Example of Meeting Minutes: Structure and How to Make It

At every meeting, there must be one person assigned to record the things that took place during the meeting. These notes are called notes. Meeting minutes can be written on paper or typed. It depends on the conditions of the meeting.

To know more about the minutes of the meeting. Sinaumed’s can listen to the following presentation.

Definition and Functions of Meeting Minutes

We are certainly more familiar with minutes or minutes than minutes. However, the word “notula” is a standard word listed in the Big Indonesian Dictionary. Minutes in the Big Indonesian Language Dictionary (KBBI) are brief notes regarding the course of the trial (meeting) as well as matters discussed and decided.

Minutes are systematic, concise and concise, containing the essence of the meeting discussion. Through the minutes, meeting results can be used as written documentation that has a clear time and content. So it’s easier to report to superiors or serve as an archive.

Someone who records the minutes of the meeting should record the time of the meeting, the topic of the meeting, the number of participants in the meeting, the documentation and the conclusion of the meeting. Usually served as a recorder of meeting minutes is the secretary or assistant to the office or company.

The function of the minutes is as follows.

1. Meeting evidence

Meeting minutes are usually used as evidence if at any time required by a company or organization. Minutes become one of the references to find out all forms of changes and results in a meeting in detail.

2. Source of Information

Meeting minutes can be used as a source of information for someone who is not attending a meeting or meeting. Because, there are times when someone is unable to attend a meeting or meeting. So, the hope is that with the minutes, even people who did not attend the meeting can find out what was discussed at the meeting or meetings.

3. Document Archives

Notula documents can be used as archives or documents for companies or organizations or agencies. Minutes of meeting documents are written based on the arrangement of the meetings that have been held. When you want to evaluate or look back on the development of a company or organization or agency, you can look at the minutes that have been archived.

4. Meeting Guide

Minutes also serve as a meeting guide. This is because it can be a guide to start working on the activities that have been discussed in the meeting.

The minutes of the meeting also clearly state who is in charge of each activity, series of events, and tasks to be carried out by all participants. This will make it easier to contact the parties concerned.

5. As a Reminder

Meeting minutes can be used as a reminder for further agendas. Because, in the minutes of the meeting, the following tasks or agenda are written. The minutes themselves are arranged in a systematic and structured manner.

6. For Reference

Not every meeting, members are always present in full. Therefore, meeting minutes are needed for members who are not present so that they can still get the information provided at the meeting. Thus, members who are not present can find out the progress and results of the discussion from the meeting.

7. Offer Legal Protection

Meeting minutes can also serve as legal documents by auditors and courts. This is because the minutes contain all the facts that occurred from the beginning to the end when the meeting was held. So, if you stumble on a law, this note can be evidence to prove your innocence.

Meeting Minutes Structure

Before writing meeting minutes, Sinaumed’s must first understand the structure of meeting minutes. Meeting minutes must be prepared in detail, structured and sequential. The goal is for the reader to know the flow of the meeting from start to finish. Starting from the opening, content, and conclusion.

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Although the policies of each institution, organization or company are different. However, in outline or matters that must be written in the minutes of the meeting are as follows.

1. Meeting Title

The title of the meeting is written in accordance with the purpose of the meeting. Having a meeting title in each minutes will make it easier to find archives or documents.

2. Time and Place of Meeting

The meeting minutes must include the time and place of the meeting. So, when flashbacks or other notes are needed, you can easily see the time sequence. The time here must be written in detail and sequentially.

3. List of Meeting Members

The list of meeting members present is recorded in the minutes. This will make it easier to find out who is not at the meeting. As well as providing information about the meeting to the people or parties concerned.

4. Purpose of the Meeting

The purpose of the meeting is written by adding a number of things including topics of discussion, changes to the organizational structure, making events, and so on. Thus, it will be easier for readers of the minutes to understand the contents of the minutes.

5. Meeting Discussion, Results, and Conclusions

This section is important to write in the minutes of the meeting. The discussion, results and conclusions of the meeting must be written in a concise and complete manner. Thus, every member who attends or does not understand the content or essence of the meeting being held.

6. Action plan or follow-up that must be done by participants

The meeting usually discusses follow-up plans for discussions during the meeting. Follow-up points should be recorded for follow-up. The goal is not to forget or miss following up on the things that have been agreed upon.

7. Deadline for Completion of the Action Plan

The follow-up plan must have a deadline so that it can be implemented in a timely manner. Therefore, the minutes of the meeting also include a deadline so that it can be used as a reference for the parties involved in follow-up activities of what was agreed at the meeting.

8. Other Events or Discussions Worth Documenting for Future Review

The meeting minutes should also include events or discussions that can be used as a reference for future follow-up plans. Thus, follow-up plans can be prepared carefully and on target.

9. Follow up meeting

Follow up meetings or meetings are important to write in the minutes. The goal is that future steps are in accordance with what was agreed at the meeting. Follow up is also important to ensure that the discussions at the meeting are carried out properly and appropriately.

Steps to Make Meeting Minutes

When taking minutes, don’t write down all the conversations in the meeting. Just write down the important things and the main points. If Sinaumed’s feels confused about preparing meeting minutes, Sinaumed’s can follow the steps below.

1. Get Prepared

Before attending a meeting, it is better for Sinaumed’s to know in advance what the agenda or matters will be discussed at the meeting. Then, prepare notes in the form of stationery, laptop or tablet to take notes.

If needed, bring a voice recorder or use the device in the device. The goal is to be able to listen again to the discussion of the meeting. So, if there are things that are missed in the minutes, they can be revised by playing back the meeting recording.

