Chakras Are: Definition, Types, Functions, Structures, and the 7 Main Chakras in the Human Body

Chakras Are – Are Sinaumed’sHave you ever heard of the term “chakra” which is usually associated with yoga philosophy? Discussion of this chakra rarely occurs because not everyone understands the true meaning of yoga. What’s more, there aren’t that many people who take yoga classes or read books on yoga philosophy. In fact, not infrequently, the term chakra is often considered as part of the deepening of a science that not everyone can follow. Yep, the discussion about chakras is more or less centered on Hindu religious philosophy which is defined as the center of metaphysical energy in every human body. So it can be said that every human being living in this world has their own chakra, it’s just that they don’t know how to “get it out”. So what exactly are chakras? What is the structure and types of chakras? What are the basic chakras in the human body? Now,Sinaumed’s understands these things, let’s look at the following review!

What are Chakras?

Basically, every human body has energy centers called chakras. The term “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel’ or ‘circle’. Yep, the shape of the chakra when seen looks like a spinning wheel. This image of a wheel also appears because the chakra actually consists of several rotating “leaves” (the number of which varies for each chakra in the human body). Generally, the number of chakras that exist in all layers of the human body is 365 and then they are divided into 3 groups, namely the main chakras, ordinary chakras, and mini chakras. Therefore, the term chakra often refers to the meaning of “Wheel of Life”.

Meanwhile, when it comes to the philosophy of Hinduism, chakras are considered as centers of metaphysical and/or biophysical energy that exist within every human being. The presence of chakras is always associated with the aura. As with fingerprints, the aura of each human being is also different and unique. Just a little trivia, aura in general can be defined as an energy vibration that covers the entire human body. If the human body is likened to planet earth, then this aura is the layer of the atmosphere. The aura also has layers (similar to the layers of the atmosphere) namely the astral, mental, and spiritual layers.

So, what is the relationship between chakras and aura? Well, chakras can be considered as generators, aka “generators” that produce vibrations to form an aura within humans. This discussion refers to the statement that the human body is believed to have an extraordinary energy field. This energy field arises because of the earth’s gravity which is then absorbed by humans into their physical bodies. Through that, humans can emit electromagnetic waves, it’s just that not everyone can see them.

Where are the Chakras?

This question will often arise, especially by those who are just learning about chakras. The chakras that are in the physical body cannot be seen with the naked eye, especially if the human body is dissected, they still cannot find the location of the chakras. This is because, chakras are located in the bioplasmic body.

The bioplasmic body is a mold of the human physical body that truly resembles the physical body. There are parts of the head, arms, legs, body, and others. It is called “bio” because it is ‘alive’, and “plasmic” because it comes from the term ‘plasma’. The term ‘plasma’ is different from the term blood plasma.

The term ‘plasma’ refers to the mention of the 4th ‘material’ in the formation of a physical element, apart from solid, liquid and gas. It is this bioplasmic body that appears on the surface of the human physical body and is called an aura.

Chakra Types

Previously, it was briefly explained that there are 3 groups of chakras, namely the main chakras, ordinary chakras, and mini chakras. Well, here is the discussion.

1. Main Chakra (Major Chakra)

Namely a chakra that has a source of energy in it. It can be called an energy driving chakra so that its characteristics are different from the other 2 groups. In this main chakra, contains 7 characters, namely:

  • Basic Chakra (Muladhara): has a very gentle energy with large and unbroken energy lines. This is a depiction of the concept of spirit energy.
  • Sex Chakra (Swadisthan): has energy that is almost similar to the Basic Chakra, only the amount of energy is smaller. This is a depiction of the concept of soul energy.
  • Chakra Solar (Manipura): has an energy that when viewed like a graph of grass. This is a depiction of the concept of human physical energy.
  • Heart Chakra (Anahata): has a very complex energy. This is a depiction of the concept of divine energy.
  • Throat Chakra (Visuddhi): in the form of soul awareness.
  • Chakra Ajna: in the form of awareness of the universe.
  • Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): in the form of Divine consciousness.
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2. Normal Chakra (Super Minor Chakra)

Namely the chakra that accompanies the Major Chakra. Usually, have a “specialization” as a supporter of the Major Cakra so that it can be useful as it should.

3. Minor Chakras

Namely the chakras that are all over the human body and act as reinforcements of the Major Chakras. Therefore, this type of chakra will channel its energies into human veins and energy out of or into the body.

Chakra Functions

For adherents of Hinduism or those who often study yoga philosophy, they must know what the functions of the chakras are in every human body. Following are some of the functions of the chakras.

