Iftitah Prayer: Definition, Kinds, Terms of Sunnah, and Its Priorities

Iftitah Prayer – For Sinaumed’s who are Muslim, must they always pray ? Yep, prayer is the second pillar of Islam after the sentence of the Creed as well as being a mandatory worship for Muslims around the world. When carrying out prayer services, of course it must be carried out with predetermined movements along with the prayer readings. One of the prayer readings in prayer is Iftitah which is in the first cycle.

This iftitah reading is mandatory to be recited, both in the heart and verbally. Even though there are 4 types of iftitah prayers, Sinaumed’s doesn’t have to memorize all of them, just read one iftitah prayer that needs to be applied when praying. Then, what is the sound of the iftitah prayer? What are the different types of this iftitah prayer? Is there the virtue of reading iftitah prayers when carrying out prayer services? So, so that Sinaumed’s understands these things, let’s look at the following review!

What is Iftitah Prayer?

Basically, the iftitah prayer is a mandatory prayer that is read by Muslims when they want to start the fardhu prayer or sunnah prayer, except for the funeral prayer. This iftitah prayer is also called the istiftah prayer which is read after takbiratul ihram. The existence of this iftitah prayer is indeed not included in the pillars of prayer, but Muslims are strongly advised not to skip this prayer on the pretext of shortening the prayer. Therefore, as usual, keep reading this iftitah prayer .

As with other Islamic services, reading this iftitah prayer also includes advice from Rasulullah SAW and even became a habit for him when he wanted to pray. Once, he was asked by a friend about this and then enshrined in the hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah, which reads:

It means:

“Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi Wasallam when takbir in prayer, he was silent for a moment before reading the verses of the Qur’an. Then I asked, O Messenger of Allah, I redeemed you with the names of my father and mother, I saw you silent between the takbir and the recitation of the verses of the Qur’an. What are you reading? He replied:… (he recited the prayer of istiftah / iftitah)” (Muttafaq ‘alaih).

Rules for Reading the Iftitah Prayer

So, in reading this iftitah prayer, of course, it has its own rules that cannot be violated. The following are the rules or sequences in reading iftitah prayers in the implementation of prayer services:

  1. Iftitah prayer is only read in the first cycle.
  2. Iftitah prayer is read after Takbiratul Ihram and before reading Surah Al-Fatihah.
  3. If you forget to read the iftitah prayer in the first cycle, you may read it in the next cycle.
  4. For those who are drunk or those who come late and are left behind by the recitation of Al-Fatihah by the imam, it is permissible not to read it.

Adab and Ethics of Reading Iftitah Prayers

Apart from having certain rules or sequences, iftitah prayers also have manners and ethics that should not be violated. So, here are the manners and ethics when reading iftitah prayers.

  • Read in a low voice and should not disturb the solemnity of other people’s worship.
  • If you are worried that you will miss reading Surah Al-Fatihah with the priest, then it is sunnah to read the iftitah prayer in a short version.
  • Makruh to read aloud
  • Sunnah to combine it with reading takbiratul ihram.
  • It may be combined with several versions of the iftitah prayer, as long as certain conditions are met.

Kinds of Iftitah Prayers

The existence of this iftitah prayer turns out to have several forms , you know , which are based on hadith narrations. There is an iftitah prayer with a short version that can be read according to our conditions, especially if we don’t have much time. However, if we are not in a hurry, then we can read the reading of the iftitah prayer in general. In the book Nihayatuz Zain also mentions what kinds of iftitah prayers are, namely:

1. Short Iftitah Prayer Version 1

O Allah

Allohu akbar kabiroo wal hamdu lillaahi katsiiroo wa subhaanalloohi bukrotaw wa asyiilaa

Meaning: “Allah is the Greatest with greatness, all praise is only for Allah with very much praise. Glory be to Allah in the morning and evening.”

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In this first short prayer, it can be applied when we are in a situation where we don’t have much time, aka we are in a hurry. Initially, this prayer was said by a friend of the Prophet and Rasulullah SAW and then responded by saying “I am amazed by the prayer, the doors of heaven are open because of the iftitah prayer”.

2. Short Iftitah Prayer Version 2


Alhamdulillahi hamdan kasiiroon toyyiban mubaarokan fiihi.

Meaning: “All praise is due to Allah with very much praise, good and full of blessings.”

3. Public Iftitah Prayer Version 1

It is called a general iftitah prayer because it is widely read by Muslims, especially in Indonesia, in two Islamic organizations. This version of the iftitah prayer is not too long to read, so it is considered appropriate and sufficient to be read when praying and not in a hurry.

