Understanding Debt Instruments: Types, and Examples

Understanding Debt Instruments – For those who have been involved in the business and financial world for a long time will certainly understand more about the various terms in it. One of them is debt instruments. However, for those who are new, of course there are still many who do not understand the meaning of debt instruments. Therefore, … Read more

Understanding Insomnia: Types, Symptoms, and Driving Factors

Definition of Insomnia – Are you here suffering from difficulty sleeping or what is commonly referred to as insomnia? This term must be very familiar to you, right? Well, surely most of you think the meaning or definition of insomnia is only limited to difficulty sleeping. In fact, there is a more complex and complete definition of insomnia. In … Read more

Meaning of Innovation: Benefits, Forms and Examples

Meaning of Innovation – In life, of course we want something that develops. Because a stagnant life and that’s all will be boring. Therefore, there are times when we need something new and challenging. Something new can be called innovation. In life, there are many innovations that can be applied. Either in terms of education, business, community, or in other … Read more

Understanding Infrastructure: Types, Functions, Benefits, and Roles

Understanding Infrastructure – To achieve success, of course we need a solid and strong infrastructure. Often times, we hear the term in our daily life. If you hear the term infrastructure, of course the first thing that comes to mind is buildings, facilities, and things related to development. \ But, you need to know that in a business, infrastructure … Read more

Meaning of Information Along with its Functions and Types

Meaning of Information – Dear Reader, information technology makes it very easy for people to communicate and support their daily needs. With the development of information technology, it will be easier for a person to know information. In fact, the information obtained can only be obtained in a matter of minutes. Therefore, it is no longer strange that … Read more

Definition of Industry, Types, Examples, and Purpose

Knowing the Definition of Industry, Types, Examples, and Purpose – Knowing the current industry sector as one of the business sectors that is the benchmark for development in a country is very interesting to know. Because with the development of an industry, it certainly also develops the economy and growth of a country and provides the opening … Read more

The Understanding of Taklifi Law and the Various Types of Laws There Are!

The meaning of taqlifi law – Hello Reader friends, do you know Islamic law? In terms of terminology (terms), Islamic law is God’s teachings about mukallaf in the form of requests (orders, prohibitions), recommendations to do or recommendations to leave or takhyir (the ability to choose between what should be done or what should not be done), or wad’i ( set something as … Read more

The Understanding of Individuals as Individuals and Social Beings

Understanding of Individuals – Humans as individual beings need to be understood in terms of the individual itself. The word “Individual” comes from the Latin word, ” individuum ” which means “undivided”. So, is a term that can be used to express the smallest and limited unit. Humans as individual beings have physical and spiritual elements, physical and psychic elements, … Read more

Understanding Individuals, Groups, and Social Relations

Humans are social creatures who live side by side with society and the help of others. That is what indicates that within each individual there is a desire and need that is needed to live together with other individuals in creating a social relationship. However, do you know what individuals, groups, and social relationships are? Well, in order … Read more

Understanding Immunization: Purpose and Types

Meaning of Immunization – For parents, they must be familiar with what is called immunization. This immunization is important to give to children, especially for those who are not yet five years old. Immunization can be done at health clinics, hospitals, and even posyandu. Immunizations given through posyandu are usually free or not charged, so parents should not miss … Read more

Understanding Importer, Terms, and Types in Trade

Meaning of Importer – Reader must have heard the word import, right? Import is the activity of bringing in goods and services from abroad. The meaning of importer starts from this import activity, because countries in the world have different resources that are influenced by geographical factors and so on. So, in order to fulfill goods or services … Read more

Understanding Imperialism and its Types, Causes, and History

Understanding Imperialism – Imperialism is a familiar term, especially in this case it is one of the materials in history subjects. Imperialism itself is an understanding and policy carried out by a country to control other countries. This term began to develop since the end of the 19th century, when the rulers of a country or region … Read more

Understanding Imperialism and Colonialism: Background and Impact

Understanding Imperialism and Colonialism – Around hundreds to thousands of years ago, there were many countries that colonized other countries. The purpose of the colonial state is very clear, that is to control and even expand its territory. Many colonial countries continue to seize their resources, both natural and human resources. So, the colonial state became stronger by controlling … Read more

Understanding Imitation: Impact, Stages, and Examples of Imitation in Social Interaction

Understanding Imitation – Social interaction can occur due to the presence of several driving factors. One of them is imitation, i.e. imitating the behavior of other people or parties. More fully, the understanding of imitation is the behavior that a person performs through observing the behavior shown from other objects when he will gain new knowledge about a … Read more

The Meaning of Immigration: Its Occurrence Factors, Types and Roles in National Sovereignty

Understanding Immigration – In the current era of globalization, this means that there is no space and time limit for each individual to relocate. In any country, there must be rules regarding the immigration process for Foreign Nationals (WNA). This immigration process is a kind of authorization done by individuals before entering the territory of another country. … Read more

Meaning of Yield, Formula, and How to Calculate it

Knowing the Definition of Yield, Formula, and How to Calculate It – In a business there are various terms used to name the business activity such as this time it is a term about yield or profit sharing from an investor after investing in a long term. In an investment, understanding the terms of yield is … Read more

Meaning of Faith in Language and Terms and Levels

Meaning of Faith – According to the Islamic view, faith can mean believing and this matter about faith has been written in the Al-Quran, which is the holy book of Muslims. In some letters, such as the letter At-Taubah, Allah has explained about the faith revealed to his people. In addition to being mentioned in the Quran, … Read more

