Karang Taruna: Definition, Vision and Mission, Goals, and Main Duties

Understanding Karang Taruna – Friends of Sinaumed’s, you need to know that teenagers are the generation that will inherit the Indonesian state in the future. Various hopes are placed so that they try to become useful individuals, and be able to contribute to the welfare of the country as a whole.

But in reality, various parties are starting to worry about the social phenomena that hit teenagers and undermine the morals of today ‘s teenagers . Without realizing it, the development of these social phenomena is increasing day by day . Every day, various stories about deviations committed by teenagers are presented.

This also illustrates how serious this phenomenon is and that firm steps need to be taken to stem the deviant behavior committed by Indonesian teenagers . Mass media such as newspapers , magazines, radio, television and the internet often broadcast various news about juvenile delinquency in big cities.

Regarding the normality of delinquent behavior or deviant behavior , Emile Durkheim (1985) in his book entitled Ruler of Sociological Method explains that deviant behavior within certain limits is considered a normal social fact. This is because it is impossible to completely remove the behavior .

Thus , a behavior is said to be normal as long as the behavior does not cause unrest in society .

To solve the problems that hit the younger generation, we need a platform that can guide and direct them. The implementation of this guidance is the duty and obligation of the executive board, both from the central and regional levels in accordance with their field, which is then translated into the community by forming an organization which will later become a place for fostering the younger generation.

One of the forums for fostering and developing the younger generation is a youth organization or youth organization. Karang Taruna is one of the most familiar youth organizations, especially in rural areas. One of the visions of this organization is a place for fostering and developing the creativity of the younger generation in a sustainable manner, as well as establishing brotherhood and a sense of togetherness with institutional partners, both youth and government in developing creativity.

In addition to trying to realize social welfare in the village or sub-district environment, the function and role of youth organizations are continuously being improved so that they can gather, mobilize and channel the participation of the younger generation in the development process.

The following will explain the meaning

Definition of Karang Taruna

Taruna emblem.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), youth organizations are places where youth (youth) gather and gather. In essence, Karang Taruna is a place for fostering and developing the younger generation for the sake of prosperity.

Karang Taruna has a sincere, sincere and full of humane mission in an effort to overcome all forms of problems for the younger generation. His role is always needed anytime and anywhere for the realization of a brighter future for the younger generation, nation, state and all Indonesian people.

Based on Article 1 number 14 of the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 5 of 2007 concerning Guidelines for the Arrangement of Community Institutions (“Permendagri 5/2007), youth organizations are social institutions that become a forum for the development of the younger generation , which grow and develop on the basis of awareness and a sense of social responsibility from, by, and for the community, especially the younger generation . youth in the village/kelurahan area or equivalent customary community.

Karang Taruna is engaged in the field of social welfare business , which is functionally fostered and developed by the Ministry of Social Affairs. Karang Taruna consists of young men and women (in the AD/ART, membership is regulated, ranging from young men and women aged 11-40 years) and the limit as administrators is 17-35 years old.

Guided by the definition above, Karang Taruna can be defined as follows.

  1. A place for fostering and developing the younger generation;
  2. Growing awareness and sense of social responsibility;
  3. Engaged primarily in the field of social welfare;
  4. Functionally fostered and developed by the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Karang Taruna is located in a village/kelurahan whose members are aged 17-40 years with a membership system that adheres to a passive system, in the sense that all young people in the village/kelurahan are members of youth organizations, hereinafter referred to as active or passive Karang Taruna members.

All members of Karang Taruna have the same rights and obligations regardless of their ancestry, ethnicity, gender, social position, and religion.

Here are some examples of actions that youth youth organizations can take to contribute big things to society.

