What is the intention of the male corpse prayer?

The intention of praying for the body of a man – In Islam, prayer is a worship that must be carried out for Muslims. Whether it’s fard prayer or sunnah prayer, both of them will get a great reward from Allah SWT. Not infrequently, a Muslim will continue to remain silent in the mosque so as not to miss the prayer time and accompany it with dhikr. This prayer service is even still carried out until a Muslim dies. Yep, when a Muslim or Muslim woman dies, she will be prayed for as the last form of worship in her life.

However, when it comes to reading the intentions and procedures, of course it is different between the bodies of men and women. So, what is the intention of the funeral prayer for men? What is the sequence of procedures for the male funeral prayer? What things should Muslims know about funeral prayers? So, so that Sinaumed’s understands these things, let’s look at the following review!

What is the intention of the male corpse prayer?

Basically, this funeral prayer will be performed for Muslims who have died, both men and women. While those who pray are Muslims who are still alive with the legal status of fardhu kifayah. At the time of the Prophet Muhammad, he never wanted to pray for the bodies of those who died in debt or due to suicide, so that those who prayed would be his people or the general public.

As with fardhu and obligatory prayers, this funeral prayer also requires intention which of course will have a difference between the bodies of men and women. So, here are the intentions of the male funeral prayer:

(Ushollii ‘alaa haadzal mayyiti arba’a takbirootin fardhol kifaayati ma’muuman lillaahi ta’aalaa)

Meaning: I intend to pray over this deceased four times takbir fardhu kifayah, as a makmum because of Allah Ta’ala.

So, what if the body is an immature boy? Of course it has the intention of praying its own body. Almost the same as the intention for the male funeral prayer, it’s just that there are slightly different readings. So, here’s a reading of his intentions.

(Ushollii ‘alaa haadzal mayyiti tafli arba’a takbirootin fardhol kifaayati ma’muuman lillaahi ta’aalaa)

Meaning: I intend to pray over the body of this boy four times takbir fardhu kifayah, as a makmum because of Allah Ta’ala.

Has Sinaumed’s ever thought why we have to perform the funeral prayer when the person being prayed for has already passed away? Yep, the main purpose of carrying out the funeral prayer there are 2 things, namely praying that the corpse will be forgiven for its sins so that the burden of tormenting the grave will also be reduced and praying for the corpse so that its dignity will be elevated in the afterlife. Even though he has died physically, his spirit will live in the afterlife which will happen to everyone who lives in this world.

Sequence of Procedures for Men’s Bodily Prayer

In carrying out the funeral prayer, there are several pillars that must be carried out so that the prayer becomes valid before Allah SWT. In the fiqh book by Sheikh Muhammad Nawawi al-Bantani, he briefly explains the pillars that must be carried out in the funeral prayer, namely there are 7 pillars.

1. Intentions

This intention will be pronounced depending on the identity of the corpse. If the corpse is of an adult male who has reached puberty, then the intention to read is the reading of the intention previously explained. This intention will be recited in the heart only and must be carried out simultaneously with the implementation of takbiratul ihram. It’s the same when we are doing fardhu prayers in congregation.

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2. Stand up for those who are able

Yep, in the funeral prayer there are pillars in the form of having to do it standing up, especially for those who can afford it. This is because this funeral prayer is fardhu prayer, namely fardhu kifayah, so it must be done standing up. However, for those who are unable to stand due to certain circumstances, it may still be done by sitting. The provisions are the same as performing the five daily obligatory prayers in general.

3. Takbiratul Ihram 4 Times

During the funeral prayer, if takbiratul ihram is not performed 4 times, then the prayer becomes invalid. It is sunnah when reading this takbiratul ihram, our hands are raised at the level of the shoulders. Exactly the same when carrying out the five daily prayers.

4. Reading Al-Fatihah After the First Takbir

After pronouncing the first takbiratul ihram, then immediately read surah Al-Fatihah. It’s good when reading Al-Fatihah, just lower his voice. That is, the sound of his reading was still heard by himself, even though at that time the funeral prayer was held at night.

It is also recommended that before reading surah Al-Fatihah, read ta’awwudz first (according to qaul ashah/strongest opinion). However, it is not sunnah to read the iftitah prayer, right… because the funeral prayer should be done in a nutshell.

5. Reading the Prophet’s Salawat After the Second Takbir

So, after the second takbiratul ihram, immediately recite the shalawat. The recitation of salawat which is sufficient for the validity of the funeral prayer is as follows:

Meaning: O Allah, bestow mercy on the Prophet Muhammad.

6. Reading the prayer for the body after the third Takbir

There are many prayers for the corpse that can be recited after the third takbiratul ihram. If you want to be brief, it is enough in the form of: “Allahummagh firlahu warhamhu wa’aafihi wa’fu anhu ..”

