List of Indonesian National Heroes

Indonesian National Hero – Indonesia became independent on August 17, 1945. Of course, in achieving independence there was a lot of bloodshed that was sacrificed. The struggle of the Indonesian people against colonialism was full of twists and turns. The struggle of Indonesian heroes deserves to be remembered and emulated by all Indonesian people. Through efforts to remember and recognize the services of the heroes will grow unyielding and courageous traits in doing the right thing.

The heroes do not know the word surrender and fear in their lives. His enthusiasm to fight is always burning because he fights for the interests of many people, not just for himself. Until now there are 191 heroes who have been designated as National Heroes. Read the article below to get to know the Indonesian National Heroes.

Definition of Indonesian National Hero

Indonesian National Hero is an award with the highest level in Indonesia. This title is given based on heroic actions that can be emulated and remembered for all time for Indonesian citizens. This can also be meant by having great services for the nation and state of Indonesia. The title of National Hero has been assigned by the president since 1959.

Since the award of the title of national hero, there have been many changes that have occurred. Finally, to harmonize, in Law number 20 of 2009 it is written that the title of National Hero also includes all types of titles that have been given before such as Hero of the Proclamation, Hero of Ampera, Hero of National Awakening, Hero of Pioneer of Independence and Hero of National Independence.

List of Indonesian National Heroes

1. Abdul Haris Nasution

Nasution is a TNI AD figure who was born in North Sumatra in 1918 and died in 2000 in Jakarta. He was one of the targets of the 30 September movement. In saving the September 30 tragedy, he had to lose his daughter and also his aide First Lieutenant Pierre Tendean. Nasution was the initiator of the ABRI dual function concept which was first presented in 1958.

2. Adnan Kapau Gani

Adnan Kapau Gani is a doctor, politician and military figure. This West Sumatra-born hero has also served as Deputy Prime Minister. In 1945 Adnan Gani was appointed commissioner of the PNI and Resident of South Sumatra. After the revolution ended, Adnan Gani was appointed Military Governor in South Sumatra. He also served as Chancellor of Sriwijaya University.

3. Agus Salim

Agus Salim was born in Koto Gadang, West Sumatra in 1884 and died in 1954. He was a Volksraad (board member) and also a member of the BPUPKI which prepared for the independence of the Indonesian nation. In the 1946 Sjahrir Cabinet, he became the Junior Minister for Foreign Affairs until the Hatta Cabinet in 1949. He was even given the title The Grand Old Man because of his brilliant moves in Indonesian politics.

4. Ansari

Prince Antasari was born in the Banjar Sultanate in 1797 and died in 1862. He was a Sultan who was crowned as the highest government leader in the Banjar Sultanate. At that time Prince Antasari led an attack on the Dutch coal mines with 300 of his troops in 1859.

5. Bung Tomo

Sutomo, or known as Bung Tomo, was born in Surabaya in 1920 and died in Padang Arafah in 1981. Bung Tomo played a role in the battle of 10 November 1945. Initially he was a freelance journalist at the newspapers Soeara Oemoem and Poestaka Timoer. During the war on November 10, the people of Surabaya managed to expel the British troops for a while. It became one of the important events in the history of the Indonesian nation.

6. Cut Nyak Dien

This woman from the Lampadang Kingdom of Aceh is a hero who fought against the Dutch colonialists. the death of her husband in 1878 dragged this Indonesian hero further into his attack on colonial rule. Cut Nyak Dien participated in the battlefield with Teuku Umar, who was her husband at the time. He died in Sumedang in 1908 after he was exiled to Sumedang.

7. Fatmawati

Fatmawati was born in Bengkulu in 1923. She was the wife of President Soekarno and at the same time made her the first first lady of Indonesia. Fatmawati is a descendant of the West Sumatra Indrapura Sultanate. His father was a Muhammadiyah figure in Bengkulu. Fatmawati is the one who sewed the red and white Sang Saka flag for the Indonesian Independence Proclamation ceremony.

