The Meaning of Montage: Its Function, Purpose, and Influence on Children’s Fine Motor Skills

Meaning of Montage – When attending Kindergarten in the past, were Reader often taught by the teacher to make an art using the paste technique? Usually the art teaches us how to cut paper and then paste it according to the pattern of the existing picture. Well, that simple art is usually called montage.

Although it looks simple, this montage art is often used as a special learning tool to develop children’s creativity while also training children’s fine motor skills. Both of these things are obviously important so that when they grow up, the child’s right brain develops for things in the field of art. So what exactly is montage? Is it just children’s art that uses the paste technique? How does this montage art influence the development of fine motor skills in children? Well, for Reader to understand these things, let’s read the following comments!

Meaning of Montage

The term “montage” comes from the English language, namely ” montage ” which means sticking . If you look at KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia), the term “montase” has a definition as ‘a composition of images produced by mixing elements from several sources ‘ or ‘a group of images that are selected, arranged, and linked from various elements to produce a form with new ideas. ‘. Meanwhile, according to Sumanto (2005), he thinks that montage is a creation of applied art that is made from the pasting of photo cutouts or photo cutouts on the image-based field.

Almost the same as that, Ayu (2017) also expressed the definition of montage which is a combination of pictures produced from mixing elements of several works. Usually, these montage artworks are combined according to existing themes, such as rural themes, mountains, rivers, houses. Well, from the themes or picture patterns that already exist, we have to cut paper or photos with random shapes and then paste them on the picture pattern. Then, according to Susanto (2012) he also thinks that montage is a work made by cutting picture objects from various sources, then pasted on a field so that it becomes a unity of work and theme.

Well, from some experts’ opinions about what montage is, it can be concluded that this montage is a work of art whose activity is in the form of cutting paper pictures or photos from various sources, then the pieces are pasted on a field that has been organized as a theme, so that it will produce a unity works and themes.

This montage making activity is usually done by students in Kindergarten to develop their fine motor skills as well as train creativity. In carrying out this montage making activity, of course they should be taught and supervised by their teacher. Not infrequently, the basic materials used for this montage activity will use materials available in the surrounding environment. Let’s just say there is photo paper, used magazines, newspapers, gift paper, poster paper, and many more. Therefore, the implementation of this montage activity also teaches children to use the materials around them as a recycling of a work of art.

If this montage work is developed, then of course it can become a greater work of art, even often collaborated with painting, decorative art, artwork, relief, even sculpture. In its development, this montage was indeed just a two-dimensional work of art, but now it has become a three-dimensional work of art.

This montage making activity, if applied to Kindergarten children, can be used as a game. Yes, the children will be invited to have fun while cutting the prepared papers into pieces according to their creativity. After that, the children were taught to stick it neatly on a picture pattern that had been prepared beforehand.

Tools and Materials Used for Montage

Actually, the tools and materials used to make this montage artwork are quite simple and even easy to obtain. If this montage-making activity is applied to children’s learning in Kindergarten, then the teacher needs to guide and supervise because the tools used are scissors. Indeed, there are now special scissors for children that are designed not to be too sharp at the end, but still their use requires teacher supervision. Well, here are some tools and materials that can be used to create a two-dimensional montage artwork.

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1. Cutting Tool

The cutting tools in question can be scissors, cutters, and knives. As this montage-making activity is done by children in a Kindergarten, then just use special scissors that are designed for children. In addition, the use of scissors is considered to make the cut more neat. But still remember to always be careful when using any cutting tool 

2. Glue

The glue used to make this montage art is paper glue  so that the pieces of paper can stick easily to the pattern that has been made before.

3. Photo Paper

In fact, the size selection on this photo paper is adapted to the size of the montage theme to be made. If the montage is simple, alias to be done by kindergarten children, then just use picture paper the size of a notebook. However, if you are a professional, then you can use the A3 size which is wide enough for a variety of themes.

4. Printer

Usually, the shape of the picture pattern that suits a particular theme is often difficult to reproduce. Therefore, printing it through a printer is a precise way that can be done to make it easier. Kindergarten teachers can also use it by searching for a simple picture pattern first on the internet, then printing it through this printer.

5. Color Paper

Colored paper can be used as an option to be cut into pieces using scissors and then combined with the existing picture pattern. There are various types of colored paper, it can be in the form of crepe paper, folding paper, gift paper, gold paper, art paper, and so on. If it is used as learning for kindergarten children, then they will usually choose crepe paper, folding paper, or gift paper that is easy to obtain.

6. Used Newspapers and Magazines

Used newspapers and magazines can also be used as another option to cut into pieces and then combine them with existing picture patterns. Usually, kindergarten teachers will ask their students to use these old newspapers and magazines because they don’t need to spend money to get them.

Montage Making Techniques

In making a montage artwork in a simple way, it can be done with basic techniques such as:

  1. Cut some pictures from magazines, posters, used newspapers, and any paper that is used into small pieces.
  2. Stick the pieces on the prepared base.
  3. Arrange the pieces to form a picture arrangement that fits the picture pattern or theme.

