Example of Ikhfa Reading

Examples of Ikhfa Readings – By understanding the science of recitation, of course, it will prevent us from making mistakes and also changes in meaning when reading the Qur’an. The law of studying various kinds of tajwid is fardhu kifayah. While reading the Koran with the correct tajwid is fardhu ain. Therefore, it is obligatory for Muslims to read the Koran according to the tajwid.

If Sinaumed’s reads the Koran, he must definitely use the rules for reciting the Koran and its tajwid. The verses of the Qur’an are also highly recommended to be read with tartil and correct, because if one reads it wrong, it is feared that it will change its meaning and meaning.

By diligently learning to read the Qur’an, over time you can become fluent in reading the Qur’an. And also, it is obligatory for every Muslim to continue to try to perfect the recitation of the Al-Quran and learn the science of tajwid.

The science of recitation itself is a science that Sinaumed’s must know and learn, by mastering the science of recitation, it is hoped that they can read the Al-Qur’an correctly and avoid mistakes. Because, the pronunciation of the wrong verse, can change the meaning and meaning.

The knowledge of tajwid is very much, one of which is ikhfa . Some Muslims may already understand what ikhfa is. However, for beginners who are learning tajwid, we will try to discuss ikhfa and examples.

Let’s look at articles about an explanation of what ikhfa is, the stages of reading it, how to read ikhfa, and examples of reading ikhfa in the Al-Quran. Read more, Sinaumed’s!

What is Ikhfa?

Ikhfa’ is the science of tajwid regarding the law of tanwin and nun dies meeting hijaiyyah letters. Which legal basis occurs when meeting the letters of ikhfa which total 15 letters, namely  ت ث ج د ذ زس ش ص ض ط ظ ف ق ك . Therefore, in this article, we will discuss examples of ikhfa’.

The meaning of ikhfa is a faint or closed reading ( buzzing ) which is done when the hijaiyyah letters meet the dead nun or tanwin. Which has 15 letters, as explained above. Of course, this is part of the explanation of the complete tajwid law.

The Law of Reading Nun Mati and Tanwin Meet Hijaiyah Letters.

Tanwin or Nun Mati actually has 5 laws, these five laws occur when Nun Mati or Tanwin meets hijaiyah letters.

There are 5 laws that belong to nun mati or tanwin, namely Idzhar Halqi, Iqlab, Idghom Bighunnah, Idghom Bila Ghunnah, and Ikhfa’ Haqiqi. An explanation of these laws can be understood further through the following commentary on the laws of nun mati and tanwin.

Idzhar Halqi

If Sinaumed’s finds a dead tanwin or nun, and in front of it there is one of the letters أ, هـ, ح, خ, ع, غ you have to read it according to the Idzhar Halqi law. That is, how to read it should be clear, without buzzing. So, the sound of the death must be clear, as well as the letters after it.

An example of Idzhar Halqi can be seen in Surah Al-Baqarah: 6,

سَوَاءٌ عَلَيْهِمْ

In the recitation there is a dhommatain meeting ع there.

Another example can be found in Surah Al Baqarah verse 25, the pronunciation of which is:

 كُلَّماَ رُزِقُوا مِنْهَا 

In this reading, there is a nun who dies and meets هـ.

Idgham Bighunnah

The Idgham Bighunnah law applies when nun mati or tanwin meets one of the letters ي, ن, م, و. But with conditions, both exist in different words. If both are in one word, then it is no longer the law of idghom bighunnah but must be read idzhar.

For example

 هُدًى مِنْ رَبِّهِمْ

The reading is taken from Surah Al Baqarah: 5, there is fathatain meeting admin in two different words.

Another example is still in surah Al Baqarah verse 30, namely in the lafadz مَنْ يُفْسِدُ

In this verse it contains dead nuns meet with ya’. Namely nun dies in the word مَنْ, while the letter ya’ is in the word يُفْسِدُ.

Idghom Bilaghunnah

Next, is the law of Idgham Bilaghunnah in discussing the law of nun mati and tanwin. When you find a dead nun or tanwin, in front of the dead nun or tanwin, which is one of the letters ر and ل, then you must read it with the reading of the Idgham Bilaghunnah law.

