Understanding Alif Lam Syamsiyah and the Law of Reading

Alif lam syamsiah – In reading the Koran, we are not only required to simply read the letters written in this holy book belonging to Muslims. Every Muslim must certainly begin to understand and know tajwid and also the law of reading properly.

Thus, reading the Al-Quran can also be done properly and correctly in accordance with Islamic teachings. What’s more, reading each letter in the Koran has its own reward. So it will be better if we can understand the recitations so that the reward we get is also perfect.

One of the laws of reading that we must know is the letter alif lam syamsiyah. Where Syamsiyah itself comes from the word syamsun which means the sun. In the Syamsiyah letters, it is likened to the sun.

Meanwhile, the letters lam are likened to the stars that exist during the day and cannot be seen when there is the sun. To understand clearly what the alif lam syamsiyah letter is, its characteristics, and the letters, let’s look at the summary below.

Reading Al-Quran Tartil and Correct

As we understand that reading the Al-Quran is the obligation of all Muslims. Reading the Al-Quran is not just reading the text or words in the Al-Quran, but also reading the contents and meaning of the book. There are many people who think that reading the Koran is just learning the recitation of the tajwid.

In fact, more than that, the Al-Quran as its function can provide guidance. If humans only read and do not understand the content or meaning, then they are the same as reading traffic symbols but do not understand what the rules are for.

The Al-Quran itself contains and teaches about how if humans have faith, with the benefits of believing in Allah and the benefits of trust, as the Prophet and other believers have done. This happened because in the Al-Quran there is a history of the life stories of the Prophets and Apostles as well as believers who lived in the past. Surely this is not yet known if Muslims do not read it in depth.

So, in order to understand the Al-Quran properly and completely, you can start from the basics first. Reading the Al-Quran can be started by studying the law of reciting the Al-Quran or its tajwid. There are many tajwid laws and the rules themselves can be understood and obtained the correct meaning in accordance with the intentions that Allah SWT wants to convey in Arabic.

Therefore, starting to study the Koran can be started with a discussion of the law of reciting the Koran or tajwid. Certainly not difficult if accompanied by intention and sincerity to study the Koran.

Reading the Al-Quran correctly is an obligation and duty for every Muslim. To be able to read the Koran tartil and correctly, you don’t need to be in a hurry. Pronouncing it must be with the correct and correct reading lafadz and the appropriate reading law.

Therefore, before reading the Koran, you must be able to master and understand tajwid in reading the Koran first. This is in accordance with what is in the following paragraph.

“Do not move your tongue to (read) the Koran because you want to quickly (master) it” . (QS. Al-Qiyamah: 16)

To be able to master Al-Quran reading, it is better if you have instilled Al-Quran education from an early age. There are a lot of tajwid readings and if you only understand or study them when you are an adult, you will not have enough time and the process will be slow.

In order to achieve that target, you must learn as soon as possible from an early age. In fact, children are still very easy to accept lessons. Therefore, the most appropriate time to teach Al-Quran recitation is from childhood.

In the Al-Quran itself there are various kinds of problems that we must understand, especially regarding the basics of religion itself such as the pillars of Islam and also the pillars of faith. The other important things related to humans are the purpose of human creation, how the process is done, the concept of human in Islam, the nature of human creation, and other things.

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Because, it is a basic thing in human life. Meanwhile, it is very difficult to understand if you don’t learn the basics of the Al-Quran first.

Definition of Alif Lam Syamsiyah

Before discussing further about the letter alif lam syamsiyah, it is better if we first understand what the letter alif lam syamsiyah is. So, the alif lam syamsiyah letter is an alif lam which is strung with a noun or isim and begins with one of the syamsiyah letters.

That means, the reading law will occur if alif lam meets one of the syamsiyah letters. The alif lam syamsiyah letter consists of 14 letters, including:

  1. tha (ط)
  2. tsa (ث)
  3. shad (ص)
  4. ra (ر)
  5. ta (ت)
  6. dha (ض)
  7. dzal (ذ)
  8. nun (ن)
  9. dal (د)
  10. zai (ز)
  11. sin (س)
  12. zha (ظ)
  13. shin (ش)
  14. lam (ل)

The Law of Reading Tajwid Alif Lam Syamsiyah

Alif lam syamsiyah is one of the readings or tajwid laws in the Al-Quran. Therefore, alif lam syamsiyah as one of the laws of reciting tajwid must also be understood before reading the Koran or doing tilawatil of the Koran. There are a few wrong readings, so it will have a different meaning or meaning.

