Types of Illustration Images: Definition, Functions, Elements, and Steps

draw illustrations – In general, the concept of drawing is the act of scribbling on paper with pencils or coloring. Drawing, on the other hand, is the activity of processing the strokes of drawing tools to mark the surface of the media with certain marks and using various techniques and tools to create images. Pictures are two-dimensional works of art that help explain or explain something.

The universe is an inexhaustible source of object inspiration for drawing. Objects in nature include flora, fauna, and natural objects. The beauty of flora, fauna and natural objects is a source of inspiration and exploration in drawing. Drawing flora, fauna, or natural objects has its own technique and method. Not all shapes can be made with the same techniques and concepts.

Images have several other types, one of which is an illustrative image. Illustrative images are one of the images that will be discussed in this article. Of course most of you are familiar with illustrations, but it’s not uncommon for those who don’t know the types of illustrations, their functions, elements, and the steps in making them.

Therefore, on this occasion, Sinaumedia will provide a review of illustrative images with matters relating to illustrative images. To find out more about what an illustration is, let’s look at the following review.

Definition of Illustration Image

Illustration comes from the Latin “Illustrare” which means to explain or explain. Thus the illustration image aims to explain an event. Some say illustration comes from the word illusion, which means a desired image that is reminiscent of a simple decoration. It is an introduction or addition with the aim of helping one understand the meaning more easily and quickly.

Illustrations are two-dimensional works of art designed to aid understanding. The definition of image illustration is the visualization of work created using drawing, photography, painting, or other artistic techniques that emphasize the relationship between the subject and the text rather than form.

Meanwhile, in the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), an illustration is a picture to help clarify a book, essay, and so on. Then, illustration is also an image, design or diagram as decoration. In addition, the KBBI also says that an illustration is an additional explanation to explain a presentation.

The above understanding regarding images when referring to journalistic terms will contain a thousand meanings. In other words, it is language in the form of images that can be accepted by readers to be more communicative. Here’s an example.

  • When we read a magazine, attractive pictures catch our attention and make us interested in reading and studying the contents of the magazine.
  • If we read human anatomy textbooks such as Biology, we will find it difficult to learn unless it is supported by pictures of human limbs or skulls.
  • If we read a newspaper about a disaster somewhere, it would be nice to have pictures to help the writing be more communicative.

Some of these examples are illustrations that emphasize the importance of image in certain aspects of life. Thus, drawing illustrations can be interpreted as an activity that expresses thoughts that are poured into two-dimensional media to provide explanations.

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Types of Illustration Images

Illustrative images have their own types to explain or clarify an event. With so many types of illustration images, it will certainly make it easier for humans when reading or learning something. Here are some types of illustration images.

1. Caricature Illustration Image

Caricature comes from the absorption word caricare which in Italian means a representation of something that is certain, but is made by highlighting the advantages of the object being drawn in the form of a painting. Caricatures are made in funny, unique forms, and sometimes you can find caricatures conveying satire or criticism of an event.

2. Comic Illustration Image

Comics is a type of illustrated image that is defined as a medium that combines text and visual images to become an illustrated story that conveys certain information. Comics usually have a story line composed of consistent pictures in the form of books and sheets.

3. Cartoon Illustrated Images

Cartoon is a type of illustration that is presented in an interesting form and usually contains an interesting story. Cartoons are not only made to entertain readers, but also have a meaning and purpose such as conveying an implied message through cartoon images.

4. Illustrations of Literary Works

Illustrative images of literary works are used as complementary media to emphasize the importance of literary works. Literary works can be in the form of short stories, poems, and poems. Because literary works provide a content-oriented presentation of examples of works as art, the use of sample images in literary works can arouse interest in reading.

5. Vignette Illustration Image

A vignette illustration image is an image inserted to make the narrative more meaningful. It is used when you have an image that defines the intended narrative by inserting it to fill in the blank space on the paper containing the narrative.

6. Illustrations of textbooks

Textbook illustrations are an exemplary type of painting that has the ability to explain texts and events, both scientifically and in the form of partial drawings. Types of images, examples of textbooks, in the form of natural images, charts and photographs.

