Termination of Employment and Sample Letter

Termination and Sample Letter – What does Sinaumed’s know about layoffs? For a worker the term layoffs may be an unpleasant thing, but in some conditions the company also needs to lay off employees to keep the company running stable. In the world of work, the relationship between employers and workers must run well, including when the employment … Read more

Tectonic Earthquakes Are: Definition, Causes, and Types

Tectonic earthquakes are – Recently, earthquakes have frequently occurred in Indonesia. Earthquake is a natural disaster, which can cause quite large losses. Earthquakes themselves are often grouped into two types, namely, tectonic earthquakes and volcanic earthquakes. On this occasion, we will discuss more about tectonic earthquakes. So, keep reading this article until it’s finished, Sinaumed’s. Definition of Tectonic Earthquake Earthquakes … Read more

Take a peek at 18 applications that will help you learn optimally

sinaumedia Literacy – Digital developments are starting to enter various sectors, including education, with many startups developing platforms or applications to provide online learning. The application offers various features ranging from learning through animated videos, practice questions, and even preparation for various exams. Here are some online learning applications that you can use Sinaumed’s. What … Read more

Tabarakallah means God’s Blessing, See Its Use and Benefits

Tabarakallah means – Has Sinaumed’s ever read the sentence Tabarakallah? Or maybe Sinaumed’s is quite familiar with this sentence? The sentence Tabarakallah became popular, when it was widely used by celebrities as well as celebgrams to start their social media captions. After being used quite a lot by celebrities and celebgrams, many people also use the Tabarakallah sentence … Read more

Symptoms of syphilis in men that are important to pay attention to

Symptoms of syphilis in men – Syphilis or often also called the king of lions is a venereal disease that can cause long-term complications, if not treated properly and correctly. Syphilis can be regarded as a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a type of bacteria known as Treponema Pallidum. However, the symptoms of syphilis in men are … Read more

Symptoms Causes of STEMI: Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment

Causes of STEMI Symptoms – STEMI is an acute phase of chest pain that lasts a long time and cannot be treated with nitrates. This phase can occur at rest or at any time accompanied by acute myocardial infarction with ST elevation (STEMI) which occurs due to thrombosis resulting from rupture of an unstable atherosclerotic plaque. According … Read more

SWOT Analysis of Yourself and How to Use It Properly!

SWOT Analysis Yourself – Usually, businesses and strategies need a SWOT analysis to find out their weaknesses and strengths. However, the use of SWOT analysis can also be applied to know yourself more deeply. That way, Sinaumed’s can see the weaknesses and strengths within. So, in the future, you can determine the best way to realize your goals … Read more

Surface Water: Definition, Characteristics, & Types

sinaumedia.com – Surface water is water that collects on the ground or in springs, rivers, lakes, wetlands, or the sea. Surface water relates to underground water or clouds. Surface water is naturally replenished through precipitation and naturally reduced through evaporation and seepage below the surface to become groundwater. Although there are other sources of underground water, namely trap … Read more

Sultan Hasanuddin’s Biography: Family Background and Struggle History

Biography of Sultan Hasanuddin – Sultan Hasanuddin was one of the eastern kings who became popular thanks to his persistence against the Dutch during the colonial period. The big struggle that overwhelmed the Netherlands was rejecting the trade monopoly carried out by the Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie (VOC). During his reign, Sultan Hasanuddin also succeeded in … Read more

Sujud Prayer Prayer: Definition, Terms, and More

Sujud Sajadah Reading – For Muslims, prostrating while saying His name with full sincerity and believing that Allah SWT will hear all his requests is the highest level of prayer. When kneeling before Him, we must try to be humble because in fact all of these humans are weak creatures and are nothing compared to … Read more

Subtropical Climate: Characteristics, Flora, Fauna, Subtropical Countries

Subtropical Climate – Earth has four climates which are influenced by the topography and geographic location of a region. The four climates, including tropical climate, subtropical climate, temperate climate, and cold climate. However, this article will only focus on discussing subtropical climates. What and how is the subtropical climate? Come on, see the explanation until … Read more

Studying the story of the Prophet Saleh’s example that we should follow!

