Understanding to Weaknesses of Parallel Circuits

Weaknesses of parallel circuits – Electricity is one of the needs that is really needed in human life. In fact, without electricity, some human activities will also be hampered. From this we can know how important electricity is in human life. Since being in school, we have been introduced to electrical circuits. Starting from parallel circuits, series circuits to … Read more

Understanding Wisdom Along with Examples in Everyday Life

Wisdom is – Wisdom is the result of consistent discipline or effort. Usually in the science of Sufism it is called istiqamah which is usually done for a long time. Understanding Wisdom Wisdom can be understood not only from the knowledge that we learn from books and not from the events that we experience in our daily … Read more

Definition of the Hydrosphere: Types, Elements and Cycles

Definition of the Hydrosphere – The hydrosphere is the layer of water that is on the surface of the earth. The word hydrosphere comes from the English word hydrosphere; hydro means water and sphere means circle or sphere. So, the hydrosphere is the layer of water that covers the earth. The hydrosphere on the surface of the earth includes … Read more

Understanding Hydrology: Occurring Processes, Types, and Their Benefits!

Hydrology – Life is believed to have originated in the aqueous solutions of the world’s oceans and living organisms depend on aqueous solutions, such as blood and digestive juices, for biological processes. Water also exists on planets and moons, both within and outside the solar system. Water is known to have three completely different primary states on … Read more

Definition of Hibernation and Examples of Hibernating Animals

What is hibernation? Hibernation is something familiar. This hibernation is the process of an animal in surviving. Hibernating animals will look like they have died. After all, they were just sleeping. Hibernation is done in some time. It all depends on how the weather conditions in the area around which the animal lives. Despite sleep, hibernation is certainly different from … Read more

Definition of Reptiles: Characteristics and Examples

Understanding Reptiles – The deadliest reptiles are spread in almost all countries. They mostly live in natural forests and have a deadly poison to survive in their habitat. Reptiles are one of the most feared because some of these types are among the deadliest animals on earth. However, it is also important to understand that no animal is … Read more

Definition of Wild Animals and Their Types in Indonesia’s Free Nature

The definition of wild animals in general is animals that are not kept by humans. The original habitat of these wild animals is in the wild, without direct contact with human activities. However, while the human population is increasing rapidly, biodiversity is doing the opposite. Recognizing the reduction in biodiversity, conservation is starting to exist to save animals … Read more

Definition of Carnivorous Animals: Types, and 4 Examples

Definition of Carnivorous Animals – To sustain life, every living thing requires nutrition to be distributed throughout the body according to its needs. These nutrients are obtained from food intake that enters the mouth, then digested by the stomach with the help of enzymes. Judging from the type of food, kingdom animalia is divided into three groups … Read more

Definition of Hermaphrodite and Examples of Hermaphrodite Animals

Hermaphrodites: Definition and Examples – In general, two sexes are known in every living thing, including animals and plants, namely spermatozoa or those that produce male sex cells, and those that produce female sex cells or ova (egg cells). In simple terms humans call it male and female. However, what actually happens in real life, the classification … Read more

Understanding Healing Is: Benefits, and Trauma Healing

Healing Is – In this day and age, young people often talk about the topic of healing and self-healing. Especially for those who are in a bad situation, such as a breakup, divorce, disaster, and whatever traumatic event that is. Even feeling tired from the workload at the office also often makes them do this healing process. They make … Read more

Definition of Doomsday: Types, Signs and Wisdom

Meaning of the Day of Judgment: Types, Signs and Lessons from it – All living things will die, whether it’s the elderly, adults, teenagers, children, even babies can die at any time. However, no one knows when death will come. In the end everyone in the world will die, no one will live forever. This event is known as … Read more

Definition of Price: Function, Type, Purpose, and Examples

Definition of Price – Price is the value or money that customers give in exchange for certain offers that serve to satisfy their needs and wants. In simple terms, price is a measure of the value exchanged by customers buying an offer Price functions as an economic mechanism by means of supply which can be distributed among … Read more

Definition of Human Rights as an Effort to Create Peace of Life

Definition of Human Rights – Every human being has Human Rights that have been inherent since birth. Human rights that are owned cannot be seized or violated by other parties for whatever reason. However, unfortunately, human rights violations often occur in the neighborhood. Either on a small or large scale. If we pull back the history of Indonesia, we … Read more

