Meaning of Information Along with its Functions and Types

Meaning of Information – Dear Reader, information technology makes it very easy for people to communicate and support their daily needs. With the development of information technology, it will be easier for a person to know information. In fact, the information obtained can only be obtained in a matter of minutes.

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Therefore, it is no longer strange that someone will know information that is far away or even information that comes from abroad. Information that can be obtained can be obtained through any media. As for the media that are commonly used to obtain information, such as social media, online news portals, and also video streaming.

When talking about information technology or information itself, it cannot be separated from what is called data or data technology. In fact, it can be said that information technology and data are inseparable from each other. Even so, do you already know the meaning of information and data?

Therefore, before discussing further the meaning of information, we will discuss the meaning of data according to the experts first.

After that, we will discuss the meaning of information to the types of information. So, keep reading this article until it’s finished, Reader.

Understanding Data For Members

As explained before, we will discuss the meaning of data according to experts. The following are some members who explain the meaning of data.

1. Data Interpretation For Azhar Susanto

Data interpretation is the result of information processing. The information obtained shares the purpose and purpose of use specifically for the person who receives it.

2. Data Interpretation For Barry E. Cushing

Data interpretation is something that proves the result of a way of processing information. The result of working on the information is organized and useful or useful for the recipient.

3. Data Interpretation For Burch & Strater

According to Burch & Strater, data is a way of collecting and processing information aimed at sharing specific explanations or insights about something.

4. Data Interpretation For Davis

Data interpretation is information that has been processed. The work is tried so that the information becomes meaningful and useful for the recipient, good for the collection of decisions in this era or in the next era.

5. Data Interpretation For Abdul Kadir, McFadden, et al

Data is information that has been processed. The processing of the information is tried in such a way that the information that has been processed can increase the insight of the people who receive and use it.

6. Interpretation of Data for Firmanzah

According to Firmanzah, data interpretation is information and values ​​that have been given meaning and numbers.

7. Data Interpretation For George R. Terry, D

Data interpretation is meaningful information that can share useful or useful insights for the recipient.

8. Data Interpretation For George H. Bodnar

Data interpretation is information that has been processed, as a result the information can be used as a bottom or estimation material for quoting a decision that is appropriate for a certain matter.

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9. Data Interpretation For Gelinas and Dull

Data interpretation is information presented in blank form. The information has benefits in making or collecting decisions.

10. Data Interpretation For Jogiyanto HM

Data interpretation is information that has been processed into a form that is more meaningful, beneficial or useful for the person who receives it. The result of the information processing describes a clear event ( fact ) that can be used to make or quote a decision.

11. Data Interpretation For Robert N. Anthony & John Dearden

Data interpretation is something that has a clear character, in the form of information or items that can be used to increase the insight and knowledge of the person who receives it.

12. Data Interpretation For Raymond Mc. leod

Data interpretation is information that has been processed, as a result it has a meaningful, useful, or beneficial existence for the person who receives it in the collection of decisions in this time or in the future.

13. Data Interpretation For Romney and Steinbart

Data interpretation is information that has been processed and organized, as a result it can share meaning or use for people who use it.

14. Data Interpretation For Stephen A. Moscove & Mark Gram. Simkin

Data interpretation is a clear entity, which has a useful number, as a result it can be used to quote decisions.

15. Data Interpretation For Sutabri Rules, S. Kom.

Data interpretation is information that has been classified, processed and interpreted with a mission so that it can be used in the collection of decisions.

16. Data Interpretation For Drs. The Gie Hole

Data interpretation is an explanation, arrangement of conversations, words, drawings, or other recorded features that have interpretations, thoughts, insights or the like. As a result, superiors of a group can use it to make appropriate decisions based on the available reality.

17. Data Interpretation For Joner Hasugian

Data interpretation is a plan, which is general in nature and on a large amount of baggage. This plan includes many details on each related scope, as well as recorded on several devices.

18. Data Interpretation For Kenneth C. Laudon

The interpretation of data is as energy that has been developed into a useful entity that can be used by people.

19. Data Interpretation For Kusrini

Data interpretation is information that has been processed into a meaningful entity for the person who uses it. The result of working on the information is useful for gathering accuracy or for supporting the database.

20. Data Interpretation For Lani Sidharta

Data interpretation is information that is presented in a more useful form, with the mission of making a decision.

21. Data Interpretation For Mc Leod

Data interpretation is information as information that has been processed into information that has meaning for the recipient.

22. Data Interpretation For Robert Gram. Murdick

Data interpretation consists of information that has been obtained after it has been processed or processed so that it can be used to explain, explain, explain, or be under estimation in making treachery or collecting decisions.

23. Data Interpretation For Anggraeni and Irviani

Data interpretation is a group of information or statements that are organized or processed with special methods, so that they have meaning for the acceptor.

