Meaning of Condensation, Types, Until the Process Occurs

Definition of Condensation – The nature of changes in the form of things is divided into two types, namely temporary changes and permanent changes. Temporary changes are said to be physical changes, while permanent changes are called chemical changes. Transient changes are usually shown through the process of freezing, melting, evaporating, condensing, sublimating and dissolving. If an object undergoes one of these processes, its existence will return to its original state.

Meanwhile, changes in existence still occur if things undergo changes that cannot return to their original form. Permanent changes are usually shown by burning and decaying processes.

On this occasion, we will discuss more about dew or condensation. Usually, when the night air is very cold, then in the morning dew will appear on the leaves. In fact, not a few people will play with the dew on the leaves. Dew itself is one of the nature of changes in existence.

Condensation itself has another name, namely condensation. However, not many people know the condensation process. To find out, you can read this article, Reader.

Meaning of Condensation or Condensation

Condensation is a process of changing the form of matter into a more dense form, such as gas (or steam) into liquid, a change of substance that releases heat. Condensation is the opposite of evaporation which releases heat.

In addition, this condensation occurs when the water vapor in the air passes through a surface that is colder than the dew point of the water vapor, then this water vapor will condense into water droplets or dew.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of the word condense is to become dew. Another meaning of condense is to become water droplets (about steam). As explained before, dew usually appears at night. This is the same as the definition of dew according to KBBI, which is water droplets that fall from the air (especially at night).

Meaning of Condensation According to Experts

In addition to the meaning of condensing or condensation according to KBBI, some experts also expressed the meaning of condensing or condensation. Some experts also say that condensing or condensation is difficult to separate from what is called precipitation. Here is the meaning of condensation according to experts, among others.

1. Wibowo et al (2016)

The definition of precipitation according to Wibowo is an event of water falling from the atmosphere to the earth’s surface. The form of the falling liquid can be snow, rain, fog and dew.

2. Triatmodjo (2008)

The definition of precipitation according to Triatmodjo is the descent of water from the atmosphere to the earth’s surface which can consist of dew, snow, hail, and rain. Precipitation for tropical regions, rain provides a large role or function. This is seen where it is usually not what is considered precipitation.

3. Karnaningroem (1990)

Karnaningroem said that the condensation process is a process of changing the form of gas into a liquid form due to the difference in temperature. The condensation temperature changes in accordance with the vapor pressure that occurs.

4. According to Research

According to researchers, the definition of precipitation is any product from the condensation of water in the atmosphere. It occurs when the atmosphere becomes saturated and the water then condenses and comes out of the solution (precipitated).

5. Quoted in the Natural Science Textbook of Business and Management Expertise

Condensation is the change of substance from gas to liquid. During the condensation process, the gas releases heat (heat energy), so it turns into a liquid.

Type of Dew or Condensation

It turns out that the dew itself has a type. As for the type of condensation which is divided into two types, namely exterior condensation and interior condensation:

1. Exterior Condensation

Exterior condensation is a condensation that occurs when moist air touches a cold surface such as glass.

2. Interior Condensation

Interior condensation is a condensation that occurs when there is too much air humidity in a closed room, so that when directly compared to the amount of warm air in the room it will cause warm air.

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Process of Condensation

The process of condensation or condensation occurs when water vapor in the air passes through a surface that is much colder than a water vapor dew point, then this water vapor condenses into water droplets or dew. The process of cloud formation is the result of condensation.

The rise of water vapor is due to sunlight condensing in the air. This is because the air above the earth’s surface is much lower than a water vapor dew point.

The process of condensation that occurs is what causes clouds to form. Normally, for condensation to take place, the atmosphere needs to be completely saturated. In other words, a vapor pressure must reach a maximum. In addition to saturated clouds, the nature of water must have a surface on which water can condense.

Meanwhile, in the atmosphere, condensation often occurs around dusty particles or other particles such as smoke or even microscopic bacteria.

Impact of Condensation

In general, condensation is one of the biggest causes of short circuits, because with condensation, it will create water dew inside the unit board which can cause bad contact on a device or worse cause a short circuit.

For this reason, the recommended temperature for the temperature of the room where the medical equipment is located is 17°C-20°C, even for the control panel room on a large unit such as CT Scan or MRI of course requires special temperature monitoring even if it is equipped with room exhaust or cooler packets in units.

A temperature change that is too drastic, for example from a very cold temperature of 16°C to a much warmer room temperature such as 23°C, will likely cause condensation. If this is allowed to continue, not only can it cause a short circuit, but it can cause the equipment to be easily damaged.

Examples of Condensation in Everyday Life

Here are some examples of condensation in everyday life.

1. Condensation in the Morning

Condensation in the morning when we see wet leaves or grass when at night there is no rain or dew drops that appear on the wall of the glass if the glass is filled with cold water. Condensation in the tent occurs due to the presence of water in the form of steam as a result of the breathing process.

The tighter the conditions of the tent, the more severe the possibility of condensation will occur due to respiratory vapors trapped in the tent walls. The formation of water droplets through condensation from water vapor in the clouds. These water droplets will then fall in the form of rain.

2. Drop in Temperature at Night

At night and in the morning, the temperature tends to cool down. Earth’s air contains water vapor in it. The more water vapor content, the more humid the air. This causes water vapor that is trapped in the air to condense or condense, producing dew drops.

