Prayers Before and After Studying with Adab and Benefits

Prayer Before and After Studying – Learning is a mandatory activity for everyone, including students. In addition, learning can also be referred to as worship that is favored by Allah SWT.

Sinaumed’s , surely knows that before doing something, it must be started by praying. No exception with learning.

Then, how about reading a prayer before studying? Let’s see!

Prayer Before Studying

There are several choices of prayers that you can recite before you start learning activities.

1. Choice of First Prayer


( Robbi zidnii ‘ilmaa, warzuqnii fahmaa, waj’alnii minash-sholihiin )

It means:

“O Allah, increase my knowledge and give me sustenance of understanding. And make me one of the pious people.”

2. Second Prayer Options

رَضِيْتُ بِاللهِ رَبًّا وَبِالإِسْample

( Rodlitu billahi robba, wabi islaamidina, wabimuhammadin nabiyya warasulla Robbi zidni ilman nafi’a warzuqni fahma )

It means:

“I am pleased with Allah SWT as my Lord, and Islam as my religion, and Muhammad SAW as my Prophet and Messenger. O Allah, add to me knowledge and give me a good understanding.”

3. The Third Prayer Option

اللَّهُمَّ انْفَعْنِي بِمَا عَلَّمْتَنِي ، وَعَلِّمْنِي مَا يَنْفَعُنِي ، وَزِدْنِي عِلْq

( Allahummanfa’ni bima ‘allamtani wa ‘allimni ma yanfa’uni wa zidni ‘ilman walhamdulillahi ‘ala kulli halin )

It means:

“O Allah, give benefit for all the knowledge that You taught me. Give me useful knowledge and add knowledge to me. Praise be to Allah at all times”

Prayer After Study

1. Choice of First Prayer

رَبَّنَا انْفَعْنَا بِمَاعَلَمْتَنَا الَّذِيْ يَنْفَعُنَا وَزِدْنَا عِلْمًا وَالْحَمْدُلِلّٰهِ عَلَُ

( Rabbanan fa’naa bima ‘alamtanaldzi yanfa’una wa zidna ‘lman walhamdulillahi ‘ala kulihal)

It means:

“O our Lord, make our knowledge useful knowledge, teach us about what is beneficial for us and increase our knowledge, all praise is only to Allah in every condition”

2. Second Prayer Options

اَللّٰهُمَّ اِنِّى اِسْتَocked

( Allaahumma innii istaudi’uka maa ‘allamtaniihi fardud-hu ilayya’inda haajatii wa laa tansaniihi yaa robbal ‘alamiin)

It means:

“O Allah, I have actually entrusted to You what You have taught me, so return it to me when I need it. Don’t make me forget him. O God of nature”

3. The Third Prayer Option


( Allahumma arinal haqqa haqqa warzuqnat tibaa’ah. Wa arinal baathila ba-thilan warzuqnaj tinaabahu)

It means:

“O Allah, show us the truth, so that we can follow it. And show us the ugliness so that we can stay away from it

Learning Manners

Adab or morals is something that is important in human life. From adab, someone will be glorified by God. In addition, indirectly will be respected by fellow human beings.

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In a hadith it is mentioned about adab for Muslims.

There is nothing heavier on the scales of a believer on the Day of Resurrection than noble character .” (Narrated by Tirmidhi)

Well, here are the manners in praying before studying. Let’s see!

1. Intention to learn to seek the pleasure of Allah

When you want to learn, you must sincerely intend from the heart so that the knowledge we gain from the learning process can be of benefit to ourselves or to others.

2. Read the prayer before and after studying

After intending our hearts to study sincerely, we must read a prayer before studying first. Then, when studying is finished, we just recite the prayer after studying.

3. Concentration and don’t mess around while studying

When studying, we must concentrate and be serious in order to get good learning results.

4. Focus your eyes on a book or something you are studying

When studying, our eyes must focus on the book or something we are studying. Don’t let our minds shake ! If you feel tired, you have to rest, don’t forget!

Benefits of Praying

Without realizing it, praying can actually give you good benefits for your physical and mental health, you know…

Let’s see what are the benefits ~

1. Praying can make us feel better.

Do you know if a prayer turns out to have such great power? There is a study on “prayer” which turned out to get amazing results. Praying can make us stay away from selfishness while increasing our humility. 

2. Good for the heart and prolong life

By praying, usually our feelings will be calm. Well, this calm actually helps in reducing stress in the mind. Remembering stress is one of the main causes of various diseases.

So it can be concluded that by praying, we will avoid stress and can make our lives longer. 

