What is Tipsy? and How to Get Rid of Tipsy

Tipsy Is –  The habit of consuming alcoholic beverages is a health problem in Indonesia. In fact, the 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) published by the Ministry of Health stated that 3.3% of Indonesia’s population aged >10 years consumed alcohol. Meanwhile, the proportion of excessive alcohol consumption occurs in the age range > 10 years, … Read more

What is the Relationship between Spices and Colonization in Indonesia?

What is the relationship between spices and colonialism in Indonesia? Maybe that is the right question to delve into the history of the arrival of the invaders to our country. Indonesia has always been known as a country blessed with natural resources. Not only that, this country is rich in biodiversity, and one of the natural resources it produces … Read more

What is the Nebula Theory in the Formation of the Solar System

Nebula Theory – Studying the solar system and everything in it is endless. The presence of the solar system itself is an interesting phenomenon that makes many people wonder how it was formed. Discussing the ranks of the solar system is inseparable from all the theories including the nebula theory. Have you ever seen clusters … Read more

What is the intention of the male corpse prayer?

The intention of praying for the body of a man – In Islam, prayer is a worship that must be carried out for Muslims. Whether it’s fard prayer or sunnah prayer, both of them will get a great reward from Allah SWT. Not infrequently, a Muslim will continue to remain silent in the mosque so … Read more

What is the function of the intercooler in a car, how it works, and how to treat it!

Intercooler Function – After we previously provided information about the function of a turbocharger engine in a four-wheeled diesel engine, the information that we will provide further in this discussion is to discuss other components, namely, the intercooler . In general, the turbo intercooler is known as a car component whose function is to cool the air released … Read more

What is the definition of an SUV? Characteristics, Types, and Advantages!

Understanding SUV Cars – For automotive enthusiasts, of course they have their own assessment of whether or not an automotive product is good, be it a two-wheeled vehicle or a four-wheeled vehicle, and so on. They are automotive enthusiasts who certainly demand the automotive industry to increasingly provide the best quality of their products. In … Read more

What is the Code? Understanding and Its Application in a Story

Koda – Do you like reading fiction books or novels with beautiful stories, deep moral messages, and unexpected endings ? It turns out that there are indeed many novels and fictional stories that have all of these criteria. For example, stories written by top writers such as Tere Liye, Dee Lestari, Andrea Hirata, which have so many moral messages contained … Read more

What is Scout Emblem: History, Meaning, and How to Use it

The Scout emblem is an identification of the national scouting organization. Where, this Scout symbol is permanent and official as the identity of the Indonesian National Scout Movement. The symbol of the Scout movement is a shadow or silhouette of a coconut shoot. The symbol was created by one of the Scoutmasters in 1961 named Soenardjo Atmodipoerwo. Through … Read more

What is Respiration in Plants and Humans

Respiration is one of the systems in the human body. The respiratory system is also known as the respiratory system which has a vital role for humans. However, did Sinaumed’s know that the term respiration does not only occur in humans, but also occurs in plants. The term respiration can also be interpreted as a … Read more

What is repost: Understanding and how to do it

What is repost – Now social media is a place to connect with outsiders online, and is also used for various things, such as entertainment, seeking information, and looking for work. So, it’s not surprising that the use of terms in social media is already familiar, for example, the term ‘repost’ . So, does Sinaumed’s … Read more

What is Passion? Definition, Types, and Examples

Knowing Passion: Definition, Types, and Examples – Doing anything based on our self-generated interests and passions makes something more fun and exciting when we do it, whether it’s work or just a hobby. Doing a job that fits your passion makes us very happy in doing the job regardless of the severity of the task … Read more

What is Oxidation and the Redox Concept in It

Oxidation is one of the chemical reactions that you need to understand and know about in chemistry. Where, this oxidation certainly can not be separated by reduction. Both form a reduction-oxidation reaction or commonly called redox. The redox reaction itself is a reaction of releasing and binding of oxygen. Redox is the term used to … Read more

What is Organization Theory?

Organizational Theory – In studying and getting to know knowledge about organizations or even those of you who are currently affiliated and active in various forms of organizations. You can read this article to understand more about the organization itself. In full, this article will discuss what an organization is, the meaning of organizational theory, … Read more

What is Online? Types, Components, Strengths and Weaknesses

What is Online – The term online has been used a lot lately. Many activities are carried out online. But what is online? Sinaumed’s, maybe you are already doing something online without realizing it. But do not know the meaning of the word online. This article will discuss things about online, from understanding to benefits. What is Online? Definition of Online … Read more

What Is Ohm’s Law? Definition, Formulas, and Examples

What is Ohm’s Law? – Basically, in a closed circuit there will be a flow of electric current. Where the electric current flows because of a potential difference between two points in an introduction, for example on a flashlight, television, radio, and others. The equipment can turn on or function if there is electricity that comes from the … Read more

What is Ngabuburit? Activity Ideas To Wait For Iftar Time

What is Ngabuburit – In this country, Indonesia, ngabuburit activities have become a tradition that is usually carried out when the month of Ramadan arrives. Both children, young people, adults, and even the elderly must have followed this special tradition of the month of Ramadan. In addition, not only Muslims who actually observe the fasting … Read more

What is Multitasking? Pros and Cons and Tips!