This management information system is very extensive, and every religious education will usually have a management information system. Likewise with Islamic education. Well, for those of you who want to find out more about management information systems, then you can read the Islamic Religious Education Management Information System book.

Meaning of Information

Etymologically, the interpretation of information originates from the Latin word ” informationem ” which means inspiration, outline or signal. Data can be presented in various forms ranging from notes, drawings, charts, charts, audio, films and others. In the Indonesian Language Dictionary (KBBI), information is the entire meaning that supports the mandate that is seen in the parts of the mandate.

Information is a group of information or statements processed with a special method, so that it has or has meaning for the recipient of the information. Information that has been processed into something useful for the acceptor means that they can share explanations or insights.

That way, the database is information. In addition, data can also be said to be an insight gained from teaching and learning activities, experience, or instruction. It can also be shown that the meaning of data is a group of information or statements that have been processed and arranged in such a way that it can become something that is easy to understand and share the benefits for the recipient.

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Observed from the meaning of the information, we can recognize that the meaning of data is different from the meaning of information. Information is a statement whose truth is not known for certain and has not been processed, then after being processed in a way, or processing so that it can become a useful data.

However, not all information or statements can be processed into data by the recipient. In other words, not everyone receives well-processed information.

Every information and electronic transaction that exists in Indonesia must have been given protection in the Law. For those of you who want to know more about the Law of Information and Electronic Transactions, then you can read the Law of Information and Electronic Transactions.

Illustration and Identity of Information

Data illustration is a document in Microsoft Excel, in the form of a spreadsheet and is often used to create a data from the information contained in it, such as profit information, and the balance sheet is a form of data and the value contained in it is information. Identity Information. The identity of quality data for Mcleod is:

  • Careful, meaning that the data can reflect the real conditions.
  • Relevant, meaning that the submitted data must match what is required.
  • Duration pass, meaning that the data must be available when needed.
  • Complete, which means that the data must be intact and non-responsible.

Information function

To understand more about information, then we also need to know the function of information. The following are some of the functions of information.

1. To Add New Insights

The valid information that a person gets can be the latest insight that can increase knowledge on specific aspects. For example, data on methods to deal with health problems obtained from content found on the internet. The data may be something that is common and has been understood by many. However, it could be that there is a person who does not know about the data.

Therefore, the data is processed so that everyone can understand the information well. That way, misunderstandings in understanding information do not occur.

2. As a News Base

Information about a specific matter can be used as a base of information that is informed to the audience. The second function of information is that it can be used as a source of news. This is not without reason because the news itself contains a collection of information that has been processed and turned into a fact.

3. Can Eliminate Uncertainty

A lack of information can lead to uncertainty. As a result, to eliminate uncertainty, valid and complete data from a trusted base is needed.

4. For Entertainment Devices

Information can also act as an entertainment tool for the recipient. In this function, the recipient of the information can see it at tourist attractions or in museums.

5. Influence the Audience

In general, the delivery of information through mass media is attempted for the mission of influencing the audience. The purpose is for people to understand the product and be enticed to use the product.

6. Make Penalization Policy

Information is a significant part in carrying out communication with other parties. One of them is to deliver a wisdom from the ruler to the people who are tried with the method of carrying out imprisonment.

7. Make a Mix of Opinions

Nowadays, there are many people who use social media, so it is very easy to convey an opinion to the audience. That way, information can make other people’s opinions be well combined.

Types of Information

As already explained in the initial discussion if we will discuss about the types of information. The types of information itself can be further grouped into 4. Here is a complete explanation.

1. Data Type Sourced on Its Nature

Based on the character, the data types are divided into 3:

a. Current

Actual is data made based on reality and its truth can be proven.

b. Plan

Plans or views are data made based on one’s opinion about something.

c. Story

A story is data made in the form of a detailed description of something.

2. Data Types Based on Functions and Uses

The type of data is based on its function or benefits, among others.

  • Data that increases insight is data whose content can increase the latest insight for a person.
  • Sourced data in its presentation is data that is informed or served in some form, for example, posts, drawings, audio, films and others.

3. Types of Data Sourced on Aspects of Life

This type of data is made of several types, for example such as education data, health data, sports data, business data and others.

4. Data Type Sourced at Event Position

The interpretation of data sourced from the position of the incident is that the data is sourced from the position of an incident. This type of data is divided into 2 different types, which are national and domestic data as well as foreign data.

From the discussion above it can be said that information and data are two things that cannot be separated even though they are different. So, when you want to make information, you should also pay attention to the data that will be taken.

That is the explanation of the meaning of data and also the meaning of Information. Hopefully Reader when reading this article to the end, so it will be easier to determine good information and also information that does not provide benefits.
