Definition of Magnetic Force: Properties, Benefits, and Examples

Understanding Magnetic Force – Has Readers ever encountered magnetic objects? Talking about magnetic objects, something must be attached to something that can stick together. This can happen because the magnetic object has a magnetic force that can react with each other. In the study of physics, magnetic force is a theory that Readers might have encountered since he was in junior high school. 

So, Readers needs to know and understand more about the magnetic force because apart from being related to subjects at school, we will find many examples of the magnetic force in everyday life. The following is an explanation of the meaning, properties, benefits, and examples of using magnetic force in everyday life. 


Magnet is one of the elements that has the ability to attract other elements around it which have special properties to produce a force reaction. So every magnet must have a magnetic force to attract other objects around it. Of the various types of force, there is a magnetic force that we often encounter in everyday life, for example a pin attached to a magnet. 

So, the magnetic force is a form of force that has the ability to attract objects made of special materials caused by the presence of a magnet in it. Magnets have the ability to repel objects as well as being able to attract and keep other objects attached. Magnets will attract magnetic objects, while objects that cannot be attracted are non-magnetic objects or also called diamagnetic. 

The magnetic force is one part of the electromagnetic force, where the other four forces are the basic natural forces caused by charge movements. Because magnets only attract special objects, magnets can also not work or have no force at all, or even some special objects may reject the magnet. In this case there will be a tug of war if they contain charges with the same direction of motion. 

Meanwhile, it will move in the opposite direction if it has a repulsive force between the two objects. It is considered as a form of Attractive and Repulsive energy that exists between the magnetic poles and the electrically charged moving particles. This moving charge will then create a magnetic field that interacts to create a magnet. 


Based on the explanation of the meaning of force and magnetism above, we can conclude that the magnetic force also has properties that characterize the symptoms of magnetic force. The following are the properties of the magnetic force that Readers needs to know: 

1. Has a Magnetic Field

In practice, the magnetic force has a magnetic field which is the area around the magnetic source that is still affected by the object’s magnetic force. The strength of the magnetic force on the magnetic field is not the same because the farther outside the magnetic field the weaker it is. 

2. Can Penetrate Objects

The force generated by the magnet can penetrate the particles of non-magnetic objects even if they are blocked by other objects. The penetrating power of the magnet can also be lost if the coating is too thick and overcomes the disproportionate strength of the magnetic force. 

3. Has a Repulsive and Attractive Force

Magnets have both attractive and repulsive forces because they have two poles, namely the north and south poles. If the second pole is brought closer to the same one, they will repel each other, otherwise if they are brought closer to a different pole, they will attract each other. 

4. Only Interesting Certain Objects Around It

Because it has a magnetic field, magnets can only attract objects that are around it. The distance a magnet can attract others also depends on the size of the magnet which can also create a larger magnetic field. 

5. Magnetism Can Weaken 

The magnetic force can also be weakened because it has a magnetic field and has a certain magnetic strength. The magnetic field will be denser the closer it is to the magnet, while the magnetic field will fade the closer it is to the magnet. 


From the properties of the above magnets, magnets have several types of materials that can produce different magnetic forces. The following are the types of magnets that Readers needs to know:

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1. Ferromagnetic Or Magnetic Materials

Ferromagnetism is a form of matter that can be strongly attracted by a magnet or has a very strong magnetic force. If this type of object is near a magnet, it will be attracted to the magnetic object. Because of the strong magnetic force on ferromagnets, this material can also be used as a magnet itself. Examples of magnetic or ferromagnetic objects are iron, nickel, steel, and cobalt. 

2. Paramagnetic

Paramagnetic is a non-magnetic material but can still be attracted by a magnet even though it has a weak magnetic force. Paramagnetic objects have unpaired electrons so they cannot align their magnetic moments in all directions. That is why its magnetic strength is very weak even in the presence of an external magnetic field. This magnetic moment will tend to adjust in the direction of the magnetic field that has been applied, so that it can strengthen it even more. Examples of paramagnetic objects are Oxygen, Manganese, Aluminum, Platinum, Lithium, and so on. 

3. Diamagnetic

Diamagnetic is a non-magnetic material that repels magnets. That means various diamagnetic objects cannot be attracted by a magnet at all even though they are located close to a very strong magnet. Diamagnetic is a material that does not have unpaired electrons. 

Almost all of these materials have a diamagnetic material so they have a tendency to oppose the existing magnetic field. The material is finally repelled by the magnetic field. Examples of non-magnetic or diamagnetic objects are zinc, mercury, gold, and so on. 

Of the types of magnets above, magnets are then divided into several forms as follows:

  • Bar magnets are shaped like bars or blocks or cubes
  • Cylindrical magnets are shaped like long tubes
  • A needle magnet is shaped like a compass needle with both pointed ends or magnetic poles
  • U magnets (shoeshoe magnets) are shaped like a horseshoe or like the shape of the letter U
  • Ring magnets are round like rings
  • Chip magnets are shaped like metal strips


Readers needs to know that physics studies related to magnetic forces can be easily found around the environment where they are used. Readers must have been unable to compete with the benefits of the magnetic force because he can find it in his daily needs. Following are the benefits of the magnetic force in everyday life that Readers needs to know so he can make the most of it:

1. Attracts Other Things

Magnets have the main benefit of attracting other objects, especially objects that are made of special materials, such as steel and iron. This magnetic force can be used for the iron industry to facilitate iron from one place to another using an iron pulley with a large hanger made of magnets to attract iron objects. 

