Idzhar letters and how to pronounce them

Letter Idzhar – One of the noble practices in Islam is reading the Koran. The reward is no joke, each reading of the letter is equivalent to ten goodness or rewards. This was conveyed by the Prophet Muhammad SAW in one of the hadiths as follows.

Rasulullah SAW said: “Whoever reads one letter from the Book of Allah (the Koran), then for him one good, and one kindness is rewarded with tenfold.” (Narrated by At-Tirmidhi).

Reading the Koran has knowledge in the form of recitation. One cannot just read the Koran. They have to pay attention to the short length, the procedure for reading the letters, whether they are clear or slightly buzzing, the short length of the pronunciation, and so on.

The science of tajwid is a reference for Muslims in reading the Koran. Without it, humans will find it difficult to read the Koran uniformly and precisely according to the rules. Tajwid is usually taught in recitation classes either in the form of schools or private tutors.

Reading the Koran must be done and practiced in everyday life. This is described in surah Al-Muzzammil verse 4. The following is a fragment of the meaning of the letter.

“ Or more than (half of) that, and read the Qur’an slowly. or more than half that, and read the Qur’an slowly with good and correct reading. (QS. Al-Muzzammil: 4)

Based on this verse, the scholars concluded that the law of learning tajwid for Muslims is fardu kifayah. However, if you already have knowledge of tajwid, then practicing it by reading the Koran becomes fardu ain.

Tajwid has various types. There are regulations regarding short lengths to the law of certain letters or vowels when meeting other letters or groups of letters. In tajwid there are laws for nun breadfruit and tanwin including idzhar, idgham, iqlab, ikhfak.

On this occasion, You will get to know more about the law of tajwid idzhar.

Understanding and How to Read Idzhar

In language, idzhar means to clarify or reveal clarity or light. Meanwhile, according to the term, idzhar is a way of reading hijaiyah letters which are pronounced clearly without ghunnah or hum.

The idzhar law will occur when nun breadfruit or tanwin meets the idzhar letter. The idzhar letters consist of hamzah (ء), ha (هـ), ha (ح), kha (خ), ​​’ain (ع), ghain (غ). The six letters have makhraj in the throat so they are often called idzhar halqi.

Types of Idzhar

Idzhar is divided into two types, namely idzhar halqi and idzhar syafawi. The following describes the two types.

1. Izhar Halqi

The letter idzhar halqi is the law of reading if the death or tanwin meets one of the letters idzhar halqi. Idzhar literally means clear and halqi literally means throat.

How to read it must be clear and not use ghunnah or drone. The letters included in idzhar halqi are hamzah (ء), ha (هـ), ha (ح), kha (خ), ​​’ain (ع), ghain (غ).

  • Ar-Ra’d: 7

قَوْمٍ هَادٍ

qau min hadd . Tanwin is read clearly when meeting with the letter ha’.

  • Al Kauthar verse 2

فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَانْحَرْ

Fa salli li rabbika wanhar

  • Al An’aam: 26)
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yes n`a una. Nun breadfruit is read clearly when meeting with the hamzah letters.

  • Al Qadr verse 5

سَلَامٌ هِيَ حَتَّىٰ مَطْلَعِ الْفَجْرِ

Salaa mun hi ya hattaa mat la’il fajr

  • Al Lahab verse 2

مَا أَغْنَىٰ عَنْهُ مَالُهُ وَمَا كَسَبَ

Maa aghna ‘anhu maaluhu wa ma kasab

  • Al Quraysh verse 4

ٱلَّذِىٓ أَطْعَمَهُم مِّن جُوعٍ وَءَامَنَهُم مِّنْ خَوْفٍۭ

Allazi at’amahum min ju ‘inw-wa-aamana hum min khawf

2. Izhar Syafawi

Idzhar Syafawi occurs when the letter mim dies meets one of the hijaiyyah letters, except for the letters mim (م) and ba’ (ب). The pronunciation must also be clear on the lips while closing the mouth.

The way to read it must also be clear or bright, no ghunnah or buzzing. The following is an example of idzhar Halqi in the Koran.

  • Al Ikhlas verse 3

لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ

lam ya lid walam yuulad

  • Al Ikhlas verse 4

وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَهُ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ

wa lam ya kulahu kufuwan ahad

  • Al Kafirun verse 3

وَلَا أَنْتُمْ عَابِدُونَ مَا أَعْبُدُ

wa laa ann tum ‘aa biduuna maa a’bud

  • Al Quraysh verse 2

إِيلَافِهِمْ رِحْلَةَ الشِّتَاءِ وَالصَّيْف

iilaafi him rih latas syitaai washoiif

  • Al Lahab verse 4

وَامْرَأَتُهُ حَمَّالَةَ الْحَطَبِ

wa amro atuhu hammaa latalhatob

Definition and Law of Studying Tajweed

Tajwid is a branch of knowledge of the Qur’an to understand how to pronounce, sound or pronounce various letters whether they are contained in the holy book of the Qur’an or not.

In tajwid reading skills or qira’at science, tajwid has the meaning of removing one letter by giving various characteristics in it. Tajweed itself is important to learn because it relates to one’s way of reading the Koran.

