Does Crying Invalidate Fasting?

Does Crying Invalidate Fasting? – Fasting is a series of worship that must be performed by Muslims. In one year, of course, you also know if there is a month devoted to fasting or better known as the month of Ramadan.

But apart from the obligatory fasting in Ramadan, there is also sunnah fasting. However, discussing fasting is incomplete if it is only about understanding. This article will provide a review related to what hadiths about fasting.

Then the benefits of fasting and discussing things that break the fast. An example is whether crying can invalidate a fast. All will be discussed further in this article.

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by Lisdy Rahayu

Understanding Fasting

Previously, it was briefly explained that fasting is a form of worship for Muslims. In the method of implementing fasting, humans, especially Muslims, are required to refrain from eating and drinking.

Besides that, lust, anger and several other things that can break the fast must also be restrained. Of course, carrying out sunnah and obligatory fasting can also help us to control ourselves more from disobedient things such as anger, envy and envy.

Apart from that fasting can also make us closer to God both physically and mentally. Of course there are many benefits that can be provided by fasting. However, the benefits of fasting will be discussed at a separate point later. Just follow the reviews in this article in more detail. The fasting process will take place when the imsak sign arrives until the time for breaking the fast comes.

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Hadith About Fasting

In carrying out fasting both obligatory fasting such as during the month of Ramadan and Sunnah fasting such as fasting on Mondays, Thursdays and several other types of Sunnah. of course this has also been stated in several hadiths as explained below.

“From Abu Abdurrahman bin Umar bin Khattab Radiyallahu’anhuna said: I heard Rasulullah SAW say: “Islam is upheld on five grounds, namely: (1) testify that there is no God (worthy of worship) except Allah, and that the Prophet Muhammad SAW he is the messenger of Allah, (2) establishes five daily prayers, (3) pays zakat, (4) performs pilgrimage to Baitullah, and (5) fasts during Ramadan. (Reported by At-Tirmidhi and Muslim)

From the hadith it is explained that fasting is one of the pillars of enforcement or the foundation of Islam.

Ramadan Fasting Time

In carrying out the obligatory fasting, of course there are conditions that apply. One of them is about the execution time. In general, of course, you also know that the time of fasting starts from sunrise to sunset during the month of Ramadan.

According to Al Mawardi, in the book Iqna, there are two distributions of dawn during the fasting month of Ramadan, namely Fajar Kadzib and Fajar Sadiq.

This is also reinforced by the words of Rasulullah SAW (from Ibn Abbas RA) “There are two dawns, the first is not forbidden to eat (for those who are fasting), it is not lawful to pray at that time. The second is that it is forbidden to eat and it is permissible to pray when the dawn rises.”

Judging from these words, it can be concluded that when Fajar Kadzib appears and we want to fast. So we are not allowed to pray at dawn, but we are still allowed to eat and drink.

Meanwhile, when Fajar Sadiq appears, we are not allowed to eat and drink. But we are still allowed to carry out the Subuh Prayer service.

So what if we are in a state of eating but hear the sound of the call to prayer or as a sign that Fajar Sadiq has appeared? According to the words of the Prophet which reads “If one of you hears the call to prayer even though the glass is in his hand, do not put it down until it fulfills his need.”

So it can be concluded that if we are in the pre-dawn position or eating and drinking when listening to the call to prayer as one of the signs that Fajar Sadiq has appeared. Then we are still allowed to continue drinking and eating until everything is finished.

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Terms of Running Fast Worship

In addition to knowing the time to run fasting. You can also read explanations related to the conditions for people who are allowed to fast. Before that, we will first explain who is not allowed to fast, including the following.

  1. Period
  2. Postpartum
  3. Conditions of pregnancy and breastfeeding
  4. People who are sick
  5. People who are traveling far

Then for the obligatory conditions of fasting are as follows.

1. Muslims

The command to fast in the month of Ramadan is only intended for Muslims. Those who do not embrace Islam are not required to fast during Ramadan.

2. Already Baligh

Those who have reached puberty are obliged to fast. Therefore, young children are not required to fast during the month of Ramadan because they are not yet mature.

In general, for a man who has had a wet dream, it can be interpreted as if he has reached puberty. As for women, it can be characterized by the condition of menstrual bleeding.

3. Have Reason

People who are intelligent and have full awareness of the law are obliged to carry out fasting. Whereas for people with mental disorders, people with epilepsy and people who are drunk all day long do not have the obligation to fast.

4. Residents

Those who travel long distances cannot fast or fast only for those who are staying.

5. Healthy

Those who are in full health or are not in a sick condition can continue to fast during Ramadan. For those who are sick or aged are not obliged to fast. But they still need to pay a fidyah instead.


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Things That Invalidate Fasting

In carrying out fasting there are several restrictions that should be avoided. Because this prohibition will make a person break his fast when he does it. Although it has been explained since elementary school.

But some people ignore some of these prohibitions. So until now there are some people who do have the intention to break the fast. So what exactly are the prohibitions that can break the fast? Here’s the full explanation.