3. Cloud and Rain Formation Process

According to the US Geological Survey , clouds form in the atmosphere because air containing water vapor rises and cools. Water vapor in the form of gas rises to the atmosphere due to evaporation. Height in the atmosphere causes less pressure, indirectly lowering air temperature.

As a result, the temperature of the air at the top of the atmosphere is colder than the temperature of the earth’s surface. When the water vapor reaches the top of the atmosphere, the water vapor then cools, turns into water droplets and forms clouds.

4. Water Drops on Cold Drinks

Cold drinks have a lower temperature than room temperature. When placed at room temperature, the water vapor in the air around the cold drink will condense and condense. Condensed water vapor turns into liquid water.

This is the reason why canned drinks or cold drinks in glasses always drip water. Not because the packaging of the cold drink leaked, but because the water vapor around it condensed.

5. Fog on Glasses

Misty glasses are the use of glasses when eating warm food and drinks. This is because hot water vapor from food and drink rises towards the face and meets the colder air. So, the water vapor condenses, forming small droplets of water vapor. The water vapor drops then stick to the glasses and make them foggy.

6. Fog on the Car Window

A foggy car window is an example of an everyday occurrence that shows condensation. According to Sciencing, the air inside the car is warmer and contains a lot of water vapor from the breath of its passengers.

While the car glass temperature is colder because it is affected by the open air. The water vapor that is close to the car glass then condenses, becoming a fog that covers the car glass.

7. Heated Sugarcane Drip Liquid

8. Dew on Foliage

Drops of water (dew) on the leaves in the morning. Although there was no rain the night before, in the morning there were water drops on the plants outside. The occurrence of dew in the morning helps the process of distillation (distillation) of certain substances.

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9. Gases that Become Dew

The vaporized gas is flowed into a cold container, so that the gas turns into dew which then becomes alcohol water.

10. Drops of Water on the Pot

There are water droplets on the lid of the pot because the pot is hot.

11. Dew on Bathroom Glass

Bathroom glass will be watery if exposed to hot water vapor.

Changes in Appearance Other than Condensation

Basically, the changes that happen around us are not only condensation, but there is still much more. For more details, it will be explained in the discussion below.


In addition to condensation, there is also a change in the form of other objects, including melting. Melting is a change in the state of a solid to a liquid due to a hot temperature. Some events around you can show this event (melting). One of them is ice that melts when left at room temperature or warm temperature

Here is an example of melting namely:

  1. Heated ice cubes or ice cream that is left continuously in an open space will melt over time.
  2. A candle that is lit will eventually melt because it is heated.


The next change in the form of matter is the change in the form of evaporation. Evaporation is the change of form of a liquid into a gas. This event is easy to find when there is cooking activity. When the water is heated on the stove in a few seconds, the water will boil.

The boiling event is an example of the occurrence of evaporation or change from a liquid to a gas at the same time, there is a reduction in the volume of water.

Here are examples of yawning among others

  1. Evaporation on clothes that have been dried in the sun.
  2. Gasoline that is left open will eventually run out because it turns into gas.


Sublimation is a change in the state of a gas to a solid. The “disappearance” of Barus camphor placed in the cupboard is often used as an example of sublimation. An example of this event occurs when it is cooled to a certain temperature.

Here is an example of sublimation:

  1. Camphor that is placed in the wardrobe for a long time will run out.
  2. Air fresheners that last for a long time run out of air.


The change from solid to liquid is called freezing. In this case, the liquid object is cooled to its freezing point, then it will change into a solid object. In this event, the substance releases heat energy.

Here is an example of freezing:

  1. Water that is put in the refrigerator, over time will turn into ice.
  2. Gelatin powder that is dissolved in hot water will harden over time if left to cool.


Crystallization is a change in form from a gas to a solid. In this event, the substance releases heat energy.

Here is an example of crystallisation:

  1. The vapor in the air turns into snow.
  2. Ice flowers attached to the wall of the freezer.

Snow Formation. An example of crystallization events in everyday life is the formation of snow and ice directly from water vapor in saturated clouds without having to turn into liquid water first.

That is, solid snow is formed directly from water vapor which is a gas. The process of snow formation by crystallization occurs at low temperatures, which is around minus 12 to minus 15°C.

Frost, during the winter, is often seen ice formed on the roof of the house and plant leaves. The ice is frost formed through a crystallization event. Where the ambient temperature is very cold, so water vapor (gas phase) immediately crystallizes and turns into ice (solid phase) on the surface of things. Water vapor freezes without melting first.

Black soot on vehicle exhaust. An example of the next crystallizing event is the presence of black soot on the muffler. Not only on exhausts, black soot is also often seen in fireplaces or machines that use fossil fuels such as petroleum, coal and natural gas.

Black soot is black carbon. According to the Climate and Clean Air Coalition, black carbon or black soot is the result of incomplete combustion of fossil fuels and biomass. Black carbon is formed as a result of combustion gas that crystallizes and turns into black particles and forms soot in the exhaust of motor vehicles.

Dry ice is often used as a cooling agent, making various foods, also making fog and smoke effects in a show. The formation of dry ice is an example of a crystallization or deposition event. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, dry ice is made from carbon dioxide gas that is compressed and turns solid at a temperature of around minus 57 degrees Celsius.


When we see dew, we will certainly be very happy, especially since dew is believed to have many benefits, especially for eye health. Because of this, not a few people have dew in their eyes in the morning, are you one of them? Dew itself has several types, namely interior and exterior condensation.