20+ Examples of Concluding Speech Sentences for All Types of Events

Example of Closing Speech – Closing speech basically belongs to one of the three parts of the structure of the speech text or text. When you want to convey a message or information by way of a speech, someone who makes a speech is required to be proficient and fluent in expressing thoughts orally in front of many people.

So that someone who gives a speech can be proficient and fluent in conveying his thoughts, there is a speech script or text that can be made to be used as preparation before the event. In preparing the speech text, there are three parts that need to be considered, starting from the opening speech, the contents of the speech, and closing the speech.

Someone who gives a speech usually speaks on a podium or pulpit and can even use a higher place than the listeners. One part that can make a speech perfect is the sentence at the end of the speech. The closing sentence in a speech text is important because it will greatly affect the content or message contained in a speech.

So, in this article, we will discuss in depth about concluding speeches as well as some examples that can be adapted to the type of event. The closing sentence in a speech text actually has to be conveyed well and pleasantly. Therefore, the sentences used in closing speeches must be varied and able to give an impression to the listeners.

A. Speech Structure

After knowing the general explanation of speech activities, in this section we will focus on discussing the structure of the speech, starting from the opening of the speech, the content of the speech, to the closing of the speech. Explanation of the structure of speech, namely:

1. Speech Opener

The opening speech generally has three parts, namely greetings, greetings, thanksgiving, and of course the introduction to the main topic. However, this provision is good for use during speeches in formal events. Meanwhile, in ordinary or non-formal speech this structure is optional.

The following are four parts of the speech opening structure that need attention, namely:

a. Greetings

The first opening of the speech is the greeting. This opening section is usually located at the time someone starts a speech. The salutation itself is used to greet the listeners.

Example of greeting:

Bismillahir rahmanir Rahim.

Peace be upon you, and Allah’s mercy and blessings.
Good morning,
Greetings to all of us,
Uncle Swastiastu,
Namo Buddhaya,
Greetings of Virtue.

b. Honors

The second part of the speech opening is the salutation. As the name implies, salutation is used as a salutation to the listeners who are present. Greetings are usually done by mentioning someone who has the highest position first and then moving on to other positions.

Examples of speeches performed at school. Greetings of respect can be started by mentioning the principal as the highest office holder in the school, followed by the father and mother teaching teachers, to friends who were present.

Example of a salute:

What I respect, the Principal of SMA Negeri 40 Jakarta, Mr. Dian Purwato, S.Pd.
What I respect, ladies and gentlemen teachers along with the staff of SMA Negeri 40 Jakarta,
and also my comrades in arms whom I love and am proud of.

c. Gratitude

The third part of the opening speech is thanksgiving. In delivering the speech, thanksgiving was offered to God for giving the gift of health to the participants so that they could attend the event. In addition, gratitude is also gratitude to the listeners who have agreed to attend and gather at the event.

Example of thanksgiving:

Praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of Allah SWT for bestowing mercy and grace so that we can attend this event without lacking anything. Don’t forget, salawat and greetings are also delivered to the great prophet Muhammad SAW. May we get his intercession on the Day of Resurrection.

d. Introduction to the main topic

The last part of the opening speech is the introduction to the main topic. The introduction itself can be understood as a starter or introduction to the contents of a speech.

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An example of an introduction to the main topic:

On this occasion, I will deliver a speech about the benefits of technology for students. Nowadays, technology has become something that is very familiar to mankind.

2. Content Speech

After the opening speech, the next speech structure is the content of the speech or the essence of the speech. The contents of the speech basically must contain a variety of important information to be conveyed. Therefore, it is better if the contents of the speech are prepared with a convincing reason so that they can be used to support ideas or messages in the speech. Speech drafters can be made logically, with reliable sources, and examples that are close to the listeners.

Example of speech content:

With its sophistication, we can shorten the time and speed up the completion of work. However, there are still those who receive and respond negatively for various reasons. For example, the existing technologies have indirectly gotten rid of the existing everyday culture.

Ladies and gentlemen, actually there are many benefits that we have and will get by using technology. For example, we can communicate with our relatives or family in distant places using mobile phones. We can also make household chores easier, such as washing clothes with a washing machine or cooking rice with an electric rice cooker or commonly called a rice cooker. Even the internet is already very familiar with our daily lives. Usually used to be used to find information or relieve fatigue, such as playing games provided by the internet.

3. Closing Speech

The final structure of the speech is the closing speech. The closing speech usually contains a concluding part of the contents of the speech that has been delivered. Not only that, the closing speech also contains an apology if there is an error when conveying something and closing greetings.

a. Example of conclusion from closing speech:

Whether the technology itself is good or bad depends on the people who use it. I hope that we can utilize the technology in accordance with the benefits and purpose of the technology itself. So that there is no misuse that can harm ourselves and others.

b. Examples of apologies and closing salutations:

Thus I convey this speech. May be beneficial to us all. Sorry if there are wrong words. Wabillahi Taufiq walhidayah. Peace be upon you, and Allah’s mercy and blessings.

B. Purpose of Speech

In general, the purpose of speech is used to convey a meaning or core message to listeners. Starting from thanks, greetings, to speeches with certain themes using formal and interesting Indonesian.

