60 Examples of Adjective Phrases and Their Complete Explanations!

Examples of Adjective Phrases – Phrases are one of the elements that form complete sentences that we often find in Indonesian discourse or writing, while adjectives are words used to express a characteristic or condition of a noun (noun).

So, what is meant by an adjective phrase? What are included as examples of adjective phrases? All these questions will be answered in this discussion.

In general, an adjective phrase is a combination of two or more adjectives or circumstances. One of the words from the combination functions to explain another word which is the essence of the nature or condition. According to Verhaar (2001), the core element of an adjective phrase is a superior constituent, while the limiting element is called a subordinate constituent.

On this occasion, the sinaumedia editor will share a discussion regarding the meaning and examples of adjective phrases in sentences. However, it is better for us to know in advance about the meaning of phrases and adjectives before discussing further about the types of adjective phrases and their examples.


Definition of Adjective Phrases

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) , a phrase means a combination of two or more words that are non-predicative in nature, for example, high mountain is called a phrase because it is a non-predicative construction (not related to the predicate).

As for the meaning of the adjective according to KBBI, it means an endocentric phrase with one parent whose main is an adjective and its modifier is an adverb. Adjectives or adjectives are words that describe nouns (nouns) and in general can be joined with the words more and very. So, adjective phrases are phrases that contain elements of adjectives, for example very beautiful, very tall , and very stupid .

As the information quoted from the book entitled Smart Speech: Tips to Become a Great Orator by Arif Yosodipuro, adjective phrases are phrases that are formed by combining adjectives and adding adverbs, for example somewhat, most, very, and must. This phrase in linguistics can be interpreted as an endocentric phrase with one parent whose main is an adjective and its modifier is an adverb.

Check out the following examples!

” Actually, parents are willing to pay, but it is more important for their household needs to be met .”

The more important phrases in the sentence above include the adjective phrases. The core element, namely the word important , is categorized as an adjective combined with the word more .

Definition and Examples of Adjective Phrases

The easy definition of an adjective is a word that provides more specific information about something stated by a noun in a sentence.

Check out the following examples!

  • Little boy .
  • heavy load.
  • Red shirt .
  • round table .
  • faerie .
  • Double player .

Adjectives are also the core of phrases called adjective phrases. As the core of a phrase, adjectives can be delimited by various markers, such as the aspectuality marker and the modality marker placed to the left of it.


  • No fool.
  • Not stubborn
  • Must be able to satisfy.
  • Have to calm down.
  • Not interested yet.
  • It would be untidy.

Adjectives in adjective phrases can be followed by a delimiter positioned to the right.


  • Toothache . _
  • Stupid back .
  • Rich too .

You can use this adjective phrase in writing descriptive paragraphs. If you want to understand more about adjectives, try a book called Indonesian Standard Grammar .



Features of Adjective Phrases

This phrase has several characteristics that distinguish it from other phrases. What are they?

  • This phrase can be changed, canceled, or rejected with the word “no”. For example: can’t , not good, not like that, and so on.
  • Provide comparative words such as more, less, most, and so on.
  • Bind additional information such as very broad, very true, very heavy, very good, lowest, highest, and so on.

Types of Adjective Phrases

Adjective phrases are divided into five types, namely attributive, predicative, modifying, coordinating, and appositive adjective phrases. The following reviews and examples.

1. Attributive Adjective Phrases

Attributive adjective phrases, namely phrases that consist of a core element (adjective) and an element being explained (noun). The adjectives in these phrases usually describe the nouns they follow, such as little girl, old chair, round table, and black hat.

Here are some examples of attributive adjective phrases in sentences.