1. Intentionally inserting something into an orifice of the body

Not only in the mouth, but if someone deliberately inserts an object into several holes which eventually stems from the internal organs, it will still be considered as one of the things that can cancel fasting.

The hole that starts with the internal organs here is like the mouth, ears and nose. At the mouth the initial boundary is the throat. As for the nose, the initial part is the base of the areca nut.

And for the ear the initial limit is on the part that is visible to the eye. Of course, if you are fasting and intentionally insert an object into the hole described above. Then the fasting that you do will be null and void.

2. Insert the object into one of the paths

The path here is the genitals as well as the anus. This means if you put objects in the two ways in a state of fasting. Then your fast will be invalidated.

An example is when you are fasting and inserting hemorrhoid medication into the rectum. Then the fast that you are doing will be invalidated.

3. Vomiting on purpose

Vomiting on purpose can also be one of the things that cancels your fast. An example is when you put something in your throat and it causes vomiting.

Then this incident can be called intentional and of course the fasting that you are doing will be invalidated. However, if you are fasting and you vomit unintentionally. Then the condition of your fast is still valid or it is not considered null and void.

4. Husband and wife intercourse

Having sex while fasting or during the day on purpose will also invalidate your fast. There are several provisions that apply when the incident occurs.

Where people who break the fast because of this fourth point must make a fast replacement. In addition, there are also fines that must be carried out, such as freeing female slaves who believe.

If you can’t, you can also fast for 2 consecutive months or 60 days. If you are still unable to afford it, it is permissible to feed 60 poor people or about one mud/one-third liter for each poor person.

5. Out of sperm on purpose

Sperm discharge, such as having sex or masturbation, is also one of the things that can make a person break his fast. However, if sperm comes out by means of a wet dream. So the condition of the fast that he does is still valid or not canceled.

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6. Menstruation or menstruation

Menstruation or menstruation is a condition of bleeding due to hormonal work that will occur in women. If a woman experiences this menstrual condition. Then the fast he is undergoing will not be considered valid or the fast he is undergoing will be invalidated.

7. Childbirth

Puerperal is a condition where blood will come out after the birth process takes place. However, this puerperium generally occurs after 40 days of delivery.

8. Crazy

Those who experience crazy conditions and run fasting. So the fast he is living is considered invalid.

9. Apostates

Apostasy is a condition when someone leaves Islam. Those who undergo fasting then suddenly experience apostasy. Then the fast that he lives is considered invalid or cancelled.

So what if crying, does it invalidate a fast? Quoted from the official Nahdlatul Ulama website, crying will not invalidate one’s fast. One of the reasons that underlies this is because the eye is not a part of the jauf.

Where the eye has no channel leading to the throat. Therefore when someone cries it means that nothing will enter the throat. And it also makes fasting will not be considered invalid.

Benefits of Fasting for Health

Undergoing fasting can not only be a method of training oneself to avoid some immoral things. But it can also be a way to nourish the body, you know. It turns out that if you look deeper there are several benefits that a person will get when fasting in his life.

The following is an explanation of some of the benefits that will be obtained when someone is fasting.

1. Lose weight

Did you know fasting can actually help you lose weight? Even fasting activities can also be used to maintain body weight so that it remains in ideal condition.

A study shows that fasting can increase metabolism in the human body. This of course will increase the burning of calories and fat in the body. Now because of this burning, you will avoid a condition of obesity.

2. The heart is more awake

A research shows that if someone does fasting for one month, it can prevent the possibility of heart disease. Not only that, high blood pressure and high cholesterol will be lower than those who do not fast.

This is because when someone does fasting activities. The food he consumes will be more healthy. In addition, excessive cholesterol and calorie intake will also be more easily controlled.

3. The risk of diabetes decreases

One of the benefits that can be obtained by doing fasting activities is a reduced risk of developing diabetes. This is because fasting will stimulate the body associated with a better metabolism.

In addition, the insulin hormone will also increase its performance as a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. In fact, a study also shows that fasting will make sugar levels more stable while preventing insulin resistance.

4. Reducing the risk of getting cancer

A study shows the results if someone does fasting activities will have a decrease in cancer. This is because when a person is fasting, cell division, such as cancer cells, will decrease due to increased nutritional intake.

Besides that, you also need to know if a good metabolic process can reduce the growth rate of cancer cells in the body. However, related to this point, further research is still being carried out.

5. Mental health is more awake

Fasting does not only play an important role for the health of the body. But for mental health it will also have a better effect. Fasting activities were able to reduce levels of stress hormones experienced by humans.


From the explanation above, it can be concluded that someone who fasts will have a healthier body, get closer to God and have positive thoughts. In carrying out fasting worship activities there are several things that can cancel it.

But to cry will not be one of the things that cancel fasting activities. This has been explained in more detail in the points above. But so that you understand more about other explanations related to fasting.

You can buy a book entitled “The Secret Of Fasting” by Abdul Wahid, M.Ud only at the nearest sinaumedia bookstore or online on the official website.

The price offered by the book “The Secret Of Fasting” is quite affordable, only Rp. 31,500. This book was first published in 2021 last April by publisher Mueeza.

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