Short Narrative Text Example & Generic Structure

Example of Short Narrative Text & Generic Structure of Narrative Text Narrative text is one of the materials that you learn in high school, this material also usually appears in certain tests such as national exams, college entrance exams to the TOEFL. In order to understand material about narrative text, you need to know what is narrative text? In this first article the author will explain the meaning of types, structures and examples of narrative text.

Definition of Narrative Text 

Narrative text is a type of text that tells a story about a series of events chronologically and connected to each other. The nature of narrative text is imaginative or in the form of a fictitious story (composition) which has the aim of entertaining the reader.

Types of Narrative Text 

Fable or fable

is a story about animals. For example, The Ugly Duckling, The Country of the Mice, A Bear and A Rabbit, The Cat and The Rat, The Greedy Monkey, A Fox and A Little Bird, The Mouse Deer and Crocodile and so on

Myth or myth

is a myth / myth story that develops in society and is generally considered a factual story or actually happened. For example Aji Saka and Dewata Cengkar.

Legend or legend

is a story that tells about how the origin of a place. The Legend of Surabaya, The Legend of Prambanan Temple, Story of Lake Toba.

Folktale/ folklore/ folklore

is a story passed down from generation to generation until it becomes part of the community’s tradition. For example Malin Kundang, Golden eggs.

Fairy tales or fables

is a folk or children’s story that has magic in the story told by the author. For example Timun Mas, Tinker Bell, Tumbelina.

Love story or story of love / romance

is a story that tells (generally) the love struggle of the main character or about the love story of the characters. For example, Romeo and Juliet, I’m One of Those Fool Man.

Personal experience

is a narrative text that contains the author’s personal experience.

Slices of life

is a story that contains activities or stories that occur in the daily life of writers or imaginative figures. For example True friends.

Horror stories

is a type of narrative text that tells scary stories in general, such as ghosts or other astral creatures.

Science fiction

is a story that tells about things related to science.

In learning narrative text, the most important thing is how well you are able to read in English, this book How to Easily Learn Toefl Reading by Peni R. Pramono will help you hone and practice your reading skills.

Characteristics of Narrative Text 

  1. Narrative text tells about a story that existed in the past.
  2. Using nouns or nouns to replace the words animals, people, objects in the story. For example the dwarfs, carriage and so on.
  3. Usually these are stories that are widely known by people and developed in society. Examples include The Rabbit and The Turtle, Malin Kundang and so on.
  4. Elements of narrative text consist of time setting, place, story theme, characters, atmosphere, conflict and settlement.
  5. Arranged in a simple sequel or several complex sequels.

In order to be able to understand the story that is trying to be conveyed, Sinaumed’s can hone your English reading skills by reading the book Skills And Strategies For Reading: Intensive & Extensive Read.

Linguistic Elements of Narrative Text 

  1. Using the past tense, for example by using verb 3 such as killed, drunk, won, sent and others.
  2. Using adverbs of time or adverbs of time, for example when, suddenly, before, until, soon.
  3. Using time conjunctions, for example after, as soon as, then.
  4. Using specific characters or specific characters, for example Aladdin, Rapunzel, Cinderella.
  5. Action verbs or action verbs, for example walked, wrote, bought, talked.
  6. Using direct speech or direct sentences that use the present tense, for example Aladin says, “she is the one”
  7. Using saying and thinking verbs or verbs that show speech, for example told, said, thought.

Because it is related to adverbs of time, it is very important to understand the tenses used in a sentence. Sinaumed’s can learn tenses through the book The 1st Students Choice Changing Times Changing Tenses.

Generic Structure of Narrative Text

  • Orientation, is the initial paragraph that contains the introduction of the characters involved in an incident in the story. In addition, the orientation contains the scene and time of the story.
  • Complication, consists of paragraphs that explain the beginning of the event or event. In the beginning, these events became a series of storylines which then continued to conflict, climax and anti-climax.
  • Resolution, is the final part of the story. As the name implies, the third structure of this narrative text contains completion.

Complication consists of three conflicts, viz

  • Natural conflict, natural conflict or between universes.
  • Social conflict, conflict between characters or actors.
  • Psychological conflict, conflict in the mind or self.

In addition to the three main structures of the narrative text , the writer can add evaluation and reorientation. Evaluation is an evaluation of the storyline, while reorientation is the conclusion at the end of the story.

Book Recommendations Related to Narrative Text

Anti Grammar Grammar Book

Are you afraid of grammar? Do not be afraid! This book will help you overcome your fear of grammar. But, I need your help too. After reading this book, please practice the lessons here. Can? The problem for many people when learning grammar is that they never put it into practice.

