Understanding HTTP: Functions, How it Works, and Benefits

Understanding HTTP – Whether you realize it or not, HTTP is an important component and cannot be separated from your activities when using the internet. Starting from browsing various websites, sending files, or watching videos, you can only do all of these things by accessing HTTP.

Then actually, what is HTTP? As well as what is the HTTP example and how does it work? Come on, see a more detailed explanation below!

Understanding HTTP

Hypertext Transfer–Transfer Protocol or also abbreviated as HTTP is an application layer network protocol that is generally used to assist the process of exchanging data on the internet between computers with one another. This data can be in the form of files, images, and videos. This protocol also uses hypermedia which is then connected by links or are called hypertext documents that make up the WWW or the World Wide Web.

HTTP as a protocol that provides commands in communication between networks, where this is a client computer with a web server. Later, the client computer will also make requests by accessing the domain URL or IP address. Then, this request will be managed or executed by the web server according to the code entered.

The HTTP protocol itself is designed to be able to manage HTML documents and send them to clients, which is why this protocol is the most widely used when compared to other protocols.

Apart from that, the HTTP protocol is also a fairly flexible protocol, and until now the developers are still developing it by adding various new features. Thus HTTP can then be used as the most reliable and fastest protocol in the data transmission process.

HTTP function

HTTP functions include setting the format and how data is transmitted. HTTP can also function to regulate how web servers and browsers process various incoming commands. For example, when you enter the domain (URL) in the browser. The URL that you enter is a command to the web server to provide website page data according to the address accessed.

The results of this command include the display of website pages that appear through a web browser. Another function of HTTP is to secure data so that it is not stolen or hacked by hackers. Then, this can be known by HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer-Transfer Protocol Secure). If viewed functionally, the results will be the same or more precise in managing how data is processed. It’s just that HTTPS is a secure version of the protocol when compared to HTTP.

Data processed using HTTPS will then be encrypted first. This method aims to deter hackers or users who try to steal and spy on the ongoing data exchange process. Unencrypted data will then be easier to read and of course this will harm internet users. Especially if this data is important data such as usernames, passwords, PINs, personal identities, and so on.

How HTTP Works in Web Applications, Protocol

Talking about HTTP will not be separated from how the web application then works. Therefore, to make it easier to understand, see the following for a more complete explanation of web applications, browsers, and protocols:

1. Web Applications and Browsers

When you carry out the website development process, you must be familiar with web applications. A web application or website is a piece of software which can then be accessed using a browser.

The browser itself is an application that you can use to access data (browsing) on ​​the internet. Examples of web browsers are Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and others.

In a web application as a web server, even though technically in one web server there are several web applications. In addition, a web server can also be regarded as a network application that runs on the machine (server) and is connected to a network port.

Meanwhile, the browser in cases like this is better known as the web client. Even so, technically a web client is not just a browser, but all applications that can communicate with servers such as cURL and Telnet.

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2. Protocol

The web client (browser) and web server (web application) then require standard rules to be able to communicate with each other, also known as protocols. Communication protocol can be regarded as a medium that can connect between two parts.

For example, communication between two people who need the same language or grammar in order to communicate with each other. In computer science, when these two applications want to communicate with each other, a set of rules is also known as a protocol. Currently, browsers can recognize several standard protocols, such as FTP, WebSocket, and HTTP.

How HTTP or HTTPS Processing Data Works

From all the discussion above, it can be said that HTTPS is a security protocol that must be used on all types of websites. Whether it’s on personal websites, portfolio websites, and of course business websites such as e-commerce.

By using HTTPS, you have then provided a secure connection to web visitors and assured them that all forms of communication on the internet are carried out using a trusted server.

So that web clients can access various kinds of resources on the web server, they then use URLs. Well, this HTTPS protocol will help connections that help web clients retrieve web resources in web applications.

Through this URL the HTTPS protocol is then tasked with sending requests (requests) and providing responses (responses) from the given URL requests. For example, delete (deleted), update (update), and replace (replace) files on the server. After the request and response have been completed, the web server will no longer remember any connections that have occurred.

So, when HTTP sends a request again, the web server will then process it like the original request, that’s why the HTTP protocol is also known as a stateless protocol. Meanwhile, the entire process of sending requests from the web client to the response given by the web server is HTTP Transaction.

Benefits of HTTP or HTTPS

HTTP itself has several benefits. Here are some of the benefits of HTTP that you need to know.

1. More Trusted By Users and Web Browsers

Websites that use HTTPS are similar to restaurants that display the “Halal” logo from BPOM where potential customers will then have more confidence that they are then protected from non-halal food.

As discussed earlier, HTTPS is a protocol that uses SSL or TLS certificates to encrypt communications, thereby minimizing attempts by hackers to steal data.

