27 Examples of Nouns and Their Use in Sentences!

Examples of Nouns  – Humans as social beings need tools to interact with others. Therefore, language is a tool used as a means of interaction in the establishment of a communication. When we communicate with other people using spoken or written language, the goal is to convey ideas, thoughts, desires or desires to other people.

In spoken language, an idea, thought or desire is conveyed directly by means of speech and with the help of breathing air. According to Cahyono (1995: 6) in the theory of “tata” it is written that spoken language begins with verbal imitation of body movements and gestures, which are related to the mouth and tongue, thus encouraging people to speak.

The written language is written using a writing system. Language is an important part of social and social life, whenever and wherever a person is. Language becomes something very important because without language humans cannot interact and understand each other’s culture.

In addition, a relationship will also not be created between humans if there is no language. Language can also be interpreted as a system of arbitrary sound symbols used by members of a society to work together, interact, and identify themselves.

Keraf explains that a noun is any word that can be explained or expanded by yang + adjective; Example: Good mother. In addition, nouns also mean all words that contain bound morphemes ke-an, pe-an, pe-, -en, ke-; Example: culture, actors, food, regulations.

Nouns in Indonesian

Nouns are also called nouns such as the words star, astrology, charity, practice, king, kingdom, chess, and chess, namely words that generally occupy the function of subject, object, or complement in clauses, main functions, limiters, or axis in phrases. marked with the forms of ke-an, pe-, -en, and ke-, which reveal the meaning of animate unity, lifeless unity, concrete, or abstract.

1. Nouns and their Functions

Nouns occupy functions in clauses, sentences or phrases. In sentences or clauses, common functions that are usually occupied by nouns are the subject function (S) and function (O).

a. Nouns as Subjects

Here is an example of a noun as a subject. The subject function word is italicized.

  • The soccer player is exhausted.
  • His guess was right.
  • Her mother has been working all day.

In general, the subject comes first, although it is sometimes preceded by a caption.

  • Suddenly sister fell into the river.
  • One day a tiger preyed on the Kancil.
  • Maybe he guessed right.

b. Nouns As Objects

Here is an example of a noun as an object. The subject function word is italicized.

  • Mary wrote poetry .
  • The Kancil tricked the Crocodile .
  • Students fly the Sang Saka.

Nouns as objects are found behind certain verbs called transitive verbs such as make, throw, do, sing.

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c. Nouns as Complementary

Nouns that come after intransitive words such as met, named, constituted, made, and affected do not occupy the object function but have a complementary function. In the following examples the words that function as complements are italicized.

  • The company changed names .
  • Many areas affected by the disaster .
  • Indonesia is based on law .

d. Nouns as Predicates

In Indonesian, predicate functions are not only expressed by verbs. Nouns and adjectives can also occupy the function of the predicate. Here are some examples of nouns that occupy the function of the predicate. In the following examples the word that functions as a predicate is italicized.

  • My name is Udin .
  • What Indonesia is after .
  • My birthplace is Padang .

e. Noun as Main Phrase

A noun can function as the parent of a phrase. That is, the noun is the core part that marks the phrase in question. In the following examples the word that functions as the parent phrase is italicized.

  • Drink list .
  • circular letter .
  • Delicious dish .

2. Nouns and their Forms

Based on the form, nouns are divided into two groups, namely nouns that are not marked with a form, for example clouds, earth, leaves, mountains, are nouns that are not affixed. Nouns that are form markers, such as rules, regulations, and safety are known as nouns from the affixes in the words.

a. Unsignified Nouns

We know a word like a cloud as a noun partly because of its position in the sentence, for example the clouds are moving across the sky, the sun is covered by clouds , the cloud looks like a giant. In the first sentence the cloud functions as the subject (S), in the second sentence the cloud functions as a complement, and in the third sentence the cloud functions as a cloud followed by the demonstrative word.

b. Unsignified Nouns

There are a number of affixes which, if affixed or added to the base word, will cause the formation to take the form of a noun. The affixes are per-, pe-, ke-, -an, ter-, ke-…-an, role-…-an, and pe-…-an.

