Meaning of Effort: Form, Benefits, Examples and Positive Impact

Meaning of effort – Hi Reader, Islam always educates its adherents to try as much as possible according to their abilities. Meanwhile, Allah SWT will give a decision from every thing that his servant tries. Islam strongly forbids its people to be lazy. Allah SWT created humans as the most perfect creatures, in addition to having human desires … Read more

Understanding Organizational Communication: Functions, Theory, Types and Benefits

What is organizational communication? – As social beings, communication is one of the important and common things we do. This communication activity is necessary to keep us close to each other, as well as facilitate a relationship, both between family, friends and members of the organization. Understanding Communication According to Jenis and Kelly, communication is a process carried out through a … Read more

Understanding Computers: Types, Functions and Development

A supporting idea is one of the contents found in a paragraph. Generally, supporting ideas are the result of the development of the main idea. In an essay, the writer sometimes not only attaches the main idea or main idea, but also attaches more detailed explanations related to the content of the essay. Well, so that you … Read more

The Meaning of Compromise: Types, Benefits, Examples, and Its Application as a Key to Democratic Culture

The Meaning of Compromise Is – Reader must be familiar with the term compromise? Yes, this term is usually used in the context of negotiation efforts between two or more parties so that the problem becomes easier to solve. Even without realizing it, Reader must have often made this effort to compromise to solve everyday problems. Especially in our country, which … Read more

Definition of Competence: Benefits and Factors Affecting Competence

Definition of competence – In the field of work, of course you often hear terms or words about competence. Where, the word competence itself comes from the English language, namely competence or competency which has the meaning of skill, ability, and authority. The definition of competence is a combination of knowledge, skills, and personality attributes of a person so that they … Read more

Definition of Commodities: Nature, Types and Types

What is the meaning of commodities? Commodities are no stranger to the economic world. For those who are involved in the economic world may already be familiar with the term commodity. However, many still do not know what the meaning of commodity is. Therefore, this article will discuss about commodities. Starting from the concept of commodity in general, … Read more

Understanding Commodities: Types, and Indonesia’s Top Products

Definition of Commodity – In the world of commerce, commodity is a term that is often found. However, does Reader know the meaning of the term commodity? Definition of Commodity Based on the definition from the Indonesian Language Dictionary (KBBI), commodity is the main merchandise or merchandise. Commodities can also be defined as raw materials that can be classified according … Read more

Meaning of Commitment and Meaning in Romance

Definition of Commitment – Does Reader already know that in having a relationship or interaction with other individuals, be it a special relationship with another person, a work relationship, or a relationship in an organization that requires a commitment from all parties concerned? Especially when you are in a relationship with another person, there are definitely words that imply … Read more

Understanding Commitment: Characteristics, Examples, and Organizational Commitment

Definition of Commitment – Does Reader know that in having a relationship or interaction with another individual, be it a special relationship between the opposite sex, a work relationship, to a relationship in an organization that really requires a commitment between the parties concerned. Especially in establishing a relationship with the opposite sex, there must often be words that … Read more

Understanding Comics: Types, Developments, Genres and Examples

Understanding Comics – In this day and age, who does n’t know comics? Comics can be found anywhere because they have circulated freely. You can find comics in the library, in the room of your friend who likes to read, in bookstores, even in used bookstores! So, what is the comic? Let’s read the following description! Meaning of Comics As the times change, the definition … Read more

Understanding Colonialism: Development, Arrival and Consequences

Understanding Colonialism – Reader, have you ever imagined the condition of Indonesia during colonialism? Surely at that time the people of Indonesia felt the suffering and misery very much. This is what caused the development of colonialism in Indonesia to be rampant. So what happened at that time? So what are the consequences of colonialism in Indonesia? Well, let’s read … Read more

Meaning of Collage: Types, Elements, and How to Make It

Meaning of collage – If we talk about works of art, there are certainly many techniques used where each element is always identical to the result of the work. For this reason, works of art made using one technique will be different from the other. Many techniques will create diverse artworks as well, so it can be said … Read more

