Customary Norms and Examples of Customary Norms – In an effort to realize the comfort and regularity of life that we live today, society generally makes agreements about what can be done and what can’t be done. Well, what we usually call agreed upon is the norm .
In fact, formal learning about norms has started when you were in elementary school, and when you live in a non-formal society. This time we will review it again and understand more deeply about norms.
As is known, there are various norms that exist in society which are grouped based on the level of sanctions, their binding power and their sources. Of the various norms, we will discuss customary norms that are very closely related to our daily lives.
This article will discuss the meaning, characteristics, examples, functions, benefits and purposes of the existence of customary norms. Let’s start by understanding the meaning of customary norms first.
Definition of Norm
According to Hadi Wiyono Isworo as one of the experts in Indonesia, revealed that norms are rules or life guidelines that are useful in providing guidance on actions that may be done, avoided or even prohibited in a society.
In addition to this understanding, norms can also be interpreted as provisions governing human behavior in becoming members of society. The formation of norms in society is based on the values shared by society.
Existing norms are closely related to values, this is because norms are real forms of values that are still abstract. As already explained, because norms are collective agreements that exist in society, if someone violates the norms, they will be subject to certain sanctions or punishments. The level of sanctions that are obtained by norm violators, whether they are severe or not, depends on the type of norm that is violated.
Definition of Customary Norms
Now, after understanding the meaning of norms, it’s time to enter into a discussion regarding one type of norm, namely customary norms. This habitual norm is included in the type of norm based on its binding power.
Based on the ability to bind community members, social norms can be grouped into several types, namely usage norms, folkways, moral norms (mores), and customs norms. In general, customary norms ( folkways ) are interpreted as norms or rules originating from traditions or customs passed down from generation to generation in a society. Habits that are carried out are interpreted as repeated actions, because basically it is done because it has a good purpose.
If you adapt from KBBI ( Big Indonesian Dictionary), customary norms consist of the words “norms” and “habits”. Norms in KBBI are defined as things that bind a member of a group in society in the form of rules or provisions.
Meanwhile, the habit in KBBI is described as a pattern that is carried out repeatedly in a form of response regarding certain situations carried out by individuals for things that are always the same.
For the combined meaning, it is concluded that
Customary norms are binding rules that are formed from a behavior that is carried out continuously and already exists and is approved by members of a community group.
Maybe because the meaning that has been explained above is too long, remember these two keywords, to understand the meaning of customary norms, namely rules and repeated behavior.
The implementation of customary norms greatly impacts daily life, especially in the current era of moral degradation. The resulting impact is clearly a good impact, if we carry out the customary norms. For example, we take an action that is included in the customary norm, say, the habit of respecting and prioritizing older people, this action causes us to be liked by many people, respected again, even loved by many people and labeled as good and moral children. Obviously things like that are highly expected for everyone ( including writers ), implementing the norms that apply at the same time can have a good impact on oneself.
If we don’t carry out these customary norms as they should, instead of getting good effects, we will actually get bad effects, such as criticism from various parties in society and most importantly we will get sanctions or punishments that apply. Understand how to distinguish between good and bad habits through the book 50 Collections of Inspirational Stories Habits of Good Children.
This impact is very bad, yes, so we must avoid it by implementing the applicable norms. This is very clear, that for members of the community who do not carry out these customary norms, they will receive sanctions or punishment.
The sanctions are in the form of criticism, ridicule, and can even be ostracized or alienated from society. Imagine if we were exiled or ostracized from society, it would be terrible, friend .
Characteristics of Habit Norms
- First, the action is carried out continuously or repeatedly . It is very clear for this first feature, the name is also a customary norm which means that this is done repeatedly and consciously becomes a habit that is agreed upon by the environment in society.
- Second, it is customary, this is usually in accordance with the values that have been agreed upon in society . Norms are formed as a concrete manifestation of the values that have been adopted by the community, these values are usually regional in nature or in accordance with prevailing customs. In this case, norms are also a consensus in society and are usually in accordance with the customary values of the people who agree with them.
- Third, the action is carried out in a conscious state and has a good purpose . Customary norms are generally rules that govern how people behave in a society. People who adhere to this norm, obviously consciously do so because they remember the side effects of not following this norm. In addition to keeping it away from sanctions or punishment as a manifestation of the good goals of customary norms, there is also a good goal, namely to make life order more orderly, peaceful and peaceful.