In a sense, alif lam syamsiyah is a law or procedure for reading alif lam letters when meeting with syamsiyah letters. This alif lam syamsiyah reading law can be referred to as Idgham Syamsiyah . As for how to read the alif lam syamsiyah, it must be entered or memorized in the syamsiyah letters or the writing is fixed, but the lam letters are not read.

Alif lam syamsiyah is called Idgham Syamsiyah , because the sound of alif lam will be idghamed into the syamsiyah letters in front of it. That way, it will result in the sound of the alif lam being melted because it is entered with the syamsiyah letter in front of it.

Alif Lam Qomariah

Alif lam syamsiyah will definitely be different from reading alif lam qomariah. Where alif lam qomariah is the law of tajwid reading, if there is al-ma’arif or lam ta’rif meeting one of the qamariah letters , then the way to read it is clear or clear. Therefore, the old letters will be read clearly. Alif lam meets one of the qamariah letters , so the alif lam must be read clearly.

The following are some of the letters alif lam qomariah , including:

ب ج ح خ ع غ ف ق ك م و غ ه ء ي ا

The difference between Alif Lam Syamsiah and Alif Lam Qomariah

The differences between alif lam syamsiyah and alif lam qomariah include:

  1. For Alif lam syamsiyah , the letter lam must be read unclearly and put into the next letter, while for alif lam qamariyah it must be read clearly and clearly.
  2. Alif lam syamsiyah which has no vowel or is considered non-existent, while alif lam qomariah has breadfruit.
  3. Writing in alif lam syamsiyah will use the tasydid sign and the syamsiyah letters are located in front of the alif lam.
  4. Writing alif lam qomariah uses the breadfruit sign in the lam letters .

Alif lam syamsiyah and also alif lam qomariah are one of the existing forms of recitation. To be able to understand this law, it is certainly not difficult if it is done consistently, with frequent and routine intensity.

For that, learning tajwid is only about time and habits. It’s not difficult if Muslims want to try it and make us learn other foreign languages. It would be very difficult to put into practice, only become theory and never evaluate the results of learning.

Example of Alif Lam Syamsiah

The following are some examples of alif lam syamsiah reading , including:

  • ال Meets ت For example: التَّكَاثُرُ How to read: at-takasur
  • ال Meets ث For example: الثَّاقِبُ How to read: ats-tsaqib
  • ال Meets د For example: الدِّيْنُ How to read: ad-din
  • ال Meets with ذ For example: الذِّكْرُ How to read: az-zikr
  • ال Meets ر For example: الرَّحْمَنُ How to read: ar-rahman
  • ال Meets ز For example: الزَّيْتُوْن How to read: az-olive
  • ال Meets with س For example: السَّمِيْعُ How to read: as-sami`
  • ال Meets ش For example: الشَّمْسُ How to read: asy-syamsu
  • ال Meets with ص For example: الصَّالِحَاتُ How to read: sh-salihaat
  • ال Meets ض Example: الضَّالِّيْنُ How to read: adh-dhaalin
  • ال Meets ط For example: الطَّاعَةُ How to read: ath-tha`ah
  • ال Meets ظ For example: الظَّالِمِيْنَ How to read: azh-zhalimin
  • ال Meets ل For example: الَّلْيلُ How to read: al-lail
  • ال Meets ن For example: النَّاسُ How to read: an-naas

In addition to the examples above, the following is an example of the alif lam syamsiyah in the complete An-Nas letter.

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بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

قُلْ اَعُوْذُ بِرَبِّ النَّاسِۙ ١

Say (Prophet Muhammad), “I take refuge in the God of mankind,

مَلِكِ النَّاسِۙ ٢

king of humans,

اِلٰهِ النَّاسِۙ ٣

human worship

مِنْ شَرِّ الْوَسْوَاسِ ەۙ الْخَنَّاسِۖ ٤

from the evil (devil) whisperer who is hiding

الَّذِيْ يُوَسْوِسُ فِيْ صُدُوْرِ النَّاسِۙ ٥

who whispers (evil) into the human chest,

مِنَ الْجِنَّةِ وَالنَّاسِ ࣖ ٦

from (class of) jinn and humans.