Example of Idghom Bilaghunnah in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 2 with lafadz

هُدًى لِلْمُتَّقِيْنَ

In this verse there is a fathatain in front of which there is the letter ل

Another example can also be taken from Surah Al Baqarah verse 13, namely وَلَكِنْ


From this verse, there are nuns who die and meet ل in the lafadz.

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Iqlab is the law of reading nun mati or tanwin when dealing with the letter ب. The meaning of Iqlab in language means replacing . Which means, when a nun dies or tanwin meets the letter ba’, it is as if the nun dies or tanwin is replaced with the letter mim.

Examples of reading Iqlab namely

 صُمٌّ بُكْمٌ

This verse is in Surah Al Baqarah verse 18. In the reading example, you can see the dhommatain in front of which is the letter ba’.

For example, the lafadz below

مِنْ بَعْدِ 

An example of this lafadz is found in Surah Al Baqarah verse 27. There is also someone who meets the letter ba’, which is punishable by reading Iqlab.

Ikhfa’ Haqiqi

Ikhfa’ Haqiqi is the law of reading when nun dies or tanwin meets letters other than letters which are punished beforehand. Included in Haqiqi ikhfa law are 15 letters, namely ص, ذ, ث, ك, ج, ش, ق, س, د, ط, ز, ف, ت, ض, ظ.

Reading Ikhfa’ Haqiqi is by disguising the dead voice. So the sound of nun death can’t be heard clearly. In addition, the position of our mouths must be ready to read the makhroj letters after nun or tanwin. At that moment, it was as if there was a transitional pause in pronouncing nun mati to the letter in front of it.

An example of reading Ikhfa’ Haqiqi is found in Surah Al-Baqarah verse 10 namely مَرَضٌ فَزَادَهُمُ

You can look at this verse. There is dhommatain, and in front of it is the letter fa’.

Still in Surat Al-Baqarah, in verse 7, ie


In this lafadz, there is a nun that meets the letter dzal.

Types of Ikhfa Reading

Ikhfa’ according to its meaning is nun mati and tanwin when facing or meeting one of the fifteen letters of ikhfa’, then it is called ikhfa’ haqiqi. Then, what are the types of Ikhfa’ reading?

1. Ikhfa’ Ab’ad

First there is Ikhfa’ ab’ad, which means farthest , from the origin of the word ” banguda “. Ikhfa’ ab’ad occurs when nun dies and tanwin meets one of the two letters of ikhfa’, namely: qof and kaf.

It is called ikhfa’ ab’ad because nun mati and tanwin meet letters whose makhroj distance is very far from makhroj nun of the 15 letters of ikhfa’, the letters kaf and qof are the letters farthest from nun, because they come from the base of the tongue or spoken aqsol .

2. Ikhfa’ aqrob

Aqrab has a close meaning from the origin of the word ” qaruba “. Ikhfa’ aqrab occurs when nun dies or tanwin meets one of the 3 letters of ikhfa’ namely: ta’, dal, and tho’. It is called ikhfa’ aqrob because nun mati or tanwin meets letters whose makhroj distance is close to makhroj nun.

Among the 15 ikhfa’ letters, the letters ta’, dal, and tho’ are closest to the makhroj, because they come from the base of the upper incisors or Ushuluts Tsanayal Ulya.

Meanwhile, the makhroj nun is slightly above it, namely on the gums or the flesh where the upper incisors grow or is called Lahmatul Asnan. The sound issued from Aqrab’s ikhfa’ law, in Indonesian, is like the sound “n”.

Then, the sound is held for two beats so that it is not confused with idzhar, where idzhar is only read one beat. When pronouncing the ikhfa’ aqrab letter, the sound of the ikhfa’s lafadz is shorter than the ghunnah.

3. Ikhfa’ Ausath

Ausath means middle . From the origin of the word ” وَسَطَ “. Ikhfa’ Ausath occurs when nun dies or tanwin meets one of the 10 letters of ikhfa’ below:

 ث – ج – ذ – س – ش – ص – ض- ظ – ف

It is called ikhfa’ Ausath, because Nun mati or tanwin meets letters with a medium distance of makhroj, or not too far away or it can also mean too close to makhroj Nun.