Speeches are often referred to as activities that have the aim of giving an invitation and appeal to someone. Therefore, speeches are usually used as an arena to convey messages to many people so that they do something that is expected. Someone who is familiar with speech is usually a person who has a high social position and has considerable influence over many people.

Therefore, the official closing of a speech usually has the aim of convincing, encouraging or providing motivation, informing or appealing, to acting or doing. Meanwhile, closing speeches that are ordinary or informal will tend to be used to make the atmosphere warmer so that the listeners become happier and happier.

C. The Language Used When Closing the Speech

As stated above, a speech cannot be done haphazardly. One of the methods and ethics that need to be followed and adhered to is the language of speech. Someone who gives a speech should use language that is more coherent and has a systematic arrangement. This is of course not without reason, the use of coherent and systematic language will make information or messages easier to understand by others.

This rule also applies to closing speeches. In closing a speech, someone who is giving a speech certainly cannot use excessive repetition of words, let alone halting. How to use it repeatedly and haltingly can produce a sound that is less attractive to listeners. Therefore, the use of standardized language and the effective arrangement of sentences can be a solution so that the closing of the speech presents an interesting message and impression to the listeners.

D. Examples of Speech Concluding Sentences

1. “Sometimes there is an error in a speech, and I realize that as a human being who is full of sin, good things come from nothing other than God Almighty, so I apologize and for the closing sentence of this speech I say Wassalamu ‘alaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarokaatuh.”

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2. “From the many words that have been said and from the many things that we have seen together, I hope that what I have said will be useful for all of us. For the closing words of my welcoming speech, I thank you and Wassalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh.”

3. “That’s all I can say, if there are words that are not pleasing to the audience, I apologize profusely, goodness comes from Allah SWT. and and mistakes come from me as an ordinary human being who does not escape from forgetfulness, mistakes, and sins, so presumably and in the end I would like to thank you. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.”

4. “Many things are useless, and there is also a lot of talk that we absolutely cannot make the core of our actions, in my speech which I have conveyed, I as a speaker hope that what I convey is for all of us, especially for myself personally, hopefully contain wisdom, and useful. Amen oh lord of the worlds. Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh.”

5. “That’s what I can say, more or less I apologize if there are any wrong words spoken, and for your attention I thank you profusely. Finally, I say Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh.”

6. “That’s all my speech, thank you for your attention and the time given to me to deliver a speech on the podium, if there are words that are unpleasant to hear and offend one of the parties, I apologize. In closing, I convey Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh.”

7. “There is nothing beautiful but prayer and there is no beginning but an ending, for that I end my remarks to those of you who are willing to listen to my speech, I hope it is useful. Thank you very much for your attention, Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullaahi Wabarokatuh.”

8. That’s all I can say. As a human, of course I have many shortcomings. Therefore, I apologize to the audience and to God Almighty I ask forgiveness. Finally, Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullaahi Wabarokatuh.”

9. “That’s my speech, I hope what I said earlier will be useful for the audience.”

10. “That’s what I want to convey, thank you to the audience who came. Without an audience, I will only speak for myself as an individual, not human. Having an audience means a lot.”

11. Those are some of the things I would like to convey, of course it is not perfect in it so I would like to apologize if there are words that are not pleasing. Thank you, Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullaahi Wabarokatuh.”

12. “Hopefully what is conveyed will be of use. I really hope that all of you can implement health protocols to avoid the corona virus. That’s all, good afternoon.”

13. “That’s what I can say, let’s close with a prayer, “Rabbanaa, aatinaa fid dunyaa hasanah, wa fil aakhirati hasanah, wa qinaa ‘adzaaban naar”, Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullaahi Wabarokatuh.”

14. “Therefore, it is best if we look after each other so that the environment remains orderly and safe. That’s all, Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullaahi Wabarokatuh.”

15. “Sorry if there are words that are not pleasing to the heart, thank you for the attention of all kind-hearted school members. Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullaahi Wabarokatuh.”

16. “That’s all from us, thank you for your attention and the time given to us to deliver a speech at the podium. If there are words that are unpleasant to hear and offend one of the parties, we apologize, closing our words Wassalamu’alikum Warohmatullaahi Wabaropkaatuh.”

17 “That’s all I can say, if there are words that are not pleasing to the audience, I apologize profusely, goodness comes from Allah SWT and mistakes come from me as an ordinary human being who does not escape from forgetfulness, mistakes and sins. Thus, and finally, I would like to thank you, Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.”

18. “Before I end this speech, I apologize profusely, if there are sentences and words that are not acceptable and not worth hearing. That’s all from me, and I thank you.”

19. “Of the many words and sentences that I conveyed on the podium at this event, if it’s good then take it and if it’s something bad then throw it away, for that let’s remind each other. Finally, I thank you very much and I hope this is useful.”

20. “For a moment I thought that we are human beings with a lot of disabilities, for that I personally ask for understanding in what I conveyed in this speech. Before I close this speech, I apologize very much, and thank you for your time. Wassalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.”

21. “Every word must have mistakes, especially since I’m only human. Before I close my speech, I apologize if there are things that are not pleasing to you, that’s all and thank you. Wassalamu alaikum. Wr. Wb.”

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