What Is Impulsive? Recognize Behavior, Causes and Find Solutions!

Impulsivity – We often buy things or do things. And this is usually considered as an impulsive act. However, being impulsive isn’t that simple. Impulsivity is more complex than that. It is broader than just buying an item or making massive or many transactions in a short time.

Here we will discuss impulsivity. Sinaumed’s can listen to the explanation below which has been summarized from various pages on the internet.

Impulsive Concept

Impulsivity is an attitude when someone does an action without thinking about the consequences. This is generally done by children. Although, it is not uncommon to find it in adults as well. This behavior can also be defined as a condition when a person performs an action without thinking long or thinking about the consequences.

For example, when opening an online shop , Sinaumed’s will buy things that are not really needed. For example, sandals or shoes even though the footwear that is owned is still there and suitable for use. Or buy clothes with the latest models so you don’t miss the trend. Even though the clothes that are owned are still very decent to wear.

Launching from the katadata.co.id page, a journal article entitled “Impulse Control Disorders: Updated Review of Clinical Characteristics and Pharmacological Management” is usually experienced by adolescents up to the age of 30. Approximately 80-95% of sufferers consist of women.

Someone who has this disorder can be seen from his behavior. For example, rash, unstable, unpredictable, poor self-control , and often interrupts others. Not infrequently, a person acts quickly, without considering the consequences of his actions. It’s not uncommon for impulsivity to be a sign of an impulse control disorder or other mental health disorder.

This action is not entirely bad. It is needed at certain times. For example when facing stress or a crisis that requires a quick response. Then this impulsive attitude is very necessary.

However, impulsiveness should be watched out for if it occurs repeatedly. It becomes part of a person’s personality or harms oneself and others. It could be, this action is a symptom of another mental disorder.

Sinaumed’s can go deeper into the personality psychology of each person so that it helps to identify yourself and find the right treatment when impulsive actions occur to yourself or those closest to you. The book “Psychology of Personality” by Sumadi Suryabrata which generally contains personality classifications based on the methods used, the personality components used as a foundation, and the approach. From these three basic classifications, various personality psychology emerged, such as Kant’s typology, Psychoanalytic Theory, Spranger’s Theory, Ludwig Klages’ Personality Theory, Biosocial Theory, and many more.


Impulsive Symptoms

Impulsive behavior can harm mental health if it occurs continuously. The following are symptoms of impulsivity—which have been summarized from various sources—that Sinaumed’s should know about.

  • Happy to spend money on things that are not too important.
  • Hurt yourself when you feel direction, disappointed, and sad.
  • Easily offended or angry even for no reason.
  • Engage in risky sexual activity.
  • Explosive emotions when angry to the point of destroying things.
  • Releasing excess emotions.
  • Change or cancel plans suddenly.
  • Wasting too much money.
  • Suddenly quit work.
  • Emotions often explode.
  • Too many apologies.
  • Incapable of taking criticism.
  • Bringe eating (eating or drinking excessively).
  • Threatening to hurt others.
  • hurt yourself.
  • Indulge too much in certain things, such as shopping and eating.
  • Difficulty focusing.
  • Many start something.
  • Exaggerating small problems.
  • Scream when feeling stressed.
  • Many start something

Impulsive Causes

Launching from the Sehatq.com page, this behavior is normal for children or adolescents. This is because their brains are still developing, so impulsive behavior is not necessarily a sign of trouble.

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The causes of impulsive behavior are not known with certainty. However, it is associated with the hypothalamus and hippocampus brain regions. The hippocampus itself takes an active role in memory, emotion , and learning. Meanwhile, the hypothalamus has a role as a mood regulator and function of human behavior.

When the researchers conducted their research by increasing or decreasing traffic between the hypothalamus and ventral hippocampus in the brains of rats. The same effect appears, namely an increase in impulsive behavior. On the other hand, genetic factors are also considered to have an important role.

However, impulsive behavior can also be a sign of various conditions as follows.

1. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)

Impulsivity can be a sign that someone has attention deficit disorder (ADHD). Someone who experiences attention deficit disorder often shows impulsive behavior by disturbing other people who are talking, having difficulty waiting for their turn while in line, and/or shouting out answers to a question.

2. Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder can affect mood, energy levels, and ability to carry out daily activities. When impulsive behavior appears in someone who has bipolar disorder, he is able to spend or spend money in extreme ways and even abuse certain substances.

3. Antisocial Personality Disorder

Antisocial personality disorder can make a person unable to pay attention to right and wrong. As well as treating other people badly without thinking about the consequences. Impulsive behavior related to this condition is the abuse of certain substances or other dangerous actions. 

Adolescence is a period of transition and often performs impulsive actions. The book “Psychology of Adolescents” by Sarlito W. Sarwono can be an option for parents or adults closest to adolescents to recognize the psychological conditions experienced by adolescents. In general, this book is about adolescence which is a transitional period from child to adult.

