Subtropical Climate: Characteristics, Flora, Fauna, Subtropical Countries

Subtropical Climate – Earth has four climates which are influenced by the topography and geographic location of a region. The four climates, including tropical climate, subtropical climate, temperate climate, and cold climate.

However, this article will only focus on discussing subtropical climates. What and how is the subtropical climate? Come on, see the explanation until the end, okay!

What is a Subtropical Climate?

The subtropics are the areas on Earth that are in the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere after the tropics which are bounded by the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Cancer at 23.5 degrees LU/LS. The tropical climate conditions themselves have various obstacles and disturbances from the world, such as snowfall, storms, and even tornadoes.

Regions with a tropical climate have 4 seasons, including winter, summer, spring and autumn. Of course, the four seasons have their own characteristics and minimum temperature, maximum temperature, and humidity, as well as different situations or conditions for living things.

There are two types of regions in the tropical climate, namely the steppe climate (Bs) and the sand climate (Bw). Regions with a subtropical climate include Iraq, Iran, Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea, Nepal, South Africa, Egypt, southern Australia, Chile, Turkey and so on.

Based on its characteristics, the subtropical climate has extreme weather differences during the summer and rainy season. That’s because during the summer there is extreme drought and drought, while during the winter, the intensity of the rain level tends to be high so that the air around the area becomes cold and humid. In fact, the temperature in winter can reach more than -3 degrees Celsius.

To better understand the characteristics or features of a subtropical climate, try to see the explanation below.

Characteristics of a Subtropical Climate

Following are some of the characteristics or characteristics of a subtropical climate that you should know, including:

General Characteristics of a Subtropical Climate

  • Has a variety of extreme weather conditions. During summer, there is quite a large amount of heat radiation, while when winter comes, the radiation from heat is very small.
  • The time during the day tends to be longer during the summer when compared to the time at night. Meanwhile during winter, the time during the day tends to be shorter when compared to the time at night.
  • In subtropical climates, air pressure tends to be greater when compared to tropical climates so that during certain seasons the plains winds will be quite strong or fast.
  • Air humidity in an area with a subtropical climate is lower, especially during winter which coincides with snowfall. That’s because in the subtropical climate region or region has 4 seasons.
  • Because it is not close to the equator, even in the north the sun shines in the south and during winter, the sun often does not appear.

As previously known, the subtropical climate is divided into four seasons, namely winter, summer, autumn and spring. So it would be nice for us to know the characteristics or characteristics of the four seasons.

Written with the aim of forming a basic framework for understanding the phenomenon of climate change and its impacts, which is structured in a logical sequence and language that is easy to understand, and is based on reliable scientific sources.

Besides being able to become a reference in climate change courses, this book is also expected to be able to encourage various parties to participate in reducing the impacts that may occur as a result of climate change.

Characteristics by Season

1. Spring

In this spring, the tilt of the earth and the position of the sun tends to be different, causing a difference in temperature on earth. Typically, the northern hemisphere experiences spring from March to June, while the southern hemisphere experiences spring from September to December.

As for the characteristics or characteristics of spring, among them.

  • Moderate air temperature. Stepping on the beginning of spring, the air temperature still feels cold because before there was a transition from winter. After that, however, it will drop and tend to be warmer.
  • Plants or plants begin to flower and have buds. Some plants or plants that are in areas with a subtropical climate can only grow and flower in spring.
  • This is also a form of adaptation of plants or plants from autumn, which only drops or sheds its leaves. Until finally the temperature will warm again in spring and the plants or plants can flower again.

2. Autumn

Autumn is the season experienced by the earth in the northern and southern hemispheres only. Autumn is a season of transition or transition from summer to winter. Based on the time of occurrence, the autumn calendar is divided into two, namely the astronomical calendar and the meteorological calendar.

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The astronomical calendar determines the time of a season based on celestial bodies, while the meteorological calendar determines the time according to temperature, air pressure and water vapor.

For more details, understand the characteristics or characteristics of autumn below.

