Definition of Adab and Examples of Adab in Everyday Life

Understanding Adab – Adab has a meaning of politeness, friendliness, and delicacy of character. Adab is closely related to morals or commendable behavior. Most linguists also mention that adab is intelligence and accuracy in managing everything. Likewise, some other scholars also argue that adab is a word or utterance that collects all good things in it.

Adab is a norm or rule regarding manners based on religious rules. Norms about adab are often used in interactions that occur between people, between neighbors, and between peoples.

The term civilized person actually means that person knows the rules regarding manners or manners determined in Islam. But over time, the words civilized and uncivilized are associated with aspects of decency in general and are not specifically combined in Islam.

Adab is very important in human life. For people who have adab will usually be protected from despicable acts. So do not be surprised if adab is very important. Manners certainly need to be taught from childhood. Children who have been given lessons about manners will grow to be better individuals than their peers.

Understanding Adab According to Experts

So that Sinaumed’s can understand more deeply the meaning of adab, here are some definitions of adab according to experts:

1. Al-Jurjani

The first opinion from Al-Jurjani adab is a process to acquire knowledge learned with the aim of preventing students from making mistakes or other forms of mistakes that are made later.

2. Ibrahim Anis

Ibrahim Anis gave the opinion that adab is a science in which the object discusses values ​​related to human actions.

3. Soegarda Poerbakawatja

Soegarda Poerbakawatja also conveyed that adab is manners, character, decency, namely good behavior which is the result of the right attitude of the soul towards its creator and towards fellow human beings.

4. Hamza Ya’qub

According to Hamza Ya’qub, adab is a science that determines the boundaries between good and bad, between praiseworthy and reprehensible, about the words or actions of human beings physically and mentally.

Science that provides understanding of good and bad, science that teaches human relations and states their ultimate goal of all their endeavors and work.

5. Ibn Miskawaih

Adab is a condition that is inherent in the human soul, which acts easily, without going through a process of thought or consideration in daily activities.

Parents are required to be role models in teaching good morals to their children. Give an example of how to behave, not be selfish, help others, including how to be a good Muslim and Muslim woman according to the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad. Teaching adab to children certainly has several functions such as:

  1. Become a human or a Muslim with good character
  2. Make intercession in the hereafter
  3. Making adab the best legacy
  4. Parents get great rewards
  5. Rewards provide a living to children

To get deeper knowledge about manners and manners for children, Sinaumed’s can get his book which is available at . As #FriendsWithoutLimits we always try to give the best!


Adab is a Norm with Many Functions

Adab is certainly important for humans, because adab is one part of noble character which in the future will require humans to become better individuals and to be able to place themselves in certain places and times.

Here are some of the functions of adab.

1. Able to be responsible for its obligations

A civilized human being is a human being who is able to be responsible for the rights and obligations he has. For civilized humans, they will know what responsibilities must be carried out and which ones must not be carried out. It’s the same with what good deeds should be done and what kind of bad deeds should be abandoned.

2. Can Make Humans Civilized and Just

In the future, civilized humans will have individuals who can act fairly so that later they can be used as leaders. Civilized humans are used to having attitudes that can humanize humans and be fair in doing anything. It is things like this that make civilized humans trusted and able to become leaders.

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3. Feeling Far from Smart Words

Civilized humans will also usually continue to learn, including wanting to improve themselves so that they can perfect their morals. Civilized humans will thirst for knowledge and consider themselves far from perfect. They will continue to learn from anyone, not feeling that the younger ones have less knowledge. People who have adab can study anywhere and easily adapt to get along with anyone.

4. Adab Grows Love for Allah

Adab is also one of the things that can foster a sense of love for a person towards his Creator and also for fellow human beings. A civilized person will always need God, he will always ask God for forgiveness and protection. Because he realized he was nobody in this world.

5. Refrain from Vile Actions

With adab, it can prevent humans from committing disgraceful or heinous acts. Civilized people are reluctant to do things that can harm themselves and others. A civilized person will try to make those around him feel helped by his presence, not make it difficult.

6. Great Reward

Civilized people will always do positive things and of course it will be counted as a reward. Everything that a civilized person does will count as a reward if it is positive and will continue to benefit everyone.

Adab is the Norm with Many Forming Factors

Adab is important for human life. Adab is a measure of a person’s merits. Of course there are several factors that make adab appear over time.

The following are several factors that can influence the birth of adab.

1. Religious Teachings

The main thing in the formation of adab is of course religious education which is the foundation in everyday human life and also as a provision for our future lives in the hereafter. There is no need to be surprised if religion can have an influence on a human being’s manners.

For those who want to study religion well, they will know the importance of the presence of adab in human life. This is because those who believe will obey the rules in religion, so they will have fear when they want to do bad things.

Religious teachings need to be learned from an early age. Children must begin to get to know religious teachings. The most important thing is to know their god, namely Allah SWT, as the Creator, prophets and apostles as carriers of divine messages, the universe as a place of worship, and ethics in living life.

Give children religious knowledge in their daily lives, such as worshiping prayers, reciting the Koran, saying greetings, reading prayers when going to do something, and much more.

By getting used to it since childhood, children will continue to do good things that are ingrained in themselves. Parents do play an important role in this. The good manners that children have are a sign of the success of their parents’ upbringing. Also provide education to children who prioritize religion, such as schools in Islamic boarding schools, reciting the Koran, special schools reciting the Koran and others.