1. As a Place to Accommodate Energy

Yep, chakras can function as reservoirs of energy, both internal and external energy (the universe). Chakras have an enormous capacity to store energy, but they still have limitations. These limitations are caused by how much chakra each human has. The concept of chakra function as a place to accommodate energy is in harmony with the types of chakras, namely:

  • The Major Cakra, accommodates energy that aims to cultivate the power that is in it.
  • Super Minor Chakra, accommodates energy that can empower chakra function so that it is optimal.
  • Minor Cakra, accommodates energy to expedite the process of energy flowing through human veins.

2. As a Place of Exit Energy Sources

Previously, it was explained that the chakra which is the source of energy is the Major Chakra. Therefore, to “activate” the energy in the Major Chakra, one must use the Major Chakra as his energy center. As an energy source, each chakra will have a different type of energy, aka adjusting to the concept of each chakra.

3. As an Energy Driver

In addition to functioning as a place to store energy and a place for energy sources to come out, chakras can also be used as energy drivers between chakras. It usually occurs from the Major Chakra to the Minor Chakra. The movement of this energy is determined by how the chakra rotates and how it rotates.

Chakra Structure

In general, the chakras in the human body have several parts and each part has its own function.

1. Chakra Cover (Filter)

This chakra filter section is at the very top and is useful for filtering positive and negative energy. Each chakra will generally have 2 energy filters, each of which functions differently, both for energy entry and energy output.

a) Inward Energy Filter

This filter will function to filter out energy coming from outside, so that the “dirt” energy coming from outside will not contaminate the chakras. This filter has only one-way flow, that is, it only channels energy from the outside into the chakras. Therefore, the energy that enters the chakras is only positive energy.

b) Energy Out Filter

In this filter, it will function as a filter for energy coming from the inside to the outside. This is so that the energy from within will not come out. As a result, energy blocking often occurs .

2. Chakra Wall

Furthermore, the chakra walls will function to hold or accommodate the energy in the chakra. Therefore, the larger the shape of the chakras in us, the thinner or even invisible the walls of the chakras, but on the contrary, are more elastic.

3. Chakra Core

Almost in line with the types of chakras, the core of this chakra also contains the Minor Chakra, the Super Minor Chakra, and the Minor Chakra.

a) Minor Chakras

In this core part, it does not only function as an energy “valve” related to energy sources, but can also be used as a base or partition between the energy in the chakras and the energy source. Now, to open and close this section is by meditation.

b) Super Minor Chakra

In the form of a partition between the super minor energy space and the Major Cakra.

c) Minor Chakras

This part can serve as a base or cover at the bottom of the chakra.

Get to know the 7 Main Chakras

The existence of this chakra is believed to have 365 points in the human body, it’s just that there are only 7 major chakras. The seven main chakras are considered capable of representing the existence of hundreds of chakras spread across the meridian points of the human body. These meridian points are often referred to as acupuncture.

1. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

This chakra can be called the center for the entry of divine energy into all layers of the human body and consciousness. Someone who has this chakra can later develop perfectly so that they will know a lot of nature’s secrets. The existence of this chakra must be kept clean so that it can continue to receive spiritual energy. If the crown chakra is wide open, then one can travel astral easily. That was why, its existence would always be related to spiritual energy.

  • Color : Violets
  • Position: on the side of the top of the head, the area of ​​the brain and nervous system (fontanel).
  • Element: thought
  • Astro signs : Capricorn, Pisces
  • Gland : Pineal (actively aligned with pituitary)
  • Organs: Cerebral cortex, central nervous system
  • Function : Integration and Understanding
  • Dysfunction: depression, isolation, inability to learn and understand

2. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

The Ajna chakra can provide energy to the eyes, nose and pituitary gland (a small organ under the brain). This chakra is called so because it can develop actively and cleanly, thus providing clairvoyance, aka psychic power. In addition to clairvoyance, the Ajna chakra is also the focus point and regulator of the other chakras. The Third Eye Chakra will always be related to worldly and heavenly (spiritual) knowledge.

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The Third Eye Chakra is located between the eyebrows and is indigo in color. That is why the Ajna chakra greatly influences all parts of the head cavity, including the five senses. In worldly knowledge, this chakra deals with creativity, intuition, and instinctual sharpness.

  • Color: indigo blue (indigo)
  • Position: between the eyes (forehead)
  • Element : light
  • Astro signs : Sagittarius, Aquarius, Pisces
  • Gland : Pituitary (active in harmony with the pineal)
  • Organs: eyes
  • Function: Vision, intuition, unification
  • Dysfunction: headaches, nightmares, visual disturbances

3. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

The Throat Chakra aka Vishuddha has 16 “leaves” which can physically provide energy, especially to the thyroid and parathyroid glands. If humans have the ability to express verbally, then it is because of the influence of this chakra. If this chakra is clean, it will make a person able to express his whole heart well. The qualities associated with this way are surrender, success, abundance & well-being and the development of worldly knowledge.