  • Evaporation or precipitation due to the sun touching the waters in the earth’s crust occurs significantly or increases. This is a sign that autumn is coming.
  • Plants or plants begin to wither and turn brown, one of the processes and forms of adaptation of some plants is changing or changing seasons, namely by dropping or dropping their leaves. Therefore, this season is called autumn.
  • The air will feel hot and cold at the same time. The change of seasons will cause the weather or conditions of hot and cold air to become irregular. For example, even though it is hot, the wind will feel cold.

3. Winter

Winter is the season of change or transition from autumn to spring. The majority of areas or areas that experience winter will experience snow or ice. However, there are some countries that even have warm temperatures when winter arrives. In order to understand better, first identify the characteristics or characteristics of winter.

  • The phenomenon or symptoms of the aurora, namely the event of the appearance of light that lights up due to the interaction between magnetic fields and solar particles.
  • There are some plants or plants become bare. That’s because there aren’t many plants that can survive cold weather, so the average plant will adapt by dropping or leaving all of its leaves.
  • The animals will stay in their respective cages. This action or behavior is referred to as hibernating. However, there are also some animals that actually migrate to look for an environment or area with normal temperatures, then will come back after the winter season is over.

4. Summer

Typically, summer occurs from May to July for the Northern Hemisphere, while it occurs from November to January for the Southern Hemisphere. As for the characteristics or characteristics of summer, among them.

  • The animals tend to be active because they are outside the nest.
  • The air temperature tends to increase
  • Some areas or areas experience quite high levels of rain, even accompanied by wind storms.

Do you know what living things have become extinct? What is the cause of its extinction? What are the consequences for humans? All those questions will be answered through this book!


Country With Subtropical Climate

Subtropical climate countries include:

  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Nepal
  • China
  • Japan
  • North and South Korea
  • south Africa
  • Egypt
  • southern Australia
  • Chile
  • Turkey
  • Hong Kong
  • United States of America
  • Europe

How are Flora in Subtropical Climates?

Regions with a subtropical climate are characterized by warm summers that tend to be hot and humid. Mammals, amphibians and reptiles are common in subtropical climates. The subtropical region surrounds the earth’s equator, which is between 23.27 degrees north latitude and south latitude. The subtropical climate is hot and humid all year round.

Areas bordering warm oceans will receive locally intense or moderately frequent rains due to the subtropical cyclones that drive them. Plants or plants planted in this area, including palm trees, mango trees, lychee trees, orange trees, and avocado trees.

Then, in areas with humid subtropical climates, the vegetation or plant life consists mostly of shrubs, and evergreen trees. The trees in this subtropical climate are evergreen to allow them to last for more or less months of consistent warmth and rain.

In essence, palm trees and ferns are common in humid subtropical climates, as well as vegetation or plant life with broad, smooth leaves. The subtropical climate can favor evergreen species due to the relatively long summer months and consistent rains.

On Florida’s Atlantic coast, the Indian River Lagoon sits in a region with a humid, subtropical climate. This makes estuaries the most biologically diverse in North America and are a habitat for more than 2,100 plant species, as well as over 2,200 animal species.

As for several types of flora that are in subtropical climates , among them.

1. Wheat

This plant, which belongs to the Poaceae family , has a very high carbohydrate content. Wheat is useful for making animal feed, wheat flour, and even alcohol production. Wheat can only be grown in areas with subtropical climates, such as Asia in the northern hemisphere and Europe.

2. Lychee

The lychee tree can grow up to 12 meters with its circular branches. The lychee tree can only grow in areas with a subtropical climate, such as its native region, namely southern China. However, currently lychee trees are widely cultivated in several countries with other subtropical climates, such as America, Taiwan, Myanmar, Australia and their surroundings.

3. Sakura

The cherry tree is a tree that is very popular with Japanese people. That’s because the cherry trees will only bloom in spring. The cherry tree is very famous for the appearance of the flowers first, followed by the leaves.

4. Tulips

Tulips are flowers that come from Central Asia and belong to the Liliaceae family. Initially, the tulip plant was a wild plant that was often found in the Pamir Mountains and the Kush Mountains in Kazakhstan. Until finally, the tulip was successfully cultivated and became a symbol for the Netherlands and became the national flower for Turkey and Iran.