2. Customs

Customs are also a factor in the formation of adab which also greatly influences a person’s attitude so that it can give birth to a human being’s adab. Customs that are known for their hereditary attitudes and have been maintained for a long time, so there is no need to be surprised if things like this can have an influence on human habits in everyday life.

But not all customary or cultural rules can be applied or can give birth to adab. This is because there are several conditions where customary rules deviate from religious rules. So you should reconsider before choosing the things that will be applied in forming adab, both for yourself and in a community.

We can draw the conclusion that Adab is an unwritten norm or rule regarding manners based on religious rules and cultural customs. Norms that are used in the association of fellow human beings and regulate matters of courtesy towards fellow human beings.

3. Everyday Habits

If we already have enough knowledge, of course we need to apply it anywhere and anytime. It’s not easy if we get used to something, but if it’s good then it must be forced to shape us into a better person.

The environment is also a factor that influences a person’s behavior. A child will have good morals if he lives in a good environment and a child will have bad morals if he lives in a bad environment.

The environment is everything that exists around living things. Both the physical environment such as home, parents, school, playmates, as well as the psychological environment such as aspirations, dreams, conflicts, and so on.

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For example, when we are at home and are being asked for help by our parents, we have to help them as long as we can. Don’t let your parents experience difficulties by themselves when in fact we are capable.

4. Heredity

Heredity can be seen in the nature of children who are not far from the characteristics of both parents. The transfer of traits from parent to child or from tree to branch is called heredity.

A child can be similar to his parents but there are also those who are not similar to their parents. Indeed, children and parents have differences, but these differences only exist in certain parts, but as a whole have many similarities.

This is because humans have various characteristics, both physical, spiritual, and so on. Even twins have different traits and characteristics. Therefore, the nature of children can occur on two sides, namely physical and spiritual characteristics. Physical properties are owned by parents and can be passed on to their children.

For example, intelligent parents may pass on intelligence to their children, and weak or sick parents may pass on disease to their children. While the spiritual nature is the child’s behavior that can come from the strength and weakness of the inner bond that is passed down from their parents.

5. Internal Factors

Internal factors or factors contained within humans. Internal factors are natural or holy factors that exist in humans from birth and are God’s creation. But adab certainly needs learning so that oneself continues to improve in a better direction.

Adab example

We need to apply Aqidah and Morals to children as early as possible. This is because adab needs to be cultivated from a young age. The following are the manners of daily intercourse according to Islamic teachings:

1. Adab towards Allah

  1. Grateful for what God has given
  2. Believe in God’s perfection
  3. Obey HIS commands
  4. Speak good words
  5. When worshiping, wear the best and sacred clothes

2. Adab towards both parents

  1. Respect and fulfill the rights of parents
  2. Not disobedient or hurting parents
  3. Obey the orders that are told by parents while good
  4. Always pray for parents
  5. Gratitude to parents by helping parents
  6. Joke politely with parents
  7. Keep doing good to others even though parents have died

3. Adab towards the teacher

  1. Respect teachers
  2. Don’t make the teacher annoyed and angry
  3. Obey the teacher’s orders
  4. Do the assignments that the teacher gives
  5. Put into practice the knowledge gained
  6. Thank the teacher

4. Adab towards fellow human beings

  1. Greet each other and say hello when they meet
  2. Come to events if invited
  3. Give food if you have more food
  4. Give good advice when asked
  5. Mutual respect for a difference
  6. Visit when sick
  7. Take care of the body and pray for it

5. Manners towards fellow friends

  1. Get along well and have fun
  2. Friends with good religion
  3. Spread peace
  4. Greet each other and joke around
  5. Apologize and forgive each other when guilty
  6. Always smiling
  7. Mutual help

6. Adab towards Society

  1. Can do good and leave harmful actions together
  2. Be honest
  3. Speak softly and lovingly
  4. Do not follow other people’s business
  5. tolerate each other

7. Adab towards you

  1. Help each other when experiencing difficulties
  2. When you are doing a celebration, we help
  3. Not stingy when it comes to food
  4. Communicate frequently and ask news
  5. Forgive each other
  6. Tolerance
  7. Don’t badmouth other siblings

8. Dress Manners

  1. Pay attention to the requirements of Islamic clothing. For example, covering the genitals especially for women.
  2. Wear clean and neat clothes.
  3. Try to prioritize the right limb, then the left in wearing clothes.
  4. It does not resemble women’s clothing for men, or men’s clothing for women.
  5. Does not resemble the clothes of Jewish or Christian priests or symbolize the greatness of other religions.
  6. Not too tight and transparent, so it seems to want to show her curves.

9. Traveling Manners

  1. Saying greetings when you are about to leave the house, the goal is that Allah will provide safety for both those who will be traveling and those who are left behind.
  2. Write a will or message if there are things that are considered important and if traveling to a place that is very far away and takes a long time.
  3. Forgive each other, so that there is no burden for those who want to leave or those who are left behind.
  4. Read a prayer before leaving or leaving the house.
  5. Intention to deliberately travel to work or study in order to seek the pleasure of SWT.

Sinaumed’s, now we know that adab is a very important thing in human life. If Sinaumed’s wants to know more about adab, you can get his books which are available at . As #FriendsWithoutLimits we always try to give the best!

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Author: Yufi Cantika Sukma Divine

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