Meaning of Coalition: Types, Formed Theory, and Form

A coalition is – When talking about what a coalition is, surely Reader will think of a merger of political parties , right ? Yes, the term “coalition” is often used in matters related to politics in a country. Especially in our country, which has a democratic government system, surely the political parties have the same goal, which is to gain power … Read more

Definition of Clearing, Board, Types, to the Mechanism

Understanding Clearing – What do we know about clearing? Although we often transact through banks, we may not yet understand one of the widely used transfer methods, namely clearing. Be it in the field of banking or finance, clearing has an important role. Therefore, learning the meaning of clearing from the basics is quite important. In this type of … Read more

Understanding Khiyar Majlis, Conditions, Aib, Ta’yin, Ru’yah

Khiyar majlis is – When doing a buying and selling transaction, there must be ethics or a rule. In the Islamic religion, the rules of buying and selling transactions are also known as khiyar. Khiyar itself consists of several types, one of which is khiyar majlis. On this occasion, we will discuss further about khiyar and khiyar majlis. So, read this … Read more

The Meaning of Sermons: Legal Basis, Conditions and Procedures

Understanding the Sermon: Legal Basis and Procedures – In the Islamic religion, marriage is one of the most recommended acts of worship and is included in the prophet’s sunnah. If you only know that engagement is a process leading to marriage. So in Islam you will know what is called sermon. Khitbah is one of the processes or bridges … Read more

Meaning of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) and its function

Key Performance Indicator – Management and evaluation are important functions that enable the organization’s work plan to be implemented well so that the organization’s ultimate goals can be achieved. A good performance management system is required for proper control and evaluation functions. A good performance management system should be able to describe business processes that take place throughout … Read more

Meaning of Obligation: Types, and Examples

Meaning of Obligations – When talking about obligations, everyone must have heard it, from children to adults. In fact, the obligation is already very attached to the daily activities or activities carried out by the community. This obligation makes one realize that obligations must be done before rights. Basically, in every human being there will always be obligations followed … Read more

Meaning of Ijma and Qiyas with Types and Examples

Meaning of Ijma and Qiyas – In the Islamic religion there are sources of law that are used as a guide in living life in this world, one of them is ijma and qiyas. This source of Islamic law contains various things related to life, ranging from things that can be done in this world to things … Read more

The Lexicological Meaning of Law and its Important Factors!

Lexicological definition of law – Hello, Reader , you must know that in social life, there are rules in the form of standards and sanctions that are agreed to be implemented by both parties. Laws are created for the purpose of regulating and maintaining order and justice so that chaos can be controlled or prevented. Every country has different … Read more

Definition of Specific Criminal Law, Scope, and Examples

Definition of special criminal law – In a national system in order for the country to have a sense of security and comfort for its citizens and of course for those who disturb security or criminal behavior that causes anxiety, then criminal law will be applied to the perpetrators. In criminal law we will also get … Read more

Understanding Mendel’s Laws and Crossing Examples!

Understanding Mendel’s Law – Parents who have straight hair generally have offspring with straight hair too. The cause: inherited traits or genes. The laws of inheritance are usually considered using Mendel’s Laws. Heredity or the inheritance of traits is a branch of science that examines genetics. Mendel’s law was first discovered by a monk from Austria, Gregor Johann Mendel. According … Read more

Definition of Health Law: Principles, Objectives, to Rights and Obligations

Legal definition of health – Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being which enables people to live economically and socially productive lives. Therefore, it is also necessary to apply rules that can convince the parties involved. What is meant by health law? This question is important because there is a tendency to interpret health … Read more

Definition of Family Law, Principles, Sources, and Scope

Definition of Family Law – Law plays an important role in regulating state order. However, the existence of the law itself cannot be completely separated from the problems that overshadow the main function of the law itself. Same in Indonesia, until now there are still many unresolved legal issues. Legal problems in Indonesia are not only related to … Read more

Definition of Guarantee Law, Principles, Types, and Procedures

Legal Understanding of Collateral – In a joint agreement in business or borrowing money, there is a method that is carried out which results benefit both parties by the method of providing guarantees at the beginning of the transaction. This is done to anticipate the ability of the borrower if he cannot repay the loan, the collateral … Read more