7. Imaginary Illustration Image

Illustrative images are a kind of exemplary image resulting from creative imagination or imagination processing. Many types of imaginary illustrations are found in story illustrations, cartoons, novels, and romance.

Illustration Image Function

Illustrations are no longer limited to images that accompany text, but also include broader things that have the same purpose, namely to draw or as a tool to explain something clearly. Here are some of the functions of the illustration, including:

  • Has the function of beautifying the appearance.
  • Used to outline the content of an article or story being told, as in a comic book or graphic novel.
  • As a means to represent the experience of events that are felt in a visual form.
  • Make item descriptions or explanations easier to understand.
  • To attract the attention of someone who saw it. Where a book or magazine is inserted with illustrations, it will make more people interested in knowing the contents of the book.

Illustration Image Function According to Experts

The function of illustration according to Arifin and Kusrianto is divided into several functions. The following is the function of the illustrative image according to the expert/

1. Descriptive Function

The descriptive function means that illustrated images replace written or text-based verbal explanations. These lively illustrations make it easier and faster for someone to understand a piece of writing in a fun way.

2. Quantitative Function

Quantitative function means the function of illustrative images that describe statistical data such as charts, graphs, tables and photographs, as well as making it easier for someone to read and process qualitative data obtained from observations, surveys, experiments and various other types of research.

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3. Expressive Function

The expressive function means that the illustrations in pictures help the text to express emotions, situations or concepts that are abstract or difficult to understand, making it more purposeful, bold and concrete. Examples of expression functions are expressions such as happiness, anger, and sadness.

4. Structural Function

The structural function of an illustrative image is to provide details of parts of an object or something else. In this case, it may not be easy to explain because it details the system or process and is easy to understand and analyze.

Illustration Drawing Elements

An illustration image has elements that can be used as a work in it. Here are the elements of the illustration.

1. The Human Element

To draw human illustrations, you need to understand and master the proportions and anatomy of the human body, both adults and children. Proportional is a comparison of part or per part or part with the whole. Anatomy is the location of the bones and muscles that determine the main convex, secondary, and concave (whether protruding or not) of the human body which determines the shape of the body as a whole.

2. Elements of Animals

Elements of animal illustrations are not much different from human illustration elements. In this case you have to master the proportions and anatomy. Types and forms of animals can be grouped into land, air and sea animals.

3. Plant elements

There are two ways to draw illustrations of different types of plants. That is, to draw plants simply and completely. When drawing a simple plant illustration, the plant is not drawn in detail, but only a cast in the form of a plant. The images are complete, the plant illustrations are detailed and per section carefully drawn.

4. Elements of Other Objects

Other object elements are various kinds of natural objects, man-made objects, and objects of the human imagination. All types of objects depicted in this illustration are usually only used as additions or decorations to the image.

Steps to Create Illustration Images

In making an illustration, it takes four steps to make it, namely determining the idea, making a sketch, coloring and finishing. Here are the steps in making an illustration image.

1. Determine the Idea

The first step in drawing an illustration is deciding on an idea. Illustration ideas must come from the materials used to draw the illustrations. After you have an idea, decide on the characters, scenes, moods, and atmosphere supporting the scene in the picture. Decide which picture style and media to use before starting the next step.

2. Sketching

After the idea is determined, the next step is to make a sketch or make a design drawing. Pencils are usually used to sketch works of art, some directly use colored pencils, crayons, watercolors, inkwells, and so on. Sketches are usually in the form of simple lines that still represent a simple global design.

3. Doing Coloring

After sketching, the next step is coloring. This is done according to the expected results when coloring the illustration design. Expressive drawings are done in two styles, namely realistic patterns and unrealistic patterns, such as expressionism, impressionism, abstraction, and others.

4. Final Completion Step

The final step is to complete the drawing process by observing the results of the image as a whole. If the image is still not perfect, you can improve it with this process.

You, that’s the discussion about illustrative images starting from the definition, types, functions, elements, and steps in making them. Of course you can make your own illustrations if you are interested.