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8. Hamengkubuwono IX

Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX was born in Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat in 1912 and died in the United States in 1988. He was the first Sultan in Yogyakarta since the announcement of Indonesia’s independence. Sultan Hamengkubuwono became the longest serving Sultan in history. In addition, he served as Vice President of Indonesia from 1973 – 1978. Sultan Hamengkubuwono is known as the Father of Indonesian Scouts , he even received praise not only from within the country but also from abroad for the development of the scout movement.

9. Raden Adjeng Kartini

This Indonesian heroine was born in Jepara in 1879. Kartini was a pioneer of women’s revival in Indonesia. She wrote letters about the condition of Indonesian women at that time. She stated that culture in Java was one of the obstacles to women’s progress. The letters he wrote were the hope of obtaining outside help. Kartini wanted to be a woman in a free Europe and was educated.

10. Pakubuwono X

Sri Susuhunan Pakubuwana X was born in Surakarta in 1866. Pakubuwono X reigned from 1893 – 1939. During his reign he was able to keep away from serious opposition, he even became one of those loyal to the Dutch East Indies. He was very supportive and aroused the spirit of nationalism in the community, he even traveled to every region. Because of his support for the struggle for this national movement, Pakubuwono X received the title of National Hero.

11. Mohammad Hatta

Mohammad Hatta was born in the city of Bukittinggi in 1902. Bung Hatta was an Indonesian statesman and economist. He became the first Vice President to accompany Soekarno. Bung Hatta played a very important role in the history of Indonesia’s struggle for independence. Bung Hatta was someone who issued an X announcement, something that became the foundation of early democracy in Indonesia. Bung Hatta is also known as the Father of Cooperatives because of his thoughts and contributions to the development of cooperatives in Indonesia.

12. Mohammad Nasir

Mohammad Natsir is a son born in West Sumatra who was born in 1908. He is a scholar, politician as well as a fighter for the independence of the Indonesian nation. Mochamad Natsir became the founder and leader of the Masyumi party. In addition, Natsir has served as Prime Minister of Indonesia and President of the World Muslim League. In addition, he has also served as chairman of the World Council of Mosques.

13. Muhammad Yamin

Mohammad Yamin is a writer, politician, humanist and historian who was born in West Sumatra in 1903. Mohammad Yamin became one of the pioneers of modern poetry and a figure who pioneered the Youth Pledge. He served at the People’s Power Center during the Japanese occupation. After that he was elected as a member of BPUPKI. When he was a member of BPUPKI, Yamin became one of the members who played many roles.

14. Sisingamangaraja XII

Sisingamangaraja XII is a king in Toba Country who was born in 1845. He was a fighter against the Dutch. Sisingamangaraja died in 1907 when he was ambushed by Dutch special forces. During his life, Sisingamangaraja continued to fight in conquering the Dutch troops. Even though many of his troops were killed and several areas were conquered, he continued to fight guerrilla warfare.

15. Sudirman

Sudirman was a TNI Major General who was born in Purbalingga in 1916. He was a high-ranking Indonesian officer during the revolution. General Soedirman became the first TNI commander-in-chief in Indonesia. During the Japanese occupation, he joined the Homeland Defenders and served as a battalion commander. Soedirman died one month after the Dutch recognized Indonesia’s independence.

16. Albertus Soegijapranata

Albertus Soegijapranata was the Apostolic Vicar of Semarang who was born in Surakarta in 1896. Soegija was the first native bishop and was known for his pro-nationalist stance in Indonesia. During the Japanese occupation, many churches were taken over and pastors were killed. Soegija managed to escape the incident and spent his time accompanying Catholics. He even helped finish the Five Day War.


Soekarno was born in Surabaya in 1901. He was the first president of Indonesia. Soekarno became one of the figures in the struggle for Indonesian independence who had an important role. He became the father of the proclaimer along with Bung Hatta. Soekarno became the person who sparked Pancasila.