The areas of ability to learn tajwid are as follows.

  1. Place of entry and exit of letters (makharijul letters)
  2. How to pronounce letters (shifatul letters)
  3. Relations between letters (ahkamul letters)
  4. The short length of a reading (ahkamul maddi wal qasr)
  5. Ruling on starting or stopping reading (ahkamul waqaf wal ibtida’)
  6. Al-Khat Al-Otsmani.

The purpose of studying tajwid science is to be able to read or recite the Koran with the correct reading according to the nature of each hijaiyah letter. Thus, the purity of reading the Koran can be maintained.

Most of the scholars say that studying the science of tajwid is fardu kifayah. However, practicing the science of recitation when reading the Koran has a fardu ain law (absolute obligation).

When reading the Koran, it is obligatory to apply tajiwd knowledge. Because in Arabic when one word is pronounced incorrectly it will change the meaning of the verse.

Proof of the Science of Tajwid

The following is the argument that emphasizes the importance of learning tajwid.

  1. On QS. Al-Muzammil verse 4, means “ Or more than (half) that, and read the Qur’an slowly. or more than half that, and read the Qur’an slowly with good and correct reading.
  2. The narrated hadith explains that Umm Salamah (wife of the Prophet Muhammad) exemplified the Prophet’s way of reading by showing (one) reading which explains a sentence from the letters one by one. Umm Salamah gave an example of this reading when she was asked how the Prophet’s prayer was recited.
  3. Ijma’ (agreement) of the scholars starting from the time of the Prophet until now which states that it is obligatory to read the Koran using tajwid so that the law becomes fardhu.

Benefits of Studying Tajweed

The following are the benefits of learning tajwid for people who embrace Islam.

1. Can Read the Koran According to the Correct Rules

When studying the science of recitation, you will know how to recite verses properly and correctly in practice. This will maintain the purity of the reading of the Koran and the quality of the reader will be even better.

2. Know how to read the Koran properly and correctly

The main goal of learning tajwid is knowing how to read the Koran. Starting from reciting the correct makhraj to various reading laws, endowments, and so on.

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3. Protecting the Tongue from Mistakes When Reading the Koran

How to read the Koran is different from reading hadith or other Arabic sentences. Mispronunciation of vowels, letters, or a sentence will change the meaning of the verses of the Koran.

Therefore, we are not allowed to replace sentences in the Koran with other Arabic equivalents. This is because even though they have the same meaning. These sentences actually have different meanings.

Benefits of Reading the Koran

Reading the Koran should not only be done during the five daily prayers. Reading the Koran also needs to be done outside of prayer. However, if you can’t then just pray five times a day and recite verses from the Koran during prayer.

This will help in various matters, especially those related to mysticism. Here are the benefits of reading the Koran.

1. Obtaining Merit and Kindness

When a person reads the Koran every day then the reward and goodness will come to him. Not only that, reading the Koran will make the atmosphere around it more calm, peaceful, and full of blessings.

The virtue of reading the Koran every day is emphasized in the hadith narrated by Tirmidhi.

“Whoever reads just one letter from the book of Allah, someone will get goodness once. but every kindness will be rewarded tenfold.” (Narrated by Tirmidhi)

2. Providing Intercession on the Day of Judgment

Someone who regularly reads the Koran has a great possibility of getting benefits on the Day of Judgment. This is confirmed in the following hadith narrated by Muslim.

“Read the verses of the Qur’an because in fact on the Day of Resurrection it will come to give good intercession to its readers.” (HR. Muslim)

3. Provides Better Degree and Authority

Someone who regularly reads the Koran will get a better degree and authority. He will look more radiant and full of authority. This will certainly make a person more loved, respected by many people, and respected.

This is in accordance with the hadith narrated by Bukhari regarding the virtue of reading the Koran which can increase one’s degree and authority.

“People who are great at reciting the Qur’an will always be accompanied by the most glorified and obedient recording angels to Allah SWT and those who stutter reading the Qur’an and then struggle to learn it will get double the reward. .” (HR. Bukhari)

4. Calms the Heart

By reading the Koran, peace of mind will come by itself. It can also increase faith and love for Allah, prophets and apostles and angels. As for the primacy of reading the Koran every heart is emphasized by Allah in surah Ar-Ra’ad in verse 28. The following is the meaning of the verse.

“Those who believe will have a calm and peaceful heart if they always remember Allah SWT, so remember because only by remembering Allah, your heart becomes peaceful.”

5. Increasing the Degree of Parents

For children who get used to reading the Koran because of their love for Allah and their two parents. So Allah will protect his parents and give him pleasure including crowns on their heads as a sign of honor.

The virtue of reading the Koran which can elevate parents is explained in the following hadith narrated by Abu Daud.

“Whoever reads the Qur’an and practices it solely for the sake of Allah SWT, Allah will give him a crown on the head of his parents and enjoyment on the Day of Resurrection and will be seen brighter than the sun’s rays so you will not suspect that the reward is due to his deeds the practice of the reciter of the Qur’an.” (Narrated by Abu Dawud)