The Example of Prophet Saleh AS- Hearing stories about prophetic stories is something that is quite common among Muslims around the world. Because telling prophetic stories also means studying the history of world development, especially in the perspective of Muslims because from the creation of the first human, namely the prophet Adam AS to the last prophet … Read more

Studying the History of the World’s Oldest Religions

The Oldest Religion in the World – Throughout the history of human life on this earth, there have always been two great forces that cannot be released, namely religion (belief) and philosophy. But actually, what about the history of religion itself? Can you still find the oldest religion in the world today? In this article, we will discuss … Read more

Studying exemplary from the story of Prophet Musa AS

Learning the Example from the Story of Prophet Musa AS – Hearing the stories of the prophet and all his miracles that not all humans have, has become very common among Muslims. Because since childhood, even in elementary schools, our religious teachers must have presented these stories as things that must be emulated in everyday life. Not only … Read more

Structure and Sample Company Work Certificate

Sample Company Work Certificate – Every individual certainly wants a job in a place that can provide comfort, productivity and career advancement for him/herself. Therefore, sometimes some people decide to move from one place to another with the aim that some of these things can be realized. In addition to qualified skills, there are several important … Read more

Striated Muscles: Definition, Parts, Properties, Characteristics, Working Methods and Functions

Definition of Striated Muscles – Muscles are a network in the human and animal bodies that have a function as an active means of locomotion and move bones. Muscles cause the movement of an organism or movements originating from the organs within that organism. Muscle is a collection of muscle tissue that contracts with each other. So it … Read more

Strategy Formulation: Definition, Stages, and Tips for Formulating a Business Strategy

Strategy Formulation – Strategic management has many different meanings defined by experts, for example Pearce and Robinson define strategic management as a set of decisions and actions that lead to the formulation and implementation of plans designed to achieve business goals. Wahyudi believes that strategic management is the art and science of formulating, implementing, and evaluating strategic decisions in … Read more

Steps to Take When You Feel In the Wrong Major

sinaumedia.com Choosing a major is one of the big decisions in life. In a way, the major will affect your future career. Because of that, how nice it would be if we could enter a major that we like and work in a field of work that we love. However, that’s how it would be … Read more

Static Electricity: Definition, Examples, History, and Benefits

Static Electricity – Static electricity is electricity with a charge in a stationary or static state, in contrast to dynamic electricity whose electric charge is always moving. In meaning, static electricity is an imbalance of electric charge in or on the surface of an object. Meanwhile, the electric charge remains until it is dissipated by … Read more

Some Examples of Short Drama Scripts on Various Life Themes

Examples of Drama Manuscripts – Drama is a genre (type) of literary work that describes human life with motion. Drama describes the reality of life, character, and human behavior through the roles and dialogues that are staged. Stories and stories in drama contain conflicts and emotions that are specifically intended for theatrical performances. Drama scripts … Read more

Soil Pollution: Causes, Impact, Examples and Solutions

Soil pollution is a condition where the soil is polluted in the surface area or even underground. This pollution is caused by pollutants or contaminants that contaminate the soil. Soil pollution can occur due to many factors, but generally caused by human actions and also due to nature. So, there is natural soil pollution and there is artificial … Read more

Social Relations: Definition, Characteristics, and Types

Social Relationships – Humans may be one of God’s creations of the most numerous. In recent years alone, the number of humans has been estimated at 7.8 billion worldwide. The number could be much higher, because many humans still live primitively in forests around the world, making it difficult to count them all. In fact, in the coming years, … Read more

Social Norms: Definition, Functions, Types, Characteristics and Examples

Social norms are – Humans are creatures that can be called social beings as well as individual beings. Humans are considered social beings because basically humans cannot meet their own needs. Therefore, humans will always live side by side in one group. They will rely on each other so that they can carry out their survival. Meanwhile, humans … Read more

Social Interaction: Definition, Characteristics, Terms, Factors and Examples

Social Interaction – Humans are not spared from their role as social beings who can never be separated from interacting, not only talking about important things but small talk sometimes being very important to add information. For example, if someone is facing a problem, they will definitely tell whether it’s a friend, parent, sibling or … Read more