Examples of Complete Adjectives with Characteristics and Types

Examples of Adjectives – In Indonesian and English there are adjectives. It is important for us to know more about adjectives. This is none other than because the more adjectives we have, the better the use of language and the easier it is to understand what other people are talking about.

In compiling a sentence there are many supporting elements in it. Starting from subjects, verbs, adjectives, nouns, adverbs, pronouns and many more. Of the many supporting elements, it turns out that the adjective is one of the most used elements.

Simply put, an adjective is a word that can describe the nature, state of character and also the character of a person or animal or thing. In general, the existence of an adjective can be has a function as a predicate, object and subject description.

Besides that, there are still many things that we can learn together from adjectives. So, for more details, you can read the explanation in this article.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary or KBBI, adjectives are words that can explain nouns or nouns and in general will be able to join the words more and very.

Adjectives can also be interpreted as a class of words that change nouns or pronouns, usually also participate in explaining and making it more specific.

Then the function of the adjective or adjective itself is used to describe the nature or state of an object. The objects used are also quite diverse, such as humans, animals, plants and other objects.

Adjectives are also a class of words that can not only describe or explain, but can also change and add to the meaning of an object. This is what can make an object have a more specific meaning.

An adjective is a word that can describe the quantity, adequacy, sequence, quality or emphasis of a word. In English, the existence of adjectives is able to explain or limit pronouns and nouns which still have general characteristics and can be in the form of people, places, animals, objects and also abstract concepts.

Examples of Adjectives in Sentences

In order for Sinaumed’s to understand the use of adjectives in a sentence, here are some examples of adjectives in a sentence.

  1. I think you are more suitable to wear pink clothes.
  2. You are indeed my best friend.
  3. Classrooms are neatly arranged.
  4. Linda did not like physics lessons.
  5. He’s a quiet kid, but he’s not a bad boy.

Examples of Adjectives Based on Their Characteristics

Adjectives (adjectives) in Indonesian have several characteristics. Of course, these characteristics will make it easier for you to recognize adjectives compared to other types of words. So that you know more about the characteristics of adjectives, here is a complete explanation.

  1. Adjectives (adjectives) or adjectives can be added or given with adverbs of comparison that will use words like the examples provided below.
    • The word “Most”, for example, is the sweetest, most handsome, brightest and other words.
    • The word “More”, for example, is easier, prettier, more handsome and so on.
    • The word “Less”, for example, is less beautiful, less beautiful, less handsome and so on.
  2. Adjectives can provide additions or be added with adverbs as reinforcement. Some words that can be used as adjective reinforcement are as follows.
    • The word “True”, for example: really beautiful, really beautiful, really generous and so on.
    • The word “Once”, for example: very rich, very beautiful, very generous and so on.
    • The word “Too”, for example: too charming, too beautiful, too generous and so on.
    • The word “Amat”, for example: very charming, very beautiful, very generous and so on.
    • The word “Very”, for example: very charming, very beautiful, very generous and so on.
  3. Adjectives (adjectives) can be used as a form of rejection or denial. Usually the word used is the word no. Some examples of rejection words that use adjectives are as follows.
    • Not smart.
    • No fool.
    • Not true.
    • Not handsome.
    • Not generous.
    • Can not wait.
    • Not friendly.
    • Not beautiful.
  4. Adjectives (adjectives) can be used repeatedly or have a function as a repetition word. Which will start with the word “se-” and end with the word “-nya”. An example is as explained below.
    • The best.
    • Sincerely.
    • Smoothly.
    • Smoothly.
    • As much as possible.
    • The worst.
    • How beautiful.
    • How handsome.
  5. Adjectives (adjectives) can also be found in certain words which will later use certain endings as well. An example is as explained below.
    • The ending “-er”, for example, is kaires, honorary and so on.
    • The ending “-wi“, for example, is human, earthly, heavenly, chemical and so on.
    • The ending “-iah”, for example, is scientific, Islamic and so on.
    • The ending “-if”, for example, is naive, positive, active, passive, communicative, narrative and so on.
    • The ending “-al”, for example, is normal, formal, structural, functional, neutral and so on.
    • The “-if” ending, for example, is electric, hypocritical, attractive and so on.
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Those are some of the characteristics possessed by adjectives (adjectives). Every characteristic possessed by an adjective can always make the adjective more easily recognized and more easily distinguished from other adjectives.

Examples of Adjectives Based on the Word Formation Process

Adjectives or adjectives can also be formed due to several processes. Some of the processes that can form adjectives are as follows.

1. Formed from Basic Words

Adjectives can be formed from basic words, for example, tall-short, old-young, rich-poor, fail-success, big-small, back-and-forth, up-down, strong-weak, and so on.

2. Formed Based on Affix Words (Invention)

Adjectives can be formed from a word affixes or derivatives. For example, the word richest, wealthiest, handsomest, prettiest, smartest, tallest, shortest, oldest, youngest, biggest, smallest, top, bottom, strongest, weakest, interested, stretched out and so on.

3. Formed from the word repetition or repetition

Adjectives can also be formed from words of repetition or repetition. Then for examples of adjectives that are formed from repetition words, such as the word ragged, tossed around, helter-skelter, ravaged, pitch-dark and so on.

4. Formed from absorption words

Adjectives can be formed from an absorption word, for example creative, legal and so on.

5. Formed from Words or Groups of Words

Adjectives can be formed from a word or from a group of words, for example, smiling, kind, weak-minded, stubborn and so on.

The explanation above is about several processes that can form an adjective or adjective.

Examples of verbs based on their function

Adjectives in Indonesian also have several functions in them. There are at least three functions of adjectives such as attributive, predicative and substantive. Each function of the adjective has a different meaning.