O Allah

اِنِّى وَجَّهْتُ وَجْهِيَ لِلَّذِيْ فَطَرَالسَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْاَرْضَ حَنِيْفًا مُسْلِم mind


لاَ شَرِيْكَ لَهُ وَبِذَ لِكَ اُمِرْتُ وَاَنَ مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِيْنَ

Alloohu akbar Kabiroo Wal hamdu lillaahi Katsiiroo, Wa Subhaanalloohi Bukrotan Wa’asyiilaa.

Innii Wajjahtu Wajhiya Lilladzii Fathoros Samaawaati Wal Ardho Haniifan Musliman Wa maa Anaa Minal Musyrikiin.

Inna Syolaatii Wa Nusukii Wa Mahyaa ya Wa Mamaatii Lillaahi Robbil ‘Aalamiina.

Laa Syariika lahu Wa Bidzaalika Umirtu Wa Ana Minal Muslimiin.

Meaning: “Allah is the Greatest with the greatest, all praise is only for Allah with very much praise. Glory be to Allah in the morning and evening.

Truly I turn my face to Allah who has created the heavens and the earth with all obedience or submission, and I am not one of those who associate partners with Him.

Truly my prayer, my worship, my life and my death are only for Allah, the Lord of the Universe, who has no partner for Him. Thus I was ordered. And I am one of the Muslims (those who surrender).”

4. Public Iftitah Prayer Version 2

In this second version of the iftitah prayer, it was narrated by Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim, which the Prophet Muhammad used to read when he was performing the obligatory prayers. Here’s the prayer reading:

Allah, the Most High

Allah _

Allah, the Most High, the Most Merciful

Allahumma baa’id bainii wabaina khathaayaaya kamaa baa’adta bainal masyriqi wa maghribi.

Allahumma naqinii min khathaayaaya kamaa yunaqats tsaubul abyadhu minad danas.

Allahummaghsilnii min khathaayaaya bil maa’i wats tsalji.

It means :

“O Allah, keep between me and my mistakes, as you keep the east and west.

O Allah, cleanse me and my mistakes, like a white dress that is cleaned from dirt.

O Allah, wash my (heart) from my mistakes with water and snow.”

5. Public Iftitah Prayer Version 3

اِنِّى وَجَّهْتُ وَجْهِىَ لِلَّذِى فَطَرَ السَّمَوَ اتِ وَالْاَرْضَ حَنِيفًا وَمَا اَنَا مِنَ الْمُشْرِ كِيْنَ اِنَّ صَلاَتِى وَنُسُكِى وَمَحْيَايَ وَمَمَاتِى لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِيْنَ لاَ

شَرِيكَ لَهُ وَبِذَلِكَ اُمِرْتُ وَ اَنَا اَوَّلُ الْمُسْلِمِينَ

Innii wajjahtu wajhiya lil ladzii fathoros samaawaati wal ardho haniifan mushliman wa maa ana minal musyrikiin, innaa sholaatii wanusukii wamahyaaya wamamaatii lillahi rabbil aalamiin. Laa syariika lahu wa bidzaalika umirtu wa ana minal muslimin.

It means :

“Indeed I turn my face to Allah, the creator of the heavens and submit, and I am not from among the polytheists. Truly my prayers, my sacrifices, my life and my death are only for Allah, the Lord of the universe. There is no partner for Him. And thus I was ordered. I was the first to surrender

6. Long Version of Iftitah Prayer

In the iftitah prayer, which has a long version, it can be read when we are expecting an intense relationship with Allah SWT. This version of the iftitah reading can also be read when performing night prayers, because at that time we are free from the demands of time and work. Based on the authentic hadith narrated by Imam Muslim, sometimes Rasulullah SAW also read this long version of the iftitah prayer while carrying out sunnah prayers. So, here is the prayer reading:

وَجَّهْتُ وَجْهِيَ لِلَّذِى فَطَرَ السَّمَوَ اتِ وَالاَرْضَ حَنِيفًا (مُسْلِمًا) وَمَا اَنَا مِنَ الْمِيِْ

اِنَّ صَلاَتِى وَنُسُكِى وَمَحْيَاىَ وَمَمَمَاتِى الِلهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِيْنَ لاَ شَرِ يْكَ لَهُ وَبِree ابِذَل ل ا ri الْعَالَمِيْنَ لاَ شَرِ

اللَّهُمَّ اِلاَّ اَنْتَ . ???

اِنَّهُ لاَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ اِلاَّ ???

وَاصْرِفْ عَنِّى سَيِّئَهَا لاَ يَصْرِفُ عَنِّى سَيِّئَهَا اِلاَّ اَنّتَ لبَّيْكَ سَعْدَيْكَ ْ ike ل لَيْسَ


Wajjahtu wajhiya lilladzii fathoros samaawaati wal ardho hanifan wa maa ana minal musyrikiin.