  • The information desk at the shopping center announced a little girl who had lost her parents.
  • We all agreed that we would attend the reunion next month. We will wear blue dresses.
  • He came to my house wearing a red shirt .
  • Father forbade throwing away the old chair on the back porch. According to him, the chair has a lot of memories.
  • Brother took the broken bike to the repair shop to be repaired.
  • The round table looks beautiful when placed in a dining room that is not too wide.
  • The lazy young man just asked his parents for money every day.
  • I don’t know whose black hat was left in front of the mosque.
  • After the flag ceremony, the principal will introduce a new teacher to replace our sick biology teacher.
  • Little brother was so happy when mom bought him a new watch  as a birthday present.
  • In the rainy season like this, every day mother provides warm water for us to bathe.
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2. Predicative Adjective Phrases

Predicative adjective phrases, namely phrases whose adjectives or adjectives describe the elements of the predicate. The phrase usually refers to a condition or event, for example good, healthy, soft, and wet.

Here are some examples of predicative adjective phrases in sentences.

  • No one thought that his life so far overseas was not good .
  • Since his family was identified as a case of bird flu, he is now aware of the importance of living a healthy life and exercising.
  • His speech was very soft , no wonder the children really liked him.
  • All of his textbooks were splashed with drinking water in his bag.
  • Her condition was very bad since she was kicked out of her workplace.
  • His company’s finances  were in turmoil when his son took over.
  • His injuries were so severe that he could no longer be helped.
  • When it rains, the roads are very slippery .
  • Even high school graduates are having a hard time getting jobs.
  • His calm demeanor amazed many people with his demeanor.

3. Modifying Adjective Phrases

This adjective phrase is a limited adjective, so it becomes more specific. A modicative adjective phrase serves to clarify a condition of the adjective itself. This phrase is usually followed by information such as very, somewhat, most, and so on.

Here are some examples of modifying adjective phrases in sentences.

  • That building is the tallest building I found in this city.
  • Cendrawasih is one of the animals that is almost extinct in Indonesia.
  • Anoa is one of the animals that is almost extinct in Indonesia.
  • Lorises are animals that move very slowly.
  • Snail animals run very slowly.
  • Yono is the stupidest student in his class.
  • Budi’s house is the biggest house in the Sanur housing complex.
  • Racing motorbikes go very fast on that circuit.
  • Compared to Budi’s house, Danang’s house is indeed closer to the school.
  • Rania is the most active student in this class.
  • Andi is considered the smartest student in our school.
  • After starting the business, Dani became a very rich person in this village.
  • The corruptor immediately became very poor after his wealth was confiscated by the state.
  • She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.
  • Avelin is the sexiest girl in Kampung Durian Runtuh.
  • Bali Island is one of the islands that has very beautiful panoramas and views .
  • The headmaster’s speech was longer than usual.
  • After seeing his father working hard, Dinda’s eyes became a little teary.
  • I found a very large house in the new housing.
  • The ball player runs very fast.
  • The athlete swam very quickly.
  • He is the tallest student on our campus.
  • He became very rich because he inherited from his parents.
  • The former director became very poor because his company was bankrupt.

4. Coordinating Adjective Phrases

Coordinating adjective phrases are phrases that are composed of adjectives or adjectives that complement one word to another. This phrase combines the two adjectives with the examples in the sentences as follows.

  • The mall’s condition was under control after the rioters were caught by the police.
  • Several eggs shattered after falling to the floor.
  • The government hopes that the younger generation can create something creative and innovative.
  • He really likes sweet and sour carp food.
  • The big and magnificent house is the home of the Governor.
  • Mr. Alex really likes employees who have the ability to work quickly and neatly.
  • Public transport managers apply the same rates for short distances.
  • The conditions of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 74 years ago were very devastated and melted.
  • He is a smart and wise person.
  • The condition of this park is very clean and beautiful.  

5. Apositive Adjective Phrases

An appositive adjective phrase is a phrase that consists of two or more adjectives. The word describes the previous word. Just like a coordinating adjective phrase, this phrase also complements one word with another.

Here are some examples of appositive adjective phrases in sentences.

  • The program is watched by many young people.
  • Towards the end of the month, many people start to live frugal and efficient.
  • Putri is my beautiful coworker .
  • Many construction workers complain that their lunch rations are less and less.
  • Many like Agus because of his friendly and polite nature.
  • The plant withers and dies because it hasn’t been watered for a long time .
  • At night, the atmosphere of the village is quiet and quiet.
  • The dance moves are graceful. After years of suffering from malnutrition, now his body has become emaciated.
  • He did it carefully and cleverly.