Dealing with teenagers is not an easy job. To understand the soul of adolescents and find appropriate solutions to their problems, it is important for us to understand adolescents and their psychological development, namely self-concept, intelligence, emotion, sexuality, social, moral and religious motives. The study in this book regarding adolescent psychology in terms of the theoretical aspect of physical and psychological development of adolescents, as well as behavior and juvenile delinquency/delinquency can provide an important reference for students, educators, consultants and officials who are involved in adolescent problems, and no less important are people. old.


How to Deal with Impulsivity

Impulsive behavior can be handled or suppressed. Summarizing from the hellosehat.com page, here’s how to deal with impulsive behavior that occurs in someone.

1. Use of Drugs

When Sinaumed’s consults with a psychiatrist, medication will be prescribed to treat the mental health disorder he is experiencing. Here are some drug choices that are usually used to treat impulsive behavior.

  • Atypical neuroleptics
  • Anti-epileptic drug
  • Antidepressants are usually used to treat depression
  • Glutamatergic agents
  • Mood stabilizers, including those used to treat bonderline personality disorder.

2. Psychological Therapy

If it is felt that impulsive behavior is interfering with activities or daily life, Sinaumed’s needs to consult a psychologist or a psychiatrist. One option of psychotherapy that can be done is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

In therapy, Sinaumed’s will be assisted to determine the triggers of frequent impulsive actions. In addition, Sinaumed’s will also be assisted to strategize in managing responses to these triggers in the future.

Apart from CBT, Sinaumed’s can also do various other groups, such as group therapy which are usually quite effective for dealing with certain habits. When doing therapy, Sinaumed’s will usually be invited to discuss each other’s conditions with several people.

This method makes Sinaumed’s not feel alone in dealing with this habit. Not only that, in this therapy, Sinaumed’s will be accompanied by professional experts who assist the discussion so that the therapy goes on smoothly.

Another therapy that can be done is family therapy. This therapy will usually be more effective for teenagers. When a teenager has problems with self-control so he often takes impulsive actions. This will have an impact on the family.

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By undergoing therapy with the family. Each member will have room to convey problems or conditions that may have something to do with the impulsive actions experienced by one of the family members. The therapist can also listen in to provide an evaluation of the root of the problem and find a solution for it.

3. Coping Mechanisms

Coping mechanisms can be an alternative to overcome impulsive behavior. Breathing techniques can be applied when these behaviors start to appear. Breathing can also relieve stress which may be one of the triggers.

Sinaumed’s can also redirect this behavior in a healthier direction. For example, instead of spending money on unnecessary things when stress comes. Sinaumed’s can turn it into sports, journaling, or sharing stories with trusted people.

4. Home Workout

Launching from the katadata.co.id page, in addition to psychotherapy and drugs. There are several steps you can take to reduce and overcome impulsivity. Sinaumed’s can try either strategy when symptoms or impulses of impulsive behavior are present as follows.

  • Perform a chain analysis that allows Sinaumed’s to identify impulsive behavior, what happened before and after the impulsive behavior.
  • Join a support group that can help Sinaumed’s manage his impulsive behavior and allow him to talk or share stories with people who have the disorder.
  • Replace impulsive behavior with something healthy, like journaling, talking to someone you trust, going for a walk, and so on.
  • Performing proper breathing techniques or deep breathing can manage stress which can help regulate mood and reduce impulsive behavior. This method can also help distract Sinaumed’s when impulsive impulses start to come.

Impulsive behavior is one of the problems in social psychology. To understand more about applied psychology in the social field, Sinaumed’s can read the book “Applied Social Psychology” by Fattah Hanurawan.

In general, the book contains the results of analysis, reflection, and descriptions of various scientific references related to: the application of social psychology in the context of solving social behavior problems. This book is intended for the community of social psychology, social sciences, observers of social behavior problems, and practitioners of solving social behavior problems.

Difference between Impulsive and Compulsive Behavior

Impulsive and compulsive behavior are similar. However, they have a thin thread of distinction. Sinaumed’s can observe the difference between impulsive and compulsive behavior which has been summarized from the following primayahospital.com page.

1. Impulsive Behavior

Impulsive behavior is behavior that is quick to act suddenly according to impulse. So, if someone’s behavior suddenly changes, outside of the plan, or an attitude that is not supported by strong reasons.

In general, his attitude belongs to the irrational. Thus, it can be concluded that the individual is an impulsive person. Impulsive personal characteristics are when talking is often not accompanied by reasons or logical reasoning.

2. Compulsive Behavior

Compulsive behavior is an anxiety disorder ( anxiety ) in which the mind is dominated or filled with persistent and uncontrollable thoughts. Thus, making the individual forced to continuously repeat certain actions that cause significant distress and have the potential to interfere with daily functioning.

A psychologist, Dani states that a person can perform an extraordinary high repetition of an action, physical or mental. This is what causes the person to experience obsessive compulsive disorder ( obsessive compulsive disorder ).

For example, a person may have a compulsion to wash their hands or check the locks over and over again. It is also characterized by a person’s anxiety to do something and is impulsive. Which when doing these things will make her anxiety less. This disorder can occur in any gender.