18. John Lie

John Lie is a high-ranking Indonesian Navy officer who comes from Chinese ethnicity. This Manado-born son succeeded in clearing the Japanese mines that were planted to face the allied forces at the port in the Cilacap area. For his services he was appointed Major and led the mission to break the Dutch blockade for smuggling weapons and food. At that time, he was operating in Singapore, Bangkok, Manila and New Delhi.

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Names of Indonesian National Heroes in alphabetical order:

  • Abdul Halim Majalengka
  • Abdul Kadir
  • Abdul Kahar Muzakkir
  • Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah
  • Abdul Muis
  • Abdulrachman Saleh
  • Abdul Wahab Hasbullah
  • Andi Abdullah Bau Massepe
  • Abdurrahman Baswedan
  • Achmad Subarjo
  • Adam Malik
  • Nyi Ageng Serang
  • Augustine Adisucipto
  • Ahmad Dahlan
  • Ahmad Rifa’i
  • Ahmad Yani
  • Alexander Andries Maramis
  • Alimin
  • Amir Hamzah
  • Andi Deputy
  • Arie Frederik Lasut
  • Arnold Monutu
  • As’ad Syamsul Arifin
  • Baabullah
  • Bagindo Azizchan
  • Basuki Rahmat
  • Bernard Wilhelm Lapian
  • Teungku Chik at Tiro
  • Tjilik Riwut
  • Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo
  • Tjokroaminoto
  • Ernest Douwes Dekker
  • Depati Amir
  • Goddess Sartika
  • Diponegoro
  • Donald Izacus Pandjaitan
  • Eddy Martadinata
  • Fakhruddin
  • Ferdinand Lumbantobing
  • Frans Kaisiepo
  • Gatot Mangkupraja
  • Gatot Subroto
  • Halim Perdana Kusuma
  • Hamengkubuwono I
  • Harun Bin Said
  • Hasan Basry
  • Hasanuddin
  • Hasyim Ash’ari
  • Hazairin
  • Herman Johannes
  • Himayatuddin Muhammad Saidi
  • Ida Anak Agung Gde Agung
  • Idham Chalid
  • Ilyas Jacob
  • Imam Bonjol
  • Radin Inten II
  • Iskandar Muda
  • Ismail Marzuki
  • Iswahyudi
  • Iwa Kusumasumantri
  • Izaak Huru Doko
  • Guarantee Ginting
  • Janatin
  • Jatikusumo
  • Andi Djemma
  • Johannes Abraham Dimara
  • Johannes Leimena
  • Juanda Kartawijaya
  • Karel Satsuit Tubun
  • Ignatius Joseph Kasimo
  • Kasman Singodimedjo
  • Katamso Darmokusumo
  • I Gusti Ketut Jelantik
  • I Gusti Ketut Pudja
  • Ki Bagus Hadikusumo
  • Ki Hadjar Dewantara
  • Ki Sarmidi Mangunsarkoro
  • Kira Wake up
  • Kusumah Atmaja
  • La Maddukelleng
  • Lafran Pane
  • Lambertus Nicodemus Palar
  • John Lie
  • Machmud Singgirei Rumagesan
  • Mahmud Badaruddin II
  • Sultan Mahmud Riayat Syah
  • Malahayati
  • Mangkunegara I
  • Andi Mappanyukki
  • Maria Walanda Maramis
  • Martha Christina Tiahahu
  • Marthen Indey
  • Mas Isman
  • Mas Mansur
  • Mashkur
  • Mas Tirtodarmo Haryono
  • Maskun Sumadireja
  • Cut Nyak Meutia
  • Mohd Husni Thamrin
  • Mohammad Nasir
  • Teuku Muhammad Hasan
  • Muhammad Mangundiprojo
  • Muhammad Jassin
  • Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid
  • Mustopo
  • Muwardi
  • Nani Wartabone
  • I Gusti Ngurah Made Agung
  • I Gusti Ngurah Rai
  • Nuku Muhammad Amiruddin
  • Noer Alie
  • Teuku Nyak Arif
  • Opu Daeng Risaju
  • Oto Iskandar in Nata
  • Pajonga Daeng Ngalie
  • Pakubuwono VI
  • Prince Muhammad Noor
  • Pattimura
  • Pierre Tendean
  • Pong Tiku
  • Raden Mattaher
  • Raja Ali Hajji
  • Raja Haji Fisabilillah
  • Radjiman Wediodiningrat
  • Ranggong Daeng Romo
  • Rasuna Said
  • Robert Wolter Monginsidi
  • Holy Spirit
  • Saharjo
  • Sam Ratulangi
  • Samanhudi
  • Sardjito
  • Silas Papare
  • Siswondo Parman
  • Siti Hartinah
  • Siti Walidah
  • Slamet Rijadi
  • Sugiyono Mangunwiyoto
  • Suharso
  • Soekanto Tjokrodiatmodjo
  • Sukarjo Wiryopranoto
  • Sukarni
  • Great Sultan
  • Andi Sultan Daeng Radja
  • Supeno
  • Supomo
  • Suprapto
  • Supriyadi
  • Suroso
  • Suryo
  • Suryopranoto
  • Sutan Mohamad Amin Nasution
  • Sutan Syahrir
  • Soetomo
  • Sutomo
  • Sutoyo Siswomiharjo
  • Syafruddin Prawiranegara
  • Syam’un
  • Sharif Kasim II
  • Tahi Bonar Simatupang
  • Tuanku Tambusai
  • Tan Malaka
  • Thaha Syaifuddin
  • Tirtayasa
  • Tirto Adhi Suryo
  • Teuku Umar
  • Good luck Surapati
  • Urip Sumoharjo
  • Wage Rudolf Supratman
  • Wahid Hasyim
  • Wahidin Sudirohusodo
  • Wilhelmus Zakaria Johannes
  • Yos Sudarso
  • Yusuf Tajul Khalwati
  • Zainal Mustafa

