Wisdom is – Wisdom is the result of consistent discipline or effort. Usually in the science of Sufism it is called istiqamah which is usually done for a long time.
Understanding Wisdom
Wisdom can be understood not only from the knowledge that we learn from books and not from the events that we experience in our daily life. Wisdom is one of contemplation and seriousness in utilizing knowledge, an afterthought and seriousness in making use of the knowledge of a room and seriousness in making use of knowledge and events that we study in our daily lives.
There is also another opinion that wisdom is an afterthought and earnestness that makes use of knowledge and events. As well as looking at the relationships or links that are in it and discussing the source and purpose.
Therefore, it is our duty and obligation to foster a sense of love for Al-hikmah in the lives of students at every level of learning and age of life.
On the other hand, if we talk about wisdom, then we will be able to see thoughts about justice, wisdom, and about goodness in religious teachings, moral teachings and reason which actually originate from the Qur’an.
Wisdom is a word that comes from the word ” hakama ” or a word that uses the letters ha , kaf and mim . What Ibnu Faris defines as ” al-mani ” which hinders, such as hakam which prevents persecution, control for animals is called hakama which means blocking the animal from leading to something unwanted or wild.
According to Muhammad Quraish Shihab, wisdom is also taken from the word hakama which originally meant to hinder. From the beginning of the same word, a word is formed which has the meaning of control, namely something whose function is to lead to good and prevent bad.
To achieve this purpose, knowledge and ability to apply it are needed. In essence, the relationship between humans and humans is a partnership relationship.
From this it can be understood why the verses of the Qur’an describe wisdom related to the life of reason, justice, scholarship, thought and kindness as mutually perfecting relationships that cannot be fulfilled except on the basis of wisdom.
In the books of interpretation, words of wisdom are sometimes defined with the meaning of the Qur’an, sometimes with the meaning of As-Sunnah or Prophethood.
Because of that, it is narrated in several hadiths about the prayer of the Messenger of Allah to Abdullah bin Anas which reads, ” May Allah teach him wisdom and understanding in Religion “.
The point is understanding the Qur’an and As Sunnah and practicing both, as confirmed by the majority of Tabi’in and confirmed by Syaikhul Islam, Ibn Taimiyah with his words. As for the wisdom in the Qur’an, then its meaning is about the truth and practicing it.
Definition of Wisdom Science
The obligation to seek knowledge is for every Muslim. Because, knowledge will facilitate all matters in everyday life. Both academics and religion, both are equally important.
Even the Prophet obliges his people to seek knowledge. However, in seeking knowledge, it should also be accompanied by knowledge of wisdom. By understanding the science of wisdom, a Muslim will become a humble person.
Wisdom is knowledge of the Qur’an and hadith with goodness that goes beyond the limits of the shari’ah, to penetrate the point of essence and meaning. With the knowledge of wisdom, a person will become a smart and wise person. Allah gives His wisdom to those whom He wills. This is stated in Surah Al Baqarah verse 269.
Every Muslim should learn the science of wisdom. Because many things in life become messy and misguided because humans lose wisdom.
Studying Wisdom
There is only one way to learn the science of wisdom, namely through the transfer of knowledge. The transfer of knowledge in question is learning wisdom from experts by relying on all the senses that humans have.
This is what the Companions did to the Prophet. When Rasulullah SAW conveyed knowledge to his friends, he conveyed it orally in the form of words or practices that could be seen directly by friends.
Rasulullah SAW said, there are three things that save (from doom), three things that destroy (bring people to their damage), three things increase degrees (several levels in the hereafter), three things erase sins.
There are 3 things that save, namely:
- Fear Allah in secret or openly.
- Being in poverty and wealth.
- Balanced in pleasure and anger (i.e. pleasure for Allah and anger for Allah).
There are 3 things that damage, namely:
- Excessive curmudgeon by not wanting to give what is the right of Allah and the right of creatures. In another narration, miserly followed. Meanwhile, if miserliness exists in a person but is not followed up, then this is not detrimental because stinginess is a common trait in humans.
- Lust always follows.
- Be proud of yourself. This means that someone looks at himself with the view of his own perfection accompanied by neglect of the blessings of Allah Ta’ala and feels safe from losing those blessings.
The Most Beloved Practice of Allah
Humans were created for a noble purpose, namely to serve and worship Allah Ta’ala. Islam is a realistic religion because it is in line with human nature. Allah Ta’ala chose Islam as a religion that pleases Him.
To achieve safety and happiness in this world and the hereafter, a servant must believe in and carry out all of His suari’at, namely the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet plus the ijtihad of the scholars.
Talking about good deeds, there are many practices that can bring God’s blessing. Apart from reviving the five pillars of Islam, Muslims must carry out what was recommended by Rasulullah SAW.
As the hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari and Muslim, from Abdullah Ibnu Mas’ud RA’s friend said, ‘I asked Prophet Muhammad SAW about the practice that Allah Ta’ala loves most? He SAW replied, ‘praying at its time’. Then what? He replied, “Jihad fiSabilillah”. Here are the 3 most beloved deeds to Allah:
1. Pray on time
Prayer is the second pillar of Islam that is obligatory for Muslims and prayer is also a pillar of religion. The matter of prayer is a serious matter in Islam. Prayer is a differentiator (separator) between a Muslim and a non-Muslim and is the first thing to be brought to account on the Day of Judgment.
