammad SAW must convey the truth. An apostle would not lie. The prophet always spoke the truth. His actions and words are the formation of the contents of the Qur’an.

So obey Allah and His Messenger as mentioned in QS. An-nisa verse 59 follows:

“O ye who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (Muhammad) and Ulil Amr (Ruler) among you. If you differ in something, refer to Allah (Al-Qur’an) and His Messenger (Sunnah), if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. It is more important (to you) and the result is better.”

2. Trust

Trust means trustworthy. That is, the person must be trustworthy. An apostle will not deceive. When you make a promise you have to keep it. If you receive a trust, you must submit it.

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The Messenger of Allah is a figure who always shows the character of trustworthiness. Since childhood, the Prophet had this credibility. It is said that when he was sent out to tend a herd of goats, he always took good care of them.

3. Fatonah

Fathonah means smart. This means that an apostle must have high intelligence. When facing problems and challenges, when facing trials, when there are tasks ahead, for example, it can happen all at once, there are several tasks that must be completed.

The intelligence of the Prophet was always seen in all his actions and decisions, both in war and in preaching. Because of his intelligence, he became the main reference for his followers in solving the problem.

Intellectually, the Prophet was proficient in language, arithmetic, memorization, visionary and intelligent in solving problems.

One of the proofs is seen when the Prophet led the Badr war and prepared his strategy. At that time, the Prophet could only estimate the number of enemy troops by looking at the number of goats and camels killed by the enemy each day.

He is indeed a leader we should emulate. Really smart. You could say multitalented.

4. Tablighi

Tabligh means delivering. An apostle must say what must be said. Realize its vision and mission.

It’s the same with the Prophet. He always gave revelations from God. He had nothing to hide.

Regarding this, Allah SWT once said:

“So that He knows, that in fact the messengers have conveyed the messages of their Lord, while (actually) His knowledge includes what is in them, and He calculates everything one by one.” [QS. Al — Jin 28]

As the people of the Prophet, let us try our best to emulate his noble qualities. Take action and implement it in everyday life. Both family life, religion and society.

Exemplifying the Behavior of the Prophet Muhammad in Everyday Life

1. A Great and Honest Merchant

At the age of 17-20 the Prophet Muhammad traded with an old merchant in Mecca. However, all of Muhammad’s associates and business partners acknowledge his business skills, honesty and professionalism in business.

At the peak of his success as an honest businessman, he won the trust of the Makkah congregation to set up a company, namely Siti Khadijah. The salary he received for carrying goods from Siti Khadijah was approximately four camels per month.

From the system of cooperation and business or the business model directed by the Prophet through a syirkah contract, namely the salary and profit sharing system (Mudharabah) with Siti Khadijah.

Sharia-based economic concepts were born, which are applied in the current business system. Indeed, the business idea of ​​the Prophet Muhammad was to avoid and stay away from usury.

The usury system in Islamic teachings is forbidden, even the Prophet and Allah Subhana wata’ala hated it. Because the usury system causes losses to one of the parties that binds a commercial contract or trading system.

2. Humility

Humility is a character trait that is very important for everyone to have, because this trait gives birth to various noble attitudes and reassures people’s lives. As conveyed by the Prophet Muhammad, he was always humble to anyone and never boasted even of his honor and privileges.

The words of the Prophet are explained in a hadith narrated by Bukhari as follows:

Based on the history of Umar ra, he said: “Rasulullah SAW said, ‘Do not flatter me (excessively) as the Christians have exaggeratedly praised Isa Ibn Maryam, because in fact I am only a servant. Therefore, call (me) a servant of Allah and His Messenger’.” (Narrated by Bukhari)

3. Noble Morals

Rasulullah SAW certainly has the most noble morals to be an example for his people. His noblest morals always included good opinions, he never did bad things, behaved harshly and never shouted.

Moreover, Rasulullah SAW never repaid the bad deeds that befell him to anyone. In fact, he wished those who had wronged him with good deeds.

As explained in the Hadith of Imam Ahmad from Abu Abdillah Al Jadal, he said: “I said to Aisha: “How did Rasulullah SAW treat his family?” Aisha replied: “He is the most commendable person in his morals. “The Messenger of Allah never did heinous, rude and never shouted in the middle of the market. He will not repay evil for evil. But he forgave and forgave the mean things directed at him personally.” (Narrated by Imam Ahmad)

4. The Prophet’s love for others

Prophet Muhammad’s love is seen from his very noble qualities. He is known to be gentle with his friends, forgiving them and asking Allah SWT for their sins and mistakes.

In addition, the prophet also knows children well. It is said that while the Prophet Muhammad was praying, he heard a small child crying and became worried about the child. Then the Prophet hastened his prayer knowing that his mother must be very worried about her crying child.

Based on a history from Anas bin Malik, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said: “Indeed I pray and intend to do it for a long time. But I heard the baby crying, so I rushed to finish the prayer. Because I know a mother must be very concerned about her child’s crying.” (HR Bukhari and Muslim)

5. The Character of the Prophet’s Moral Tolerance

The next characteristic of the Prophet that every Muslim must have is to always be tolerant. It is this trait that makes a person obedient to Allah SWT: As much as possible, for example, patience in facing trials or unpleasant events and the ability to accept them wholeheartedly.

As narrated by the Prophet Muhammad SAW in the hadith of Anas bin Malik in Bukhari and Muslim, he said: “I once walked with Rasulullah SAW, who at that time wore a turban from the Najran region with a thick head. Then someone from the village followed him, who caught up with him.

A villager pulled on his turban so hard that I saw a scar on the side of Nabi’s neck from the pulling force. Then the villagers said: “O Muhammad, give me the wealth of Allah that you have”, Rasulullah SAW turned and laughed. He ordered to give the man the treasure.” (HR Bukhari and Muslim)

6. The generosity of the Prophet Muhammad SAW

Prophet Muhammad is known for his greatness and generosity. Even when he has wealth, he always fights for it with Allah without demanding anything in return. His generosity is told in many hadiths, one of which is in the following hadith:

“The Messenger of Allah was visited by a man who asked him for something. So Rasulullah ordered to give a person a very large number of goats, the number of which is equal to the distance between two mountains. Finally the man returned to his people saying: “O my people, enter into Islam, because Muhammad will give you gifts so that you are no longer worried about poverty.” (HR. Muslim)


So a brief discussion about the exemplary Prophet Muhammad SAW. Not only discussing the history of the prophet Muhammad SAW, but also discussing what examples we can take from the story and character of a Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Reading and emulating the story and character of the Prophet Muhammad SAW teaches us to always do good and be a person of noble character and not demand good returns from our good deeds so as to avoid self-interest and ridicule.

This is a review of the example of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.