Short and Easy to Memorize Lyrics of Regional Songs in Indonesia

Lyrics of Regional Songs in Indonesia – One of the ways in which Indonesia’s cultural wealth is manifested is through various folk songs, ranging from folk songs with short lyrics to folk songs with long lyrics. Not only in terms of lyrics, a number of folk songs have fast or slow tempos. However, various folk songs in Indonesia are also full of values ​​and messages for the community.

Table of Contents

Folk songs with short lyrics generally consist of only four to five verses, making it easy for anyone to memorize. Regional songs or regional music or regional songs, are songs or music originating from a certain area and are popularly sung, both by the people of that area and other people. In general, the composer or author of this folk song is no longer known.

The regional anthem is similar to the national anthem, but its status is only regional in nature and is written as a song from a region. Regional songs usually have lyrics according to their respective regional languages.

These regional songs or regional music are usually sung or played according to certain traditions in each region, for example when lulling children to sleep, children’s games, folk entertainment, folk parties, people’s struggles, and so on. Regional songs usually refer to a song that has a special rhythm for a region.

Some of the characteristics of regional songs, among others:

  1. Tells about the state of the environment or the culture of the local community which is heavily influenced by local customs.
  2. It is simple and does not require deep enough musical knowledge to learn it, for example reading and writing musical notes.
  3. Rarely is the author known.
  4. Contains the values ​​of life, elements of social togetherness, and harmony with the surrounding environment.
  5. It is difficult for someone from another area to sing because of a lack of mastery of the local dialect or language, so that their appreciation is not optimal.
  6. Contains unique and distinctive values ​​of life.

There are regional songs that have become popular throughout the country as a result of being broadcast by radio and television. What are some examples? The following is a complete list of regional songs.

Lyrics of the Old Cockatoo – Regional Songs of Maluku and North Maluku

Perched on the window
Granny is old
She only has two teeth left

Si Patokaan Song Lyrics – Regional Song of North Sulawesi

It’s a pity, the Patokaan
Matego-tego gorges, it’s a
pity, it’s a pity, the Patokaan
Matego-tego gorges, it’s a pity that
Sako mangemo is a land far away
Mangemo milei lek lako, dear
Sako mangemo land is far away
Mangemo milei lek lako, dear

Lyrics of My Goat Son – East Nusa Tenggara Regional Song

Where is my goat’s kid
My goat’s kid is in the hibiscus tree.
Where is my heart?
Your heart’s heart is in the new village

Lyrics of the song Cut the Goose Duck – East Nusa Tenggara Regional Song

Cublak-Cublak Suweng Song Lyrics – Regional Song of East Java

Cublak-cublak suweng
Suwengé ting gelènèr
Mambu ketundhung gudèl
Pak Empong léra-léré
Greetings ngguyu ndhelikaké
Sir, sir pong dhelé kopong
Sir, sir pong dhelé kopong

Village Song Lyrics at Nan Di Mato – West Sumatra Regional Song

Village far away in mato
Gunuang sansai baku liliang
Takana jo comrade, comrade nan lamo
Sangkek basu liang suliang
The people are beautiful and
Suko is
so cooperative How come it’s hard for you to go home
Den takana
jo kampung jo village

Lyrics of the song Ampar-Ampar Pisang – Regional Song of South Kalimantan

Ampar-ampar banana
My banana is not yet ripe
Cook bigi in prison Bari-bari
Cook bigi in
prison Manggalepak manggalepok
Broken wood crooked
Bent eaten by the fire of the fire cang pouring
Bengkok eaten by the fire of the fire cang pouring
Nang where is the batis kutung It is
entrusted with dawang
Nang where is the batis kutung
Dikitipi is dawang

Bungong Jeumpa Song Lyrics – Aceh Regional Song

Bungong jeumpa, Bungong Jeumpa magnificent in Aceh
Bungong teuleubèh, teuleubèh beautiful lagoë na
Putéh kunèng meujampu mirah
Bungong is beautiful lagoë na

Lam sina buleuën, lam sina buleuën angèn peuayôn
Rurôh meususôn, meususôn, nyang mala-mala
Mangat that mubèë meunyo tatém côm
Leupah that harôm si bungong jeumpa

Lyrics of the song Yamko Rambe Yamko – Regional Songs of Papua and West Papua

Hee yamko Rambe Yamko
Aronawa kombe
Hee Yamko Rambe Yamko
Aronawa Kombe
Temino Kibe Kubano Ko Bombe Ko
Yuma No Bungo Awe Ade