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) or TLS will confirm to users that they are connected and their data is protected on the website server that you currently have or are currently opening. That way, you as a web owner will also prevent various types of cyber attacks. Even though some users may not be aware of the benefits of SSL or TLS, modern web browsers will then ensure that they care about the trust factor of the website.

2. Website Communication Security Becomes More Guaranteed

HTTPS is a protocol that makes data encrypted in transit from and to the origin server. This protocol will also help keep online communication and interaction safe, so that bad people, such as hackers, cannot snoop and take any data that is being sent.

For example, a user’s username and password cannot be stolen while the user is filling out a login form for an account. If a website or web application must send sensitive or personal data to users (for example, including bank account information), the encryption process also protects this data.

3. Website Authentication

Authentication is the process of verifying that the validity of a person or machine is in the communication process between the user and the website. In HTTP, there is no identity verification process because the HTTP process is then based on the principle of trust.

Even so, HTTP does not necessarily make the decision to trust all web servers implicitly. Because, they then only have priority other than security at that time. However, in today’s modern internet, HTTPS authentication process is very important.

If compared, you should not get into a vehicle that is not the same as the information shown on the application just because the driver says “change with another vehicle”. That way, when users use your website, they don’t know what’s really going on behind the scenes of the website and who is the person managing the data.

The SSL certificate that plays a role in activating HTTPS includes driver information in the online motorcycle taxi application earlier. SSL will also represent an external verification process by a trusted third party web server.

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Apart from the three points above, there are many other benefits that you will get from HTTPS, including better website ranking and performance on search engines. Not only that, a secure HTTP protocol is also needed in order to make it easier to access modern browser features such as the WebUSB hardware API and Bluetooth access.


HTTP as a website component that regulates data exchange that occurs on the internet. The protocol that will make the web client (browser) and web server (web application) then able to connect. The HTTP protocol helps to regulate the transmission process and how the data format is sent.

That is why the HTTP protocol can be said to be an important part. In fact, because of its importance, HTTP then continues to be developed marked by the emergence of the HTTPS protocol which replaces the old HTTP version.

In practice, HTTPS uses a technology called HSTS. HSTS is a method where the website will then force the browser to use an HTTPS connection.

This is an overview of the meaning, function, and workings of HTTP. Hopefully this article can be useful and can add to your insight.

Recommended HTTP Related Books You Must Read

1. The Easy Way to Make the Best Website for Online Business

Believe it or not, there are still many business people who still don’t take advantage of the internet to develop their business, the reason is ignorance of where to start and what to do to produce a professional website for business needs. This book was born from the experience of developing website creation and training services that the author was involved in, where many questions were asked when starting an online business on the internet and when going to create a website. These questions are then summarized in such a way as to become a step-by-step guide that contains professional tips and tricks on how to create a professional website for business needs in cyberspace. The discussion in this book includes:

  • Understanding Domain and Hosting and how to buy it
  • Type and function of the website
  • How to write good website content
  • How to make graphic designs for website needs and much more.

2. Creative Web Design

Creative web is the latest technology and design style that is widely used by web designers to increase sales where the layout and overall design of the website play with sections that are made in such a way as to focus on content. Many leading companies are starting to switch from Box Style to Creative Style, including Microsoft, Apple, SiteOrigin, Paypal, and many more. Google’s mainstay products, such as Google Drive, Google Apps, and so on, also use a creative website design style so that website visitors focus on content so that it has an impact on increasing sales. For you online business owners, this book will help make website brands look modern and increase sales. Meanwhile, for professional web designers this book will help make millions in profits in an instant.

3. 7 in 1 Web Programming for Beginners

Web programming technology is developing so fast. For beginners, of course, they will be left behind if they don’t catch up quickly. This book discusses 7 main materials in learning web programming. These seven discussions will really help beginners who want to become web programmers in a short time. The discussion starts with basic knowledge of web programming, followed by a discussion of 7 web programming materials one by one accompanied by sample scripts and their results. It is also accompanied by making simple applications that will help readers master making application modules. To support reader practice, the author also includes dozens of applicative script bonuses. Discussions in the book include: – Web programming basics – HTML – CSS br/> – MySQL – PHP – Javascript – jQuery – Bootstrap Skills: Beginner, Intermediate Group:

4. Web Design for Beginners

The current rapid development of technology requires us to be more active in obtaining information from various media, one of which is web pages. Web designers who are called web designers compete in developing their web pages so that more people visit the web. The obstacle that is often faced is how to design a web design to make it more attractive and responsive to the needs of many people. Web design is the art and process of creating single or entire web pages and can involve both the aesthetics and the mechanical intricacies of a website’s operation although primarily focusing on look and feel. While the aspects that cover web design include creating animations and graphics, choosing colors, graphics and fonts.