Definition of International Law According to Experts and Their Roles

International law is part of the law that governs all activities of entities on an international scale. This one law also deals with various structures and behavior of international organizations and to a certain extent, this law also regulates multinational companies and individuals. Basically, this law itself is used to regulate relations between countries, by giving … Read more

Definition of Humanitarian Law, History, Principles and Legal Basis

Definition of Humanitarian Law – Humanity is the most important part of social life because without discriminating against status, race, religion, skin color, etc., humanity can unite every difference that exists in this world. However, the reality has turned around because there are still many humanitarian cases that are spread all over the world and there are … Read more

Definition of the Embryo and Other Pregnancy Phases

Embryos and Other Pregnancy Phases –  In the developmental stages of living things there is a term commonly referred to as an embryo. Embryo is a term that is quite popular in the language of biology, especially when studying cells and reproduction. However, even though the term embryo is very popular, many people still do not understand what … Read more

Definition of State Administrative Law: Functions to Scope

Definition of State Administrative Law – Hello, Readers friends , did you know? Since the shift in the paradigm of the night watchman or what is commonly referred to in the literature as nachtwakerstaa t or watch state, there has been a fundamental shift marked by a change in the function of the government, namely that which was originally only tasked … Read more

Definition of Administrative Law: Functions, Types, and Implementation

Definition of Administrative Law – Some of us may be familiar with administrative law. Moreover, for students majoring in Law or Public/State Administration. However, it is undeniable that there are still people who do not know the meaning of administrative law. This article will review the meaning of administrative law. Definition of Law and Administration Before discussing the meaning … Read more

Understanding HTTP: Functions, How it Works, and Benefits

Understanding HTTP – Whether you realize it or not, HTTP is an important component and cannot be separated from your activities when using the internet. Starting from browsing various websites, sending files, or watching videos, you can only do all of these things by accessing HTTP. Then actually, what is HTTP? As well as what is the HTTP … Read more

Understanding Hotels, Types and Characteristics

What is the meaning of a hotel and its characteristics? Hotels are places that are familiar to the community. It’s safe to say that hotels can become second homes for some. Especially for those who often travel out of town for a reason. However, what is the definition and characteristics? This article will discuss the definition of a hotel … Read more

Understanding Hosting: How it Works, Types, and How to Do It

Definition of Hosting – The hosting provider does the hosting of the website while allocating space for the website storing files on the web server. The files that comprise a website, including the images, code, etc. available online , are created by the web host. Basically, every website we visit is hosted on a server. The hosting type determines the … Read more

Definition of Hortatory Exposition & Examples of Hortatory Exposition

This article will discuss about  Hortatory Exposition starting from the definition of Hortatory Exposition, Examples of Hortatory Exposition, Hortatory Exposition formulas, to practicing Hortatory Exposition questions . Listen to the end of the discussion, OK! Definition of Hortatory Exposition Hortatory Exposition is a type of text or persuasive oral material, often used to explain whether something is not permissible … Read more

Definition of Homo Sapiens: Ancient Humans Who Have Traits Like Modern Humans

Definition of Homo Sapiens – More than one million years ago, there once lived a type of primate on the island of Java which experts at the time called Pithecanthropus erectus (ape man who walked upright), which was later called Homo erectus . In subsequent developments and evolutionary processes, this type of primate that would evolve “dropped” Homo soloensis . The most perfect … Read more

Understanding Email: Types, and Their Functions

Understanding Email – In the past, sending messages to others was a complicated thing to do. Considering that at that time there were no post offices, no telephones, let alone sophisticated smartphones with a series of applications for communicating. Instead, people who want to send messages to other people, must use the help of third parties to convey the … Read more

Definition of Hoax: History, Types, Examples, Causes and How to Avoid Them

Definition of Hoax – Readers, have you ever received hoax news? Hoax news is currently circulating in society and social media. Many people deliberately make hoax news. This will be a concern in itself. Apart from containing elements or information that is not true, hoax news will also divide many parties. Even though there are many warnings about fake news, … Read more