Multitasking – Actually, the term “multitasking” has various definitions, especially in the field of computer programs and everyday human abilities. If in the field of computer programs, the term leads to the notion of a method of processing programs simultaneously while using CPU resources. However, in terms of human ability in everyday life, of course … Read more

What is MOU: Definition, Characteristics, Types, and Purpose of Making it

What is MOU – Memorandum of Understanding, this phrase which is often abbreviated as MOU is one of the important components in making an agreement between two parties, usually used in business. Through this letter, the parties involved in the agreement can express key points that are important in order to make the negotiation process run smoother. Because … Read more

What is Mindset? Definition, Types, and Tips for Developing It

Understanding Mindset – Young people are often asked to improve their mindset or mindset so that they are successful in the future. So far, what we know, mindset or mindset is about what we believe. But, will this really affect our success or failure? Indeed, beliefs play an important role in determining what we want and whether we will achieve it. But what … Read more

What is Metamorphic Rock, Formation Process, and Examples

The existence of various kinds of rocks that are around us does have benefits for human life itself. Without realizing it, we need the presence of these stones. We can use the presence of these stones to make building materials which will be very useful to us later. There are also those that are used directly as building … Read more

What Is Meant to Condense and Examples of Events

Have you ever observed a change in the shape of an object? Apart from what we have learned from the subject matter at school, changes in the shape of objects are quite close to our daily activities. That’s why we need to understand the material, starting from the understanding of each form of an object, … Read more

What is Liquidity? Functions and Examples

Definition of Liquidity – Has Sinaumed’s ever wondered what liquidity is and how to calculate it using ratios? Check out the following explanation so that Sinaumed’s can find out about how long the company can finance business operations and other benefits that Sinaumed’s will get. Definition of Liquidity Before discussing liquidity further, Sinaumed’s needs to first understand the meaning of liquidity. Liquidity is the ability or … Read more

What is Liability? Types and Examples of Questions

Definition of Liabilities – Liabilities are one of the most important financial components to support a company. What does liability mean? What are some examples? Check out the discussion in the following article. Has Sinaumed’s ever felt confused because suddenly the debt being borne by the company is greater than income without knowing how the process happened? If so, learning about liability … Read more

What is Leasing? Definition, Types, and Benefits

What is leasing? – In general, leasing is a form of financing activities for capital goods or equipment in the form of option rights or without option rights that are utilized for customers within a predetermined period of time. Where payments are made in installments or installments. Some experts also argue that leasing is a form of … Read more

What is Laravel to its advantages and disadvantages


What is Laravel – When developing a website or site, choosing the right framework is one of the things that must be considered. So, the resulting website will definitely be maximized, because the features available are adjusted to the needs. Well, the most recommended framework for creating websites is usually the Laravel framework. If you use the Laravel … Read more

What is IVF? Here are 5 Processes

What is test tube baby? IVF is one method of obtaining offspring. Even though it is often heard by the wider community, there are still many who do not know what IVF is. This article will discuss what IVF is, what the process is and the risks of IVF. What is IVF? IVF is a method for … Read more

What Is Integrity? This is the full explanation

What Is Integrity? – Does Sinaumed’s know what integrity is? The word integrity may often be heard by Sinaumed’s as an action, behavior or attitude that a person needs to have in the world of work or a principle of life. Simply put, integrity is honesty which is a principle and is always upheld. Basically, integrity needs to … Read more

What is Inner Beauty? This Explanation and How to Maximize It

Inner Beauty is – For women or even men, beauty doesn’t always have to look at the physical, but can also be seen through beauty from within. Beauty from within is better known by many people with the term inner beauty . However, not everyone understands further what inner beauty is . For those of you who want to know what inner beauty is and how to … Read more

What is Imsak? Along With The Meaning And Explanation About Imsak

What is Imsak? Along With The Meaning And Explanation About Imsak

What is Imsak? – Every Muslim will certainly know the name of the imsakiyah schedule during the fasting month. Where the imsakiyah schedule contains information on the five daily prayers, the start time of fasting, and the hours of breaking the fast during Ramadan. The schedule is published both online and offline, so it will be easy for … Read more

What Is Impulsive? Recognize Behavior, Causes and Find Solutions!

Impulsivity – We often buy things or do things. And this is usually considered as an impulsive act. However, being impulsive isn’t that simple. Impulsivity is more complex than that. It is broader than just buying an item or making massive or many transactions in a short time. Here we will discuss impulsivity. Sinaumed’s can listen to the explanation below which … Read more

What is Imagery in Poetry? And Examples of Poetry Imagery

What is Imagery in Poetry? – Poetry is known as a literary work that has beautiful language. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), poetry is a literary variety whose language is bound by rhythm, dimension, rhyme, as well as the arrangement of lines and stanzas; compositions in language whose forms are chosen and arranged carefully … Read more

What is IELTS and Other Important Information You Must Know

What is IELTS? – English is an international language used in many countries. Therefore, if you can speak English properly and correctly, various opportunities are wide open. Whether to get scholarships to study abroad, or work there. There are also many countries that open opportunities for foreigners to develop careers in their countries. One of the requirements for obtaining … Read more