However, if you want a specific prayer for a corpse, then it can be,

It means: “O Allah! Forgive him (the corpse) give mercy to him, save him (from some things that are not liked), forgive him and place him in a glorious place (Heaven), widen his grave, bathe him in snow and ice water. Cleanse him from all mistakes, as You clean a white shirt from dirt, give a better house than his house (in the world), give a better family (or wife in Heaven) than his family (in the world), wife (or husband) who is better than his wife (or husband), and put him in Heaven, protect him from the torments of the grave and Hell.”

5. Read the Prayer Again After the Fourth Takbir

The prayer in this order is for the body and those who pray for it, recited after the fourth takbiratul ihram. The prayer can be:

It means:

“O Allah, do not forbid our request for its virtue and do not allow us to be overwritten by slander after its absence and forgive us and him as well as our partners who were formerly believers and do not instill feelings of jealousy into our hearts towards those who believe. Our Lord, verily, You are gracious and merciful.”

6. Greetings

This greeting is done by turning to the right and left with the reading:

Meaning: “May the safety, mercy, and blessings of Allah remain upon you all.”

Things You Should Know About the Funeral Prayer

All worship in Islam should not be done haphazardly. There are so many things that must be understood especially in this funeral prayer, starting from the pillars, the law of implementation, the virtues, to the position of the priest who leads the implementation.

Law of the Corpse Prayer

The law of carrying out the funeral prayer is basically Fardhu Kifayah. That is, if some Muslims do it, then other Muslims will be released from that responsibility. However, if there is no one to carry it out, then all Muslims in the region will bear the sin. This has been said by Allah to what is contained in QS. At-Tauba verse 84,

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Meaning: “… And do not you (Muhammad) pray for someone who dies among them (hypocrites), forever and do not you stand (pray) over his grave. Verily, they disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger and they died in a state of wickedness.”

In this verse, it is clear that Allah SWT forbids Muslims to pray over the bodies of infidels. This shows that praying for believers is a law that has been prescribed. In addition, the implementation of the funeral prayer can also be done at any time and can be done by women. Even if there are several corpses that died simultaneously, it is also permissible to pray together.

The Virtue of Performing the Funeral Prayer

Carrying out the funeral prayer, of course, has its virtues, in accordance with the words of the Prophet Muhammad, who promised a great reward for those who pray for the body. In a hadith from Abu Hurairah ra, Rasulullah SAW once said,

Meaning: “Who prays for the corpse, then returns home before being buried, he returns with the reward of one qirath.” (Narrated by Bukhari 47)

The main objective of the funeral prayer is to pray for good and ask for forgiveness for the sins that the corpse has committed during its lifetime. That is why, it is recommended to increase the number of people participating in the funeral prayer. The more people who participate in the funeral prayer, the greater the chance that the prayer will be answered by Allah SWT. This was also expressed by Rasulullah SAW, he said that,

Meaning: “If there is a dead person who is prayed for by 100 Muslims, and all of them intercede (pray for good) for the body, then their prayer will be granted.” (Narrated by Muslim 947)

Moreover, if the people who participate in the funeral prayer are good believers, who always believe in the monotheism of Allah SWT in all their worship, then of course their prayers will have a better chance of being accepted. This was disclosed from Ibn Abbas ra that the Prophet Muhammad SAW once said,

Meaning: “If a Muslim dies and is then prayed over by 40 people, for whom they do not associate anything with Allah, then Allah will grant their intercession.” (Narrated by Muslim 948).

The pillars of the funeral prayer

Basically, the pillars of the funeral prayer are the same as the procedures for carrying out the funeral prayer, yes… namely in the form of,

  1. Intention
  2. Stand up for those who can
  3. Read takbiratul ihram four times
  4. Read Al-Fatihah after the first takbiratul ihram
  5. Read blessings on the Prophet Muhammad SAW after the second takbiratul ihram
  6. Read a prayer for the corpse after the third takbiratul ihram
  7. Read prayers for the bodies and those who pray for them after the fourth takbiratul ihram
  8. Read greetings to the right and to the left

The position of the Imam in carrying out the funeral prayer

Actually, there are 2 opinions regarding the position of the priest in carrying out this funeral prayer.

1. Al-Hanafiyah: Chest of the Corpse

In this opinion, it is revealed that the position of the priest must be right at the chest of the corpse, without distinguishing between male and female corpses. This is because the chest is the place of the priest. This intercession has been narrated by Ibn Masud ra.

2. Al-Malikiyah

Meanwhile, this opinion differentiates the position of the priest based on the gender of the corpse to be prayed over. On a male corpse, the position of the priest will be standing in the middle of the corpse. Meanwhile, if it is a woman’s corpse, then the position of the priest will be standing at the shoulder area of ​​the corpse.’=


Sarwat, Ahmad. (2018). Fiqh of the Body Prayer . South Jakarta: Fiqh Publishing House.

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