Reading the Intentions of Fasting Qadha Ramadan and the Procedure

Reading the Intentions of Fasting Qadha Ramadhan – Fasting in the month of Ramadan is a fast that must be done by all Muslims. However, there are some people who may be unable or unable to fast during Ramadan at that time.

Therefore, people who are unable to carry out fasting in the month of Ramadan must make up for fasting. Fasting debt can be replaced by making up the fast. What is the correct way to carry out qada fasting? And what is the intention for fasting qadha? Find out more by reading this article to the end!

Reading the Intentions of Fasting Qadha Ramadan

When changing the fast or making up the fast, it is better if you also say the intention of making up the fast. According to the Syafi’i school of thought, it is also obligatory for people who are going to make up the fast to make up their fasts to recite the intention of fasting, this is also stated in an authentic hadith.

Syekh Sulaiman Al Bujairimi in his Hasyiyatul Iqna said that, ‘It is required to pronounce intentions at night, for someone who is going to carry out obligatory fasts such as Ramadan fasts, qadha fasts and vows fasts. These conditions are based on the hadith of Rasulullah SAW;

‘Whoever does not make his intention before dawn, then there is no fasting for him. ‘Because there is no other way except to say the intention of fasting every day based on the editorial zahir hadith.” (Syekh Sulaiman Al Bujairimi, Hasyiyatul Iqna’, Juz II).

The reading of the intention of fasting, which is a substitute for fasting during Ramadan, is as follows.

Nawaitu sauma ghadin ‘an qadhā’I fardhi syahri Ramadhāna lillâhi ta’âlâ.

This means that I intend to make up for fasting in the month of Ramadan tomorrow because of Allah SWT.

When reading the intention to make up the fast of Ramadan, it is enough to say the intention in the heart and not verbally, because there is no requirement for talaffuz or to mention the intention verbally.

There is also an intention that is said in the heart, it must be in accordance with the purpose of carrying out the fast, namely carrying out the fast of making up qadha and intending to fast to replace the Ramadan fast that is said at night before sunrise.

About Fasting Ramadan and Qadha Fasting

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the pillars of Islam that every Muslim must believe in and carry out. The law of fasting for Ramadan has also been stated in the Qur’an, Surah Al Baqarah verse 183 which reads as follows.

‘O you who believe, it is obligatory upon you to fast as you were previously obligated to fast so that you may be pious.’

When going to fast in the holy month of Ramadan, a Muslim must fulfill the legal requirements and the pillars of fasting, namely having a sound mind, reaching puberty or having experienced wet dreams for men and experiencing menstruation or menstruation for women, being able to carry out fasting in the month of Ramadan. Ramadan and know when the implementation of fasting in the month of Ramadan.

Apart from being legally obligated to fast in the month of Ramadan, this obligatory fast also has the virtues listed in authentic hadiths.

Among the virtues of fasting in Ramadan are the opening of the gates of heaven and the closing of the doors of hell and the shackled devils. The Prophet said, that ‘If the night arrives early in the month of Ramadan, then all the devils and rebellious jinn will be bound. All the doors of hell are closed and they do not open even one door and the doors of heaven are opened and they will not be closed even if one door.

The callers also shouted, ‘O people who expect good! Then accept it. O you who wish evil! So stop and those who are sincere for the sake of Allah, will be freed from the fires of hell and then the caller will call out every night in the month of Ramadan.’ (HR At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah).

Although fasting in the month of Ramadan is obligatory, but there is also someone who is given waivers and is allowed not to fast in the month of Ramadan. This is because the Muslim is absent for reasons that are Shari’a. Then, because they do not carry out the obligatory fasting in the month of Ramadan, the Muslim is obliged to replace or make up the obligatory fasting in another month.

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Categories of Persons Allowed to Leave Fasting in the Month of Ramadan

There are several categories of people who are allowed to break their fast in Ramadan. Here are some of the categories.

1. A sick person

If a Muslim is sick, so that the illness makes a Muslim feel weak and unable to carry out the fast of Ramadan, then that person is allowed to leave the fast of Ramadan. However, if the illness experienced is mild and it is felt that they are still capable of fasting, then the Muslim must continue to fast in the month of Ramadan and if he leaves the fast of Ramadan then the law is sinful.

2. Muslims who are traveling or travelers

A traveler who is on a long journey and has good intentions and does not cause trouble or harm himself, it is permissible not to fast in Ramadan. According to the Imam Syafii school of thought, a person can be said to be a traveler if he has traveled 83 km.

3. Women who are experiencing menstruation or childbirth

A woman who is experiencing menstruation or childbirth, it is permissible to leave fasting in the month of Ramadan. This is because menstrual blood or childbirth cancels the Ramadan fast that he is running.

4. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding

When a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, it is permissible not to fast. This is because when fasting, it is feared that the condition of women who are pregnant or breastfeeding can interfere with the health of both the mother and the fetus. Some scholars are of the opinion that when a woman becomes pregnant, it is like her parents who cannot afford to fast, so it is permissible to pay fidyah as a substitute for fasting in Ramadan.

The four groups of people who are allowed not to fast during the month of Ramadan must make up their fast by making up the fast. Replacing fasting can be done continuously, randomly or intermittently according to ability. This is also stated in the hadith as follows.

‘When he wants to make up the fasts of Ramadan, he can do it separately and if he doesn’t want to, then he can do it sequentially.’ (HR. Daruquthni from Ibn Umar).

It should be noted, that the time to replace Ramadan fasting or make up for fasting is for one full year. That is, until the month of Ramadan returns, that is the time to make up the fast or make up the fast.

This is also stated in a hadith from Muslim and Bukhari, here is the hadith.