  1. To practice cohesive and healthy organization with gathering events, for example holding a gathering agenda once a week or every two weeks to establish friendship and strengthen brotherhood, coupled with joint discussions;
  2. Carrying out community service activities and environmental management, for example holding clean Fridays and cleaning the mosque together every Sunday, or if this is not possible by cleaning the streets once a month with residents and other youths;
  3. Promoting the planting of live pharmacies and live stalls, for example inviting housewives to plant live apothecary plants in their yard or certain planting media;
  4. Holding competitions every anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia, for example sports competitions (volleyball, football and badminton), religious competitions (memorization of short letters, Islamic poetry, call to prayer, lectures), cooking competitions, and others;
  5. Holding additional schools with local village children after school, for example making handicrafts from used materials that can still be used as an effort to turn used materials into crafts to reduce waste. Through this activity, it is hoped that an entrepreneurial and creative spirit will be created, and children can develop well;
  6. Establishing a simple library, for example, utilizing an unused location or space to become a simple reading garden for the local village.
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There are many other things that youth members of youth organizations can do and use in an effort to increase their role as the nation’s next generation.

Youth Organization Vision and Mission

According to the Directorate of Youth Organization Development (2005), the vision and mission of youth organizations are stated as follows.

1. Vision of Karang Taruna

Karang Taruna is a forum for fostering and developing the creativity of the younger generation in a sustainable manner to establish brotherhood and a sense of togetherness to become a partner of institutional organizations, both youth and government in the development of creativity. Capability in the field of social welfare is good for the community in the surrounding environment or in other areas.

2. Youth Organization Mission

  1. Improving human resources (HR) for a better future through the community sector and establishing cooperation with government agencies or other parties, through the development of business groups;
  2. The realization of increasing social welfare for villagers in general and especially the younger generation which enables the implementation of their social functions as human beings of development who are able to overcome social problems in their environment;
  3. Preserving regional arts and developing an interest in sports;
  4. Increase the role of youth and women and provide awareness of the importance of legal protection of women’s rights as children or adolescents, as wives, and as housewives through socialization on the development of women’s empowerment involving youth groups;
  5. The realization of young men and women who fear God Almighty, are attentive and sensitive to problems with strong physical and mental strength, are firm and firm in their stance, and are able to be creative, work, and be honest as a reference in society.
  6. Participate in efforts to improve health status through clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS), as well as make anticipatory efforts in the framework of disease prevention.

Youth Organization Objectives

The purpose of forming youth organizations is stated as follows.

  1. The realization of awareness and social responsibility of every young generation of youth members in preventing, preventing, overcoming, and anticipating various social problems that arise;
  2. The formation of the soul and fighting spirit of the younger generation who are skilled, knowledgeable and knowledgeable;
  3. Growing potential and abilities of the younger generation in order to develop citizen empowerment;
  4. It motivates every young generation to be able to establish tolerance and become the glue of unity in the diversity of social life;
  5. The establishment of cooperation among the younger generation in order to realize the level of social welfare for youth and society;
  6. The realization of increasing social welfare for the younger generation or equal customary communities, which enables the implementation of social functions as human beings that are constructive and capable of overcoming social welfare problems in their environment;
  7. The realization of social welfare development for the younger generation in a comprehensive, integrated, directed and sustainable manner with the government and other components of society.

According to Permensos 77/HUK/2010 concerning the Basic Guidelines for Youth Organizations it is stated as follows.

  1. The growth and development of every member of society who is qualified, skilled, intelligent, innovative, has character, and has social awareness and responsibility in preventing, preventing, overcoming, and anticipating various social welfare problems, especially the younger generation;
  2. Business development towards the independence of every member of society, especially the younger generation;
  3. Development of partnerships that guarantee the improvement of the capabilities and potential of the younger generation in a directed and sustainable manner;
  4. The quality of the social welfare of every member of society, especially the younger generation in the village/kelurahan, in an integrated, directed, comprehensive and sustainable manner.

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that Karang Taruna was established so that it is easier for the younger generation to solve the problems they face, as well as to make the younger generation or adolescents have a high attitude of discipline in living life in the future.

Karang Taruna also functions to educate the younger generation as the nation’s successors who are resilient and tough through various kinds of activities that have positive values.

Functions of Youth Organizations

The function of forming youth organizations is stated as follows.

