10 Historical Places in Yogyakarta that Must Be Visited

10 Historical Places in Yogyakarta – Friends of Gramed, Yogyakarta offers a variety of tourist attractions, ranging from natural, historical and cultural sights. Apart from that, Yogyakarta is also full of classical Javanese arts, such as dance, song, geguritan, gamelan, and literature which have developed into folk arts.

It is undeniable that this is what makes Yogyakarta still strong with its palace traditions. The culture of the local people from year to year also makes this province more lively and brings its own charm, thus attracting domestic and foreign tourists to visit it.

Yogyakarta has various relics or historical traces that can be used to trace its development and dynamics over a long period of time. Talking about Yogyakarta, it cannot be separated from the Islamic Mataram Kingdom which was centered in Kotagede. This is because Mataram Islam became a point that directly connected the presence of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and Pura Pakualaman which became the early development of Yogyakarta.

Since Panembahan Senapati built his palace in Kotagede until Prince Mangkubumi opened the banyan forest, the red thread of a government center that gave birth to a high civilization grew in the area that is currently called Yogyakarta.

Apart from its historical traces originating from a kingdom, Yogyakarta also has history and culture originating from foreign nations, such as the culture brought by the Dutch and Chinese colonial governments.

Yogyakarta at the beginning of independence also left a lot of collective memories about the events that occurred in this region. All of these relics record about the journey of Yogyakarta.

If Friends of Sinaumed’s visit Yogyakarta Tours and want to know more about historical buildings in this province, here are 10 historical places in Yogyakarta that are suitable for visiting.

1. Kotagede Palace

Kotagede Palace is an ancient city that was once the capital of the Mataram Sultanate around 1586–1613. The palace is located in an administrative area which is currently called Kota Gede (big city).

The layout of the Kotagede Palace has the concept of a combination of Islam and pre-Islamic times, namely four configurations of mosque-palace-market-alun-alun which are called chess gatra Tunggal. The site complex is also surrounded by the cepuri (inner fort) and baluwarti (outer fort) forts.

Now, the remains that remain from this site are the ruins of several royal buildings, namely forts, markets, mosques, and cemeteries.

2. Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace

The Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace was started to be built by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I a few months after the Giyanti Agreement in 1755. The location of this palace is a former guesthouse called Garjitawati. The construction of this palace took approximately one year.

After the construction was completed on 13 Sura 1682 Javanese year or 7 October 1756, the sultan began to occupy the palace marked by the moon of sengkala memet which reads Dwi Naga Rasa Tunggal. This place was then used as the capital and center of government, as well as the residence of the royal officials and their people.

The reign of the sultan at the Ngayogyakarta Palace marked the birth of an era of empires that succeeded the Mataram dynasty. The Yogyakarta Palace has unique characteristics, identity and role as the center of royal government and Javanese culture, which later developed into one of the centers of modern Indonesian culture to this day.

3. Taman Sari Site

The Taman Sari Site Complex is a legacy of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwana I. Taman Sari means a beautiful garden, which was once a recreation area for the sultan and his courtiers. The place that is still sacred in the Taman Sari complex is Pasareyan Ledoksari, which is the place for the sultan’s prayer and private residence.

The most interesting part of the building in this complex is Sumur Gumuling, which is a two-storey building with the lower floor located underground. In the past, this building was a kind of surau used by the sultan to worship. This passage can be reached through an underground passage.

The majority of Taman Sari’s building structures are underground passages, which are secret passages and have been prepared as a savior if at any time the complex is under attack from the enemy.

4. Warungboto site

The Warungboto site or commonly referred to as Umbul Warungboto and Pesanggrahan Warungboto is a complex of cultural heritage sites which administratively covers two different districts, namely the Rejowinangun Village and the Warungboto Village.

The main building of the guest house that remains today is located at Jalan Veteran No. 77, Warungboto Village, Kêmantrèn Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta City. Meanwhile, the building that remains in the Rejowinangun Village is the fort of the guesthouse on the east of the Gajah Wong River.

This site has the original name Pesanggrahan Rejawinangun, which functions as a guesthouse and baths. The site was started to be built by Gusti Raden Mas Sundara when he became the crown prince of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwana I until his reign ruled the empire. Several primary sources, such as Tidjschriff voor Nederlandsch Indie , Serat Rerenggan, and Babad Momana, state that this guest house was built in 1711 Java or 1785 AD.

