Get to know what is the Theory of Relativity and its Benefits

Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity has indeed brought many changes and advances in education, especially science. Even those who are not in the field know Einstein. In this article, we will invite you to get to know in depth what the theory of relativity looks like and whether there is evidence for it in the real world.

As one of the most influential figures in the world, Albert Einstein has his popularity from the theory of relativity which has changed the world. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it changed the world, because through Einstein’s theory it helps humans little by little to solve the puzzles that occur in the universe. Also helps humans find other discoveries.

But before delving deeper into the evidence for the truth of Einstein’s theory, you need to know in advance what its history was like.

Get to know Albert Einstein

This alumni of the University of Zurich is said to have been a genius since childhood in the fields of mathematics and physics. Little Einstein from the age of 12 years was able to master algebra, Pythagoras, and calculus. He had also mastered integral and differential calculus by the age of 14.

Einstein’s intelligence, which was above average, brought him closer to mathematics, physics and philosophy. Even an artist Kant whose work is complicated and difficult for ordinary people to understand was so easy for little Einstein.

Over time Einstein studied and participated in the fields of mathematics and physics which changed the views of other scientists towards existing theories.

Einstein often produces papers that are so intelligent with his own style of theory. Starting from an explanation of the photoelectric effect, explaining Brownian’s law of motion, to sparking his theory of the law of relativity.

For Einstein, the laws of classical mechanics, which were originally explained by Newton about predicting the motion of celestial bodies (determinism), are no longer relevant to the laws of the electromagnetic field. This is what finally sparked him to make the special theory of relativity. The theory then developed in the gravitational field and then came the general theory of relativity.

As an influential figure in the world of physics, Einstein has contributed so many scientific legacies in the form of theories that have changed the views of other people towards physics and chemistry education. One of the most influential theories is relativity.

Apart from that, there are also other theories which have also become references for many scientists afterward, see more in the following book!

why? People: Albert Einstein

What is the Theory of Relativity and What Are the Benefits?

1. Discovery of the Theory of Relativity

Since time immemorial, physical scientists have believed in the principles of classical physics belonging to Newton who discovered the concept of gravity and stated that space and time are absolute. However, in the 19th century many unexpected phenomena began to appear that could not be explained by Newton’s laws, such as when the planet Mercury began to orbit the sun faster than originally calculated.

Then in 1905 Albert Einstein put forward his theory of relativity which broke the principles of classical physics, where this theory began to answer all the strange questions that were happening in our nature at that time.

In his opinion, the absolute was the speed of light and the laws of physics for all observers whether moving or not. Thus, based on the theory of relativity, it states that space and time can be bent. So what’s the explanation?

There are two types of the theory of relativity put forward by Einstein which solves the world’s questions on all natural phenomena and also in everyday human activities.

a. The Special Theory of Relativity

As already mentioned, relativity believes that the laws of physics and also the speed of light are absolute, while space and time are relative. Einstein discovered the special theory of relativity which held two postulates.

The first postulate , that the laws of physics are absolute or have the same properties in any constant or fixed (inertial) frame of reference. This means that in any constant frame of reference (constantly moving or not moving at all) the laws of physics have the same form.

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Still confused? In one case, you are on the side of the highway and see your friend in a car traveling at 80 km/hour. In frame 1, that is, from your point of view, it is your friend who is in the car who is moving, while you are still. On the other hand, in frame 2, from the point of view of your friend, it is you who is moving, while he is still in the car.

The second postulate states that the speed of light is always constant and has a value (c = 3x 108 m/s) and does not depend on the light source and the position of the observer.

For example, in one frame of reference there are two observers where one is moving and one is stationary. Both observe the same event. So both have different perspectives on space and time.

This is of course inversely proportional to Newton’s law which states that space and time are always absolute. So that there are several impacts that occur due to the existence of this special theory of relativity, namely as follows.

1) Time Dilation

This time dilation or expansion of time is the impact of the special theory of relativity which states that space and time are relative. Time dilation occurs because of differences in motion between the two observers in space and time.

2) Long Contractions

This length contraction explains that there is a possibility of shortening the distance from two points measured to two observers who move relatively.

3) Relativistic Mass

According to the theory of special relativity, it explains that the mass of an object that is moving tends to be greater than the mass of an object that is not moving.

4) Relativistic Momentum

If the relativistic mass explains the possibility of a heavier mass. This relativistic momentum explains that when an object has mass, then a speed has momentum. So that in the context of the special theory of relativity there is also the possibility of changing the momentum.

5) Relativistic Energy

Relativistic energy is the product of mass and also the square of absolute speed. At this relativistic energy it is possible that energy and mass can be equivalent. So that this law is also called Einstein’s law of mass-energy equivalence.