Examples of Other Adjective Phrases

Here are some other examples of adjective phrases in Indonesian.

  • I found a very large rock by the side of the road (modifying adjective phrase).
  • The bird of paradise is one of the birds that is almost extinct in Indonesia (modifying adjective phrase).
  • Mother is cooking sweet and sour gourami (coordinating adjective phrase).
  • He works quickly and neatly (coordinating adjective phrase).
  • My father took his broken motorbike to the nearest repair shop (attributive adjective).
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In a phrase there is a core, namely an element explained by another element, which functions as an explaining element. According to the concept of understanding adjectives, adjective phrases are elements that explain nouns in a sentence.

Difference between Verb Phrases and Adjective Phrases

Verb phrases and adjective phrases have differences. Yusri and Mantasiah in a book entitled Micro Linguistics Internal Studies of Language and Its Application (2020) write that something can be called a verb phrase because its main constituent element is a verb or verb. Examples of verb phrases are: “cooking vegetables”, “drying clothes”, “counting money”. Meanwhile, adjective phrases are the main constituent elements of which are adjectives or adjectives. The following are examples of adjective phrases: “darkness”, “huge”, “very smart”.


The use of adjective phrases as one of the sentence-forming elements contained in grammatical arrangements is an important component that influences the understanding of intent in written communication. Chaer (2015) divides word classes into two kinds, namely words from open classes and words from closed classes.

It is called an open class because the members of this class can increase or decrease at any time according to cultural and societal developments. The position and function of the open word class, namely as a filler for syntactic functions. Meanwhile, from closed class members it is unlikely to increase.

Words categorized as adjectives are open word classes, meaning that members of the class of adjective words can increase or decrease at any time, according to cultural and societal developments. The position of the adjective in the syntactic function is as a filler for the predicate function, in addition to being a “accompanist” for the noun category.

One type of phrase that is still often discussed today is an adjective phrase because some experts’ opinions suggest that the meaning is not in harmony. Kridalaksana (2007) states that adjectives behave similarly to verbs, that is, they can both be accompanied not in construction, but different from verbs, they can also be accompanied somewhat in construction. Meanwhile, Ramlan (1985) argues that adjectives are subordinate to verbal.

An adjective phrase or adjective ( Latin adjectivum ) is a class of words that modify a noun or pronoun , usually by clarifying it or making it more specific Adjectives can describe the quantity, adequacy sequence, quality, or emphasis of a word Several Indonesian language experts provide definitions or definitions of Indonesian adjectives.

The criteria set forth by each Indonesian language expert differ from one expert to another. The definition of adjectives put forward by Wirjosoedarmo in Hasyim 1993 ) that adjectives are words that describe the state of nature, character, character of an object or something that is considered an object. The explanation according to Alwi, et al (2003) , “adjective is a word that provides
more specific information about something 
stated by a noun in a sentence .

Adjective phrases are constructions that belong to the endocentric type of phrases. This endocentric nature causes, so that in the construction of adjective phrases we recognize that there is a central element and an attribute element. If you pay attention to the structure of the adjective phrase, the attributes in the construction are generally only filled with adverb categories (adverbs ). Furthermore, ” adverbs are categories that accompany adjectives, verbs, numerals, or prepositions in syntactic construction  (Kridalaksana, 1986).



  • Anwar, Miftalhairah; Ridwan, Sakura (2015). Syntax: Understanding Functional Perspective Sentence Units . Jakarta: Earth Script. ISBN 978-602-2175-32-2.
  • Chaer, Abdul (2015). Indonesian Syntax: Process Approach. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta . ISBN 978-979-5189-09-1.


  • ” 20 Examples of Adjective Phrases in Sentences “. Language Lecturer. Retrieved December 1, 2022.
  • ” Definition and Examples of Adjective Phrases “. Educated. Retrieved December 1, 2022.
  • ” Definition and Examples of Adjective Phrases [Full Explanation] “. Let’s speak. Retrieved December 1, 2022.

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