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The site building is divided into two parts, namely the building to the west and east of the Gajah Wong River. The site was established on the west and east sides of the river by utilizing river terraced stairs, between the building complexes on the east side and the buildings on the west side of the river having an imaginary axis that stretches from east to west.

Apart from that, the site is also equipped with a pond, garden and garden like a normal guest house. This is because its function is related to the comfort and peace of the sultan and his relatives.

This site is geographically and ecologically has a high level of threat, especially earthquake natural disasters. Throughout its history, there were two major earthquakes that damaged parts of the site, namely on June 10, 1867 and May 27, 2006.

Prior to being renovated and restored by the DI Yogyakarta Cultural Heritage Preservation Agency (BPCB) on December 23, 2016, the site was just ruins and poorly maintained buildings. However, nowadays the building can be visited by tourists. This site became popular when Kahiyang Ayu and Bobby Nasution did a pre-wedding photo session at this place on October 27 2017.

5. Tomb of Queen Mas Malang

Ratu Mas Malang Mausoleum has other names Gunung Kelir Tomb and Antakapura Tomb (Kawi language: “palace of death” or “palace where the bodies are buried”) are cultural heritage sites of Amangkurat I or Amangkurat Agung located in Gunung Kelir Hamlet, Pleret Village, Kapanéwon Pleret, Bantul Regency.

This site is located on the hilltop of Mount Sentana, with a height of + 99 meters above sea level. Its existence is related to the figures buried in this place, namely Ratu Mas Malang and Ki Panjang Mas. Mas Malang was the daughter of Ki Wayah, a puppeteer of wayang gedog, and one of Amangkurat I’s concubines. Before becoming a concubine, she was the wife of Dalang Panjang, one of the famous puppeteers in the Mataram Sultanate.

Babad Momana notes that this tomb was built for approximately three years, from the time Mas Malang died in 1665 until it was completed on June 11, 1668. Amangkurat I named the place Antakapura (Kawi language) which means “palace of death”, while the local people named it with the name Gunung Kelir Tomb because there are strokes on the walls of the tomb that resemble kelir in wayang kulit performances.

The construction of the walls of the building comes from white stone blocks, while the headstone is made of andesite stone. Overall, the physical condition of this cemetery complex has been damaged, mainly due to natural factors.

Another site which is in the same complex as this cemetery is Sendang Maya. The site which consists of two pools is located to the northeast of the tomb and functions as a rainwater reservoir. The pool inside the perimeter wall measures + 3.5 meters x 5 meters, while those outside the perimeter wall measures + 6 meters x 6 meters. The spring is surrounded by the same brick wall as the Tomb of Ratu Mas Malang, and has a height of + 3 meters and a thickness of 2.1 meters.

6. Ndalem Jayadipuran

Ndalem Jayadipuran or Ndalem Dipowinatan is a cultural heritage building located at Jalan Brigjen Katamso No. 139, Keparakan Village, Mergangsan District, Yogyakarta City. At first, Ndalem Jayadipuran was in the form of a classical Javanese pyramid-style house known as Ndalem Dipowinatan.

This ancient building has played an important role in the history of the struggle for Indonesian independence, especially during the movement period, for example the VI Jong Java Congress which was held on May 23-27 1923 and the First Indonesian Women’s Congress on December 22-25 1928.

Currently, the Ndalem Jayadipuran building is occupied by the Yogyakarta BPNB (Cultural Value Preservation Center) office. Seeing the many national awakening movements carried out in Ndalem Jayadipuran, this building is referred to as the “house of national awakening”.

7. Ndalem Brontokusuman

Ndalem Brontokusuman or Ndalem Pugeran is a cultural heritage building located in Brontokusuman Village, Kêmantrèn Mergangsan, Yogyakarta City. The location is on the west side of Jalan Sisingamangaraja and adjacent to the Keparakan Village to the north. This building was designated as a cultural heritage through the Mayor’s Decree No. 798/KEP/2009.

Ndalem Brontokusuman was founded in 1895 or when Hamengkubuwana VII was enthroned. The building components refer to the Yogyakarta Palace, which is located in a fortress and has a spatial structure of traditional Javanese houses ( pendopo , gledegan , regol, pringgitan , ndalem ageng, gandok kiwa , gandok tengen , seketheng , gadri, and pawon ).