  1. As the organizer of the implementation of social welfare efforts;
  2. Organizers of education and training activities for the community;
  3. Organizing community empowerment, especially for the younger generation in their environment, both in a comprehensive, integrated, directed and sustainable manner;
  4. Organizing activities in terms of developing an entrepreneurial spirit for the younger generation in their environment;
  5. Instilling understanding, nurturing, and increasing the awareness and sense of social responsibility of the younger generation;
  6. Growing and developing the spirit of togetherness, the spirit of kinship, social solidarity, and strengthening the values ​​of wisdom within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI);
  7. Fostering the creativity of the younger generation to be able to develop social responsibility that is recreational, creative, educative, economical, productive, and other practical activities by utilizing all sources and potential for social welfare in their environment independently.
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According to this description, it is understandable that Karang Taruna is very beneficial in preventing negative behavior from teenagers. As a forum that maintains and fosters the creativity of the younger generation, youth organizations are expected to be able to carry out tasks, both in the social and governmental fields. In addition, youth organizations are also expected to foster a sense of brotherhood among youth, so they can avoid fights.

Main Duties of Karang Taruna

Tackling various social welfare problems, especially those faced by the younger generation, together with the government and other components of society, whether preventive, rehabilitative or developing the potential of the younger generation in their environment in the context of increasing the level of social welfare of the community.

Functional Position of Karang Taruna

As a social organization that is managed and manages young people (youth generation), youth organizations have a foundation in the form of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs which positions them as a functional component of society. This prototype is illustrated as Family Welfare Development (PKK) in empowering women, Scouts in the scouting movement, and the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) in humanitarian assistance.

This is what causes the management of youth organizations, which are functional organizations and are confirmed by the Trustees/Heads of Regions, to be held under the following conditions.

  1. Has a secretariat/representative office;
  2. Obtain subsidies for the management of the organization;
  3. Having the closest access to social empowerment programs, particularly in the development of social welfare;
  4. Has the right to be actively involved in the process of planning and decision making of social welfare programs;
  5. Have strong access to building partnerships in internal social institutions outside of social empowerment programs;
  6. Has significant access to building partnerships with other agencies which are technical advisors for youth organizations;
  7. Become the spearhead of social welfare development that is given full trust by the government and society.

Youth Organization Management

Organizationally, youth organizations stand alone and because of their roots in the village/kelurahan or equal customary community, management strengthening and empowerment (as the executor of the youth organization’s function) is also in the village/kelurahan.

Administrators at the sub-district to national levels are the executors of developing and strengthening networks between youth organizations and other parties. This is what causes it to be called the Karang Taruna Forum (FKT), with the following functions.

  1. Organizers of program partnerships with social and technical agencies;
  2. Organizers of organizational decision-making mechanisms;
  3. Information and communication system manager;
  4. Empowerment, developer, and strengthening of the cooperation network system between youth organizations and other related parties;
  5. Organizer of policy consolidation and outreach;
  6. Organizers of coordination and consolidation of social problem solving activities, including with separate technical units;
  7. Maintaining social solidarity, consistency, and organizational image;
  8. Organizer of the system and coordination of human resource development and cadet regeneration;
  9. Organizer of the system and coordination of youth assistance and advocacy;
  10. System administrator and coordination for the development of social welfare services and economic activities.


Karang Taruna is a youth organization in Indonesia. Karang Taruna is a forum for the development of a non-partisan young generation, which grows on the basis of awareness and a sense of social responsibility from, by and for the community, especially the younger generation in the village/kelurahan area or equivalent social community, which is engaged in social welfare.

As a youth social organization, Karang Taruna is a forum for coaching and development, as well as empowerment in efforts to develop productive economic activities by utilizing all the potential available in the surrounding environment.

So, that’s information about the Definition, Vision and Mission, Objectives, Functions, and Main Duties of Karang Taruna . Karang Taruna are guided by basic guidelines and household guidelines that have regulated the board structure and term of office in each region, starting from the village or sub-district to the national level. All of this is a form of organizational regeneration for the sake of the continuation of the organization, as well as the development of youth youth members, both now and in the future.