3. Get forgiveness from Allah SWT

When praying, generally people will ask God for forgiveness for their sins in the prayer that is said. If we pray earnestly, admit our mistakes, ask for forgiveness sincerely, God willing, our sins will be forgiven by Allah SWT. 

4. Recovering emotionally and physically

Praying in fact can give suggestions by thinking that what is said in the prayer will not be impossible by Allah SWT. From this hope, it allows someone to avoid despair. This hopelessness can stress you out and make you sick.

Apart from being emotional, praying can also be felt physically by humans. For example, by praying, our stress hormones will be reduced, blood pressure will be controlled, thus making our immune system better.

5. Can cure disease

Prayer can be used as a healing process, especially in mental health problems. A study in Canada proves this and makes praying a self-reflection for patients so they can get a better life.

6. Eradicate feelings of loneliness

Prayer turns out to be an effective method for eradicating feelings of loneliness, you know~

Through prayer activities where there are no boundaries when communicating with God, our loneliness can be overcome slowly. When the feeling of loneliness is successfully driven away, then God willing , the depression we experience can be avoided.

Law of Study in Islam

Learning is one of the obligations of Muslims to seek knowledge, which is according to what is stated in the holy book Al-Quran and Hadith. In addition to making ourselves smart, learning is also considered a worship with a high reward value for Allah SWT.

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Rasulullah SAW once said about the importance of learning, namely:

“Whoever goes to seek knowledge, then he is included in the sabilillah group (people who uphold Allah’s religion) until he returns home.” (HR Tirmidhi)

Facts About Prayer

1. Prayer and Healing

Sinaumed’s , do you know that in the world of Western medicine and religious researchers are currently trying hard to prove the impact of praying on efforts to cure disease.

By praying regularly, allegedly can improve the quality of health and accelerate healing of disease. Those who pray and pray regularly are said to be less likely to develop cancer, heart disease and high blood pressure.

Indeed, the previous statement reaped many pros and cons. However, research in California has shown that those who are devout in their religion live an average of seven years longer.

A founder of the center for the study of religiosity and health at Duke University (USA), Prof. Harold Koenig argues that the phenomenon of prayer and healing can be scientifically proven. Whoever fully accepts God as the controller of his destiny, he will feel calmer, less stressed, and more socially attached.

From this opinion, adherents of a devout religion can naturally distance themselves from the influence of alcohol, narcotics, deviant sexual practices, and other crimes that can damage health. 

2. Prayer Reading can Heal Leg Cramps

Leg cramps usually occur when we sit for a long time. Even when our legs experience cramps, it can hurt so much that some cannot walk for some time.

Haitsam bin Hanasy once said, “When we were beside Abdullah bin Umar ra. then suddenly his legs cramped, a man said ‘Name the person you like the most among humans’. He also said ‘O Muhammad SAW!’. So he also (recovered) as if he had just been released from the bondage. (Narrated by Ibn Sunni)

3. Prayer When Getting Good from Others

The word “Alhamdulillah” is a word of praise to Allah SWT when we get something good or pleasure.

However, there are manners or ethics that have become a habit and are highly recommended in Islam when there are people who have done good to us, that is, we must pray for that person.

The recommended prayer is “ Jazaakallahu khairan ”, which means May Allah reward you with good. 

The prayer is considered to be a compliment for people who have done good things. As well as this prayer is also the basis of a hadith narrated by At-Tirmidhi. 

4. Understanding the Spirituality of Prayer

Prayer plays a big role in shaping the peace of the human soul. Prayer can strengthen the bond of love between Allah SWT and His obedient servants. “Prayer is the essence of worship,” said the Prophet Muhammad.

Among the ethics of praying, as Prof. has written. Dr. Nasaruddin Umar (in his book entitled 40 Art of a Happy Life), prayer should be done facing the Qiblah while raising both hands. After that, when you have finished praying to Allah SWT, wipe your hands over your face.

The ethics of prayer was also explained again by Imam Ghazali (in his book, Ihya ‘Ulumuddin). According to him, in the palms of human hands there is an energy that can be transferred to our faces.

Apart from that, there is also a hadith which says that when a child cries, the mother rubs her hand over the child’s face, then the child will stop crying.

Therefore, we hasten to pray to Allah SWT, both when the heart is happy or when we are feeling sad. Don’t forget to wipe your hands over your face after praying.

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Author: Rifda Arum

Editor: Farah Fadila


Hidayah Magazine Team. (2009). Did you know Anta? Unique and Interesting Information About the Islamic World . Cibubur: PT Variapop Group.