8. All Indonesian Football Association Monument

The Indonesian Football Association Monument or the Indonesian Football Association Ball Building in Mataram (PSIM) Yogyakarta is a cultural heritage building which was erected on July 3, 1955 by an artist named Jayeng Asmoro to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the founding of the All Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) organization and was inaugurated by the President Sukarno.

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The location is to the north of the Mandala Krida Stadium or to be precise at Jalan Mawar No. 1, Baciro Village, Kêmantrèn Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta City. Based on the Mayor’s Decree No. 798/KEP/2009, the building is included as a cultural heritage.

9. Fuk Ling Miau Temple

Fuk Ling Miau Temple or Gondomanan Temple is a place of worship for Confucian and Buddhist people, located at Jalan Brigjen Katamso No.3, Prawirodirjan Village, Kêmantrèn Gondomanan, Yogyakarta City.

Fuk Ling Miau Temple was founded in 1846 by the Chinese community in Yogyakarta. In the beginning, this temple was a house made by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwana II for his Chinese consort, which means Fuk is a blessing, Ling is incomparable, and Miau is a temple.

This temple is under the auspices of the Indonesian Buddhayana Council under the name Prabha Gondomanan Buddhist Temple. This shows that the back of the building is used for Buddhists, while the front of the building is used for Confucians.

This temple building is a combination of Chinese-Javanese architecture. One of the distinctive features of this temple is the presence of a pair of celestial dragons facing each other with pearls of fire on top of the building, as well as red and yellow paint as a symbol of harmony.

The Fuk Ling Miau Temple building became a cultural heritage on March 26, 2007 under the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. PM.25/PW.007/MKP/2007.

10. Krapyak Stage

The Krapyak Stage or Menjangan Cages is a building used by Mataram kings as a lookout for hunting animals, especially deer. This building is located on Jalan KH Ali Maksum, Krapyak Kulon Village, Panggungharjo Village, Kapanéwon Sewon, Bantul Regency.

The construction of the Krapyak Stage is closely related to the history of the founding of the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace. The two-storey building made of bricks was built by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwana I in 1760. After it was completed, the sultan marked it with Suryasengkala Panunggaling Kawicaksanaan Mutual Bathara.

The function of this building in the past was as a resting place for the sultan, his family and his companions when hunting deer or other game in the forest. The forest in question is located south of the Krapyak Stage.

The Krapyak stage is also one of the buildings on the north-south philosophical axis with the Yogyakarta Palace as its center. This building is a node that is to the south of the palace and if it continues south it will reach Parangtritis Beach.

This philosophical axis implies manunggaling kawula gusti or the union of the people and their king. According to the Islamic side, the philosophical axis contains the meaning of the concept of the relationship between humans and God and the concept of the relationship between humans and each other.

Places that are within the philosophical axis are important locations in the cultural structure of the palace and society. This is because the growth of the city of Yogyakarta can develop east and west from the path of the philosophical axis.

So, that’s a brief explanation of 10 Historical Places in Yogyakarta . Sinaumed’s can visit sinaumedia’s book collection at www.sinaumedia.com to obtain references about other historical places in Yogyakarta, starting from the background of their establishment, the condition of the buildings, and the architecture of their development.

The following is a recommendation for sinaumedia books that Sinaumed’s can read to learn about the specialties of Yogyakarta so they can learn about it in full. Happy reading.

Find other interesting things at www.sinaumedia.com . sinaumedia as #FriendsWithoutLimits will always present interesting articles and recommendations for the best books for Sinaumed’s.


  • Nurhajarini, Dwi Ratna, et al (2012). Yogyakarta: From the Banyan Forest to the Capital of the Special Region . Yogyakarta: Ministry of Education and Culture Preservation Center for History and Traditional Values ​​of Yogyakarta.
  • Olthoff, WL; Sumarsono, HR (2009). Babad Tanah Jawi: From the Prophet Adam to 1647 . Yogyakarta: Narration.
  • Rohman, Fandy Aprianto (2021). ” Disaster Management in the Context of Preserving the Tomb of Ratu Mas Malang by the DI Yogyakarta Cultural Heritage Preservation Center (BPCB) . Kora-Kora (8th ed.).
  • Rohman, Fandy Aprianto (2021). “Disaster Mitigation in the Context of Warungboto Site Preservation, City of Yogyakarta”. Widya Prabha . 10(10): 12–20. ISSN 2302-8998.
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