2. Record the Attendees

The note writer must also record who is present and who is unable to attend. So, if there is further information, participants who are not present can find out.

3. Record Important Points in the Meeting

Not everything in the meeting must be recorded in the minutes. In the minutes, only important things are written concisely, concisely, and in detail. To make it easier for Sinaumed’s to write minutes, here are some indicators that can be used as a reference in writing important points at meetings.

  • What was discussed at the meeting?
  • Decision in meeting.
  • Achievements that became the target in the meeting.
  • Follow-up plan from the discussion in the meeting.
  • If there is a discussion or debate, briefly write down the perspective of each participant. Then, write down the results of the decisions made.

Not only record the results of decisions, but also who made the decisions. Is it the result of consensus or determined by the highest decision maker present at the meeting. For example, the rejection or determination of the budget by the leader of the meeting.

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4. Distinguish Between Opinion and Fact

When writing minutes, Sinaumed’s should know which statements are facts and which are opinions. The goal is that the important points of the meeting can be simple and clear. This is also in line with the principle of minutes, which is based on facts, not opinions.

5. Create Detailed Next Steps

Every meeting must have things that must be followed up. The following are things that can be used as a reference in writing further steps.

  • Who is responsible for every action to be taken.
  • Required resources.
  • The time or schedule for the implementation of the follow-up plan is carried out.
  • During the meeting participants must review the progress of the action.

6. Do a Final Check

After the meeting ends, the minutes must be reviewed or review the important points in the notes. Make sure all important motions or matters have been recorded.

7. Deliver Immediately

After checking and ensuring that all important matters have been written in the minutes, the minutes are ready to be sent to all meeting participants. Meeting minutes should be sent as soon as possible at least one hour after the meeting ends or at the end of the day.

Tips for Making Meeting Minutes

After following the steps for taking notes, Sinaumed’s can strengthen or be confident in writing notes by following some of the following tips or suggestions.

1. Begin with an Action Review

One way to efficiently take minutes is by reviewing things that happened in the previous meeting. Then, write the summary down before the meeting so you can easily record a comparison of the team’s progress.

By doing an action review it will save time. Because, it can directly mark the progress of the action plan from the previous meeting. For example, whether the discussion in the previous meeting has been completed or is it still ongoing.

2. Use Tables

To make it easier to record minutes, Sinaumed’s can create a three-column table containing items, discussion summaries, and action owners. This will make it easier to immediately write down key points in meetings easily and quickly. Then, the results from the column are written in narrative form.

After changing from text format to narrative, the minutes are ready to be distributed to participants.

3. Take advantage of Templates

If a Sinaumed’s organization, community, agency, or company has standard meeting minutes, make them based on those rules. However, if you don’t have one, Sinaumed’s can make its own template or take a reference to a standard minutes template that is easy to apply. Using a template simplifies and speeds up the process of making meeting minutes.

Example of meeting minutes

Following are some examples of meeting minutes that can be used as a reference or reference for making meeting minutes.

1. Minutes of Company Meetings

Every company must hold meetings, both regular meetings and other special meetings. In meetings, it is usually necessary to take minutes to summarize the discussions during the meeting. The following is an example of company meeting minutes.

Day/Date : Monday, 23 March 2020

Time: 09.00 – finished

Place: PT Oke Permata Office

Meeting Agenda: : Discussion Regarding the Company’s Anniversary

Meeting Leader: Andini Dwi Lestari as CEO of PT Oke Permaata

Writer: Abdul Sodik

Activity :

  • Meeting leader opening
  • CEO’s welcome
  • Formation of the company anniversary committee

Meeting Resolutions:

On Monday 23 March 2020, a meeting was held regarding the establishment of the PT Oke Permata anniversary committee which will be held in mid-May 2020.

So, the decision of the committee was sparked as follows:

  • Head of implementation: Tommy Welly
  • Secretary : Sri Wulandari
  • Treasurer: Rima Agustini
  • Program Section: Mira Lesmana
  • Public Relations: Hendra Setiawan
  • Equipment Section : Muhammad Abdul Kodir
  • Consumption Section: Mey Saprida Setiawati

Jakarta, 20 March 2020

Chairman of the Notes Meeting


Andini Dwi Lestari Abdul Sodik


2. Minutes of Office Meetings

Service meetings are official in nature so that the structure or composition of the minutes must also be written with official guidelines. Minutes are written in full by including the name of the agency, logo, meeting time, contents, and results that have been discussed formally. The following is an example of official meeting minutes.

3. Neighborhood Association (RT) Meeting Minutes

Every neighborhood association (RT) must have held a meeting to discuss RT activities. Even though this meeting is small, it still requires minutes. Its function is as a record of what has been discussed in the meeting. The following is an example of the RT meeting minutes.

4. Minutes of Village Meetings

The village as one of the state institutions often holds meetings with the community. The minutes drawn up by the village follow the same rules as the minutes of official meetings. It must be written in full by including the name of the agency, logo, meeting time, contents, and results discussed at the meeting. The following is an example of village meeting minutes.

5. Minutes of Teacher Meetings

Teachers at school often hold meetings to discuss matters concerning students or administration. These meetings need to be documented to facilitate the next steps. The following is an example of teacher meeting minutes.

6. Minutes of Organizational Meetings

Any organization, no matter how small, must hold a meeting. These meetings need to be documented to serve as a reference for next steps. The following is an example of organizational meeting minutes.

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