The sound produced by ikhfa’ Ausath is like between “ING” and “N”, which means that the sound of Ikhfa’ Ausath is intermediate between Ikhfa’ Aqrab and ikhfa’ Ab’ad. When pronouncing the law of ikhfa’ Ausath, the lafadz reading of Ikhfa’ and Ghunnah are moderate or the same.

4. Ikhfa’ Haqiqi 

Ikhfa Haqiqi means to disguise. The law for reading ikhfa haqiqi occurs when the letters nun die or tanwin meet or face the ikhfa letters which have 15 letters, namely Ta’, Tsa’, Jim, Dal, Dzal, Zay, Sin, Syin, Sod, Dhod, Tha’, Zha, Fa’, Qof, Kaf.

So, if you encounter the letters mentioned above, the nun mati or tanwin must be read indistinctly, or read between idzhar and idgham readings.

5. Ikhfa Syafawi

How to read Ikhfa Syafawi, namely in a vague way and also echoed. The law of reading ikhfa syafawi can occur because of the makhroj letters hijaiyyah Mim and also the letters hijaiyyah Ba’ meet each other between the upper and lower lips, so they are called ikhfa syafawi.

Syafawi’s ikhfa is not the same as haqiqi’s ikhfa. The difference is that Syafawi’s ikhfa is not nun dies when he meets the letter ikhfa, but Mim dies when he meets the letter Ba’. However, in the Syafawi ikhfa law, it still has to be read obligatory accompanied by a hum between 2 to 3 vowels or 1 ½ alif. Therefore, if Syafawi’s ikhfa law does not use buzzing, it will change to izhar law, namely the law of reading it to be read clearly.

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The way to read Ikhfa Syafawi is to disguise it, between reading Mim Mati with that letter, besides that, reading it also doesn’t emphasize the lips, and how to read it with a buzz or ghunnah.

How to read Ikhfa?

After reviewing how the law of ikhfa and the various types of ikhfa, we will now discuss how to read with the law of ikhfa. There are several examples and guidelines that Sinaumed’s need to know when applying ikhfa readings, including:

  • The tip of our tongue must be kept so as not to touch the upper front gums. Because that’s where makhroj ‘nun’ is . The results of nun and tanwin sounds will not be heard clearly if the tip of the tongue touches the upper front gums. Instead, what must be read clearly is Idzhar’s reading.
  • Make sure there are no sound elements such as a combination of nun and tanwin with the letters in front of them, because ikhfa is in the middle of the sentence.

Example of Ikhfa’s Reading 

The law of ikhfa reading is reading that must be read vaguely and buzzingly. Here are some examples of verses in the Qur’an that are included in ikhfa readings:

