Understanding Healing Is: Benefits, and Trauma Healing

Healing Is – In this day and age, young people often talk about the topic of healing and self-healing. Especially for those who are in a bad situation, such as a breakup, divorce, disaster, and whatever traumatic event that is. Even feeling tired from the workload at the office also often makes them do this healing process. They make serious efforts so that the worst situation can be “detached” from everyday life.

There are many ways to do this healing effort, one of which is most often done is to take a vacation. Then actually, what is healing? Is the healing process really needed for an individual’s life? What are the things related to this healing process?

So, so that Readers doesn’t get confused about what healing is and the things that go with it, let’s look at the following review!

Definition of Healing

The term ” healing ” comes from the root word ” heal ” which means to heal, make heal , and become sane . Therefore, ” healing ” in this discussion means a process that seeks to relieve and restore the mental burden of an individual . The process of recovering from the mental burden will usually be in the form of instilling a positive and realistic perspective on oneself.

Even though in the translation of the term, healing means the process of healing, even though it’s not necessarily so. Healing is precisely referred to as recovery only, not really healing. This is because the inner wounds and traumatic experiences experienced by a person cannot truly heal one hundred percent.

Yep, those inner wounds and traumatic experiences can’t really heal one hundred percent. However, we can still slowly “forgive” so that when our memory suddenly remembers these bad things, we will immediately accept them.

Reporting from Kompas.com, revealed that a clinical psychologist named Veronica Adesla believes that the healing process can be carried out by yourself or assisted by professionals. One of the healing processes that can be done by yourself is by taking a vacation.

What are the benefits of healing for an individual’s life?

This healing is actually very beneficial for the life of an individual, regardless of age, whatever job, wherever where he lives. This is because it is impossible that someone does not have traumatic events and emotional wounds that accompany them during life. But unfortunately, not everyone can do this healing process due to several obstacles.

The benefit of healing as a whole is that he can be wiser in making decisions about his actions and more productive when doing any work. So, the following will describe what are the benefits of healing that can be obtained by an individual for his life.

1. Wise in Making Decisions

The first benefit that can be obtained from the healing process is that we are considered to be wiser in living life, especially when making decisions about what actions to take. Most people do healing because they feel the heavy burden of life that affects their mindset.

So, after efforts to recover from this mental burden, we will undoubtedly feel “pleasant” and when invited to negotiate about something, we will be more stable in making that decision. In addition, there will be no regrets about any decisions that have been taken because our minds are “clean” as if there were no mental burdens like before.

2. Increase Productivity

The second benefit that can be obtained from this healing process is that we are more able to increase productivity, both at work and in educational settings. It should be noted that the mental condition of an individual can affect the level of productivity, so it is necessary to “refresh” to restore mental stress.

Especially for someone who has just experienced a traumatic event and burdened their life, this healing process is very important. After carrying out the healing process, it is believed to maximize productivity levels. In addition, concentration will not be split between the burden of mind and workload in the office or in education.

3. Making Life More Meaningful

It needs to be understood once again that the healing process means recovery, not healing that is truly one hundred percent healed. From this, it can be concluded that someone who has experienced emotional wounds and traumatic experiences cannot really forget these bad things, but can make peace with them.

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When you get inner wounds and traumatic experiences which of course make life seem “a mess”, immediately seek professional help for this healing process. However, it can also be done alone, one of which is on vacation.

Well, after this healing process is complete, you will undoubtedly feel that life is far more meaningful than having to constantly reflect on these inner wounds and traumatic experiences.

4. Making Ourselves As More Mature Figures

Do you quote the “bad experience will give you maturity ” that is often spread in social media posts? Yep, this quote is not just content, but can really happen in someone’s life.

If you manage to get through these bad experiences, whether it’s a breakup, being left by a loved one, and whatever traumatic event that happened, these things will undoubtedly make you a more mature person.

It should be noted that “mature” cannot be measured based on age alone, namely the age of 20-30 years. But also on behavior and ways of thinking, both when facing a problem or when interacting with other individuals.

Know What is Trauma Healing

Previously it was written that the healing process was carried out because an individual experienced a traumatic event. Based on the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), trauma is a state of mind or abnormal behavior as a result of mental pressure or physical injury. Of course, everyone has traumatic events that happened in their lives, but there are also different ways to deal with and “get over” them.

When viewed from a psychological perspective, trauma has meaning in the form of life experiences experienced by humans and disrupts the obiochemical balance that lies in the psychological processing information system of the human brain. In addition, this trauma can be in the form of injury or pain ( shock ) which causes mental disorders. The main cause of trauma is an event that is very burdensome and causes deep scars.

Therefore, trauma healing is a process of psychological treatment carried out in the world of psychology to deal with traumatic problems experienced by humans. Similar to the things previously mentioned, these traumatic problems can be in the form of natural disasters, loss of loved ones, becoming victims of crime and criminal acts, becoming victims of sexual harassment, becoming victims of abuse, to breaking up.