Definition of Sharia Law Established Based on the Qur’an and Sunnah

As Muslims, we certainly want to worship according to the rules given by Allah SWT. God’s laws have been established in the books that He sent down and through the prophets, messengers, and guardians that were sent down to earth. Linguistically, law means Al-Qadha’  (القداء) which means decision. While the meaning of syariah law in terms is: It is … Read more

Meaning of Faith in God’s Angels

Meaning of Faith in God’s Angels – In general folklore, angels are considered to be forces of nature, holograms or a good illusion. Westerners sometimes depict angels as chubby baby cherubs, or handsome and handsome men, or beautiful young women with halos surrounding their heads. However, in Islam, angels are real creatures created by God. Angels themselves cannot … Read more

The Meaning of Montage: Its Function, Purpose, and Influence on Children’s Fine Motor Skills

Meaning of Montage – When attending Kindergarten in the past, were Reader often taught by the teacher to make an art using the paste technique? Usually the art teaches us how to cut paper and then paste it according to the pattern of the existing picture. Well, that simple art is usually called montage. Although it looks simple, this montage … Read more

Understanding Montage, Functions, How to Make, and Differences with Collage

Montage – Almost everyone loves artistic creations. It’s just that one individual does not always like the same artistic creation. Introducing artistic creations to children is very good because it can increase the creativity and imagination of a child. One of the right art creations to introduce to children is montage. When hearing the montage name alone, it may … Read more

Understanding Modernization: Characteristics, Impact and Examples

Understanding Modernization – Does Reader know that modernization can cause an impact on every element present in society? This modernization can be one of the factors that can cause a community environment to experience progress and change in it. One of the impacts of modernization that is easily realized and felt is progress in the field of … Read more

Understanding Moderators: Duties, Must Haves and How to Be

Moderator: Meaning, Duties, and How to Be – Do you know Najwa Shihab? Or maybe, you become one of the millions of viewers who are always mesmerized by the way he drives events? Or even, maybe you have ambitions to be like Najwa Shihab? Conducting interviews and also leading discussion activities between important figures in this country? Indeed, it … Read more

Understanding Capital: History, Types, Sources, and Benefits

Definition of Capital – “Where to get capital from?” We often hear these questions when dealing with the business world. The existence of capital is very necessary to start a business. Without capital, it is impossible for a business unit to run and grow. Both small-scale and large-scale businesses still need capital in order to carry out their business … Read more

Meaning of Social Science: Types and Examples

Understanding of Social Science – Learning is the right and duty of every human being, regardless of age, children, teenagers, and the elderly, all have the same opportunity. The state even guarantees every individual to be able to study or obtain an education as stated in the 1945 Constitution article 31 paragraph 1 where the state guarantees … Read more

Understanding Mythology: Origins, Types and Benefits of Studying It

Meaning of Mythology – Reader may have read books or watched movies or series themed on the stories of gods from abroad. Films such as Thor, Percy Jackson and The Olympians, to God of Egypt , are a number of fictional films themed on Gods from various countries In these stories, the gods are described as strong figures with super powers. The power … Read more

Definition of Observation Method and Examples

Definition of Observation Method and Examples – Every researcher certainly devotes his attention to something and observes the facts found in it. This is of course driven by a high sense of curiosity regarding the understanding of observed facts in more depth. In reality, a researcher must raise various questions. Observation of the facts, identification of the problem, and … Read more

Meaning of Perfect Metamorphosis and Animal Examples

The Meaning of Perfect Metamorphosis and Examples of Animals – The animals that exist on this planet are very numerous or even reach hundreds, ranging from small animals to large animals. The number of animals in the world is called biodiversity. Every animal in this world will surely breed, so the development of animals will continue to … Read more

Understanding Mercantilism, History, & Economic Theory

Mercantilism is an economic theory that believes that the prosperity of a country is only determined by the amount of capital or assets stored in that country and the amount of international trade carried out by that country. Mercantilism also includes national economic policies that aim to accumulate foreign exchange reserves through a positive trade balance, especially … Read more

Understanding Brands: History, Functions, and Types

Meaning of brand – Reader, this time we will discuss the meaning of brand, history, up to the stage of brand development. We need to know first, the meaning of brand is related to a symbol consisting of a name, term, image, logo, icon, design, or a combination of all of them, which is intended to identify, … Read more

Meaning of Condensation, Types, Until the Process Occurs

Definition of Condensation – The nature of changes in the form of things is divided into two types, namely temporary changes and permanent changes. Temporary changes are said to be physical changes, while permanent changes are called chemical changes. Transient changes are usually shown through the process of freezing, melting, evaporating, condensing, sublimating and dissolving. If an object undergoes … Read more

Understanding Civil Society: Characteristics, Characteristics, and History

Meaning of Civil Society – Do you know what civil society means? Civil society is a part of society that has manners in building, interpreting, and living its life. Civil society is often interpreted with different meanings. This is one of the concepts of waiuh face. Philosopher Petrus revealed that a civilized society can be interpreted as a civilized society in … Read more

The Understanding of Human Beings as Individual Beings and Their Roles

Understanding Humans as Individual Beings – Physically, humans are the same as other living creatures. Both have supporting elements that are able to help him live. But specifically, humans are different from other creatures. The meaning is that humans as creatures created by God become the most perfect creatures with the intellect they possess. The creation of reason that … Read more

Meaning of Manhaj: Benefits and Advantages of Following Manhaj

Manhaj is – Some Muslims may not know what is meant by manhaj salaf, although the term salafi may be familiar to some people. To understand it, it is necessary to dissect the meaning of manhaj and salaf first. Citing the journal Manhaj Salafiyah by H. Muhammadin (2013: 147), manhaj is ath-thariqah or the path taken by the companions … Read more