  1. Ikhfa’ Nun died meeting za’ in QS. Al-Baqarah Verse 4:

بِمَا أُنْزِلَ إِلَيْكَ

  1. Ikhfa’ Dhommatain meets the letter fa’ in QS. Ali Imran Verse 5:

 عَلَيْهِ شَيْءٌ فِي الْأَرْضِ

  1. Ikhfa’ Fathatain meets the letter kaf in QS. An-Nisa’ Verse 2 :

 إِنَّهُ كَانَ حُوبًا كَبِيرًا

  1. Ikhfa’ Fathatain meets the letter tho’ in QS. Al Maidah Verse 6:

 فَتَيَمَّمُوا صَعِيدًا طَيِّبًا

  1. Ikhfa’ Dhommatain met the letter dal in QS. Al An’am Verse 99 :

 مِنْ طَلْعِهَا قِنْوَانٌ دَانِيَةٌ

  1. Ikhfa’ Nun met the dzal letter in QS. Al A’raf Verse 2:

 لِتُنْذِرَ بِهِ

  1. Ikhfa’ Nun meets the letter fa’ in QS. Al Anfal Verse 1:

 عَنِ الْأَنْفَالِ

  1. Ikhfa’ Nun meets the letter ta’ in QS. At Tawba Verse 3:

 فَإِنْ تُبْتُمْ

  1. Ikhfa’ Kasratain meets the letter qof in QS. Yunus Verse 15:

 بَيِّنَاتٍ قَالَ

  1. Ikhfa’ Nun meets the letter qof in QS. Hud Verse 36:

 مِنْ قَوْمِكَ

  1. Ikhfa’ Fathatain meets shod letters in QS. Joseph Verse 9:

 قَوْمًا صَالِحِينَ

  1. Ikhfa’ Kasrotain meets the letter ta’ in QS. Ar ro’du Verse 2:

 بِغَيْرِ عَمَدٍ تَرَوْنَهَا

  1. Ikhfa’ Kasrotain meets the letter syin in QS. Ibrahim Verse 2:

 مِنْ عَذَابٍ شَدِيدٍ

  1. Ikhfa’ Nun meets the letter kaf in QS. Al Hijr Verse 7:

 إِنْ كُنْتَ

  1. Ikhfa’ Nun meets the letter syin in QS. An Nahl Verse 35 :

 مِنْ شَيْءٍ

  1. Ikhfa’ Nun met the letter sin in QS. Al Isro’ Verse 11:

 وَيَدْعُ الْإِنْسَانُ

  1. Ikhfa’ Fathatain meets the letter dho’, in QS. Al-Kahf Verse 22:

 إِلَّا مِرَاءً ظَاهِرًا

  1. Ikhfa’ Nun died meeting the letter jim, in QS. Maryam Verse 14:

 وَلَمْ يَكُنْ جَبَّارًا عَصِيًّا

  1. Ikhfa’ Kasratain meets the letter za’, in QS. Thoha Verse 102:

 يَوْمَئِذٍ زُرْقًا

  1. Ikhfa’ Nun meets the letter dlo’, in QS. Al Anbiya’ Verse 84 :

 مِنْ ضُرٍّ

  1. Ikhfa’ Kasrotain met the letter sin, in QS. Al-Hajj Verse 31:

 فِي مَكَانٍ سَحِيقٍ

  1. Ikhfa’ Fathatain meets the letter tsa’, in QS. Al Mukminun Verse 14:

 لَحْمًا ثُمَّ

  1. Ikhfa’ Kasrotain meets the letter jim, in QS. An Nur Verse 62 :

 هَبَاءً مَنْثُورًا

  1. Ikhfa’ Nun meets the letter tho’, in QS. Al Furqan Verse 23:

 هَبَاءً مَنْثُورًا

  1. Ikhfa’ Nun meets the letter tho’, in QS. Asy Syu’aro’ Verse 13 :

 وَلَا يَنْطَلِقُ لِسَانِي

  1. Ikhfa’ Nun meets the letter dho’, in QS. An Naml Verse 11 :

 إِلَّا مَنْ ظَلَمَ

  1. Ikhfa’ Nun meets the letter dal, in QS. Al Qoshos Verse 23:

 مِنْ دُونِهِمُ

  1. Ikhfa’ Kasrotain met the letter dzal, in QS. Al ‘Ankabut Verse 57:

 كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ذَائِقَةُ الْمَوْتِ

  1. Ikhfa’ Kasrotain met the letter dlo’, in QS. Ar Rum Verse 54 :

 قُوَّةٍ ضَعْفًا

  1. Ikhfa’ Nun meets the letter shod, in QS. Luqman Verse 19:

 وَاغْضُضْ مِنْ صَوْتِكَ


That is an explanation of ikhfa reading, the meaning of ikhfa, and also some examples of ikhfa reading in the Qur’an. Hopefully Sinaumed’s can understand it well, as well as readers who are currently studying and exploring the law of “Nun Mati and Tanwin”.

Ikhfa reading letters tend to be difficult to memorize, because there are quite a lot of categories, but if you can understand the concept, then God willing, it will be easy to memorize by itself. Hopefully this article helps ya!

If you want to find books about tajwid, then you can get them at sinaumedia.com . To support Sinaumed’s in adding insight, sinaumedia always provides quality and original books so that Sinaumed’s has #MoreWithReading information.

Author: Veronika Novi


  • https://www.orami.co.id/magazine/huruf-ikhfa
  • https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sinaumedia.com/literasi/ikhfa/amp/
  • https://www. Hukumtajwid.com/2018/08/exemplary-ikhfa.html?m=1
  • https://www.inews.id/lifestyle/muslim/exemple- Hukum-bacaan-ikhfa-haqiqi
  • https://www.dream.co.id/stories/kind-of-ikhfa-bebert-examples-yang-penting-ditahui-2208221.html