Functions and Benefits of Montage

Montage function

The basic function of creating montage art is indeed to improve the cognitive aspects of children, where children can match and collaborate with existing pictures. But it turns out, there are other functions of this art of montage, among others:

1. Practical Functions

That is, the function of everyday objects, which this montage artwork can be used as decoration material.

2. Educative Function

That is, it can help to develop thinking, emotional absorption, aesthetics, and creativity in children.

3. Expression Functions

That is, by using various materials and textures, of course it can stimulate expression in children.

4. Psychological Functions

That is, by pouring ideas and emotions on children, so that they will feel satisfied as well as happy. This can also make children feel reduced in their psychological burden.

5. Social Functions

That is to be able to provide employment for people who are really skilled in the art of montage. From the many works that are owned, it is hoped to be able to create employment, especially with the capital of creativity.

Montage benefits

Based on the function of montage on the perpetrator, it is clear that the existence of the art of montage can provide various benefits. For children, this montage-making activity can train their thinking, emotional, and creativity skills. This, if continuously trained, will of course affect the ability of the right brain. Meanwhile for adults, montage making activities can also be used as a source of employment because it turns out that it can be developed into a 3-dimensional work of art. If this 3-dimensional montage artwork is sold, of course it will not be cheap.

Purpose of Montage

The montage-making activity done by the children, is not immediately without purpose. The main purpose of teaching children about this montage is to improve fine motor skills in children, especially those related to the movement of their fingers. Sumantri (2005) also stated that the purpose of fine motor development in children is in the form of:

  1. So that children can develop fine motor skills, especially those related to the movement skills of both hands.
  2. So that children are able to move their body parts, especially those related to the movement of the fingers.
  3. So that the child is able to coordinate eye senses and hand activities.
  4. So that children are able to control their emotions, especially when doing fine motor activities.
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Why Art Learning Is Necessary For Children?

Art learning for children which can be taught in Kindergarten is of course important. The main purpose of learning art in a formal education is not to train children to become an artist, but rather so that they get useful experiences for their personality development. In addition, the experience of creating art was found to sharpen children’s sensitivity and make them more appreciative of what is in their surroundings. After all, the existence of art learning will also help children to develop an impression and increase their ability to enjoy and appreciate an existing work of art.

According to some experts, there are several purposes of the art learning process for children, namely:

  1. Develop sensitivity related to sensory perception through a variety of creative art experiences, especially those that suit their character. Bearing in mind that the level of development of the child’s artistic ability can be taught at every level of formal education.
  2. Stimulating the growth of imaginative ideas and the ability to find various creative ideas. This creative idea can be useful in solving narcissistic or aesthetic problems, which can be done through a process of exploration, creation, and appreciation tailored to the child’s interests and potential.
  3. Develop the ability to appreciate art, especially in the context of history and culture. In addition, learning art can also foster children’s understanding, awareness, and ability to appreciate the diversity of local and global cultures. If this awareness is nurtured from an early age, then it can be a means of forming a mutually tolerant and democratic attitude in this pluralistic society.

Well, so it can be concluded that the existence of art learning which has been implemented in our education system turns out to provide various benefits for children from an early age, especially to develop creativity.

The Effect of Montage on Children’s Fine Motor Skills

As explained earlier, it turns out that this seemingly simple montage activity can have an effect on children’s fine motor skills. By doing these activities, children will indirectly go through the process of thinking and developing their creativity. Not only that, the shearing activity also has a full impact on children’s patience as well as training the fine motor skills of their fingers.

This is evident from the many studies on increasing fine motor skills through montage activities in early childhood. From these studies, it is concluded that this montage activity makes children skilled in developing fine motor skills, in the form of cutting, arranging, and gluing. Through this montage activity, it can also improve fine motor skills and increase children’s creativity, because children will be given many pictures that must be selected before being cut, arranged and then pasted to make a theme so that it can increase creativity.

Understanding What Fine Motor Skills Are

Previously, we always discussed fine motor skills. Really, what is fine motor?

According to Sumantri (2005), this fine motor is a form of organization based on the use of a group of small muscles such as the fingers on the hand that often require precision and coordination with the hands. This skill certainly includes the use of tools to work on an object. Meanwhile, Sujiono (2010), also thinks that fine motor is a movement that only involves certain parts of the body, especially by small muscles. Well, based on some of the experts’ opinions, it can be concluded that this fine motor is a movement performed by small human muscles, which usually involves certain parts of the body such as the fingers when performing an activity.

This motoric development will certainly be influenced by the organs and functions of the central nervous system in the brain. This central nervous system will play an important role in coordinating every child’s fine motor movement. Therefore, these fine motor movements should be taught from an early age so that they can develop until they become adults later.

Well, that’s a review of what montage is and its benefits for children’s fine motor development. Does Reader still remember the experience of making this montage while in Kindergarten?