2. Power Plant

Magnets can be used to support electricity generation on a small scale to even a large scale. An example of a magnet that can generate electricity on a small scale is the magnet in a bicycle dynamo which is useful for emitting bicycle lights. An example on a large scale is in a generator for electricity generation which requires a large magnetic force.   

3. Directions

Magnets can be used for directions because they have two poles, namely the north pole and the south pole. These magnetic properties can be used in the form of artificial magnets with characteristics resembling a needle that will point north and south. One of the benefits of a magnet as a direction can be found in a compass object that will point the clock hands towards the magnetic poles. 

4. As a Vibration Into Sound Converter

Magnets can also be useful as a converter of electrical vibrations into sound vibrations. One example of the use of magnets can be found in loudspeakers such as speakers or headsets. Inside these tools there must be a magnet which is a type of artificial magnet. That is why the sides of the headset when brought together will repel each other because the magnetic poles of the two are the same. 

5. As an adhesive to the closing mechanism

Magnets can act as adhesives on closing mechanisms applied to mechanisms such as bag or purse closures and refrigerator door closers. The way the magnetic force works is that the magnetic poles will be faced with different types of magnetic poles so that the meeting between the two can attract each other and succeed in creating an effective and efficient closing mechanism. 

6. Electrical Measuring Instruments

Magnets can be used in electrical measuring instruments such as ammeters or voltmeters. This tool requires a magnet to play the direction of magnetic force or a magnetic field with a coil of wire with a magnet in the middle. The way the magnetic force works on the electric measuring device is that it will produce a direction that can rotate the coil and then it will be held by a spring so that the coil does not move. So that the size guide will deviate and be in accordance with the running electric current. 

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7. Electric Motor Products

Magnets can also be useful for technology products such as electric motors that use electrical energy which is then converted into motion. Inside the electric motor material is the component of the wire coil wrapped around the magnet. This component will produce a magnetic force in the opposite direction, so that the coil component will rotate according to its axis and eventually produce motion. 

8. To Find a Needle

Readers can use magnets to find needles that might fall in places that are hard to reach. Because of its small size, it is difficult to find a needle if it is lost. In addition, the sharp tip of the needle can be dangerous, so it must be found immediately if it is dropped or lost. 

9. Maglev Railway

Modern inventions about maglev trains or magnetic levitation were excited and popular at that time. The train moves on a magnetic rail which means it uses a magnetic force on the sides of the magnetic poles which repel each other if they are of the same kind. So that the train can run on the magnetic rail at a speed that is more than the speed of the usual train. 


After knowing the benefits of magnets, Readers can listen to examples of objects that use magnetic forces in everyday life. The following is a detailed explanation of how the magnetic force works on objects that Readers might often encounter everyday: 

1. Compass

A compass is an object that uses a magnet to perform its function to show the direction of the wind. A compass has a needle that can rotate freely and then will always point north and south. Now that’s the movement of the needle that uses magnetic force to be able to show the south and north poles. 

2.MRI scanner

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning is a form of medical imaging technique that is widely used by diagnostic centers around the world. This MRI scanner utilizes a very strong magnetic field, magnetic field gradient, and radio waves to produce images of the internal organs of the human body. 

3. Electric Motors

Moving electric motors say that there is electrical energy that turns into energy of motion thanks to the magnetic force. This electric motor generates a magnetic field through a coil with an electric current. This magnetic force then causes motion to rotate which eventually drives the motor. 

4. Computer

Does Readers know that the computers that we usually use also use magnets, namely the part of the data stored on the hard disk drive on computers that use a magnetic base. In the assembly there is a layer of magnetic material consisting of billions and even trillions of tiny magnets. Using an electromagnetic head, the data can be stored on the disk. 

5. Microwave Ovens

Microwave ovens are now widely used as household appliances for cooking or heating food. This tool uses the help of magnetic force to work, namely using megatron material to generate power for cooking and removing heat. 

Megatron material is a form of vacuum tube specially designed to cause electrons to circulate in a circle inside the tube. Magnets are then placed around the tube to provide a force that causes the electrons to move in a circle of the device. 

6. Cars

Cars are electromagnetic generated from car engines to create movement. The fossil fuel engine then generates energy from the hearth. This energy will rotate the magnetic coil attached to the axle of the car wheel, so that the car wheels also rotate, as well as the car that moves too. 

7. Fridge Or Refrigerator

The refrigerator uses a magnet located on the door so that the refrigerator can be closed perfectly. The magnetic force used in the magnetic door is very strong because the refrigerator must be completely closed in order to work according to its function. 

8. Fan

The fan also uses magnetic force so that it can work according to its function with the magnet in the fan rotor being repelled by the magnet in the stator. It is this repeated process that makes each cycle of the rotor keep moving, so that the fan can move and produce wind with electrical energy. 

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Well, that’s an explanation of the meaning, properties, benefits, and examples of using magnetic force in everyday life. Did Readers understand it? Magnetic force is actually familiar to us since childhood because many children’s toys use magnets for their application. In addition, the magnetic force is also useful to meet the needs of daily activities. If Readers can recognize and understand the theory of magnetic force, then he will not only be able to master physics at school but can also use it to facilitate daily activities.