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5. Lavender

Lavender is a medicinal or medical plant with a very distinctive aroma. Lavender can be used as a herbal medicine to treat sleep disorders or sleep difficulties. Lavender plants can grow and develop up to 4 feet with branches 1 to 4 feet wide.

6.Blanket Flowers

Blanket Flower is a type of plant that has beautiful flower colors arranged like a knitted blanket. Blanket Flower belongs to a type of plant that has extraordinary endurance in dry and arid areas.

7. Moss Rose

Moss Rose is a type of rose or flower plant that has resistance to dry environments. Moss Rose blooms from summer to fall. This plant also grows to reach 4 to 8 inches with a width of 6 inches.

Climate change is becoming more and more obvious. Over the last 100 years, Earth’s temperature has increased rapidly. Glaciers frozen for tens of thousands of years are melting, causing sea levels to rise. Animals are endangered, and ultimately our lives are also threatened.

This book tells about the causes of climate change and the ways we can do to stop it. With small efforts that we can do together, the earth will be saved.

How are Fauna in Subtropical Climates?

The warmth in the humid subtropical climate will create an ideal habitat or environment for several types of animals, such as certain amphibians, mammals and reptiles. Animals such as deer, panthers and American alligators can be found in this subtropical climate.

Especially for cold-blooded reptiles like the American alligator, the humid subtropical climate allows them to cool and warm when needed.

The habitat maintained by this type of subtropical climate also ensures alligators can be well camouflaged to avoid their prey, such as pythons or other predators, such as small mammals (capybaras and squirrels). Then, there are also eagles, frogs, turtles, and dragon flies found in areas with a humid subtropical climate.

As for several types of fauna that live in subtropical climate areas , among them.

1. Panther

Panthers are animals that are classified as carnivores and live in areas with subtropical climates. Panter is actually another name for jaguars and leopards, but has a unique color variant, namely the emergence of black pigment due to skin disorders. Panthers are often found in Central and South America. Panter or the big cat can swim because their habitat ranges from wet forests to swamps.

2. Squirrel

Squirrels are animals that include small mammals like squirrels. In fact, scientifically, these squirrels are distantly related to squirrels. Squirrels are insect predators, while squirrels belong to the Rodentia family or rodents, such as mice.

3. Capybara

Capybaras are among the largest rodents that still exist on earth. Capybaras are common in South America, the Panama Canal, eastern Andes, and the northern parts of Colombia and Venezuela. Capybaras belong to semi-aquatic animals that can live in swamps, bushland, forests and watery areas.

4. American Alligator

American alligators are often found in the southeastern United States to Mexico. Alligators are different from crocodiles. That’s because alligators have muzzles that tend to be round and live in brackish (fresh) water.

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Effects of Climate Change in Subtropical Climate Regions

Climate change will threaten the stability of life forms in the humid subtropical climate region. Severe heat waves and storms are expected to affect the standard of living of all kinds of living things in this subtropical climate zone.

Increased heat will have an adverse effect on the plant or crops leading to yields that are likely to be small for some types or species. Then, the production of corn is also predicted to decrease because of this climate change. The possibility of pollen survival is negatively affected by very high heat. Excess water and heat cause more diseases and pests.

The northern hemisphere has been shown to be more prone to warming than the southern hemisphere. In the Southeastern United States, humans, animals, and plants as a whole are at risk of increasing temperatures.

Heat-related illness and death are more at risk because it is more difficult to cool off in the humid, subtropical climate. In addition, usually heat waves due to climate change will pose an increasing threat to anyone who lives and resides in this humid subtropical climate.

That is information about the Subtropical Climate, starting from the understanding, characteristics or characteristics, as well as the distribution of flora and fauna in subtropical climate areas. If Sinaumed’s is interested and wants to broaden his knowledge regarding subtropical climates or other climates, of course you can find, buy, and read his books at and sinaumedia Digital because sinaumedia is always #FriendsWithoutLimits for those of you who want to gain knowledge.

Hopefully this article can add to your insight, okay!

Author: Tasya Talitha Nur Aurellia

Source: from various sources