Temino Kibe Kubano Ko Bombe Ko
Yuma No Bungo Awe Ade
Hongke Hongke, Hongke Riro
Hongke Jombe, Jombe Riro
Hongke Hongke, Hongke Riro
Hongke Jombe, Jombe Riro

Apuse Song Lyrics – Papua Regional Song

Apuse Kokondao
Yarabe Soren Doreri
Wuf lenso bani nema baki pase

Arafabye aswarakwar
Arafabye aswarakwar

Lyrics of Rasa Sayange – Maluku and North Maluku Regional Songs


Affection e… affection dear e…
Eee look at Miss from afar, affection dear eee

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Where the mouse deer will be chased, try to find it in the market.
Still small, diligent in studying, already big, happy

Si Amat recited the Koran to the end, reciting the Qur’an at dawn.
Let it be slow as long as you are safe, you won’t run away from the mountains to be chased

If there is a well in the field, we can take a bath.
If there is a long life, we may meet again

Lyrics of Manuk Dadali – West Java Regional Song


Mesat floats majestically far in the clouds
Mébérkeun jangjangna wakes up taya karingrang
Sukuna ranggoas reujeung pamatukna hugs
Mega packs bari hiberna pulls nyuruwuk

Saha so can you overtake
Gandang jeung for the away match
against Taya Comparannana Dipikagimir dipikasérab my fellow
Taya karempan kasieun lébér wawanénna


Manuk dadali manuk panggagahna
Symbol of sacred Indonesia Jaya
Manuk dadali pangkakoncarana
Recipe ngahiji rukun sakabéhna

Breathe sauyunan tara pahiri-hiri
Silih pikanyaah teu english béla pati
Manuk dadali contains siloka sinatria
Keur sakumna nation in the country of Indonesia

Bubuy Bulan Lyrics – West Java Regional Song

Bubuy month
Bubuy month sangray spans
Panon poé
Panon poé disasaté

Unggal poé
ogé hadé

Situ Ciburuy,
he was caught by Nyérédét,
caught Caina

Duh eta saha
Nu ngalangkung unggal énjing
Nyérédét hateé
Ningali highlights socana

Lyrics of Lir-Ilir – Central Java Regional Song

Lir-ilir lir-ilir tandure wus sumilir
Tak ijo royo royo
Tak sêngguh têmantèn anyar
Cah angon cah angon peneknå blimbing kuwi
Lunyu lunyu peneknå kanggo mbasuh dodot-irå (dodot sirå)
Dodot-irå (dodot sirå) dodot
-Irå (dodot sirå ) kumitir bêdhah ing on the edge ꦢꦺꦴꦤ꧀ꦢꦺꦴꦩꦤꦗ꧀ꦭꦸꦩꦠꦤꦏꦁꦒꦺꦴꦱꦺꦧꦩꦺꦁꦏꦺꦴꦱꦺꦴꦫꦺ dondomånå jlumatne kanggo


Yå surakå surak-iyå

Lyrics of Gundhul Pacul – Central Java Regional Song

Gundhul gundhul cul gembèlèngan
Nyunggi nyunggi wakul kul gembèlèngan
Wakul ngglimpang
reluctantly dadi sacratan Wakul ngglimpang reluctantly dadi sacratan

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Lyrics of the Gambang Flute Song – Central Java Regional Song

Gambang flute mumandhang swarané
Thulat-thulit kepénak uniné
Uniné mung nreyuhaké
Together and kentrung
Ketipung flute
Sigrak kendhangané

Padhang Bulan Song Lyrics – Central Javanese Regional Song

Yo prakanca dolanan ning jaba
Padhang month padhangé rich rina
Rembulané sing ngawé-awé
Just just sleep late afternoon and evening

Song Lyrics Soleram – Riau Regional Song

Common Soleram song lyrics are as follows:

Sweet child Sweet
child don’t be kissed dear
If you kiss her cheeks red
One, two, three, and four
Five, six, seven, eight
If you get a new friend, honey
Don’t leave old friends

Another version of Soleram’s lyrics as sung by the child singer group Trio Kwek Kwek in the 1990s is as follows:

Sweet child
Don’t kiss my dear Sweet child
If you kiss her cheeks are red
Sweet child don’t kiss her dear
If you kiss her cheeks are red
One two three and four
Five six seven eight
If a younger sibling gets a new friend dear
old friend don’t forget