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You want to get to know someone you like better, but you never try to talk to them first. Are you waiting for him to talk to you? Are you sure he will talk to you? The above happened to the grammar. If you don’t have the courage to start, you won’t go anywhere. You will only always be overshadowed by the dream of being good at grammar. So, let’s start learning grammar, shall we?

The Complete Book of Grammar: Powerful Steps to Master Grammar

Grammar is easy if we want to learn. As long as we can master Grammar, English is no longer a difficult challenge. Well, in this book, Grammar is presented in a complete and easy way. It’s so easy, even those of you who are learning English for the first time will immediately understand what is being taught. Complete, easy, practical, and efficient. You can take this book anywhere to study, and let’s master Grammar! This complete book contains:

  1. Sentence
  2. Part of Speech
  3. tenses
  4. Passive Voice
  5. Modal Auxiliary Verbs
  6. Regular & Irregular Verbs
  7. Question Tags
  8. Gerund
  9. Participle
  10. Infinitive
  11. clause
  12. Direct & Indirect Speech
  13. Causative Form
  14. Elliptical Structure
  15. Degrees of Comparison
  16. Separable & Inseparable Phrasal Verbs
  17. Conditional Sentences
  18. Definite & Indefinite Articles
  19. Prefixes
  20. Basic Vocabularies
  21. Slang Languages
  22. Daily Conversations

Smart Trick Grammar

TOEFL (TEST OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE) is a test that tests your standard English skills in communicating in English, especially in the academic realm. The SMART TRICK GRAMMAR book provides a complete and comprehensive coverage of English grammar theory with a concise and easy-to-understand presentation, and there are various simulation models of mini tests and practice tests which are designed as closely as possible to the actual TOEFL Test format to familiarize you before facing and working on questions. real TOEFL test questions.

This book is also equipped with basic tips for taking the TOEFL Test along with other important information, so that you can be more prepared and confident about facing the TOEFL Test. Packages of practice questions and in-depth discussions in this book give you the opportunity to learn by working on these questions, not by rote. Once you have mastered the material in this book, you can be sure that there is not a single structure problem in the TOEFL Test that you will miss without doing it with confidence, accuracy and correctness.

Example of Narrative Text (Problem 1)

In order to understand narrative text more clearly, here are some examples of narrative text questions.

“The Ugly Ducklings”

A little duckling was unhappy because he thought he was the ugliest among all his brothers and sisters. They’d not play with him and titillated the poor ugly duckling. One day, he saw his reflection in the water and cried, “Nobody likes me. I’m so ugly.” He decided to go away from home and went far-off into the woods.

Deep within the forest, he saw a cottage in which there lived an old lady, her hen, and her cat. The ducklings stayed with them for a few times but he was sad there and shortly left. Once the winter set in, the poor duckling nearly frozen to death. A peasant took him home to his woman and children. The poor duckling was afraid of the kids and escaped. The ugly duckling spent the winter in a very marshy lake.

Finally, spring arrived. One day, the duckling saw a gorgeous swan swimming within the lake and fell in love with her. Then again he remembered how everybody made fun of him and he bent his head down in shame. Once he saw his own reflection in the water he was astonished. He wasn’t an unsightly duckling any longer, but a handsome young swan! Now, he knew why he had looked so completely different from his brothers and sisters. “They were ducklings but I used to be a baby swan!” he said to himself. He married the gorgeous swan and lived happily ever once.


1. Why did the baby duck decide to leave home?

A. He saw a swan.
B. He is trying to catch a kit.
C. He saw his reflection and thought nobody liked him because he was ugly.

The answer is C, the explanation is in the first paragraph, the last sentence.


2. After leaving home, where does the duckling go?

A. He goes to the hills.
B. A cottage in a deep forest.
C. He went to another village

The answer is B, the explanation is in the first two paragraphs.


3. Who took the ugly duckling home after going away from the cottage?

A. A peasant.
B. A hen.
C. Beautiful swan.

The answer is A, the explanation is in paragraph two, the third sentence “A peasant took him home to his wife and children.”


4. Where the ugly ducklings spend the winter?

A.A cottage.
B. Marshy pond.
C. Lake.

The answer is B, the explanation of which is found in the last two paragraphs of the paragraph “The ugly duckling spent the winter in a marshy pond.”


5. When the ugly duckling saw a gorgeous swan?

B. Summer.

The answer is C, the explanation is in the last paragraph of the first sentence, “Finally, spring arrived. One day, the duckling saw a gorgeous swan swimming within the lake and fell in love with her.”


6. Why did the ugly duckling bend down and shame when he saw a gorgeous swan?

A. He remembered everyone made fun of him.
B. Because he is a duck
C. He forgot why.

The answer is A, the explanation is in the last paragraph of the third sentence “Then again he remembered how everybody made fun of him and he bent his head down in shame.”