1) Prefix pe(r)- as a noun marker

Adding the prefix pe(r)- to a root word forms a noun. Most nouns of this form (in their meaning) are related to verbs beginning with – (merchant – trades, boxer – boxing, player – plays, runner – runs, and so on). Example as follows.

a) Basic words in the form of verbs
  • This is our office boy .
  • Ramang is a football player .
  • Serengat is a former 100 meter runner .
b) Basic Words in the Form of Adjectives
  • The higher-ups in the department really care about their employees.
  • Pests destroying rice plants are difficult to eradicate.
  • My brother is a jolly.
c) Basic nouns
  • The tribes lived as shifting cultivators .
  • My father is a small farmer .
  • Several Indonesian boxers have become world champions.
2) The prefix pe- as a noun marker

These prefixes join the bases of several types of words to form nouns. Generally, nouns that are produced in this formation are related (meaning) to words starting with me-, me-…-kan, me-…-i, conditioning-cooling.

a) Basic words in the form of verbs
  • Main Stadium uses a sophisticated lawn mower .
  • The daily management of the association has an office next to the sub-district office.
  • Sugarcane growers are hoping for a good harvest this year.
b) Basic Words in the Form of Adjectives
  • Air conditioners may not use freon gas.
  • This water heater uses solar energy.
  • The cement strengthening mixture is sold in plastic packaging.
c) Basic words in the form of nouns
  • Professor Watuseke is the seminar director .
  • Users of prohibited items need to get more serious attention.
  • The copyright owner of this book is Language Center.


3) The ending –an as a noun marker

The addition of –an endings to the basic words arrange, descend, make, hit, choose forms rule, derivative, made, punch, and choice nouns. The addition of the ending -an to the basic words round, field, santu, tense, and superior forms the nouns circle, field, compensation, tension, and superior. The addition of the ending -an to the basic words nets, rocks, square, sea, land forms new nouns network, rocks, strains, oceans and land.

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4) The prefix ter- as a noun marker

In Indonesian there are nouns marked with the number of nouns that are limited. Like the following example.

  • The defendant in the fraud case pleaded guilty.
  • An official has been charged in a bribery case.
  • The suspects were accompanied by five lawyers.
5) The…-ann clamp as a noun marker

An affix is ​​an affix that is placed simultaneously before and after the root word. The marker of the th…s noun can be added to the base word which has different types of words, as in the following example.

a) Basic words in the form of verbs
  • Recent weather conditions require caution.
  • We are waiting for the Camat’s arrival .
  • Ansar’s position in the organization was quite high.
b) Basic Words in the Form of Adjectives
  • The beauty of the princess made Mark Antonius intoxicated.
  • After laziness comes poverty.
  • Drugs only provide momentary pleasure .
c) Basic words in the form of nouns
  • The term kinship differs according to the language of the speaker.
  • Members of the royal family belong to the nobility class.
d) Basic words in the form of adverbs
  • The children demonstrated their respective skills .
  • It is possible that government subsidies will be reduced.

Some Noun Marker Words

Nouns are also known by several words in front or behind them. For example, the word para in a series of friends, students, fishermen, teachers. The word para indicates a number that is more than one. The word para is only followed by a noun that has the meaning of human or spirits. Cannot be followed by words that represent animals or objects that do not represent humans or animals.

1. Not as a noun denial

The word is not usually followed by a noun, so the presence of the word negation can be used as a noun identifier as well. Example as follows.

  • His name is Wilson, but he is no stranger.
  • This Martina is not a tennis player.
  • We need solutions, not collusion.

2. Number words as noun markers

Numbers can also be a sign of the presence of a noun. Example as follows.

  • The price of red chili once reached twenty thousand rupiah a kilo.
  • The meeting failed to make a single decision.
  • There’s only a few minutes left.

Nouns and Their Meanings

Classification of nouns based on their meaning is a complicated matter. The noun class is an open class. That is, the number of nouns can continue to grow. Every time there are new inventions, objects, products, ideas, and places there is usually a new word that symbolizes it.