The existence of the throat chakra will increase one’s energy, especially in interacting, communicating, and socializing with the surrounding environment. In fact, this chakra will be the center of creativity and human relations.

  • Color : Light blue
  • Position: throat
  • Element : Ether
  • Astro signs : Gemini, Taurus, Aquarius
  • Glands: Thyroid and Parathyroid
  • Organs: neck, shoulders, arms, hands, ears
  • Function: communication, expressive energy, the will to combine symbols into an ideal form (power and power to choose)
  • Dysfunction: thyroid problems (goiter), hearing, neck, and throat problems

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata)

In the heart chakra, there are 12 “leaves” which are of course important spiritually, especially as a symbol of love and healing. Physically, this chakra is located in the heart and thymus gland. The existence of the heart chakra is the center of all subtle feelings, such as affection and love. If a person has a heart chakra in a dirty, small, or impeded state, then he tends to be selfish, bigoted, arrogant, greedy, and hypocritical. Meanwhile, if the state of the heart chakra is well developed, then he will be full of love, compassion, and empathy for fellow human beings.

  • Green color
  • Position: mid chest
  • Element : Air
  • Astro signs : Leo, Libra
  • Gland: Thymus
  • Organs: heart, lungs, arms, hands
  • Functions: self-love, love for others, fulfillment of life’s needs, mental energy, awareness and healing
  • Dysfunction: heart, asthma, and lung disorders

5. Navel Chakra (Manipura)

This navel chakra has 10 “leaves” and is related to efforts to maintain one’s vitality. The meaning of one’s vitality is the characteristics that bring tendencies, such as envy, shame, dissatisfaction, depression, hatred, and fear (of security). Well, someone who has a clean navel chakra, then he will be able to overcome these things so he can turn them into positive things, for example feeling safe, happy, satisfied, and confident.

  • Yellow
  • Position: waist, abdomen (navel/solar plexus)
  • Element : Fire
  • Astro signs : Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini
  • Glands: pancreas, adrenals
  • Organs: stomach, liver, gallbladder
  • Functions: growth, healing, receiving and expending energy, energy for the will, personal energy
  • Dysfunction: indigestion, ulcers, diabetes, hypoglycemia, liver disorders, metabolism leading to obesity

6. Sex Chakra (Svadhisthana)

The sex chakra has 6 “leaves” and is closely related to the throat chakra, especially in terms of creativity or ideas. The sex chakra is also related to reproduction and greatly influences one’s sexual activity. Humans who have a sex chakra in a clean state, then their thoughts will be more positive and confident. Conversely, if his sex chakra is in a dirty state, it will make him a person who doesn’t care, is rude, and his thoughts will always be negative.

  • Orange
  • Position: under the stomach, abdomen (on the pelvic bone)
  • Element : Water
  • Astro signs : Cancer, Sagittarius, Scorpio
  • Glands: ovaries, testicles
  • Organs: uterus, genitals, kidneys, bladder, circulatory system
  • Function: assimilation, sexual, pleasure, desire, lifestyle that indulges emotions.
  • Dysfunction: bladder and kidney disorders, genital disorders and sexual problems, waist disorders.

7. Basic Chakra (Muladhara)

This basic chakra is located between the anus and the genitals, so the representative color is red. The existence of this chakra greatly affects the health of the spine and muscles in the human body, to be precise in the perineal glands. The basic chakra has 4 “leaves” which are the energy centers of the physical body, material life and the will to live.

Through this chakra, it can later provide energy for hope, optimism, and zest for life. That is why if a person’s basic chakra is very active, then he will be full of enthusiasm and motivation. Conversely, if the basic chakra in him is small and dirty, then his life will be lazy, spiritless, hopeless, and even have a tendency to commit suicide.

  • Red
  • Position: between the genitals and the anus (tip of the coccyx)
  • Soil element
  • Astro signs : Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn
  • Glands: adrenal and suprarenal
  • Organs: thighs, legs, bones, large intestine
  • Function: survival, a lifestyle that prioritizes physical energy
  • Dysfunction: constipation, hemorrhoids, obesity, lumbago, arthritis, knee disorders, anorexia nervosa

Well, that’s a review of what chakras are and the 7 main chakras that are found in every human being. Is Sinaumed’s interested in studying this chakra philosophy more deeply?

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