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7. Why do ugly ducklings feel astonished?

A. He saw his own reflection.
B. He saw the beautiful swan.
C. He saw a flying bird.

The answer is A, the explanation is in the last paragraph of the sentence “When he saw his own reflection in the water he was astonished.”


8. Why did he call the ugly duckling?

A. He has different colors.
B. He is a swan but lives as a duck.
C. He likes beautiful swans.

The answer is B, the explanation is in the last paragraph of the sentence “They were ducklings but I was a baby swan!”


9. What the ugly duckling saw in the cottage?

A. A cat, hen and a man.
B. A hen, cat and an old woman.
C. A hen, cat and swan.

The answer is B, the explanation of which is in the second paragraph of the sentence “he saw a cottage in which there lived an old lady, her hen, and her cat.”


10. Why did the ugly duckling leave the peasant?

A. He was scared of his children.
B. He was scared of his wife.
C. He is happy living with the peasant.

The answer is A, the explanation is in the second paragraph of the sentence “The poor duckling was afraid of the kids and escaped”

In the Essential Grammar And Reading Strategy For TOEFL Test book, Sinaumed’s can learn various narrative text questions that can help you develop your English reading skills.

Example of Narrative Text (Problem 2)


“The Snow White And Seven Dwarfs”

One day, there was a queen sitting close to a very stunning window while tailoring and seeing the snow. Accidentally, her finger was cut by a stitching needle so 3 drops of blood dripped out. The drops of blood fell down on the snow. The red color of the blood that was stuck in the white of the snow looked very pretty. Suddenly the queen thought “If solely I had a toddler whose skin was as white as snow and whose lips were as red as blood”.

as the time glided by, finally a queen gave birth to a really pretty princess whose skin was as white as snow and whose lips were as red as blood. The queen grew up as a really pretty and kind-hearted woman. She was referred to as Snow White. However, once Snow White was regarding teenagers, the queen died owing to Associate in Nursing sickness. Once the queen’s death, the king married once more. This new queen was wicked and despised Snow white. The queen gave orders that Snow White was to be treated as a servant.

Everyday the queen stood ahead of her magic mirror while asking “Who is the most stunning lady within the land?” and also the mirror continuously answered, “You are the foremost stunning one in all.” The new queen asked constant questions everyday and also the mirror continuously answered the constant factor. However one day the mirror answered that the queen was so stunning however Snow White was rather more stunning than the queen. It created the queen so angry that she gave orders to at least one of her Huntsmen to require Snow White into the woods and kill her.

The huntsman had such a short heart that he couldn’t do the deed. He told her to run away. In her fleeing into the woods, she found an area in which seven dwarfs lived. Their house was tiny and strange. Snow White entered the insufficient house and located it very untidy. Then, she began to shut down the whole house. upstairs she found seven very little beds. She was so exhausted that she stretched on one in all the beds. Shortly then, she was asleep on the bed.

When the Dwarfs came home they were shocked to seek out Snow White and after some argument, they set to let her keep. She is secure to cook and look after them. She lived there happily.

Unfortunately, The Queen discovered the place where Snow White was living and disguising herself as a witch. She then took a poisoned apple and kicked it off for the Dwarfs bungalow. She gave Snow White the poisoned apple to eat and as presently as she bit the apple, she sank into a state of mind.

Thinking she was dead, the Dwarfs engineered a glass coffin and placed her in it. For days she lay in the forest in her glass coffin. One day, the prince was riding through the forest searching for Snow White and located her. He leaned over and kissed her. She opened her eyes and sat up with a smile. everybody was happy at that point. The prince took Snow White to his palace wherever they were married and lived merrily ever once.


1. Who is the pretty princess who has skin as white as snow and her lips as red as blood?

A. Aladin
B. Snow white
C. Cinderella


2. Why did the queen ask the huntsman to kill snow white?

A. Because Snow White is prettier than the queen.
B. Because Snow White has an apple.
C Because Snow White has good skin.


3. Where does Snow White go after she runs from the huntsmen?

A. Forest.
B. Woods.
C. Lake.


4. What did the queen give to Snow White after knowing that she was still alive?

A. A pineapple.
B. An apple.
C. A poisoned apple. 


5. How did Snow White wake up after eating the poisoned apple?

A. A prince comes and kisses her.
B. A prince gave her another apple.
C. A prince came to give her some money.

The narrative text questions in junior high and high school are of course different, so that you can understand the narrative text material you should be diligent in doing the practice questions and checking each answer. This one article can help you understand more deeply about narrative text material. Have a good study !

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