What is IVF? Here are 5 Processes

What is test tube baby? IVF is one method of obtaining offspring. Even though it is often heard by the wider community, there are still many who do not know what IVF is.

This article will discuss what IVF is, what the process is and the risks of IVF.

What is IVF?

IVF is a method for obtaining offspring by utilizing science in the health sector. In the end there is no difference between babies resulting from normal fertilization and fertilization carried out through IVF.

Factors Occurrence of IVF

  1.  Genetic disorders through heredity
  2.  Health condition
  3.  Disorders of the uterus such as damage or blockage of the egg cell pathway
  4.  The sperm produced is of poor quality, which inhibits fertilization and low sperm count
  5.  Low ovarian reserves and ovulation disorders that result in low quality egg cells
  6.  Fertility problems for both partners
  7.  Women who have the hormone disorder polycystic ovary syndrome which causes enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outside.

IVF Process

  •  Both partners should eat a balanced diet
  • Maintain weight
  • Avoid alcohol and cigarettes
  • Exercise regularly
  • Especially for women to consume vitamins to prepare for pregnancy if needed

If these preparations have been made, the IVF process can also be carried out with several initial steps such as checking the uterus and sperm needed in the IVF process. IVF can be said to be a long process with at least five stages, namely:

1. Ovary Stimulation

This stage is the first step in the IVF process by increasing the number of egg cells produced by women using fertility drugs. The more eggs that can be taken and fertilized during the IVF process, the greater the chance of pregnancy.

The doctor will also see growth and development in a few days by doing ultrasound and blood tests to monitor the development of the egg in the ovary and determine hormone levels.

2. Oocyte maturation

Oocyte maturation is a stage to complete the growth and development of the egg. Women will be given an injection of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) to maximize egg cell maturation. This injection is done only once at the right time so that the egg cells produced will mature.

3. Egg Collection

In this process the doctor will take the egg from the ovary and evaluate it to assess its quality. Collection of new eggs can be done around 34-36 hours after you receive the hCG injection. Egg retrieval is done using a needle that will suck the follicle in the ovary.

4. Conception

Then an insemination process is carried out, in which the man gives a sperm sample which will then be mixed with the woman’s egg cells and the two cells will be put into a special room. If the sperm quality is low, an intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) process will be carried out, which is injecting sperm directly into each mature egg. If fertilization is successful, it will produce an embryo.

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5. Embryo Planting

After the fertilization is successful and produces an embryo, the next step is to implant the embryo into the woman’s uterus. Embryo implantation is usually done five days after fertilization when the embryo is in the blastocyst phase. Pregnancy will occur when the embryo attaches to the lining of the uterus which will attach properly when the embryo is in the blastocyst phase.

Tests Before IVF Process

In fact, sometimes the process does not immediately succeed in just one action. There are several things that can reduce the chances of success from this IVF program. In addition, there is a risk of causing chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.

Among them are increasing age in women, unhealthy lifestyles and excessive body weight. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the procedure before carrying out the IVF program. The procedure carried out before carrying out this program is to undergo a series of tests.

The test will be carried out by an expert doctor. What tests should be done? Are as follows.

1. Ovarian reserve testing

Ovarian reserve testing will play an important role in achieving a pregnancy. You need to know in advance about the number of egg sacs that will be assisted by their growth. The trick is to do an ultrasound examination.

The ultrasound examination is carried out through the vagina when it is time for menstruation. As on the first day, until the fifth day. It will also measure levels of AMH, or anti-Mullerian hormone.

2. Examination of infectious infectious diseases

The next test that must be carried out is an examination of infectious infectious diseases in patients. The doctors will examine, or screen the patient first. This examination aims to find out, if there is a contagious infectious disease.

Some infectious diseases include hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV. This process is very important and should not be missed. Because, it can affect the process of pregnancy.

It should be noted that this infectious disease is a serious disease. The disease can harm the fetus. In addition, it can cause various complications.

This infectious disease can threaten the safety of two people at once, namely the mother and her baby. To avoid things that are not desirable, pregnant women should regularly check their pregnancy to the doctor. So that both are maintained and protected.

3. Examination of the uterine wall

The next test is an examination of the uterine wall. This procedure can be done in two ways. First, by using a special liquid. The fluid will be injected into the uterus, through the cervix.

Then it will be followed by ultrasound. In this process, an image of the uterine cavity will be obtained. The second way is to insert a flexible hose. This flexible hose will place the camera in it. Later the tube will enter into the vagina and towards the uterus.

4. Sperm test

The final test is a sperm test. This test is also known as a sperm analysis. The purpose of this test is to determine the quality and quantity of the sperm of the patient who will carry out the IVF program.

If it has been examined, the doctor will remove the female egg. Meanwhile for men, they will release their own sperm. Usually they will release sperm in a special room, the room is called the masturbation room.

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IVF Success Rate

  • Reasons for infertility
  • Place to run test tube baby program
  • Egg condition
  • Type of egg (own or donor)
  • Age

The American Pregnancy Association explains the success rate of IVF programs. According to him, success for women under the age of 35 is around 41% to 43%. Meanwhile, for women who are over 40 years old, the success rate will decrease.

The decrease was quite significant, resulting in a 13% to 18% success rate. These figures are worth considering. Given that the IVF program is something that really needs preparation.

In addition, this IVF program will also cost a lot. If you really intend to do IVF, then you must immediately develop a preparation plan. Try to do it before the age of over 40 years.

Benefits of the IVF Program

1. Couples long distance marriage

There are several things that make married couples undergo long distance marriage or LDM. LDM is a condition that makes household relationships happen remotely.

Therefore, sex will not be as routine as a partner who does not have it. As women generally increase, the number of egg cells can decrease. This can be a consideration in making IVF programs.

2. Fertility preservation

Patients who have serious illnesses often require chemotherapy . In fact, this can have an impact on reproductive function. Through IVF technology, preservation can be done.

Prior to chemotherapy , the patient can store her egg reserves. After that it can be frozen. After the treatment is complete and the patient is ready to get pregnant, treatment can be carried out.

3. Infectious disease

There are several infectious diseases that will be transmitted through sexual intercourse. Examples include the HIV virus, the viruses that cause hepatitis B and hepatitis C. These diseases can be transmitted to partners.

The IVF program can help couples in obtaining healthy children. Couples can also avoid the risk of transmission.

4. Prevent genetic diseases

During the IVF program, there is embryo examination technology. This is done before the embryo is implanted into the uterus. The examination is intended to minimize genetic diseases in the child in the future.

If a genetic disease is found, the embryo can be eliminated. Then a healthy embryo will be selected. There is Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy or PGT-A. Its purpose is to screen for genetic disorders.

Examples include chromosomal abnormalities including trisomy 18, trisomy 21, and Down syndrome. Then, there is also Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Monogenic or PGT-M. Use for disease screening based on a single gene.

5. Vaginismus

Vaginismus is a condition in which the muscles around the vagina tighten. This condition occurs when penetration. It will interfere with sex.

Patients with vaginismus should undergo therapy. This therapy will take some time. While age will continue to grow.

In addition, egg reserves will also be dwindling. The solution is, besides doing therapy for vaginismus, a wife can take part in IVF to have a child, without waiting for recovery from vaginismus.

That’s information about what IVF is. Find more information at www.sinaumedia.com . sinaumedia as #FriendsWithoutLimits will always provide interesting information and recommendations for the best books for Sinaumed’s.

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