Pinang Muda Song Lyrics – Jambi Regional Song

Young areca nut young areca nut halved
Young areca nut young areca nut halved
A handful of beads are held, sparkling, shining, reaching
a handful

A handful of beads, sparkling, shining, reaching
From young to old, advice not to change
From young to old, advice not to change

Ants Injit-Injit Song Lyrics – Jambi Regional Song

Take a trip to Tanah Deli
What a beautiful place to visit
Friends, don’t be sad.
Let’s sing together

If you go to Surabaya,
take your own rowing boat.
If your heart is hard
, you will lose yourself

who are sick climb above
even if it hurts, don’t let go

Take a boat to the Thousand Islands
It’s really beautiful the coral island
It’s really unlucky for me to
have a boyfriend taken by someone

Bandar Jakarta is really crowded.
A place where people make promises,
even though friends don’t have a heart
. It’s nice to be able to sing

who are sick, climb on top
of the ant’s,
even if it hurts, don’t let go

Lyrics of the song Suwe Ora Jamu – Yogyakarta Regional Song

Suwé can’t be
Jamu Godhong téla
Suwé can’t find
Met really gawé gela

Ménthog-Ménthog Lyrics – Yogyakarta Regional Song

Menthok, Menthok, you don’t look
like Mung Kandhani, you’re an angisin-fill
in Mbok’s just knocking, Ana Kandhang waé
It’s delicious to snore, you don’t welcome Gawé
Mung’s menthok your behavior is megal-megol gawe guy

Sinanggar Tulo Song Lyrics – Regional Song of North Sumatra

Sinanggar tullo tullo a tullo
Sinanggar tullo tullo a tullo
Sinanggar tullo tullo a tullo
Sinanggar tullo tullo a tullo
Sinanggar tullo tullo a tullo
Sinanggar tullo tullo a tullo

Sada two to…lu
Binilang ni da pamila….ngi
Jong jong hami na to…lu
Jumulo hami marsatta…. bi

Sinanggar tullo tullo a tullo
Sinanggar tullo tullo a tullo
Sinanggar tullo tullo a tullo
Sinanggar tullo tullo a tullo
Sinanggar tullo tullo a tullo
Sinanggar tullo tullo a tullo

Mardalan motorbikes….and
Marsibolusan dohot the slopes…
Mardalan si pore…..Buriapus
tires molo hube…reng

Sinanggar tullo tullo a tullo
Sinanggar tullo tullo a tullo
Sinanggar tullo tullo a tullo
Sinanggar tullo tullo a tullo
Sinanggar tullo tullo a tullo
Sinanggar tullo tullo a tullo

Sahat sahat ni so….lu
Sai sahat ma tu botte…an
Leleng hita mango…
Sai sahat tu panggabe…. an

Kicir-Kicir Song Lyrics – Regional Song of Jakarta

Princess Cening Ayu’s song lyrics – Balinese Traditional Song

Putri cening ayu ngijeng cening jumah
Wide meme embarrassed to be tired of spending
Apang has darang rice
Meme pole ngiring nongos ngijeng jumah

Lyrics of Aunt Rangda’s Song – Balinese Traditional Song

Aunt lipsangda apang durus karyan auntie
aunt Mejauman kelod jumah dane jegeg lesenng
Suba finger keto pole ngaba aled munyi
Sesangan kaon jaja sirat keluban durian

Song Lyrics Anging Mammiriʼ – Regional Song of South Sulawesi

I put the wind mammiriʼ
Pitujui watchganna
Tu sarroa takkaluppa
Tu tenayya paʼrisiʼna

Battumi anging mammiriʼ
Cold moaning wind
Na malantasa’ ri book
Mangngerang nakkuʼ
Naloʼlorang jeʼneʼ eyes

Pakarena Song Lyrics – Regional Song of South Sulawesi

Ikatte ri turatea, bau’/daeng
Adatta’ marioloa, dear
E Aule, Pakarenayya
La’biri’ ri pa’gaukang

Punna nia’ pa’gaukang, bau’/daeng
Nia’ pattempo-tempoang, dear
E Aule, Sukku’ baji’na
Punna nia’ pakarena

Pakarena le’ngo-le’ngo, smell’/daeng
Pa’ganrang a’mikki’-mikki’, Sayang
E Aule, Pappui’-pui’
Sa’ge rapa’ sulengkana

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