How, already have an idea of ​​the special theory of relativity? In addition to the special theory of relativity, Albert Einstein also put forward the general theory of relativity in 1915.

b. General Theory of Relativity

After discovering his special theory of relativity, Albert Einstein tried to combine Newton’s theory of gravity with his own relativity. With all the experiments and failures many times, Einstein finally found a combination of the theory of gravitational relativity, namely the general theory of relativity.

In the general theory of relativity, Einstein explained that gravity exists as part of space and time. Gravity does not just exist, but is the result of the curvature of space and time caused by the existence of a mass quantity.

So that this mass makes space and time to bend, as well as objects around the curve that are attracted to the source of the bend.

For example, if you put a napkin or a piece of cloth on the floor, then place a basketball right in the middle of the cloth. Then what happens is that the fabric will form a curve caused by the ball.

So if you put other small objects around the basketball it will automatically be pulled towards the arc. This is what is called gravity according to Einstein’s general theory of relativity.

Interestingly, this general theory of relativity seems to be increasingly opening the door for our knowledge in the world of physics to be able to understand this vast and mysterious universe. Through this theory, scientists have succeeded in answering the reason Mercury moves around the sun faster, as well as a shift of 43 arcseconds per century.

2. Proof of the Theory of Relativity

Einstein’s theory has also been proven by new discoveries. Some natural phenomena that occur in this universe are also finally being answered more clearly and clearly.

a. There is a Black Hole

In about 1915 a Schwarzschild scientist solved the problem through Einstein’s field equations which explained that there is a geometry of spacetime around stars. This star also has a very high density with super large gravity.

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The star’s strong gravity can bend spacetime so that all objects and light cannot get out of there. Astronomers estimate the location of a black hole with high gravity by changing the properties of the sky material around it.

b. The Big Bang Theory

In accordance with the general theory of relativity, scientists predict that the universe started with a very dense and super hot object which then exploded. This shows that our universe is expanding into smaller and smaller pieces of matter and moving farther and farther apart.

This prediction was confirmed by Edwin Hubble who observed a spiral nebula in a galaxy like the Milky Way. The nebula is moving, shifting and expanding.

c. GPS

The impact of the emergence of Einstein’s theory of relativity that changed the world so much is the existence of a GPS that is so accurate in measuring distances and estimated time. This GPS system works using satellites that transfer data and information to signal-catching stations on earth and then sends them to GPS technology.

With GPS, we can estimate and calculate locations accurately, which of course has a big impact on transportation equipment such as cars, trains and planes.

d. Analog Television

The next technological sophistication that was born thanks to the theory of relativity is that there are TVs that can broadcast broadcasts with pictures and sound. On tube or analog TV still use cathode rays which transfer electrons to a magnetic phosphor. These electrons create color pixels on a television screen at 30 percent the speed of light, thus creating an image.

Advances In Chemistry

Relativity seems to have a super big and wide impact, such as helping scientific progress in chemistry. This is evidenced by the discovery of mercury and the discovery of liquid metal. Based on relativity, there is an influence of speed and mass on mercury which is bound to its constituent atoms, causing the compound to melt and melt even at normal temperatures.

e. Nuclear Technology

All nuclear-based technologies that exist today are also not far from the theory of relativity. Starting from nuclear engines, nuclear power, and atomic bombs, everything is based on relativity. Nuclear reactions occur from the splitting of atomic nuclei in a chain that shoots neutrons many times. This reaction was also formulated by Einstein with E=MC2.


Einstein’s relativity became a refinement of the classical physics theory sparked by Sir Isaac Newton. We come to understand that gravity is formed because of a mass large enough to bend space and time, which makes objects around it pull closer.

So that the closer the object is from the source of the curvature the greater the gravity and the slower the time, and vice versa. This is the reason why in the movie Interstellar 1 hour on planet Miller equals 7 years on Earth.

Understanding physics makes everything seem clear and predictable, both the history of the universe in the past and predictions for the future. Relativity is only a small part of the vast field of physics, but by understanding just one law of relativity we can already understand what happens to everyday life and the universe.

Then, what if you understand all of physics? Maybe you can find new theories like Newton and Einstein to explain phenomena that are still unsolved. An example is looking for a bridge that can combine the theory of relativity with quantum physics, which is still unsolved until now.

Interested in discovering the riddle of the universe through physics? Then you need to fill in your knowledge through reading about physics such as the theory of relativity, or even emulate Einstein’s perseverance in learning through a collection of scientific books from sinaumedia.

Logic Magic Physics

If the universe is likened to a puzzle, then only about 5% of our scientists have found the puzzle piece, one of which is through physics. So by continuing to study science, both science and other sciences are a clue to find answers to the incomplete puzzle of the universe.

Because no matter how small an effort we make to understand this universe, it can have a big impact on future generations. The greater the knowledge we have, the higher our chances of achieving a much better life. That’s all, I hope this article is useful!

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