‘I used to have an obligation to fast. I can not afford to pay the debt of fasting, except in the month of Sha’ban.’ (HR Bukhari no 1950 and Muslim no 1146)

According to the hadith, it is permissible to make up the fast on any day. However, it cannot be done on certain days and certain months, such as during Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha and tasyrik days.

Procedure for Fasting Qadha

Apart from being obliged to pronounce the intention in the heart and at night before fasting, there are also several procedures for carrying out the qadha fast. Here are some procedures for doing qada fasting.

  • When fasting for qadha, it is recommended to fast sequentially, if the fasts left during Ramadan are also sequential. Although it is permissible to pay intermittent fasting debts.
  • Doing qadha fasts, as much as the missed Ramadan fasts. This means that if you leave the fast of Ramadan 7 times, then you have to do the qadha fast 7 times.
  • Say the intention to carry out the qadha fast sincerely and correctly in the heart, at night before carrying out the qadha fast the next day or before dawn.
  • If the number of days of missed Ramadan fasts is not known or forgotten, then it is obligatory to make up the missed fasts by taking the largest number of days left out. The goal is that the qadha fast that is carried out can provide peace and leave no worries if it is lacking when making up the fast.
  • It’s good when doing qada fasting, to fill the empty time in a good way, such as worship.
  • Read the correct qadha iftar prayer. The following is the prayer for breaking the fast.
    Allaahumma lakasumtu wabika aamantu wa’alaa rizqika afthortu birohmatika yaa rhamar roohimin.
    Meaning: O Allah, because of You I fast and with You I believe, only in You do I believe and with Your sustenance, then I break my fast, with grace from You, O Allah, the Most Merciful God.

That is the correct procedure for fasting qadha as a substitute for fasting in Ramadan.

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Tips for Fasting Qadha Runs Smoothly

In order for Sinaumed’s to be able to carry out qada fasting and sunnah fasting smoothly, there are a number of tips that Sinaumed’s can do as tips so that the qada fasting continues smoothly.

Even though fasting does have a myriad of good benefits for the body, up to the growth of hormones, when fasting you still have to pay attention to a number of things. Because if it is done carelessly, it is feared that fasting can actually worsen Sinaumed’s’ health! Therefore, here are some tips or tips to make qada fasting smooth.

1. Eat not too much and little by little

Generally, fasting will eliminate the time to eat or drink that is usually done. Even so, some fasting patterns such as the 5:2 diet will allow a person to consume up to about 25 percent of their calorie needs in a day.

If you want to try or learn to fast regularly, then limit your incoming calorie intake. So that Sinaumed’s will still eat in small amounts even though he is fasting. How to reduce portions or calories during fasting can also help reduce the risks associated with fasting, such as being unfocused, hungry and weak.

Also, when breaking your fast, don’t eat too much. Limit and set a reasonable portion when breaking the fast. It is sunnah to drink sweet drinks, takjil or a little snack, then continue with prayer and then have a big meal.

2. Keep the body well hydrated

When experiencing mild dehydration, there are several symptoms that can be felt. Among them are feeling tired, thirsty, dry mouth to headaches. Therefore, it is important to keep the body well hydrated.

When fasting, it is better to drink lots of fluids immediately after breaking the fast. Generally when not fasting, a person will drink eight to 13 glasses per day. However, because the time to get fluids or drink is reduced, Sinaumed’s who is fasting must be able to replace the need to drink while not fasting, namely when breaking the fast until dawn. Also know the signs of dehydration and don’t drink too much, because the effect is just as bad, Sinaumed’s!

3. Consume enough protein

When fasting, one must not forget to pay attention to balanced nutritional intake that will enter the body. When fasting, the body will lack calories which can cause the body to lose muscle.

Therefore, one way to deal with losing a number of muscles when fasting, is to consume foods with sufficient protein content. In addition, consuming adequate amounts of protein will provide other benefits for the body. One of them is being able to manage hunger well when fasting.

4. Do light exercise

Don’t use fasting as an excuse for Sinaumed’s to stop doing activities or be lazy! There is no need to do strenuous exercise, just light things like walking, light stretching, light yoga are enough, so that household chores such as sweeping and mopping can also be light sports activities.

By doing light exercise, the body will become fresher even though it is fasting. However, if you feel that you are not strong enough to exercise, then you should just rest!

5. Don’t overeat when breaking your fast

These six tips are very important for maintaining stomach and digestive health when fasting. Most people will be hungry for their eyes, so they tend to buy many types of food and eat large portions until they are out of control.

If you overeat when breaking your fast, it is feared that it can cause bloating and fatigue. Besides that, bungee eating when fasting can also make it difficult to lose weight, you know, Sinaumed’s!

This is because the excess calories that enter the body after fasting can reduce the calorie deficit when fasting. Thus, the best way to break the fast is to eat in sufficient portions and maintain nutritional and fluid intake for the body.

6. Carry out the routine as usual or add sunnah worship

Often, when fasting is actually an excuse for someone to be lazy. However, because you don’t move much and you are lazy, it becomes difficult for your body to move and makes your body weak.

Therefore, do the routine when fasting as usual and try to add sunnah worship when fasting. Examples include Duha prayer, reading the Koran, or giving alms. That way, fasting will be more blessed and can run smoothly.

That is an explanation of the intentions and procedures for fasting qada which are good and right. Fasting can indeed bring many benefits to the body. However, when fasting, you still have to remember a number of points as explained earlier so that the body remains healthy and stable.

If Sinaumed’s wants to find out more about fasting, the virtues of fasting, or what activities can be done while fasting while waiting for the maghrib adzan bedug, Sinaumed’s can look for inspiration and related material at, OK!

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