By praying on time Allah SWT will forgive our sins. Carrying out prayers on time is very loved by Allah SWT, one of which is by being forgiven the sins of his servants like falling leaves. Allah SWT will also reward heaven. Those who pray on time will get heaven as a reward.
Praying on time will also make our hearts feel calmer. Prayer is conditioning the heart, entertainer and calming the soul. Prayer is an interaction between the servant and his Lord, when praying dhikr, by dhikr the heart becomes calm. Prayer will also be a light on the Day of Judgment.
Praying on time will get 9 kinds of glory. Here’s the hadith:
Uthman bin Affan said: “Whoever always prays five times a day at the main time, Allah will glorify him with nine kinds of glory, namely being loved by Allah, his body is always healthy, his existence is always guarded by angels, his house is blessed, his face reveals the identity of a righteous person, Allah softens his heart, makes it easier when he crosses the Shirath (bridge over hell) like lightning, he will be saved by Allah from the fires of hell and Allah will place him in heaven in the future as neighbors with people who have no fear for them nor are they sad. ”
2. Devoted to Both Parents
Besides praying at the beginning of time, the most beloved practice to Allah is serving parents. Being devoted to both parents is the most important charity. If our parents are pleased with what we do, then Allah SWT will be pleased. Allah will help all our affairs in this world and in the hereafter.
By being devoted to both parents, you can get rid of the difficulties you are experiencing, namely by making tawasul with these good deeds. If we are devoted to both parents, then Allah SWT will expand our sustenance and extend our life. Replies in the afterlife for those who are devoted to both parents can make us enter jannah (heaven) by Allah.
3. Jihad in the Way of Allah SWT
The position of jihad in the sight of Allah is very great and its virtue is rewarded with great rewards. Allah promises paradise for those who strive. Rasulullah SAW said: “It is obligatory for you to strive in the way of Allah Ta’ala, because in fact jihad in the way of Allah is one of the doors of the gates of heaven, Allah will remove with it from sadness . “
The following are the lessons of jihad in the way of Allah, namely:
- Spread, uphold and defend the religion of Islam
- Inviting Muslims to always work, preach and fight unceasingly, amar ma’ruf nahi munkar every time every time so as to create a good society in the sight of Allah swt.
- Forming the unity of the Muslim Ummah, instilling a sense of Muslim brotherhood
- Instill a sense of Muslim brotherhood
- Working together to spread, uphold and defend the word of Allah on earth, namely the religion of Islam.
Examples of Wisdom in Everyday Life
The wisdom we get is usually easy to find in everyday life. The following are examples of wisdom behavior in everyday life.
Wisdom, for example, when we go through a period of quarter life crisis or a period which describes a period when a person experiences an emotional crisis that is within him. Usually this will occur at the age of a quarter of a century, that is, between the mid-20s and 30s of a person’s age.
It is in this phase that a person is prone to experiencing emotional turmoil including feelings of sadness, confusion, fear, isolation and anxiety about his future.
Triggering factors can come from financial problems, relationships, career and the values that are believed. However, behind it all actually one just needs to live it as it should. Of course there must be wisdom in going through this phase. Some of the lessons that can be drawn from this phase include the following.
1. Becoming an Optimistic Person and Keep Striving Forward in Life
Wisdom is a long process that has been passed by someone. The wisdom behind us going through this phase is also very useful for our future, namely as a form for us to become someone who is optimistic and continues to struggle in living life.
Life is not easy. With this we can live life with the hope that we can be better every day, and have the spirit of life to keep moving forward every day.
2. More Accepting Current Life Circumstances
Wisdom is a long process that someone has gone through. When a person is in this phase, it can also teach that person to be more accepting of his current life situation.
The emotional crisis that you are facing at an age that is approaching adulthood is a process to train yourself to become a person who is more able to control the various emotions that are in you. Besides that, you can be more relieved in accepting your current life situation.
3. Teach the Meaning of Maturity in Taking Attitude
Wisdom is a process that a person has gone through in terms of religion and in his daily life. When that person is in the quarter life crisis phase, then the lesson we get is that it can teach us the meaning of maturity in taking a stand.
You will be careful with each other in making every decision or step in life. This will also affect the way you behave and act. Because in this phase you will also be trained to become a more mature person.
4. Learn to Understand Other People’s Ways of Mind
If we do this, we will become people who don’t just look at facts and rush to judge things without understanding the process by which something happened.
For example, before judging other people’s actions, we need to investigate further about the reasons or causes that person chose that action. That way, we can avoid being in a hurry to cause unnecessary fanfare.
5. Appreciate and Respect the Rights of Others
By learning to appreciate and respect the rights of others by reflecting on every incident. The formula is that we will be happy if we get respect and appreciation from others, and vice versa, people will be happy if we get respect from us. Therefore, try to choose an attitude that does not violate the rights of others.
6. Knowing the Good That Others Do
Try to find out what other people are doing to you. That way, you can find out how far the relationship between actions is with motivation, beliefs and interests. It can keep you from the possibility of wrong steps.
7. Be careful of what you do
Be more careful and thorough in your own actions. Keep in mind, don’t just judge other people’s actions, but we also need to examine every step we take. In an incident that we think is wrong, it could be that other people are more right than what you did.