Biography of KH. Ahmad Dahlan – Founder of Muhammadiyah

KH Ahmad Dahlan is an Indonesian National Hero who founded the Muhammadiyah organization who was born in Yogyakarta, August 1, 1868. KH Ahmad Dahlan is the 4th child of 7 children from the family of KH Abu Bakar. KH Ahmad Dahlan died on February 23, 1923 in Yogyakarta at the age of 54 years.

Brief Profile of KH Ahmad Dahlan

Name : KH Ahmad Dahlan
Born : Yogyakarta, August 1, 1868
Died : Yogyakarta, February 23, 1923

Spouse :
Hj. Siti Walidah
Nyai Abdullah
Nyai Rum
Nyai Aisyah
Nyai Yasin

Son :
Siradj Dahlan
Siti Busyro
Irfan Dahlan
Siti Aisyah
Siti Zaharah

Background and Education of KH Ahmad Dahlan

Little KH Ahmad Dahlan’s name is Muhammad Darwisy, he is the 4th child of 7 siblings. Ahmad Dahlan is the 12th descendant of Maulana Malik Ibrahim or Sunan Gresik. The following is the genealogy of Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Maulana Ishaq, Maulana ‘Ainul Yaqin, Maulana Muhammad Fadlullah (Sunan Prapen), Maulana Sulaiman Ki Ageng Gribig (Djatinom), Demang Djurung Djuru Sapisan, Demang Djurung Djuru Kapindo, Kyai Ilyas, Kyai Murtadla, KH . Muhammad Sulaiman, KH. Abu Bakr, and Muhammad Darwish (Ahmad Dahlan).

When Ahmad Dahlan was 15 years old, he went on a pilgrimage and for 5 years he lived in Mecca. At this time, KH Ahmad Dahlan began to interact with Islamic reformers, such as Al-Afghani, Muhammad Abduh, Ibn Taimiyah, and Rasyid Rida.

In 1888, Ahmad Dahlan returned to his hometown and he whose real name was Muhammad Darwisy changed his name to Ahmad Dahlan. He returned to Mecca in 1903 and he stayed for 2 years, at this time Oa had studied with Sheikh Ahmad Khatib who was also the teacher of KH Hasyim Asyari, the founder of NU.

After returning from Mecca, Ahmad Dahlan married his cousin Siti Walidah (Nyi Ahmad Dahlan), the daughter of Kyai Penghulu Haji Fadhil. From this marriage, they were blessed with 6 children namely Djohanah, Siradj Dahlan, Siti Busyro, Irfan Dahlan, Siti Aisyah, and Siti Zaharah.

Apart from Siti Walidah, Ahmad Dahlan has also been married to Nyai Abdullah, the widow of H. Abdullah, Nyai Rum who is the sister of Kyai Munawwir Krapyak, Nyai Aisyah who is the younger sister of Adjengan Penghulu Cianjur and from this marriage Ahmad Dahlan has a son Dandanah. And Ahmad Dahlan was also married to Nyai Yasin Pakualaman Yogyakarta.

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Join the Budi Utomo Organization and Founded Muhammadiyah as well as other organizations

In 1909, KH Ahmad Dahlan joined the Budi Utomo organization and there he taught religion and the lessons needed by members. The lessons given by KH Ahmad Dahlan were found to be very useful for Budi Utomo’s members, so they suggested that Ahmad Dahlan open a school that was neatly organized and supported by a permanent organization.

On November 18, 1912 (8 Djulhijah 1330), KH Ahmad Dahlan founded an organization called Muhammadiyah which was engaged in society and education. By establishing this organization, he hopes to advance education and build an Islamic society. Ahmad Dahlan teaches the Qur’an with translation and interpretation so that people understand the meaning in the Qur’an and are not only good at reading and singing it.

In the field of education, Dahlan changed the pesantren education system at that time. He founded religious schools which also taught general subjects as well as the Dutch language. There are even Muhammadiyah schools such as HIS met de Qur’an. He included religious lessons in public schools as well. Ahmad Dahlan continues to develop and build schools. In addition to school during his life, he also built a mosque, langgar, hospital, polyclinic, and also an orphanage.

In the field of organization, in 1918 he founded the Aisyiyah organization for women. for the youth, Ahmad Dahlan formed Padvinder or Pandu (now Scouts) called Hizbul Wathan. At the organization the youth learned to march with the drums, wearing shorts, hats, ties, for the uniforms they wear are similar to the scout uniforms today.

At that time, because all the reforms taught by KH Ahmad Dahlan deviated somewhat from tradition, Ahmad Dahlan was often terrorized like a house being pelted with stones and animal dung even during his dawah in Banyuwangi, Ahmad Dahlan was accused of being a false kyai and he was threatened with death. But with great patience, people slowly began to accept the changes taught by Ahmad Dahlan.

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Everything that was done by KHAhmad Dahlan aims to prove that Islam is a religion of progress that can elevate the status of the people to a higher level and that has had a positive impact on Indonesia, which is predominantly Muslim. Many youths and intellectuals are interested in the methods taught by KH Ahmad Dahlan so that many of them join Muhammadiyah organizations.

Muhammadiyah, which is a charitable organization and carries out the idea of ​​reforming KH Ahmad Dahlan, has attracted the attention of world Islamic observers. Even writers and scholars from the east focused on Muhammadiyah.

KH Ahmad Dahlan got a lot of knowledge from many kyai in various fields of science such as KH Muhsin in the field of grammar (Nahwu-Sharaf), KH Muhammad Salih in the field of jurisprudence, Kyai Mahfud and Sheikh KH Ayyat in the field of Hadith Science, KH Raden Dahlan in in the field of astronomy or astronomy, Sheikh Hasan in the field of medicine and animal poisons, and Sheikh Amin and Sayid Bakri Satock in the field of Qur’anic science.

KH Ahmad Dahlan’s death

On February 23, 1923, at the age of 54, KH Ahmad Dahlan died in Yogyakarta. Then he was buried in the village of Karangkajen, Brontokusuman, Mergangsan, Yogyakarta. On December 27, 1961, based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 657 of 1961 for his services, the state gave him the honorary title as a Hero of Indonesian National Independence.

Thus the  biography KH. Ahmad Dahlan that we can convey in this article posting, hopefully what we convey can be useful for readers in searching for the complete literature of KH. Ahmad Dahlan.

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