Definition of Human Rights: Characteristics, Types, and Examples

Definition of Human Rights – In this world, every human being must have basic rights in life and these basic rights have existed since humans were born. In addition, these basic rights are universally recognized. These basic rights are known as Human Rights . With the existence of human rights, every human being has moral and legal protection, so … Read more

Definition of Rights: Types of Rights and Examples

Definition of Rights – Readers, who is not familiar with the term rights? Readers must have often heard and even been familiar with the term rights in everyday life. The term right itself is usually included in a package with the term obligation. Yep, rights and obligations. The term rights themselves are usually related to something that humans get … Read more

Definition of Gurindam: Characteristics, Types, Functions, and Examples

Meaning of Gurindam – Do you still remember your friends with literary works of poetry in Indonesian? Of course you have often heard of poetry. It turns out that the poem is divided into two, you know. Old poetry and new poetry. Old poetry including Syair, Gurindam and poetry. But here will be thoroughly discussed about Gurindam only. Starting from the … Read more

Definition of Perfect Elasticity: History and Influencing Factors!

Perfect Elasticity – Economics is considered as one of the most important subjects to learn for students, especially junior high school (SMP) and high school (SMA) students. This statement is certainly not without reason. By studying economics, students can understand the wheel of money circulation that occurs in their daily life. Students will open their eyes and get … Read more

Understanding Wholesale – Types, Functions, Benefits, and Differences with Retail

Definition of Wholesale – In the production goods supply industry, there is a term wholesale which also becomes a component in the product distribution process. In order for a product to reach consumers, there must be intervention from wholesale activities because it is also impossible for producers to go directly to consumers. The existence of this wholesaler … Read more

Definition of Green Marketing: Purpose, Components, Benefits & Application Examples

The definition of green marketing – The more you come here, the more real the impact of environmental problems seems, right? Global warming, destruction of coral reefs, air and water pollution, deforestation of tropical forests, and bad waste management are starting to affect our lives. In the past, there were still many people who did not really think … Read more

Definition of Gotong Royong and its Benefits and Examples

Definition of Gotong Royong and its Benefits and Examples

Understanding Gotong Royong – Gotong royong is one of the characteristics that is still inherent in the life of Indonesian society. Broadly speaking, gotong royong is contained in Pancasila in the third precept which reads Unity of Indonesia. Gotong royong is ingrained and has even become the personality of the nation, as well as a culture that … Read more

Definition of Good Governance: History, Objectives, and Its Implementation

Definition of Good Governance – Since the reform era until now, the duties and responsibilities of the government have increased along with the demands from the public for fast, easy, inexpensive and good services. But to make it happen, cooperation between the government, the private sector, and the community is needed. Therefore, the government is committed to implementing … Read more

Understanding the Prayer Movement to the Prayer Movement

Prayer movement – The obligation of Muslims is to carry out the commands of Allah SWT and stay away from His prohibitions. Carrying out His commands one of them is to pray. Prayer is very important in Islam so that it is included in the 2nd pillar of Islam. Even prayer is the pillar of religion. The obligatory prayers are … Read more

Definition of the Non-Aligned Movement: History and Objectives of the Non-Aligned Movement

Definition of Non-Aligned Movement – â€‹â€‹Does Readers know what non-aligned movement is? So, the meaning of this non-aligned movement is an international organization consisting of 100 countries that do not consider their countries to be allied with or against any big power bloc. The purpose of the existence of this non-aligned movement organization is certainly one of … Read more

Understanding Locomotor Movement: Know the Benefits and Examples

Locomotor, non-locomotor and manipulative movements can be found in daily activities, including during various sporting activities. However, not many people know about these two types of motion. Locomotor movement itself is a movement that causes displacement or movement of the body from one place to another. Locomotor skills are defined as the skills of moving individuals from … Read more

Definition of Expansion: Types, Stages, and Examples

Definition of Expansion – The term expansion is not something that is foreign to people in the business world. Expansion is generally carried out when the business has reached a point of growth or development and in an effort to generate more profits, where the company enlarges or increases the number of certain interests. Meanwhile, expansion is taken … Read more

Understanding Generators: Types, Working Principles, and Their Functions

Understanding Generator – In everyday life, of course, we are familiar with electric generators. Usually, this tool is then needed in buildings that require a constant source of electricity, such as sewage treatment plants, hotels, airports, and hospitals. With a generator, it is able to prevent discontinuity and interruption of business operations. An electric generator is a device that … Read more

Definition of echo and reflected sound

Definition of Echo and Reflected Sound – In everyday life, did Readers ever realize that all sounds that Readers can hear actually have the ability to reflect? Just like a basketball being bounced off a wall, sounds that can be produced by anything including humans, animals, plants, and also inanimate objects also have the ability to bounce, it’s just that … Read more

Definition of Waves, Types, Properties, Utilization to the Magnitude!