National hero criteria

The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs stated that there are seven criteria that must be met in order to be called a National Hero.

  • Indonesian citizens who have died, and during their lifetime have led and carried out armed struggles or political struggles and other fields. Apart from that, it has achieved or seized or filled independence and realized national unity. Has given birth to a big idea that supports the development of the nation. Has produced a great work that has many benefits for the welfare of the Indonesian nation.
  • The dedication and struggle that has been carried out by that person lasts almost all of his life or is not momentary. In addition, the dedication that is carried out exceeds the duties carried out.
  • The struggle carried out by this person has a wide reach and has an impact on a national scale.
  • Have the soul and spirit of high nationalism.
  • Have high character and morals.
  • Not surrendering to the enemy in his struggle.
  • Throughout his life history did not do anything that could damage the value of his struggle.

The selection of National Heroes is carried out in four steps. Consent must be obtained at each of these steps. City or district residents can submit a proposal to the mayor or regent and make a request to be submitted to the governor in the province. After that, the governor will recommend to the Ministry of Social Affairs which will be forwarded to the President. The President is represented by the Titles Council.

The Degree Council is made up of two academics, some from military backgrounds and some who have previously received an award or degree. In the final step, the President will elect a representative from the Title Council to bestow the title. The ceremony for conferring the title of hero is always held on Heroes’ Day, November 10, this has been done since 2000.

Currently there are 176 men and 15 women who are appointed as National Heroes. These heroes come from all over the island of Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke.

Well, that’s a review of national heroes in Indonesia. Even though these heroes are gone, their services and struggles should not be forgotten. As the younger generation, it is mandatory for us to remember the heroes and imitate their good deeds in fighting for this Indonesian nation.

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