It should be understood that everyone has different mental “strengths”. For the problem of breaking up, for example, there are some people who think it’s just a passing wind and easily forget. However, there are also those who think that breaking up is a painful thing, so that without realizing it, it becomes a traumatic experience that leaves a lasting impression on them for the rest of their lives. Therefore, this trauma healing process can be done for all ages, because traumatic events do not hesitate to “attack” even children.

In a research conducted by Muhammad entitled Trauma Healing by the Development Brigade Corps (CBP ), Ratih Zulhaqqi suggested that the trauma healing process can also be used as an activity to anticipate post-traumatic syndrome disorder (PTSD). This trauma healing treatment is included in the Acceptance category or acceptance of post-traumatic treatment.

How Trauma Reactions Experienced By Someone?

Everyone must have experienced a traumatic event differently, as well as the reaction. These trauma reactions take a wide variety of forms, which psychologists have developed into the following types.

  1. Complex Trauma
  2. PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  3. Developmental Trauma Disorder

The first common form of reaction when a traumatic event occurs is rejection. After that, they will experience long-term reactions such as anger, sadness, and despair. Along with constantly being reminded of the traumatic event, the emotions that arise are also unpredictable or predictable. Starting from the emergence of feelings of guilt that don’t go away, nausea, to headaches, it’s as if we ourselves feel responsible for the traumatic event.

What’s the Difference Between Stress and Trauma?

Most people are often mistaken in interpreting this stress and trauma. There are some people who, even though they have experienced trauma, actually think it’s just stress, so they don’t make healing efforts because they think the stress will just go away. When in fact, these two things are very dangerous for human mental continuity, you know… Therefore, the healing process is very much needed to restore the burden that is felt within.

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Definition of Stress

According to M.JD. Jordan, stress can be interpreted as changes in the human soul, both internally and externally. Some also say that stress is a form of the human body’s reaction to situations and circumstances that are not in accordance with their expectations, as well as pressing on the psychological aspects so that it can threaten someone.

Previously, it was written that everyone’s reactions and “strength” in dealing with trauma and stress are different. However, even so, most people who experience stress are still able to face or even run away from the situation they are experiencing. If someone is facing it, then there will be two possibilities, namely whether he made it through or ended. However, if the stress experienced is too severe and can even occur continuously, it can cause him to experience physical disturbances, psychological changes (depression), to changes in attitude.

Everyone, from the age of children to the elderly must experience stressful times in their lives. Especially if you have experienced things that are not desirable since childhood, you will definitely become traumatized over time. Stress can be categorized into the following:

1) Positive Stress

Stressful conditions are not always related to negative things, you know… There is also positive stress that causes good development in the human soul. This stress category really needs its existence once in a person’s life, if someone wants to move forward. For example: facing tests in life, starting a new life through marriage, starting a job in a new environment.

2) Negative Stress

If there is stress associated with positive things, there must be negative ones as well. In this category stress is defined as a reaction from a person’s psyche that causes misery and constantly negative thoughts. Signs of this stress category are feelings of tension, nervousness, fear, sadness, and confusion.

Usually, this negative stress arises from the failure of pre-arranged plans. For example: failing an exam, divorce, poor health, an environment that is too toxic , and so on. Some of these causes of course affect the human psychological condition and feel uncomfortable to survive.

3) Stress Due to Trauma

Previously, it was written that everyone, from children to the elderly, must experience stressful times in their life. Especially if you have experienced things that are not desirable since childhood, you will definitely become traumatized over time. Well, this category of stress can be fatal if it occurs in humans who are too mentally shocked, because they can lose control over themselves to the point of being life threatening.

Therefore, for this stress category, it is more advisable to consult a professional psychologist and get proper healing.

Definition of Trauma

Based on the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), trauma is a state of mind or abnormal behavior as a result of mental pressure or physical injury. Of course, everyone has traumatic events that happened in their lives, but there are also different ways to deal with and “get over” them.

When viewed from a psychological perspective, trauma has meaning in the form of life experiences experienced by humans. In addition, this trauma can be in the form of injury or pain ( shock ) which causes mental disorders. The main cause of trauma is an event that is very burdensome and causes deep scars. So, here are things related to trauma, namely:

1) Trauma usually occurs suddenly, even unexpectedly it can happen in his life so of course it disturbs the human psyche.

2) Causing a person to feel helpless, helpless, and lose control over himself.

3) Can threaten someone’s life.

A person who is experiencing trauma certainly has characteristics, even these characteristics can be seen physically, in behavior, emotionally, to cognitively. Here are some of these characteristics:

1) Physical Characteristics

Dizziness, abdominal pain, frequent heart palpitations, high blood pressure, and faster breathing.

2) Characteristics of Action (Behavior)

Loss of appetite, often nervous, being clumsy, aggressive, and suddenly crying.

3) Characteristics of Emotions

Often feel anxious, angry, sad, frustrated, nervous, restless, and afraid.

4) Characteristics in Cognitive

In the form of concentration becomes easily distracted, easily pessimistic, loses self-confidence, has difficulty making decisions even in small matters, dreams a lot, and so on.