- Fourth, like other norms, these customary norms are binding in nature, even though they are not stated in the law . Regarding its binding characteristics, this is due to social sanctions that are ready to wait if we violate it. In addition to the social sanctions that have been waiting, the norms that are adhered to are because there has been an agreement among members of the community group. To be accepted in society, you must carry out the existing norms. This expectation of acceptance in the community environment makes community members willing to carry out existing norms.
- Fifth, it is mandatory to obey and if it violates it will be subject to appropriate sanctions or punishments . In fact, the fifth feature of this habitual norm is directly correlated with the fourth feature. If you violate the norms, then as a consequence of this you get sanctions or social punishment. You must have heard of the term “social sanctions are more cruel than legal sanctions”, that term has a point, or it can be said to be very true. Even today, you can get social sanctions for your bad behavior via offline and online. How scary!. So, whether we like it or not, we are required to carry out the norms that have been applied in society.
Examples of Habit Norms
- take a regular bath every day,
- respect others,
- greeting others,
- speak politely and politely to others,
- Brush your teeth every day to keep your breath fresh
- love animals and protect nature.
Seeing the example that the author wrote above, it’s very simple, isn’t it behavior that is included in the customary norms? So, don’t forget to apply it.
Functions of Habit Norms
- First , customary norms have a function to regulate human behavior in the social environment in interacting between one human being and another in accordance with prevailing norms.
- Second , customary norms are also the basis for imposing punishments or sanctions against members of the public who commit deviant behavior or do not comply with what has been agreed upon in society.
- Third , customary norms are able to create an orderly and regular social environment.
Benefits of Habit Norms in Society
- First , the benefit of customary norms is to create order, harmony, peace and regularity in society.
- Second , the existence of these customary norms, makes members of the community limit and control their behavior according to the norms so that they do not deviate and are subject to sanctions or punishments that apply as they should.
- Third , these customary norms have the benefit of minimizing disputes in society. This is because the actions they commit are limited by what is already limited by customary norms.
- Fourth , or the last benefit of customary norms is to assist in protecting the interests and rights of others.
The purpose of the existence of customary norms
Norms basically have good goals for each member who runs them, as well as the goals of customary norms. The aim is for these customary norms to become the basis, guidelines, directions, guides in carrying out daily life for members of the community, especially in their interactions with other members of the community, things like this will minimize conflicts that occur between members of the community and the emergence of a peaceful life.
The purpose of these customary norms correlates with the benefits of customary norms to create an orderly and peaceful society, this is also in terms of regulating the behavior of members of the community and giving directions in distinguishing what is right, and vice versa.
As is the case with human consumptive behavior, which cannot distinguish between wants and needs which can have an impact on the indiscriminate depletion of natural resources. With the norms of habit, humans can be more aware of it. You can read further discussion in the book Ethics and Consumption Norms in Islam.
The Essence of Habit Norms
Customary norms, like other norms that apply in society, are important as a reference for our lives to behave. Basically humans live in groups and in this case the group in question is society.
In human society, we need adjustments and adaptations with other humans. This process will lead to two possible endings, accepted or rejected in a society.
Norms as a concrete form of the values adopted by society, become one of the tools to determine whether a human being is accepted or not in a society, including customary norms. Carrying out the customary norms whose values have been mutually agreed upon by the community, will open wide the road to self-acceptance in that environment.
To carry out customary norms, it must also be understood regarding the meaning, characteristics, examples, functions, benefits, and objectives of the norms themselves. Learn how through the Positive Habit Therapy book below.
The essence of customary norms is not just applying them. Its essence is deeper than that, understanding, then applying, then understanding the consequences of all its actions, both in line and in conflict, and even deviating from the prevailing norms.
Understanding it makes us more aware of the obligations that we should have done from the start, without even having to think about the sanctions or punishments we will receive for those actions.
The existence of these customary norms is a reflection of the existence of values that have been embraced by society. To find out how the attitude of members of the community in an environment, it would be better if we understand the pattern of values that are believed by the local community. It is hoped that the understanding of customary norms that you have previously obtained and which has now been discussed again, is expected to make you understand more deeply about customary norms and have an impact on carrying out these customary norms better.
Therefore this in-depth discussion is very good to understand in order to better understand the essence and even the existence of the presence of customary norms that apply in society. This is done in order to create a more calm, orderly, and peaceful community environment, with members of the community who are able to limit all their behavior or words in accordance with existing customary norms.
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