Definition of waves – Waves are vibrations that propagate. The ideal form of a wave will follow the sinusoid movement. In addition to electromagnetic radiation, and perhaps gravitational radiation, which can travel through a vacuum, waves are also present in the medium (which due to deformation can generate spring forces) which can travel and transfer energy from … Read more

Definition of Non-Touch Force and Examples

Definition of non-touch force and examples – Does Readers still remember the material about touch and non-touch force? Yep, that is physics material at the elementary and junior high school levels. At that school level, the discussion of touch and non-touch styles is really just the basics. When Readers moved the chair, did he realize that at that time we were exerting … Read more

Definition of Style: Characteristics and Types

What is the meaning of style? As we know, force is a push and a push. However, style does not stop there. There are many things about style. This article will discuss these matters. Starting from the definition of style, the characteristics of the style, the types of styles so that there are various styles. Make sure Readers reads it … Read more

Definition of Magnetic Force: Properties, Benefits, and Examples

Understanding Magnetic Force – Has Readers ever encountered magnetic objects? Talking about magnetic objects, something must be attached to something that can stick together. This can happen because the magnetic object has a magnetic force that can react with each other. In the study of physics, magnetic force is a theory that Readers might have encountered since he was … Read more

Understanding Lines: Functions and Types of Lines

Definition of lines – Various kinds of lines are often outlined in a work of art which will later become a work. However, sometimes there are still many people who do not understand what the lines in a work of art actually mean. Not only does it have its own meaning and definition, it turns out that … Read more

Definition, Function, History, and Types of Money

Types of Money – Money is one of the massive transaction tools used by the majority of people. Usually, the physical form of money is paper and metal. However, in this modern era, transactions can use other than physical money, such as payments via Qris. In Law Number 7 of 2011 concerning Currency, money is a legal means … Read more

Definition, Functions and Distribution of State Institutions

Definition, Functions and Distribution of State Institutions – In managing a country, there will definitely be state institutions. The existence of these state institutions can help carry out their functions, with the aim of advancing the nation and state. Therefore, the existence of state institutions is an important element in the establishment of a state. Different countries … Read more

Definition, Function, and Disorders of the Excretory System in Humans

The Excretory System in Humans – Hello Readers friends , do you know the excretory system? There is a biological process in the human body called the excretory system. The excretory system is the process of removing metabolic waste products that are no longer used by the body. These substances can be carbon dioxide, urine, urea, sweat, and other toxic or … Read more

Definition of Phrases: Characteristics and Types that Need to be Understood!

Definition of Phrases – In Indonesian, a sentence certainly consists of words, phrases, and clauses. Each of these elements has its own meaning. Likewise with the understanding of the phrase. Well, on this occasion, we will explore further about the phrase. So, see the review until it’s finished, Readers. Definition of the Phrase Phrases are one of the materials in … Read more

Definition of Photosynthesis: Stages, Terms, Factors, and Benefits

Photosynthesis is – Photosynthesis is a natural phenomenon that occurs in plants to get their food substances. This process is also very necessary so that plants or plants can develop and survive in all conditions. Every plant that lives on planet Earth can then generally carry out photosynthesis. In addition, this process also requires sunlight to convert carbon dioxide … Read more

Fiscal Definition: Kinds and Examples!

Definition of fiscal – The government uses fiscal as a form of state revenue that is collected from the public, for example obtained from taxes paid by its people. Thus it can be said that this policy is one of the factors that shape a country’s economy. Does the word fiscal sound familiar to you? So what exactly … Read more

Understanding Physics: History, Properties, and Benefits

Understanding Physics – When studying the nature of physics, maybe Readers will like it, because he is really interested in that science. Even so, there are those who are guaranteed to feel otherwise, because they are not really interested in physics. Physics itself is almost the same as mathematics, which many say is a science that is difficult to understand. … Read more