So that you understand more about the function of adjectives, here is a complete explanation.

1. Attributive Function

The attributive function is one of the functions of the adjective. Where the attributive function of an adjective or adjective will explain the nomadic nature and is always bound to that noun. Quoted from the 1998 Indonesian book Grammar, it explains that an adjective is a word that can provide specific information about something that can be expressed by a noun in a sentence.

This will make attributive adjectives have attribute properties that can complement or explain a noun. An example of an attributive adjective or adjective is like in the sentence “she is a beautiful and gentle girl”.

These beautiful and gentle words are adjectives that function as attributes and explain girl nouns.

Some examples of attributive adjectives or adjectives are as follows.

  • Teak trees have a sturdy and strong body.
  • Human rights are clearly stated in the 1945 Constitution.
  • Tissue culture is carried out in a sterile container.
  • Arrogance will bring problems in life.
  • The presentation is explained briefly and accompanied by illustrations.

2. Predicate function

Sry Satriya Tjatur Wisnu Sasangka, et al in the book Adjectives and Adverbs in Indonesian (2000) explained that at the sentence level, most of the adjectives have a function as a predicate.

An example of an adjective that has a predicative function is something like “The taste of seawater is foreign”. Where the word salty is an adjective that has a function as a predicate and is located to the right of the subject of the taste of sea water.

Some other examples of adjectives that have a predicative function are as below.

  • The child’s pants are too long.
  • My school is near from home.
  • The game is very fun.
  • His heart is restless when it rains.
  • Rain wet clothes.
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3. Substantive Function

Adjectives also have a substantive function. Where this substantive function is an adjective function that will usually complement or accompany the subject. An example of an adjective that has a substantive function is in the sentence “The little one was brought by the father yesterday”.

The small word in the sentence is an adjective with a substantive function that describes the word as the core of the sentence. For other examples of adjectives with substantive functions are as follows.

  • His behavior is childish despite his mature age.
  • The maturity of a person’s thinking can be seen when he faces difficulties.
  • Evolution is a natural process.
  • Suddenly the sky became dark because it was about to rain.
  • The development of online buying and selling applications is taking place very rapidly.

Those are some explanations about the function of adjectives.

Types of Adjectives According to Their Meanings or Semantics

Adjectives or adjectives are divided into several types. In the division of the types of adjectives can also be seen based on several things such as the types of adjectives based on their meaning or semantics. The types of adjectives based on that are further divided into two, namely graded adjectives and ungraded adjectives.

The explanation of the two types of adjectives based on their meaning or semantics is as follows.

1. Graded Adjectives

Graded adjectives fall into one of the types of adjectives that are seen based on their meaning. In graded adjectives it is also divided into several more types as explained below.

a. Adjectives or adverbs giving adjectives.

Where the adjective giving this attribute has the meaning as an adjective that can explain the quality or intensity

For example, clean, tidy, comfortable.

b. Adjectives or measure-giving adjectives.

Where this measuring adjective is an adjective that can explain the quality that can be measured with a quantitative measure or can be explained in the form of a number.

Examples for example: Weight, length

c. Coloring adjectives or adjectives.

Coloring adjectives are adjectives that can show or describe a certain color.

Examples are: Blue, white

d. Timing adjective or adjective.

A time-giving adjective is an adjective that can describe a time or period in a job or event.

Examples are: briefly, long.

e. Spacing adjective or adjective.

Spacing adjectives are adjectives that can describe the space between objects or places.

For example: Far, near

f. Adjectives or adjectives that give attitude.

An attitude giving adjective is an adjective that can describe an emotion or mood.

Examples are: Happy, sad, angry

g. Adjectives or absorption adjectives.

Absorbent adjectives are adjectives that can describe something that can be felt by the five senses.

Examples such as: Bitter, sweet, sour, smelly.

2. Ungraded Adjectives

An ungraded adjective is an adjective that describes membership in a group. For example, eternal, circular and others.

Types of Adjectives According to Syntax

Adjective types can also be seen based on their location or function or syntax. For more details, you can read the review below.

  1. An adjective or attribute adjective is an adjective that has a function as a complement or clarification in a particular sentence. If this type of adjective comes after the subject, it is often considered as a description of the subject. Meanwhile, if it is located after the object, then the adjective is used to describe the object. For example, Dila has grown into a beautiful and kind-hearted daughter.
  2. A predicative adjective or adjective is an adjective that has a function as a predicate in a certain sentence. An example is the old house is still comfortable to live in.
  3. Inversion predicative adjectives or adjectives are types of adjectives that have a function as a predicate in a sentence but are located at the beginning of the sentence. An example is the beautiful view of the village from the top of this hill.

Types of Adjectives According to Their Nature

The type of adjective can also be seen from its nature. Some types of adjectives that are seen based on their nature are as follows.

1. Basic Adjectives

A basic adjective is an original adjective that does not undergo a process of affixation or affixation and cannot be broken down into simpler forms. Some examples of basic adjectives are beautiful, new, many, tall, old, few and so on.

2. Derivative Adjectives

Derivative adjectives or polyfermis are adjectives that have undergone a process of affixation or addition of affixes, repetition or reduplication, compounding and absorption. In general there are four groups of derived adjectives or adjectives as follows.

  • Derivative Adjectives That Experiencing Affixation
  • Derivative Adjectives That Experiencing Repetition
  • Multiple Derivative Adjectives
  • Absorbent Adjectives

That’s a review of examples of adjectives and explanations. It turns out that there is a lot in adjectives. By understanding every explanation in this article, of course you will also understand more about adjectives more broadly. Garmeds can also read related books by visiting sinaumedia.com so you have #MoreWithReading information.