According to the realm that describes unity, nouns can be divided into two units based on the description of having a soul: animate nouns and inanimate nouns. Nouns can also be divided on the basis of sensation into concrete nouns such as house, river, moon, rose, which represent entities that can be perceived by the senses, and abstract nouns, such as opinions, desires, satisfactions, tasks, which represent entities that cannot be perceived by the senses. five senses.


List of Examples of Nouns and Their Use in Sentences

Here is a list of examples of nouns and their usage in sentences.

No.  Noun Sentence 
1 Program
  • What a great event .
  • The event was held well.
2 Administration
  • Administration must be met.
  • Complicated administrative requirements .
3 Agent
  • Good agent .
  • Agents must be highly disciplined.
4 Expert
  • Reliable mathematician .
  • High achieving chemist .
5 Access
  • Easy login access .
  • Access roads have been closed by the central government.
6 Active
  • Active in motion.
  • Actively running many activities that are of great benefit.
7 Actor
  • Famous actor from Thailand.
  • Success in becoming an actor who brings the best character in each of his films.
8 Account
  • Interesting account .
  • The concept of creating an interesting account needs to be done by every company that goes online .
9 Natural
  • Beautiful nature .
  • Keeping nature beautiful is to pay attention to personal hygiene and the surrounding environment.
10 Part
  • The important part .
  • The part that was missing was found by the authorities.
11 Language
  • Easy to understand language .
  • Indonesian is the language used by people throughout Indonesia.
12 Danger
  • Great danger .
  • The earthquake hazard needs to be watched out for at the present time, when the volcano looks more active than usual.
13 bands
  • successful band .
  • A productive band , always producing songs and spoiling their fans.
14 Airport
  • Cool airport .
  • A comfortable airport is everyone’s dream so that the experience of traveling is always pleasant.
15 Nation
  • Great nation .
  • A nation that can appreciate the culture of its country.
16 Book
  • Expensive book .
  • A good book is one whose content is interesting and easy to understand while presenting a unique story theme.
17 Month
  • The moon is bright.
  • The moon is one of the satellites owned by planet earth.
18 Earth
  • beautiful earth .
  • Maintaining the beauty of the earth can be done by preserving nature and the surrounding environment.
19 Star
  • Bright star .
  • Stars can be seen when all the lights are out.
20 Bird
  • Healthy bird .
  • The bird appears to have beautiful and well-maintained feathers.
21 Building
  • Sturdy build .
  • Creating beautiful buildings requires extra calculations from architects, it is only natural that the cost of their services is expensive.
22 Bank
  • The closest bank .
  • Banks with low interest rates can be prioritized when seeking loan funds.
23 Cup
  • Beautiful cup .
  • The cup design is very beautiful.
24 Notes
  • Neat and systematic records .
  • Compiling notes should be as good and complete as possible so that it is easy to study again.
25 Mirror
  • Big mirror .
  • The mirror is the best medium to see the condition and appearance of the skin by naked eye without the aid of tools.
26 Chest
  • Fat chicken breast .
  • Chicken breast and thighs are the meat parts that Ani likes a lot.
27 Area
  • Fertile area .
  • Local people are always able to respect each other, because the culture of mutual cooperation is maintained.


Nouns in Indonesian are divided into two parts, namely:

  1. Nouns and their functions, namely in the form of nouns that mention the function of each word such as S (subject), P (predicate), O (object), and Pel (complement);
  2. Nouns and their forms, namely unsignified nouns and marked nouns.

In Indonesian there is no grammatical system that follows the noun. Elements of nouns in Indonesian are determined by the word order in the sentence.


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  • Badudu, Jusuf Sjarif. (1992). Indonesian Horizon II . Jakarta: sinaumedia Pustaka Utama.
  • Ministry of Education. (2008). Big Indonesian Dictionary . Jakarta: PT sinaumedia Pustaka Utama.
  • Effendi, et al. (2015). Indonesian Basic Grammar. Bandung: Rosdakarya Youth.
  • Keraf, Gorys. (1997). Composition: An Introduction to Language Proficiency. Ende, Flores: Nusa Indah Publisher.
  • Tarigan, Henri Guntur. (1990). Pragmatic Teaching. Bandung: Space.
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