Inna sholaatii wa nusukii, wa mahyaa ya wa mamaatii lillahi rabbil ‘aalamiina. Laa syariikalahu wa bidzalika umirtu wa ana minal muslimiin.

Allohumma antal malika laa ilaha illaa anta, anta rabii wa anaa ‘abuka dzolamtu nafsii wa’taraftu bidzambii faghafirlii dzunuubii jamii’aa.

Innahu laa yaghfirudz dzunuuba ilaa anta, wahdinii li ah sanil akhlaaqi laa yahdii li ahsanihaa illa anta, washrif ‘anni sayyi ahaa, laa yashrifu ‘annii sayyiahaa illa anta.

labbaika wa sa’daika, wal khoiru kulluhu bi yadaika, wasyarru laisa ilaika.

ana bika wa ilaika tabaarakta wa ta’aalaita, astaghfiruka wa atuubu ilaik.

It means :

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“I turn to God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, holding a straight religion and I am not one of the polytheists.

Truly my prayers, worship and life and death are for Allah. Lord of the worlds, there is no partner for Him, and because of that, I am ruled and I am among the Muslims.

O Allah, You are the king, there is no god (who has the right to be worshiped) except You, You are My Lord and I am Your servant. I wronged myself, I confessed my sins (which I have committed).

Therefore forgive all my sins, truly no one will be able to forgive sins, except You.

Guide me to the best morals, no one can but You.

Keep me from bad morals, no one can, except You. I fulfill Your call with joy, all goodness is in Your power, ugliness is not attributed to You.

I live by Your help and grace, and to You (I return). Glory be to You and Most High. I ask forgiveness and repent to You.”

Requirements for Sunnah Prayer Iftitah Reading

Reporting from NU Online , the sunnah in reading iftitah has four conditions. If one of the following conditions is not met, then the sunnah will be aborted or lost. So, here are the sunnah requirements for reading iftitah prayers.

1. The prayer that is performed is in addition to the funeral prayer

Yep, the reading of the iftitah prayer is required in all prayers, except for the funeral prayer. This is because the funeral prayer is recommended to be accelerated. Even though the funeral prayer is carried out over the grave or the occult prayer. Please note that during this occult prayer, the corpse will be in an area far from the area used for prayer.

2. The time is enough to do the prayer

That is, we have enough time to pray until the end accompanied by the reading of iftitah prayers as well. But if we are too worried about not having enough time to pray, it may be done only with the obligatory pillars of prayer.

3. When you become a mother, you worry about missing out

When we become makmum, it is sunnah for us to read the iftitah prayer if we really wish to follow the imam in a standing position, namely before reading the Al-Fatihah letter.

4. When you become a congregation, do not meet the priest other than a standing position.

Well, when this happens, we become makmum masbuq those who arrive late and are left behind by the recitation of Al-Fatihah by the imam, so it is permissible not to read it. If you become a makmum masbuq and meet the imam in a position other than standing, for example bowing, prostration, and so on, then it is not sunnah for us to read the iftitah prayer, but just follow him to the priest’s position.

In addition, what needs to be considered is that someone should immediately read the iftitah prayer after takbiratul ihram. Because, if before reading the iftitah prayer, he reads other readings such as ta’awudz, basmalah or something else, whether on purpose or forgetting, then the sunnah of reading the iftitah prayer will be lost in vain. Sheikh an-Nawawi said,

ويفوت دعاء الافتتاح بالشروع فيما بعده عمداً أو سهواً 

“The sunnah of the iftitah prayer is lost because of reading things after it (such as ta’awudz and basmalah).”

The Virtue of Reading the Iftitah Prayer

As with other prayer readings, this iftitah prayer, even though it is not included in the pillars of prayer, still has priority in reading it. The following are the virtues of reading iftitah prayers when performing prayer services:

  1. Acknowledge God’s Greatness.
  2. Classified as Grateful People.
  3. Praise the Most Holy God.
  4. Face God with Sincerity.
  5. The pledge confesses submission to God.
  6. Acknowledging the Oneness of God.
  7. Surrender and Don’t Rely on Charity.
  8. Pledge as a Muslim.
  9. Prayers are easily answered because they are lifted up by angels.
  10. The doors of heaven are open to make it easier for our prayers to reach Allah SWT.

So, that’s a description of what an iftitah prayer is and the various forms of versions that Sinaumed’s can apply according to the situation and conditions. With the various versions of this iftitah prayer, it is hoped that Sinaumed’s will not miss the prayer again, OK? 

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