After reading the An-Nas verse that we mentioned above, did you find 5 examples of alif lam syamsiyah? Below are five examples of alif lam syamsiyah readings in the short An-Nas letter.

1. Verse 1 النَّاسِۙ
2. Verse 2 النَّاسِۙ
3. Verse 3 النَّاسِۙ
4. Verse 5 النَّاسِۙ
5. Verse 6 النَّاسِ

Characteristics of Alif Lam Syamsiyah Letters

In order to make it easier for you when reading the Koran, especially when faced with the letters alif lam syamsiyah. So, it is very important to understand its characteristics. The characteristics of the letter alif lam syamsiyah are in the tasydid sign at the top of the syamsiyah letter. Namely the tasydid sign given because of the law of meeting between the letters hijaiyah alif lam and also the letters syamsiyah.

Meanwhile, how to read it yourself is to enter the letter Al or lam breadfruit into the syamsiyah letters. Thus, the reading of lam breadfruit becomes lost and merges into the syamsiyah letters that follow. In other words, it can be considered as discarding the lam breadfruit and then translating the syamsiyah letters.

The following are some things that you should pay attention to the letter alif lam syamsiyah when reading the Al-Quran.

a. If it is at the beginning of the verse it is called ibtida’

The way to read it is that the letter alif is read like a letter that has the vowel fathah . While the lam letter is not read or is considered non-existent because it merges into syamsiyah letters or is read idgham . The way to read it is still valid, even though there is no tasydid at the top of the syamsiyah letters . The following is an example of the reading:

الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِۙ

Arrahmaanirrahiim not al rahmaanil rakhiimi .

b. If the Alif Lam Syamsiyah Letter is in the Middle of the Verse

The way to read it is that the letters alif lam are not read or are considered non-existent. So, the letters before alif lam immediately merge into syamsiyah letters. The following is an example of the reading:

مٰلِكِ يَوْمِ الدِّيْنِۗ

Maaliki yaumiddiini . (Not read ” maaliki yaumildiini “, because ” al ” has melted).

c. If you want to connect between one verse of the Koran and another verse

The way to read it is that alif lam is not read or considered non-existent and immediately enters the syamsiyah letters . The following is an example of the reading:

O Allah

d. Lam Alif Meets Tanwin

The way to read it is the same as how to read alif lam qomariah , namely by changing the tanwin sign to become an ordinary vowel (if fathatain is changed to vowel fathah , if kasrahtain is changed to vowel kasrah, and if dhommahtain is changed to vowel dhommah ). Meanwhile, for the hamza washal, it is changed to the sound of the letter nun by using the vowel kasrah or reading it with ni.

Then for the nun wiqayah or the small nun at the bottom of the hamzah washal it will immediately be envisioned or merged into the syamsiyah letters . The following is an example of the reading:

فَكَيۡفَ تَتَّقُوۡنَ اِنۡ كَفَرۡتُمۡ

Fakaifa tattaquuna ingkafartum yauman yaj’alulwildaana syaibaanissamaau munfatiruumbihii kaana wa’dahuu maf’uula .

Another Example of Alif Lam Syamsiyah’s Reading

Below are some examples of the letters laif lam syamsiyah in the Al-Quran:

النَّجْمُ الثَّاقِبُۙ

Read: an-najmuṡ-ṡāqib . (QS. At-Tariq: 3)
Description: alif lam meets the letter tsa (ث).

الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِۙ

Read: ar-raḥmānir-raḥīm . (QS. Al-Fatihah: 3)
Description: alif lam meets the letter ra (ر).

ءَتِ الطَّاۤمَّةُ الْكُبْرٰىۖ

Read: a tiṭ-ṭāmmatul-kubrā . (QS. An-Naziat: 34)
Description: alif lam meets the letter tha (ط).

هُوَ التَّوَّابُ الرَّحِيْمُ

Read: huwat-tawwābur-raḥīm . (QS. At-Taubah: 104)
Description: alif lam meets the letter ta (ت).

As previously explained, to be able to read the verses of the Al-Quran that are in accordance with the tajwid requires quite a bit of time. Therefore, we must remain istiqomah in reading the verses of the Koran that are in accordance with tajwid.


That’s an explanation of the letter alif lam syamsiyah , its characteristics, and some examples that you can learn. Hopefully all the discussion above is useful for Sinaumed’s.

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